Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 256 Completely Get 2 People

Chapter 256

The sports festival in the afternoon is still in full swing.

After many competitive competitions are over in the morning, the afternoon is all about relaxing and fun sports.

There are a lot of interesting sports, all kinds, and the brains are wide open. The sage of Beiyuan was amazed when he saw the list.

There are two people running in a team, one person is responsible for hanging multiple foods with a rope, and the other person opens his mouth to eat, and must eat all before reaching the finish line.

There is also "Elephant Nose" spinning ten times on the spot, quickly jumping on the inflatable cushion, and scrambling for the flag.

And one stuck in the flour, looking for something with its mouth
In the shed area of ​​the student union, the sage Kitahara stood at the shaded edge of the shed area, orderly directing the staff to arrange the venue.

Baimu Moyou is free from work - she has sprained her ankle, and someone will take care of her - she only needs to be responsible for chatting with Xufeng.

Okita and Mizuki were also there, and they were waiting beside the Kitahara sage, looking up at the flow of people at the entrance of the playground, waiting for orders at any time.

A boy from the sports committee ran over and shouted anxiously:

"Vice President—ah no, secretary! There is something wrong with the fun sports props! The spare empty shells are soaked and useless! The box where the rope is stored can't be found! A lot of water has also entered the flour bag! The biscuits used for the competition are all broken!"

Baimu Moyou quietly looked at her nose and nose, and kept her mind out of the matter.

She glanced at it calmly, and thought to herself: Okita did a good job, far exceeding her expectations.

Gaoli Xufeng was stunned for a moment, and was caught off guard for a moment, and turned to Beiyuan with a worried expression, why did the accident happen at this critical point.

Okita Rina was even more surprised, she didn't do so much at all!She just moved a little bit symbolically, with almost no effect,

Could it be that the vice president doesn't trust her!After she left, the vice president sent someone to sabotage it? !

wrong!She suddenly realized that it was Bei Yuan who was covering for her!

He didn't hesitate to mess up the sports festival and do things that were not good for him, in order to help her avoid the vice president's censure, and realized Kitahara-san's good intentions, Rina Okita's mood suddenly became more complicated.

The sage of Beiyuan nodded in understanding, without any panic on his expression, he did these things, how could he be unprepared.

The box was hidden in the corner, and he also hid the only safe box of empty ammunition. Even the boy who came to report the news was arranged by Minister Sugawara.

Facing the boy who came to report the news, he asked calmly and calmly:

"Have you looked in the corner of the warehouse and on the stacked boxes? I just came back from the warehouse and it was still there 15 minutes ago. You should look for it carefully. If you still can't find it, I will urgently adjust the order of the competition items. Hurry up and go there." Off-campus purchases."

Kitahara Kento then turned to Okita, "Okita-san, take three classmates and rush to the cooking classroom as quickly as possible. There should be flour there."

Then, he turned to Shuishu again, and arranged with a serious expression: "Student Shuishu, time is tight, now you go along the sheds of all grades and quickly go to the students to collect some snacks, biscuits, fruits, Pocky and bread, as long as You can eat anything."

The sage of Kitahara paused, and then added: "I saw that in class B of the third year, someone seems to have prepared a lot of Pocky chocolate bars. Time is tight. It's the closest. You should ask them and borrow as much as possible."

Mizuki Chie was slightly stunned, Class B of the third year is Furuya-senpai's class, Furuya-senpai is very fierce!

She raised her eyes and glanced over there, looking a little scared.

But now that the matter was urgent, Mizuki Chie still gritted her teeth, summoned up her courage, and replied loudly, "Yes! Secretary! I'll go now!"

After the Beiyuan sage gave the order neatly, the three groups hurriedly split up and acted.

The reason why he sabotages himself is because he wants to take advantage of the opportunity to get off the donkey, so that Chongtian will accept another favor from him, and by the way, quietly arrange for Mizuki again.

