Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 249 The Little Note of Kao Li Xufeng

Chapter 249 The Little Note of Kao Li Xufeng
As soon as the starting gun rang, the boys and girls sprinted quickly.

Student Union shed.

Kento Kitahara reprinted a piece of A4 paper on the notice board.

【Entering prohibited! 】

He turned to the Women's Army of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

"The vice president's ankle is injured, and he will continue to compete in the afternoon. Keep your spirits up and watch the student union shed area. Unrelated personnel are strictly prohibited from entering."

The sage of Beiyuan said emphatically: "Especially naughty children, once they are found, they must be intercepted far away from 20 meters away."

The female soldiers nodded together.

The sage of Beiyuan was still unwilling to rest assured, and in the Line discussion group, he assigned ten people to secretly watch the little naughty egg.

Takanashi Xufeng glanced at the notice board, and couldn't help laughing. It must be Kitahara's sister who secretly came to see the sports festival.

She straightened her back and looked at the class shed in the distance opposite.

Sure enough, a little girl was spotted in Class G.

The distance was a bit far, so I couldn't see the little girl's expression clearly, but her angry sitting posture, and her resentful gaze staring at classmate Beiyuan, were enough to show her identity.

It seems that Haiji wanted to ask her to play, but Beiyuan didn't agree for some reason?
Are you worried about Haiji disrupting the sports festival?
Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, opened a notebook, slowly tore off a page in a low voice and cautiously, and wrote with a pen.

"During the day break, the student union office——Takahashi."

Then she turned sideways, beckoned to a girl from the Supervision Department, slipped the note to him, and pointed in Haiji's direction.

On the other side, Beiyuan Huagu puffed up his face like a little squirrel, and stared at the student union shed from afar with a resentful little face.

A net has obviously been laid there, just waiting to catch her, so that she won't be foolishly sent to the door,
Dad is so annoying!

Hanagu turned her head and looked up and down Nakamura Yuki with a small face curiously.

Sure enough, Uncle Sugawara said that Uncle Nakamura in high school looked very delicate.

"Brother Nakamura, do you know any beautiful big sisters in school, um. You must be able to rank in the top ten in your grades in your studies, and you can barely be in the top twenty. You must be gentle and considerate, you must not like to play your temper, and you must not spend money lavishly. , the reputation must be good, having outstanding talents is a bonus, not liking makeup or only wearing a little light makeup is also a bonus, and the way you speak and behave should be elegant."

Nakamura Yuki was taken aback when he heard that.

"If you have a sister who meets the requirements, can you introduce him to Haiji?"

Nakamura Yuki quickly came back to his senses. He racked his brains hard and searched his stomach, but he really couldn't think of anyone who could meet the requirements.

"Do you have to meet all the requirements?" Nakamura Yuki showed distress, "That kind of girl who is close to perfection should only be found in Sacred Heart Women's University, the kind of aristocratic women's college that specializes in training high-class ladies. "

Nakamura Yuki paused, then said with some hesitation: "Actually, the president of our student union seems to be able to meet your requirements."

Huagu was disappointed for a moment, her father would not let her touch sister Takanashi, so there was no chance of getting close to her.

"Then sister Takanashi's parents are here?"

"It doesn't seem to be. I didn't see the shed where the president returned to Class A."

Huagu thought for a while and asked again: "Then have you seen Sister Yugong? It's that sister Yugong who is very good at playing the piano. Where is she now?"

"Student Amamiya?" Nakamura Yuki looked around, "I saw her in the classroom in the morning, but now I don't know where she is. She doesn't seem to like a lively place."

A boy next to him turned his head and said, "Nakamura, help me carry a box of mineral water."

Nakamura Yuki waved his hands again and again, "I still want to help Kitahara-kun take care of his sister, so you can ask other people."

At this time, a girl came over, and when she passed by Huagu, she lightly touched Huagu's shoulder with the back of her hand, let go of her fist, quietly dropped a ball of paper, and then pretended to go to the back to cheer for the athletes who will be playing later. Friends cheer up.

Huagu understood immediately, and touched the ball of paper with sharp eyes and hands.

"During the day break, the Student Council Office - Takanashi"

After reading, she quickly put it in her pocket, and looked at the runway with her small face as if nothing had happened.

Miss Takanashi has a letter!
During the lunch break during the day break, I quietly went to the student union to meet Huagu Xiaoxin, and my thoughts suddenly became active.

She turned her head, her big eyes that were as pure as snow flickered, and she said in a child's coquettish and cute tone: "Brother Zhongcun, it's so boring to sit here all the time, can you take Huagu for a stroll around?"

