Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 261 The goal is to be only 1 point away for the time being

Chapter 261 The goal is just a little bit short for now

The school bus drove away from the parking area, and outside the window, the street scene of Qiyuan was rapidly receding.

The Kitahara sage withdrew his gaze, leaned back on the car seat, and thought a little worriedly in his heart.

Celebrity title fights.

He sighed slightly.

The pressure in my heart is far from small, and I even have some self-doubt.

There is never a shortage of geniuses in the professional Go industry, and this is the industry where geniuses get together to infiltrate.

Every professional chess player who can rely on professional Go for a living, they all have outstanding talents in Go.

Of the thirty young chess players who grew up in elementary school, there are only a few of them who are talented and worthy of being sent to the Go dojo for further training.

It is difficult to count the number of small players in all Go dojos across the country. There are probably tens of thousands of players every year, and it should not be less than 3.

However, this huge number of tens of thousands of people will be refreshed through various competitions. In the end, only 300 people will be left to compete for the [-] or [-] career entry places each year. After a period of failure, the adults who have grown from small chess players to big chess players participated in the competition together.

Even in the island country's chess environment, the number of professional entry ranks is even smaller, less than ten people, and should be around five people.

Don't be too happy when the little chess player has worked so hard and finally becomes a professional chess player.

Professional Go from one to nine is divided into nine ranks.

The talent gap between geniuses and geniuses further reveals a gap here.

Many professional chess players, seeing that they can't win against other geniuses, will choose to retreat helplessly and find another way out related to the Go industry
And above the [-]th Duan, there are national champions and world champions.

The sage of Beiyuan sighed again, raised his head, looked at the ceiling of the car, his thoughts gradually diverged.

And his enemy, Fumihiro Iyama, is the highest record holder in terms of domestic dominance, number of titles, and number of honorary titles since the history of Go in the island country.

Even considering the domestic achievements of the Jingshan Chess Master and comparing it with the professional chess players of the past generations in the island country, it is concluded based on the domestic data alone that the Jingshan Chess Master is the most powerful chess player in the history of the island country.

The sage of Beiyuan couldn't help being very suspicious in his heart. How did he achieve the future that his daughter talked about, and he only came close to becoming a celebrity?

If it is said that he dared to sign up for "Tomorrow's Band" and dared to compete with that classical genius, it was because Amamiya Masahiro did not understand pop music at all. There is a big gap between classical and pop, and he still has a chance of winning, right? A must-lose battle.

But in the current celebrity title competition, with Jingshan Chess Master's qualifications and record, even if he pointed at him and said "You don't understand Go", the Kitahara sage was speechless and had no words to refute.

The sage of Beiyuan rubbed his forehead sadly, especially when it was about the face of being a father.

The future in his daughter's mouth, he is not two points short, let alone three points short, but "one point" short of becoming a celebrity.

What if in this life, he gets a clean sheet, scores [-]-[-], and goes home in disgrace, not to mention how weird his daughter's mood will be, he himself feels that he is ashamed.

Knowing that the future is only a little short, the result is not as good as Zhou Mu himself, the more he lives, the more regressed, it is not embarrassing!

Kitahara sage slowly withdrew his thoughts.

Even if he can't win Jingshan Chess Master, at least he can't lose to his former self.

It used to be only a little bit, but this time, the goal is to run just a little bit.

As for winning the title of celebrity, for the time being, it is considered a dream worth fighting for.

After all, in today's chess world, the gap in strength between the top chess players is too small, and it is not unusual for anyone to win.

And in the field of two-day Go, among the world's top players, which one dares to say that he can win Fumhiro Iyama for sure?
"Ou Nai-san, is that grandpa just now the Universe Ruwu Palace?"

The Kitahara sage came back to his senses, turned his head when he heard the sound, and in the left seat of the first row, Xiang Wukui asked Takanashi.

Speaking of which, he and Xiang Wukui met many famous professional chess players in the chess academy, but Xiang Wukui didn't know any of them, even the No. Unheard of.