It's self-directed and self-acted, but it's not completely self-directed and self-acted. After all, Baitong probably feels that all of this is a sinister thing planned by her.

The Pocky sticks from class B of the third year and the flour in the cooking room—he prepared everything in advance—can perfectly plug the hole, and it will not affect the sports festival at all.

Kashiwagi Moyou looked left and right, and frowned slightly in his heart.

This is completely different from what she expected, seriously different.

The small damage she ordered Okita to do, although the degree was not large, but the incident was very sudden, enough to make the sports festival scene into a mess.

That bastard is acting as her commander in charge of the overall situation.

She originally thought that in the face of all kinds of emergencies, that bastard would definitely be anxious and nervous. As long as he fails to handle it well, the responsibility will be unshirkable!

As long as the plan can be achieved, it will not only prevent him from successfully getting the scholarship, but more importantly, this year's student union is the first time to organize a large-scale school event. Whether it can become a hit and gain recognition and support is of great significance!If that bastard does bad things, breaks trust, and messes up the sports festival, it can seriously affect his good impression in Xu Feng's mind!

But now, Kashiwagi Moyu suddenly had a bad feeling, and looked sideways at Takanashi.

Takanashi Xufeng put his hands on his chest in relief, and looked at that bastard with that very trusting gaze!

Baimu Moyou suddenly felt a heavy breath clogging his chest, his breathing was difficult, and deep regret welled up in his heart.

Her arrangement turned out to be completely counterproductive!
"Moyou, what's wrong with you? Does your ankle hurt?"

Kashiwagi Moyou lowered his head slightly, and pulled out a forced smile.

"No, it's because the weather is hotter."

"Takahashi-san, I'll go over and have a look." I heard a voice I really didn't want to hear.

Kashiwagi Moyu raised her head upon hearing the sound, and the bastard left the shed after leaving a word. She looked in the direction, which was Chie Mizuki's direction.

"That, that" Chie Mizuki faltered with her head buried, not daring to look at Kosuke Furuya.

Furuya Kosuke held a Pocky Stick in his mouth, looked down at Mizuki with condescending eyes, and said impatiently, "What are you doing, mother-in-law, tell me quickly."

Mizuki Chie seemed surprised immediately, and quickly replied in a series of words: "The biscuit for fun sports is broken. It's urgent. I hope seniors can lend us some Pocky sticks! That's it!"

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and kneaded the corners of her clothes with both hands, feeling extremely nervous.

"Borrow snacks?" Kosuke Furuya raised his voice threateningly, and crushed the Pocky stick with a "crack".

Chie Mizuki was shocked, "Yes, yes!"

She could feel Senior Furuya's gaze, examining her from top to bottom.

Chie Mizuki clenched her trousers tightly, feeling uneasy, would Senior Furuya agree?What if they refuse to borrow it!The game is about to start!
During this moment of panic and wild thoughts, two unopened boxes of Pocky sticks suddenly broke into her narrow field of vision.

"Eh, eh?!" Mizuki Chie was stunned.

Senior Furuya loaned it to her so easily?

Didn't make things difficult for her?
"Are two boxes enough? Take it and leave quickly, don't make trouble for me."

She raised her head in a daze, and Senior Furuya was looking at her with a reluctant and unlucky expression, then he raised the box in his hand, reminding her to take it away.

Mizuki Chie quickly regained her composure.

"thanks, thanks!"

She bowed hastily, took two boxes of Pocky with both hands, and ran to the student union shed with her head buried!
Don't make trouble for me. On the way, Mizuki Chie recalled Furuya-senpai's words and expression at that time, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Thanks to Kitahara-san who stood up for them last time, confronted Senior Furuya tit for tat for them, and insisted on not giving in—that's why Senior Furuya was worried about causing trouble, and that's why she was able to complete the task so smoothly.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help slandering the vice president in her heart, why did she have to be hostile to classmate Beiyuan? It's so strange, obviously, classmate Beiyuan is a very good person!
In the front view, it seemed that someone was waving to him to stop her.

