Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 259 Tokyo Chess Academy

Chapter 259 Tokyo Chess Academy
The entrance of Tokyo Kiin in Chiyoda Ward.

Scorching sun.

Takanashi Xufeng lightly raised her hand, straightened her dark brown sun hat with a fringe edge, and watched Beiyuan and Aoi enter the chess academy gate together from afar.

After the short sports festival ended, the National Go Tournament for High School Students also came to an end.

Today is the last round-robin match. As long as you pass it smoothly, you can enter the final round-robin round.

Takanashi Xufeng retracted his gaze, turned and returned to the bus.

She very much believed that Kitahara and Aoi would win even if they reached the final.

Just like in the current standings, Fenggao's representative team, with a brilliant record of [-] victories, is far ahead and outshines others.

"Girl, are you Beiyuan-kun's classmate?"

An old man's kind voice came from behind, and Gao Lixu turned her head when she heard the sound. Not far away, there was an old man wearing round-frame glasses, bald head, and elegant demeanor—that kind of quiet and steady elegance reminded her inexplicably. The usual classmate of Beiyuan, the old man, looked at her with a smile.

Looking at the appearance of this old man, she felt a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere in her memory.

Takanashi Xufeng folded his hands politely, leaned slightly and said, "Hi, old man, are you talking about Kitahara Kento?"

Takemiya Hideki nodded slightly, and explained: "It's him, Kitahara-kun can be regarded as half of my disciple. I also taught him chess several times when he was young."

"I think it's too hot outside, and it's even hotter in the car. Takanashi, why don't you come to the chess academy as a guest."

It turned out to be Kitahara's elder friend's elder who kindly invited her, but Takanashi Xufeng was too embarrassed to refuse. She took off her brown sun hat, leaned over slightly to thank again, "Then I will bother you."

She followed the old man half a step behind and followed the old man into the gate of the chess academy.

At the same time, she thought silently in her heart.

There is a more familiar feeling.

Where should I have seen a photo of this old man.

"Girl, what's your name?"

"Takahashi Xufeng, Feng Gao's student council president."

"Takahashi-kun," Takemiya Hideki said in a low voice, pointing at something, "Just now I saw you a little familiar, but you were wearing a mask, Takanashi-kun, did you appear on TV before? "

The old man concealed her identity for her, and Takanashi Xufeng replied in a low voice with gratitude in his eyes: "Some time ago, I participated in a singing music competition, so I have been wearing a mask when I travel recently."

Hideki Takemiya was a little surprised. During the time before, the junior chess players around him were all talking about "Band of Tomorrow", always listening, always listening, even with him, he couldn't help but be curious and went online After watching a few episodes, I didn't expect to bump into a member of the champion band today.

But there were too many people in the chess academy, Takemiya Hideki just nodded slightly, and did not continue the discussion on this topic.

Gao Li Xufeng thought hard in his heart, but he couldn't figure out where he was familiar with this old man.

The two entered the main hall.

In the glass counter in the hall, there are various Go magazines and signed paper fans, as well as many cute peripheral commodities. The notice board on the wall shows the rest time of professional chess players.

Many passers-by staff and professional chess players, when they approached, they all stepped up to meet them, stopped for a while, bowed slightly, and greeted the old people before passing by, with a very respectful attitude.

Takanashi Xufeng saw everything in his eyes, and guessed in his heart, could this old man be a senior chess player?
This will pass through the front hall, and accompany the old man up the stairs slowly, Takanashi Xufeng, who was still thinking hard, suddenly had an idea, and then suddenly remembered it!

Cosmic style Hideki Takemiya!
She woke up slowly.

Although she doesn't know much about the current situation in the chess world, when she was a child, she heard too much about the history of Go in China, Japan and South Korea from her grandmother.

The six super masters of Japanese chess-Zhao Zhixun, Kato Masao, Takemiya Hideki, Kobayashi Koichi, Otake Hideo, Lin Haifeng.

There is also the mainstay, the Chinese Chess Master Nie Chess Master who fights against all heroes alone.

And the Go emperor who reversed the chess fortune of a country by himself-Cao Xunxuan.

These eight people are the eight super-class chess players in the world back then, the eight strongest masters in the world!

