Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 260 Profound and mysterious

Chapter 260 Profound and mysterious
A white piece slowly landed on the upper left corner of the chessboard, and the opponent surrendered.

The two boys on the opposite side looked disappointed. Kitahara Sage straightened his back, moved his shoulders a few times, stretched his body, and then raised his hand as a signal.

The tour referee quickly came over, counted, judged the winner, and then recorded the result: Hei won 43 and a half eyes, and Tulong won in the middle game.

While the referee was counting, Kitahara Kento glanced at Xiangwu Kui who was starting to get confused again.

Slaying the dragon was not his original intention, mainly because of Xiangwukui's chess style, which is biased towards the cosmic style, likes to be surrounded by a big look, and then waits for the opponent to make a move to enter his own position, and then it is a cruel and merciless chasing and strangulation.

Even if the opponent escapes by chance and works on the spot in embarrassment, by blocking the opponent's pieces, one's own side has already benefited from the attack, and on other parts of the chessboard, it has formed a strong force and a large appearance, which can be used to make a lot of fuss.

Such endless life, winning by attacking, is the essence of cosmic flow, and its essence is a very aggressive style of chess.

At the beginning, Cao Xunxuan, who held nine world champions in his hands and was praised as the "Go Emperor" by Han Bang, when he faced Grandpa Wu Gong, he lost in such a embarrassing way by cutting off his beard and abandoning his robe, and his record was dismal and shameful.

The two boys on the opposite side still looked disappointed, and they hadn't slowed down.

It seems that losing this game and not getting points will have a great impact on their final fate.

The sage of Beiyuan didn't say anything out of politeness. The two of them could only say that they were unlucky to meet him.

Now the remaining contestants are all clear in their hearts. The son of a professional nine-dan chess player is here to participate in the competition. Whoever meets him will be considered unlucky and hopeless.

Beiyuan Xianren nudged Xiang Wukui with his elbow, reminding her to leave and not to be in a daze.

Leaving the game hall, Kitahara sage first went to get his mobile phone.

Turning on the screen, he glanced at the message notification, Grandpa Wugong actually came to the chess academy, and sent him a text message, asking him to go to the "go hall" of the chess academy after playing chess.

Hall of Go?

Beiyuan sage was a little confused for a while.

Why and where.

There are many relief statues of historical figures hanging in the Go Palace of Tokyo Kiin. They are all figures who have made outstanding contributions to the history of Go and the popularization and development of Go activities.

It is not the form of the Basketball Hall of Fame. In the Go Hall of Tokyo Kiin, the people living in it are all "historical figures".

He turned his head and said, "Student Xiangwu, let me show you around the chess academy? Classmate Takanashi is also there."

Xiang Wukui nodded in a daze with a small face, I don't know if she heard clearly,

Like a little duck chasing its mother duck, Xiang Wukui just followed Kitahara Kento's ass with a dazed face, no matter where he went.

After walking a few steps, the sage of Beiyuan looked back, for fear that the "little confused" would get lost.

He turned his head and continued to lead the way, sighing softly in his heart, if Xiang Wukui was still in this daze, what would he do in the future.

If he also has such a daughter, he will be really worried to death in the future.

After turning the corner of several stairs, you arrive at the Palace of Go.

Grandpa Wugong had already stood at the door with his hands behind his back, waiting.

Hideki Takemiya nodded slightly, then looked at "little confused" behind Beiyuan.

Maybe she was rethinking?Hideki Takemiya didn't interrupt, he turned and walked into the room, followed by Kento Kitahara.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Takanashi Xufeng curiously visiting the various relief statues. When he saw him enter the door, Takanashi turned sideways, and Kitahara sage first said: "The competition passed smoothly."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Grandpa Wugong again, feeling more confused, what was the meaning of Grandpa Wugong calling him here without saying a word.

Grandpa Wugong was still smiling and didn't speak, he just signaled him with his eyes to take a look at those reliefs.

The Beiyuan sage was also confused, so he had to turn his head to look at the relief statue.

The first is a man with a fat head and a brain. He is Tokugawa Ieyasu, the shogun.

It was he who created the "Honinbo" family, and in modern times, the name Honinbo has become one of the three title battles.

The relief characters at the back are: the first Honinbo Suansha, the fourth Honinbo Doce, and the Honinbo Shuce.
"Hey, this person is." Gao Lixufeng looked at a relief of a figure with a firm face, and was very puzzled.

She bent down slightly, looked at the name under the relief statue, and said in Chinese not so fluently: "Chen."

She knows all the previous historical figures, and her grandmother told her about the history of Go, but who is this one?
The sage of Beiyuan heard the sound and looked, he was too familiar with the relief statue of this great man.

Hideki Takemiya smiled and said: "This is a big man, he has made an indelible contribution to the spread and development of Go in the world."

"Every chess player now, they can compete with the world's masters on the international stage, should be grateful to him."

Beiyuan sage nodded secretly.

He said a profound statement - the decline of the national fortune, the decline of the chess fortune; the prosperity of the country, the prosperity of the chess fortune.

Subsequent developments in the world just confirmed this sentence.

"Mr. Takanashi, have you heard of the NEC China-Japan Go Challenge? It is an example product of that era."

Takanashi Xufeng listened very carefully, she thought for a while and said:
"When I was young, my grandmother told me about the NEC China-Japan Challenge Competition. I remember that Grandpa Wu Gong participated in it too, or was it against Chess Nie?"

The sage of Kitahara nodded and said, "That battle is called the battle of the century, and I can even put out the game record now."

At that time, the 2000 tickets for the Yanjing Gymnasium were sold out in an instant, and CCTV carried out a five-hour broadcast.

