Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 272 That's Great

Chapter 272 That's Great
In front of the tomb of "Kikujiro" in the small courtyard, Kento Kitahara took out the mobile phone in his pocket, lowered his head and pressed the screen to turn on.

Four fifty in the afternoon.

Below the time bar on the phone screen, there are more than a dozen chat box notifications of unread messages, all of which are messages from an hour ago.

The Kitahara sage didn't bother to click and check one by one. These are all the content that Bai's classmate fell ill and threatened him.

Sure enough, blocking her is enough to keep her clean.

"Is the conversation not over yet? Why did we chat for so long?" Beiyuan Xianren turned to look at the door of the bedroom, feeling quite helpless.

He originally thought that by visiting Aoi Sangbu with Takanashi, he would be able to "leave work" earlier by the way.

But who would have thought that Xiangwu Yilong suddenly talked about Takanashi Xufeng's father, which immediately aroused the curiosity of the curious baby, so that he has not left until now.

"Does the zodiac sign of Gaoli belong to Huagu? Why are all of them very curious about their father's past?" Kitahara sage couldn't help complaining, and turned to the porch of the small courtyard.

Xiang Wukui sat there with her head bowed all the time, her little face was half confused and half preoccupied.

The sage of Beiyuan pondered for a while, and first sent a text message to the little naughty egg, informing him that he might be going home late, and asked her to eat first without waiting for him.

Before he could put down the phone, the phone vibrated twice.

The little naughty boy immediately replied with a sulking emoji with his back on his back.

Immediately, another set of four consecutive questions.

"Where are you? Why don't you go home?"

"Is there a girl next to you? What time will you be home?"

The sage of Beiyuan was speechless for a moment. Whether he raised a daughter or a mother, it's too lenient!

"If it's with a girl, it's fine, even if dad doesn't go home to sleep for a week (smile encouragement.gif)."

The Kitahara sage took a deep breath, and put away the phone with black lines all over his forehead.

"Senior Beiyuan." A soft voice suddenly came from over there.

Kitahara sage turned his head when he heard the sound, Aoi Sangbu had done enough abnormal behaviors today—suddenly stopped sticking to Takanashi, suddenly cared about the ranking of the Go tournament—even now, she suddenly became sensible, knowing that she should chat with guests, He is more or less used to it, but he still feels a little disobedient in his heart. When will he be treated like Takanashi.

"Do you need my help to get something?" Kitahara sage asked.

Xiang Wukui shook his head and asked, "Has the lavender planted by the student union withered?"

The sage of Beiyuan was silent for a moment, the beginning of this greeting was too blunt.

"No thanks, I can open it for another month." The sage of Beiyuan paused and asked again, "What were you thinking just now?"

Xiang Wukui kept staring at the lawn under her feet, and whispered, "It's nothing."

Lies that are visible to the naked eye, and deceptions that are obvious at a glance.

After a meeting.Xiang Wukui raised her head quietly, glanced at Beiyuan, then lowered her head, and continued to stare at the lawn under her feet, her small face was half confused and half preoccupied.

She was very confused and bewildered.

I don't know why, ever since Senior Beiyuan entered her room and stood beside her.

It's like being accompanied by my father when I walk at night, my brother is behind me when I'm learning to ride a bicycle, and my sister Takanashi is holding her hand when I walk through the woods at dusk.

Suddenly, her mood became much more at ease, and even the anxiety that had been caused by the sad dreams of the past two days gradually melted away.

Xiang Wukui raised his head again, glanced briefly at Beiyuan, then lowered his head in a daze, and continued to observe the lawn.

So when Senior Beiyuan said that Sister Takanashi was outside, she didn't rush to go, but silently thought about the psychological change in doubt.

Like a little mole that poked its head out of the ground, Aoi Xiangwu raised his head again, glanced briefly at the sage Kitahara, and then lowered his head to think.

But it seems that there is still a key missing. Incompleteness is like a chessboard with only black pieces, but the white pieces are missing, like a three-area wood missing one of the parts, which looks very abrupt and does not look perfect and harmonious. It was a very strange thought that she was always regretful and dissatisfied with perfection.

The Kitahara sage looked at Xiang Wukui in puzzlement, what was the child's brain circuit, what was he thinking-but he was sure, it must have something to do with him-and she didn't recover from the cold, sitting outside for so long, she didn't feel cold?

And when will the conversation with Takanashi end?

Just as he thought this way, there were finally footsteps outside.

The sage of Beiyuan looked sideways, Gaoli Xufeng had already crossed the jacket gate half of his body, and was turning his head to look at them in the small courtyard

The sage of Beiyuan breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, the conversation was over. He nodded slightly and raised his finger to the closet next to the dressing table. "My coat is inside, take it for me."

"Is it this one?" Takanashi Xufeng picked one out, turned around and showed it to the Kitahara sage.

Beiyuan Xianren nodded, "Take another thick dress and put it on Xiangwu, she is still catching a cold, and it is easy to catch cold again sitting outside."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the fat rabbit's resentful and dissatisfied eyes, bent down, picked it up casually, walked in front of Xiang Wukui, and carried the fat rabbit over to keep warm and windproof.

Before Xiang Wukui came back to his senses, the fat rabbit skillfully jumped into her arms, moved a few times, and lay down comfortably.

Xiang Wukui came back to his senses, looked down at "Snowball" in his arms, and felt clothes falling down from behind.

She looked back, subconsciously in a trance for a moment, and immediately remembered the scene in the dream, her brother put the coat on her body, put "Kikujiro" into her arms, and then gently pushed her home
Takanashi Xufeng bent down and carefully observed Xiangwu Aoi's little face, momentarily surprised.