Mizuki Chie was exuding positive thoughts, and when Shanshan noticed someone in front of her, she couldn't stop the car anymore!He arched his head up in a thoughtful way,
Mizuki Chie hurriedly hugged the two boxes of Pocky, her body reeling.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't pay attention!—Ah, Kitahara-san! Are you okay!"

Kitahara sage was hit so hard that he almost couldn't catch his breath, and kept rubbing his chest.

Why is this girl so clumsy, she doesn't even look at people when she runs? Classmate Baitong really found a genius to be the head of the executive department!
But the play still has to be played.

He asked in a concerned tone, "I'm fine. How are you doing? They didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

"No, no." Mizuki Chie slightly lowered her head, as if a warm current flowed gently, her heart was warm.

Obviously after a while, Bei Yuan and the vice president will be playing the game, but they still took time out of their busy schedules to come to care about her situation, it is really considerate.

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at the two boxes of Pocky in her arms, smiled and said: "It seems that you have successfully completed the task, and you did a good job. Let's go back together."

Chie Mizuki gave a soft "hmm" and followed with two boxes of Pocky in her arms.

Mizuki Chie: "Actually, it's all thanks to Kitahara-san, Furuya-san."

Kitahara sage: "Oh, let's talk about the last time. And me and Kashiwagi-san, alas"

He used what he said to Okita at noon and used it again on Mizuki.

First of all, he held a sincere attitude many times, and went to Kashiwagi many times to propose a settlement, but the differences between the two parties were relatively large, and the other party was always unwilling.

Then, he spoke in a rather remorseful tone, because Mizuki and Okita felt very embarrassed about their affairs, and were very sorry.

In the end, he was also very helpless when the troubles reached this point, but he will not give up, and will always try his best to communicate with her, and try to resolve the misunderstandings and conflicts between the two parties. He also hopes that Mizuki and Okita must keep it secret. Kashiwagi-san has a bad reputation.

After listening to it, Mizuki Chie was already incoherent, obviously extremely moved.

"No! Actually! I also don't agree with the vice president's approach! Beiyuan, I can tell! You are definitely not a bad person, you must be the vice president. She has a lot of prejudice and misunderstandings about you! "

After she finished speaking, she clenched her small fists again as if to fight against injustice, and said in an indignant tone:

"Obviously, Kitahara has always been thinking about the vice-chairman, and it's very kind to maintain the vice-chairman's reputation regardless of past suspicions, but the vice-chairman insists on being hostile to you! He even speaks ill of you! This matter, the vice-chairman Chang really did something wrong!"

It's finally done, and it's easier than imagined. The sage of Beiyuan sighed in his heart. He shook his head slowly, and said further in a sighing tone:
"Maybe I did something wrong too. Oh, let's not talk about it. By the way, Mizuki-san, don't speak good words for me. Not only will it not be effective, but it may drag you into the water. I don't want to let innocent people Get involved."

"But, but! What if the vice president always comes to trouble you, what should we do!" Chie Mizuki was filled with righteous indignation.

The Kitahara sage shook his head slowly again and sighed.

"I believe that conflicts can always be resolved, and she is a girl. As a man, I should be more humble. As long as I take the initiative to take a few steps back, maybe after she finishes venting her anger, I will reconcile naturally. Most likely it will be cured at all.”

"Student Kitahara." Chie Mizuki was silent for a while, then murmured.

Looking at her complicated eyes, it is self-evident that she has completely fallen to one side.

The voice of the female announcer came from the loudspeaker in the playground: The two-person three-legged event is about to start, please go to the track quickly and get in place.

The radio rang three times in a row, and the Kitahara sage turned his head and said, "Go back first, I'll go prepare for the competition."

(End of this chapter)

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