At that time, Takemiya Hideki won the Fujitsu Cup and won the second world championship in the history of Go.

Hideki Takemiya, who was in the peak state, almost became the most popular chess player in the world at that time by virtue of his "natural flow" in white and "cosmic flow" in black. It was against this background that Hideki Takemiya met In the last group arena, Chess Master Nie showed his bravery.

Takemiya Hideki smiled and recalled:

"The first time I participated in the group arena, I lost to Nie Jun. In the next few group arenas, I also lost to him. It always feels like every time, we are lined up to be defeated by the 'myth of the ring' To be defeated, Nie Jun can always create miracles and reversals again and again in the impossible."

"Besides, Nie Jun has a congenital heart disease. Often in complex mid-table battles, his physical strength is difficult to sustain, and the lack of oxygen leads to dizziness. I remember that in a group arena, Nie Jun defeated several generals and attacked our coach. When he was under the tent, he was already exhausted and sick, so he had to wear an oxygen mask to fight the game despite his injuries, so I am very impressed that he can still defeat Fujisawa Chess Master."

The words were a bit flattering. The sage of Beiyuan knew that Grandpa Wugong and Chess Sage Nie had a very good personal relationship, and Grandpa Wugong was different from most chess players in his personality of always maintaining a humble attitude.

Before the start of the first Fujitsu Cup, a reporter asked Hideki Takemiya what his expected goal was. Hideki Takemiya boldly said: "I am most optimistic about being the world's number one chess player!"

Ordinary people always seem arrogant when they say this kind of words, but Grandpa Wugong's character when he was young was so bold and unrestrained, joyful and unrestrained, very chic, otherwise, how could he have such a powerful and majestic super giant like the cosmic flow? Appearance idea.

That is an astonishing Go game that only Hideki Takemiya dared to play. Even today, no one dares to imitate his approach.

May I ask which professional chess player dares to focus on only one layout method in his Go career, in any game, big or small, for decades?

The answer must be that no one dares to do it—because they are afraid of being caught by their opponents for research, not only will they lose the game, but they will also lose their honorary title and championship bonus, and in the end they will suffer slander and lose face—only Takemiya Hideki dares to do it!
Later, just like Hideki Takemiya's bold ambitions, he successfully won the first world champion in the history of Go, and later won the second world champion in a row, completely proving to the world his idealist cosmic flow layout.

His eyes stayed on a relief statue of a man with thinning hair—this is his master, Kigumi—Hideki Takemiya seemed to be reminiscing about something, and for a moment, he slowly turned sideways.

"Beiyuan-jun, have you finished reading, and follow me to the Youxuan Room."

Beiyuan Xianren was still confused, so he didn't know what Grandpa Wu Gong wanted him to see, so he quickly responded and followed the pace.

Between Youxuan, this is the sacred place that countless professional chess players dream of.

The professional chess players in the island country long to kneel on the soft futon between the dark and dark, and win the title and reputation recorded in the annals of Go history in one fell swoop.

The professional chess players in China and South Korea are also very greedy. They can play the most comfortable "gourmet chess", earn the most lucrative Go tournament prize money, and by the way, become a famous "big artist".

The staff of the Chess Institute opened the door of the Youxuan Room, Takanashi Xufeng took off his shoes, and stepped into the Youxuan Room curiously.

She looked left and right, and it turned out that this is the Youxuan Room.

In fact, it is almost the same as the ordinary Japanese room, and the decoration is also very simple, but the style is more classical, and the light color matching looks very comfortable.

There is a chess pier in the middle of the room, and on both sides of the pier, there is a soft futon with a backrest.

Takanashi Xufeng turned to the overhand position of the middle chess pier.

On the wall over there, there is a thick and thick calligraphy poster, which says "Profound and Profound".

She knew this, this copybook "Abstruse Youxuan" was written by Yasunari Kawabata.

Xiang Wukui stood at the door, she poked her head and glanced at the room a few times, but she was not very interested, and continued to be confused.

The sage of Beiyuan also took off his shoes and stepped into the room of Youxuan.

He stood in front of the chess pier, staring at the starting position of the chess pier, and fell into deep thought for a while.

Grandpa Takemiya's emotional voice came:
"Beiyuan-kun, I hope that in the future, you can also sit in this room."

"The Celebrity Tournament is less than two months away. This is an opportunity for you to go all out. Use this opportunity to show off your Go skills."

The Kitahara sage slowly came back to his senses.

He finally understood why Grandpa Wu Gong wanted him to go to the Hall of Go, and then suddenly brought him to Youxuanjian.

It turned out to be to stimulate his fighting spirit.

Takanashi Xufeng, who was strolling around, froze in his footsteps, turned his head, and looked at Beiyuan,

Kitahara-san wants to participate in the celebrity title battle! ?
"I see." The sage of Beiyuan exhaled and said.

He stared at the underhand position of the chess pier again.

When the sage of Beiyuan was meditating, it seemed that the scene in front of him was suddenly in a trance.

For a moment, a vision flashed through his mind.

A young and cutting-edge challenger, he is sitting at the lower position of the chess pier, his eyes are full of hope and hard work, and opposite to the young challenger, Jing Shan Chess has a solemn expression, and on the wall behind him is a picture of "Abstruse and Mysterious". ".

The Kitahara sage slowly came back to his senses.

He withdrew his gaze, his thoughts surging.

As a result, he already knew.

A fledgling new professional chess player challenged the title of celebrity to the grand slam Jingshan chess master, and in the end, he almost became a celebrity.

(End of this chapter)

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