Takanashi Xufeng: "Aoi also knows about Grandpa Takemiya?"

"Brother likes the cosmic flow layout, and I have played many chess records of Grandpa Takemiya before."

The sage of Beiyuan knew it well, no wonder the kid's chess style, he likes to build a big picture, it turned out to be influenced by the cosmic flow.

He turned around, stopped paying attention, and continued to think about his own affairs.

He doesn't even know what level his current chess skills are.

There is also a lack of an opponent of the same level who can put pressure on him, encourage each other, and help him improve.

On the online chess platform, he has also invited professional chess players many times.

But it's like he doesn't like amateur chess players. Professional chess players are willing to deal with an "amateur player". If it's not a friendly game, it's a waste of time.

Xiang Wukui is a female professional, and the gap with male professional is quite obvious, and she is more confused about this aspect, so it is useless to ask her.

So until now, Beiyuan Xianren didn't know exactly what his own chess strength was.

There is also no strong opponent who can make him feel the pressure, encourage each other, and help him improve quickly.

Although you can ask Grandpa Wugong to help him find some chess players in the chess academy, but this kind of thing consumes his contacts, and he always asks Grandpa Wugong. most.

Takanashi Xufeng looked sideways at Beiyuan, and said in a joking tone:
"Beiyuan-student, you are going to participate in the celebrity contest, we 'friends', unexpectedly only now find out, you have worked so hard to keep us a secret."

The word "friend", Takanashi Xufeng bit heavily on it.

Although he knew that Takanashi was joking and teasing him, Kitahara Kento was still in a weird mood.

We became friends before we knew it. If Baitong heard this sentence, he would definitely be stared at again.
He also made an embarrassing look, and replied: "I just participated in the preliminaries, maybe I won't even be able to enter the circle."

"What I thought before was to tell you after passing the preliminaries, otherwise it would not be good to make you happy for nothing."

The sage of Beiyuan paused for a while, and then changed the topic.

"Takahashi-san, do you know how you can often play chess with professional chess players online."

"Are there no professional chess players to practice chess with?"

Takanashi Xufeng said in surprise, his expression immediately changed, and he thought about it seriously.

"On the online chess platform, there is indeed an unspoken rule of identity differences. Ordinary occupations look for ordinary occupations, and silver crowns look for silver crowns. Only world champions with gold crowns are eligible to challenge opponents."

The sage of Beiyuan nodded deeply, he had already suffered a lot.

He has seen many times that Takanashi would occasionally play a few games of net chess in his spare time, and he has not been in contact with him for many years. To be honest, he feels that Takanashi's understanding of the current chess world is much better than him. Well, maybe she has some ideas.

"Is there any other way?"

Takanashi Xufeng thought about it for a while, and said carefully:
"If you want to find unfamiliar silver and gold crowns to play chess, the normal method should not work, but I think... Beiyuan students can try to be a little more arrogant."

"A little more arrogant?"

Takanashi Xufeng nodded slightly.

"On the online Go platform, people with high chess skills will always be very sought-after. As long as Beiyuan can prove his professional level and gain a certain reputation, he will definitely attract some masters to take the initiative to invite them to fight."

"For example." Takanashi Xufeng paused, then changed the subject, "Beiyuan-san, can you deal with three amateur 5th dans, even Qiangye 5th and amateur 6th dans at the same time?"

Hearing this, the sage of Beiyuan began to meditate.

Takanashi Xufeng then said:

"Not only one against three, but also a fancy layout with full visual impact."

"For example, the first step is Tianyuan, or the classic three-star layout, the super-high-purpose Yangchunliu, and a triangle in the middle of the chessboard. These difficult and very beautiful fancy layouts always attract a lot of chess players."

"Using a fancy layout with one-on-three, and winning one by one, it won't take long, even just a few days, and Bei Yuan will soon attract the attention of the masters."

(End of this chapter)

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