Nakamura Yuki kept Kitahara-kun's entrustment in mind, so he would not accept such a trick.

"I'll ask Mr. Beiyuan first, and only if he agrees."

In the middle of the playground.

The sun was so bright that one couldn't keep his eyes open.

Kitahara Kento kept an eye on the sheds of Class G, taking strict precautions against the little naughty ones, while looking at the student union sheds from time to time to observe Takanashi's movements. In the end, he had to direct the actions of the sports committee, and he was getting annoyed.

From the corner of his vision, a familiar figure walked in. The sage of Beiyuan turned his head and saw that it was Xiang Wukui. She was walking over with a fat rabbit in her arms, with a small face in a daze.

"Did you go to Takanashi-san?" He asked casually.

Xiang Wukui hugged the rabbit and whispered, "There are many people there."

The sage of Beiyuan nodded. If the child thought of coming to him in the second moment and didn't hide from him, he should no longer treat him as an outsider.

He felt a little relieved in his heart. He usually played so many games with Xiang Wukui, and he was also a teammate of Lianqi, and he always got along with the student union, and finally blossomed and bore some fruit.

"It's quieter and cooler there," Kento Kitahara pointed to the cool place under the photo stand, then untied his "Chairman of Discipline" cuff and handed it to Aoi Sangbu, "Put this on and don't stay too far away from me. Then don't run around, no one will dare to take care of you."

Xiang Wukui said "hmm", took the cuff with one hand, put it on for herself, and sat down obediently under the photo stand.

According to the method Takanashi sister said before, she secretly observed the actions of Kitahara-san.

Boom, the Line message rang.

"Third-level early warning report, a girl from the Supervision Department, she went to the shed area of ​​class G, as if to cheer for a friend."

Kitahara sage frowned slightly, and the people from the supervision department went to his class.

He suspected Kashiwamu immediately, and it could be that Bai Bai's classmate wanted to play tricks again.

Could it be that the previous acting plan failed and failed to attract Mizuki and Okita?
Boom, a photo was sent, Kitahara Kento recognized the girl in the photo for a while, she was very familiar, she had been standing in the student union shed just now.

Boom, followed by another message.

"North Yuan-kun, Kaiji wants me to show her around for a while, is that okay?"

The sage of Beiyuan thought for a moment, if he was determined to imprison his daughter for a whole day, and waited to go home at night, he would inevitably lose his temper.

He typed and replied: yes, but only within 150 meters, keep an eye on her, don't let her get close to the student union shed.

Then, he continued to quickly type and reply in the surveillance group: keep an eye on her every move, as well as everyone in the Supervision Department and the Executive Department, and report the situation at any time.

A boy from the sports committee ran over from a distance, waved and shouted: "Secretary, the consumption of ice mineral water is much higher than expected! Do you want to send someone to buy it off-campus?"

"Don't worry, how much is left now?"

"Less than five boxes!"

The Kitahara sage made quick calculations in his heart, and said: "You go to the budget committee and ask them to call the supermarket near the school gate and order another ten boxes. It should be able to meet the demand in the afternoon."

"Yes!" The boy turned his head and hurried to the student union shed.

The sage of Beiyuan withdrew his gaze, and sighed tiredly. Other people's sports festivals, just enjoy the fun, and it's over. For him, it's just endless worry.

Moreover, family thieves are hard to guard against. A classmate Bai is enough for him to be cautious, and now the little naughty boy is still coming to make trouble for him. Thinking of this, the sage of Beiyuan turned to his daughter to see what the little guy wants to think carefully, and give her a timely answer. Squeeze out.

Nakamura led her to class F next door. Hanagu ran to strike up a girl. After chatting for a few words, she turned her head and walked away.
Beiyuan Xianren looked at his daughter thoughtfully from afar, and he knew what her daughter was doing with his toes.

The second girl who struck up a conversation, her daughter chatted a few more words than the previous one, but soon turned around and left again.

The sage of Beiyuan thought to himself: Are you quite demanding? Ordinary mothers still look down on you.

The third one, the fourth one... until the sixth one, all seemed to be out of the daughter's mind, but she was still tirelessly picking on her mother.

Beiyuan sage shook his head helplessly, forget it, as long as the little naughty don't do anything wrong with the girl he knows well, let her go.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to look away, from the corner of his eye, he noticed the new person Hua Gu had struck up a conversation with, and immediately couldn't sit still!

The sage of Beiyuan was so angry that his teeth were itchy, and he rushed over to arrest him with a black line on his forehead!That ignorant little naughty bastard is simply lawless!He even dared to strike up a conversation with the teacher of the health department!Everyone is 32 years old!

(End of this chapter)

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