Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 277 The Great Transformation of Xiang Wukui

Chapter 277 The Great Transformation of Xiang Wukui

In the afternoon of the next day, after finishing the game every afternoon as usual, Fenggao's team leader and players left the chess hall and boarded the bus for the return journey.

In the first row of the bus, Kento Kitahara unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle and turned to look to the left.

Aoi Aoi and Takanashi Xufeng sat together, and they discussed the current points ranking in a low voice.

In short, as long as there are no accidents in the future, Fenggao will win the championship title of the joint chess project group of the National Go Conference for High School Students for the first time in the history of the school in three days!

Kitahara sage took a sip of mineral water calmly, screwed on the bottle cap, and listened to the girls' conversation.

"Aoi, did you see this morning, the school's poster wall is already promoting the competition results between you and Kitahara."

From the cheerful tone, it was obvious that Takanashi Xufeng was in a wonderful mood.She wrapped Xiangwu Kui's little hand with both hands, and said softly:
"The elimination record is all victorious, seven wins and one loss in the final round, and the only loss was because of our absence."

"And this morning," Takanashi Xufeng paused, as if thinking of something interesting, and chuckled, "Does Aoi know about that very old-fashioned Mr. Tanaka? In our class's Mandarin class, Mr. Tanaka was always praising me with joy. The two of you said that you have given us glory at the peak."

"Remember to be mentally prepared in advance. When you get back to school, maybe Aoi will be surrounded by the whole class when she steps into the classroom."

Xiang Wukui looked absent-minded, and simply gave a soft "hmm".

The sage of Beiyuan observed her complexion sideways, and it seemed that it was not due to the unhealed cold and poor spirits.

It should be said that the child, she doesn't care about her "rank" or "status" in the class at all, even if she is unknown and not so popular.

Just at the right moment, for unknown reasons, Xiang Wukui turned her head and looked over to meet his eyes.

Kitahara sage greeted him and asked, "Did you have a nightmare last night?"

Xiang Wukui shook his head, "No, you lay down after you left in the afternoon, and slept soundly that night."

"That's good." Kitahara sage nodded, without further words, he looked away and waited idly for the bus to start.

He knew that the child's childhood experience was very unusual and he had a deep knot in his heart, but he knew better that it was not a knot that he could easily cut off.

"I'm sorry, I still can't figure out my own mysterious, bizarre, and more difficult futures. I don't have the time to be desperate for others. I hope Takanashi can help you successfully in the end. With my ability and situation, I can only help you." I can try my best and do what I can." Beiyuan sage murmured silently, knowing very well in his heart where the limit of his ability was.

Xiangwu Yilong once asked him to take care of Xiangwukui as much as he could in school, and he also made a vague promise that he could contact Xiangwu's family if he had something to do in the future.

Of course, even without such interest considerations, out of sympathy for the child and friendship, he will do what he can, but he is very aware of his situation and ability range, and can distinguish priorities.

"Beiyuan, senior."

"Huh?" The sage of Beiyuan withdrew his thoughts and looked at the sound.

Xiang Wukui looked at Beiyuan, and said a word with a very calm expression that surprised the sage of Beiyuan:

"After the game is over, after school every afternoon, can I still go to the student union office?"

The Kitahara sage was stunned for a moment unexpectedly.

Just now, the child looked absent-minded and preoccupied. Could it be that he was thinking about this matter?
And Xiang Wukui didn't say this to Takanashi, but asked him.

Aoi Aoi is now asking about my attitude, and Kento Kitahara looked at her in surprise. Didn't she always stick around Xufeng Takanashi?

Takanashi Xufeng also had a surprised expression on her face. She looked at Aoi, then looked up at the opposite side, and immediately realized something in her heart.

When a girl says something like "Can I go to the place where you are with me every day" to a boy, there is always a trace of "confession ambiguity", which is easy to arouse people's imagination, but Aoi doesn't mean that.

It seemed that Aoi's heart had finally "accepted" Kitahara's classmate, this friend Gao Li Xufeng lightly pursed his lips, unable to restrain his laughter, waiting for Kitahara's sage's answer.

It happened so suddenly, Kitahara sage never expected Xiangwu Kui to ask him such a question.

He thought about it for a while, and based on his ordinary understanding of Xiang Wukui, he didn't misunderstand the child's meaning.

He pretended to be surprised and said, "Yes, why can't you go? Fenggao's student union office welcomes you at any time."

Kitahara Kento turned to Takanashi, and passed the narrator to her, "I think our student council president thinks the same way."

I was caught off guard with a vague answer, but it seemed that Kitahara didn't want to stand by and watch. Takanashi Xufeng blinked tacitly, accepted the baton, lowered his head and smiled at Wu Kui: "Not only every afternoon, but as long as Aoi thinks, morning Remember too."

When both parties gave an affirmative answer, it seemed that some agreement had been reached.

Xiang Wukui moved her small body slightly, and nodded to Bei Yuan with a serious face.

"Senior Beiyuan, can you sit here, on the side of Ou Nei and me."

there?Kitahara sage moved his eyes and looked over.

"It means I sit on the left, Takanashi sits on the right, and she wants to sit in the middle?"

He was a little hesitant. There are only two seats in the car, and it's not good for men and women to sit together.

Takanashi Xufeng looked left and right at the two slightly cramped car seats. The three of them sat together, which was indeed quite crowded, and it wasn't too "real".

Takanashi Xu Fengshensi hesitated for a moment, then realized that Aoi rarely accepted a new friend—this proves that her previous efforts really worked! ——In the past, no one wanted to get in touch with that child, but now, it is rare for Aoi to sit with everyone. This is a benign behavior, and it should be agreed.

"Come here, Kitahara-san. Aoi is petite and cute. As long as I stand a little outside, the three of us won't be so crowded." Takanashi Xufeng paused, and said jokingly, "Northern Kitahara-san, don't you think I'm Very fat."

Kitahara Kento hesitated to speak, but was blocked by Takanashi's joking remarks, he moved his eyes and looked at the gap left by Takanashi and Aoi in the innermost part.

Takanashi has said that, what else can he say, otherwise he really thinks he is fat!
"Oh, forget it, after all, this request can be regarded as a little effort, not too much." The sage of Beiyuan sighed softly in his heart.

"Then excuse me." He got up embarrassed and walked over, and then sat down by the window in an unnatural manner.

Kitahara Kento turned his head to look at Aoi Aoi with arms next to each other, and Takanashi on the right, and then looked at himself. He couldn't help muttering in his heart: If classmate Lily saw this scene, that guy's mood would really explode on the spot.

When he took his seat, Takanashi Xufeng's sitting posture was a little more reserved.

She quietly looked sideways, glanced at the world outside the car windows on both sides, and suddenly became uneasy and nervous.

If a passer-by saw the three of them like this, they would probably be misunderstood!

Thinking of this, Takanashi Xufeng lowered her head slightly inadvertently, as if covering up her inner entanglement and shame, and kept touching her two jade-white index fingers up and down.

Click, the light in the first row of the bus suddenly dimmed a little.

Gao Lixu heard the sound and looked, it was Beiyuan who silently closed the curtains.

The sage of Beiyuan turned to her and said, "The light in the afternoon is a bit harsh, is that okay? Do you want to close the curtains over there?"

Very considerate, very decent Takanashi Xufeng came back to his senses, smiled and said: "Thank you, it is a bit dazzling."

(End of this chapter)

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