"Hey, are those dark circles?"

Takanashi Xufeng squatted down and observed Xiangwu Aoi's expression with a study gaze. She paused, and said in a joking tone, "It's okay not to have a good rest. Suddenly, without you, we all become very unaccustomed to it." , we are all waiting for you at school."

Xiang Wukui gradually recovered.

She looked up, sister Takanashi was squatting in front of her, looking at her with beautiful eyes blinking, Senior Kitahara was standing beside sister Takanashi, with his hands in his pockets, also watching her quietly.

The two people in front of her stood side by side, looking at her together, which made her feel extremely at ease.

At this moment, she seemed to finally wake up to what was missing, just like black and white finally blended on the chessboard, like the missing part of the three-dimensional wood finally found back.

A sense of relaxation with peace of mind, a sense of satisfaction and completeness, like quiet and clear waves, comforting her wave after wave.

Xiang Wukui slowly grabbed the pajamas with her small hands. For some reason, she couldn't help but want to cry, but she still tried her best to hold back her tears and said in a low voice, "I'm going to school tomorrow."

It was already [-]:[-] p.m. when he left Xiangwu's house.

It's the evening rush hour after get off work, and there is a lot of traffic.

Social animals in suits and leather shoes and students in school uniforms can be seen everywhere on the sidewalk.

Kitahara Kento and Takanashi Xufeng walked side by side on the bustling streets, and some shops facing the street had already lit up their LED lights.

Takanashi Xufeng seemed to be in a good mood, humming a lyrical melody he was unfamiliar with softly.

"Oops!" Gaoli Xufeng suddenly stopped, "I forgot that the phone is out of battery!"

The Kitahara sage quickly figured out the key point, and asked, "What time did you tell your mother to go home?"

"Go home before five o'clock at the latest, mom must be very worried now!" Takanashi Xufeng said in a slightly anxious tone.

"Use my phone." Kitahara Kento touched his pocket.

Before handing it over, he was very cautious, and clicked on the dozen or so unread message reminders sent by his classmates to avoid being seen by Takanashi.

Takanashi Xufeng took the phone, quickly dialed her mother's phone number, chatted briefly for 1 minute, she hung up the call, put her palms on her chest and exhaled softly.

"Thank you," Takanashi Xufeng handed back the phone, and explained a little embarrassedly, "My house has access control, so I can't go home after school after [-]:[-], and I can't go out later than [-] o'clock at night."

"Access control?" Kitahara Kento was a little surprised, he didn't expect the Takanashi family's family style to be quite traditional.

"It seems that your mother cares about you very much."

"Well, it's okay, it's actually a rule set by my father. Although I can understand my father's approach, sometimes I still feel more. Frustrated," Takanashi Xufeng paused, thought for a while, and continued, "But it's okay. In fact, I also think that it's already late after nine o'clock."

Takanashi Xufeng's father, Kitahara Kento nodded understandingly, remembering the previous news.

It seems that the head of the Takanashi family is very powerful, and Takanashi's father is the second son of the family. When he was dating Takanashi's mother, the Takanashi family looked down on Takanashi's mother who was an artist. marriage.

But just as Sangwu Kazutaka commented in the afternoon, Takanashi's father has a strong backbone, and he resolutely ran away from the family with his girlfriend.

After all, it was related to other people's family affairs. The sage of Beiyuan didn't talk too much. He thought for a moment.

"By the way, last time you asked me to contact the author of "Southern Red Beans" and ask him if there is a sequel to "Southern Red Beans"

Gao Li Xufeng paused, and Shensi turned to Beiyuan in surprise, "Did Beiyuan ask you?"

The sage of Beiyuan nodded, "That's the question."

"But it's a pity. He said that he never thought about the follow-up plot. In short, according to what he means, it may just develop according to fate."

"Is that so?" Takanashi Xufeng's expression was slightly gloomy, showing regret, but she quickly regained her spirits and said seriously, "Although it doesn't quite fit the answer I expected, I still thank you very much, Kitahara-student. I am not familiar with it, but I still let you take the liberty to ask, the process must be very difficult."

The Kitahara sage nodded silently. In fact, he is the author, which is not easy.

However, he didn't deceive Takanashi either, because even as the author, he really couldn't see the follow-up development clearly, because it was far from the end, because there were still two years left before he graduated from high school.

Kitahara Kento gradually retracted his divergent thoughts, but looking at the current situation alone, it seems that everything is getting better. The relationship between him and Amamiya Masahiro is indeed steadily improving.

The green light gradually turned red, and the two gradually settled down, standing side by side in front of the zebra crossing.

He looked slightly sideways at Takanashi, she looked pensive, and she was probably trying to figure out the follow-up development of "Nanguo Red Beans" by herself.

The sage of Beiyuan opened his mouth slightly.

In fact, this time, you are also a participant in the story.

Even an important participant who can affect the plot.

Why cling to a book written in the past?


Takanashi Xufeng came back to his senses, and turned to look at Beiyuan.


The sage of Beiyuan was silent for a while: "Actually, it should be fine. Although he didn't confess it at the time, I judged from his expression at the time that he didn't sigh or be pessimistic. Therefore, there should be a happy ending."

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, and asked with a smile, "Isn't that comforting me?"

The sage of Beiyuan nodded, "No."

"The hero and heroine in the story, will they reconcile with each other, will they reconcile as before, and will they reunite smoothly?"

"Probably, but that's just my judgment."

Takanashi Xufeng nodded slowly in understanding, she exhaled lightly, and looked up, the indicator light had gradually turned from red to green.

"That's great."

(End of this chapter)

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