And the ordinary-looking old man next to her turned out to be the universe Liu Wugong who was loved by tens of millions of chess fans back then!World Go No.1 for a period of time!
In the past, she only heard and saw the name and recruitment of Grandpa Takemiya in the stories of her grandmother and Go magazines, but she never thought that one day, she would have the opportunity to meet this legendary chess player in person!
The protagonist in the childhood story was standing in front of him alive, Takanashi Xufeng couldn't hide his surprise in his tone.

"Are you Grandpa Takemiya, Mugu Sanhawu, the first Go world champion, and you are the second! I often hear my grandmother talk about your natural flow and cosmic flow, chess is popular, unconstrained, majestic, It is a chess record that will last forever!"

As if aware that he was a little excited, Takanashi Xufeng paused, and said in an embarrassed tone: "I often listened to your stories when I was young, and I never thought I would have the opportunity to meet you. I'm sorry for being rude."

"Hehe, it's all in the past. The young chess players of today are even worse than us old people."

Takemiya Hideki sighed with reminiscence, and slowly climbed the stairs, leading Takanashi to wander around the chess academy.

"Mr. Takanashi, this is your first time entering the Tokyo Chess Academy?"

"Before, I only heard some stories in stories and magazines."

Takemiya Hideki smiled and said, "Then do you want to take a look at the Youxuan Room?"

"Between Youxuan?!" Gao Li Xufeng said in surprise.

Yugenma is the top game room in Nihon Ki-in, and it will only be open in the top title events, such as Chess Master, Celebrity and Honinbo, as well as the new first stage.

The modern Go of the last century, the Japanese Go at that time, was still ahead of the world.

Not only are there six super-first-class masters who are eyeing, sharpening their knives, and attacking the top at any time, but also the older generation of masters such as Wu Qingyuan, Kitani Minoru, and Fujisawa Hideyuki. The number of players is not bad, their strength is terribly rich, and they are recognized by all countries as the overlord of Go.

The Yuxuan Room, like Vienna's Golden Hall and the Amsterdam Hall to the musical theater, also symbolizes a holy place in the chess world. There have been too many well-known stories here.

In the first game of the new beginning stage of a new professional chess player, he will play a guiding game between Youxuan and Yuxuan together with a top high-ranking chess player. , coupled with enough luck, otherwise there is no other way, so many professional chess players may only play chess once in Youxuan for the rest of their lives.

But modern times have faded into history. As for today's modern times, what is the level of Japanese Go? Let's talk about why Go is an elegant art.

Hideki Takemiya nodded slightly and said, "I just happen to have something to do to go to Yugen. If Takanashi-kun is interested, you can go and have a look."

Takanashi Xufeng nodded suppressing curiosity and joy. When she was a child, when her grandmother taught her Go, she often heard about the past and present between Youxuan.

Passing by a game room, she looked curiously at it.

The room was full of old people and children, and a professional chess player stood in front of the whiteboard on the podium, explaining a life-and-death problem to everyone. There are many places like this.

In some game halls, many amateur chess players are playing games with paper fans gently shaking in their hands.

There were also a few professional chess players, who gathered in front of the chessboard, with thoughtful expressions, and posed changes together.

Along the way, Takanashi Xufeng looked around curiously, and it turned out that this was the place in the story told by her grandmother.

Then pass by a large game hall, which is the competition hall of the Go Conference.

Now the remaining contestants can barely fill half of the hall, Takanashi Xufeng quickly scanned, and keenly caught the figures of Kitahara and Aoi.

Xiang Wukui was confused again on his small face, while Bei Yuan's expression was very relaxed, and even the sitting posture showed that he was bored now.

As for the two opponents on the opposite side, one had a bitter face, and the other scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, with an indescribable expression.

When it was her turn, Bei Yuan gently elbowed Xia Kui, Xiang Wu Kui slowly regained consciousness, stretched out her little hand, picked up a cloud, and quickly dropped it without even thinking about it, it seemed that she was in a daze When he was confused, he had already figured out this trick.

Takanashi Xufeng couldn't help but look away, and continued to go to Youxuan with Grandpa Wugong.

At the same time, she was quite curious, Bei Yuan was actually half of Grandpa Wu Gong's disciple?

(End of this chapter)

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