Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 281 This time 1 must catch you!

Chapter 281 I must catch you this time!
Late at night.

Kitahara Kento lay quietly on the bed, staring at the dark ceiling, recalling all his experiences with Kashiwagi Moyu, looking for clues that might reveal his identity as a spy.

"No, really not." He murmured silently.

"At the recommendation of Li Shan, I ignored her obstacles and insisted on joining the student union. It was for the scholarship for outstanding students. Because of lack of money, I joined the students. The causal logic is perfectly normal. Those bad boys are the same gang, the spy agents who sneak in."

"During the band competition, I didn't communicate with her a few times, and I never contacted or used her. I couldn't find the so-called ironclad evidence for those groups of boys who are not working properly."

"Only at the sports festival, I officially joined the internal boys group and became one of the five behind-the-scenes leaders. People watched her, but it was only that time, and that time, the whole process was still done indirectly by Minister Sugawara. , Secretly, told me through the mobile phone, I have never personally intervened... Still can't find a place where I can reveal my identity."

"The only people who know my identity are Kuriyama, Sugawara, and the other two behind-the-scenes leaders; including me, the members of the internal boy group have all kinds of strange nicknames, and most of them don't know who they are. Not to mention the identities of the five of us, so it's impossible to show our feet."

The sage of Beiyuan thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Baitong was trying to scare him on purpose!

He hugged the thin quilt and turned over, still not letting go.

"I'm still worried, let's think about it in another way, what if it was earlier?"

Beiyuan Xianren continued to recall the memory in his mind, and gradually, his eyelids began to fight, and he was about to fall asleep.

Until the flowing memory picture slowly freezes on the scene where he and Bai Mu Moyou met for the first time, the originally sleepy eyelids suddenly widened, and the expression froze.

Kitahara sage was shocked and immediately sat up from the tatami.

Yes, it was then.

Actually speaking, the first person he met was not Takanashi Sufeng, but Kashiwagi Moyu.

The heart of Kitahara sage was pounding, and he remembered it with lingering fear.

At first, the eve of the band competition.

At that time, the band was seriously short of people. Minister Sugawara and Kuriyama were also two geniuses. They tried to pull Amamiya Masaki into the band, and foolishly came up with a "beautiful man trick". He agreed, but he didn't intend to implement any stupid "beauty trick" at all.

But when school was over in the afternoon, the class teacher came to the classroom to find him, hoping that he could serve as a school guide for Amamiya Yahira and take her to familiarize herself with the campus environment.

For the sake of scholarship and free tuition, and other considerations, he bit the bullet and agreed.

Just like that, when he left the teaching building with Masahiro Amamiya, he happened to run into Minister Sugawara who was leading the group activities, and then everything was misunderstood, thinking that the beauty trick worked!
Minister Sugawara immediately took action. First, he recruited a group of disguised killers from nowhere, and arranged dozens of passer-by actors to observe the surroundings, as well as a drone that took off. It’s like making a movie—an impromptu design of a bloody script in which the hero saves the beauty.

But when the plan was in progress, he was completely unwilling to cooperate and refused decisively, and in the end the matter was left alone.

But no one expected that just before the end, the uninvited guest came out suddenly and almost caught everyone on the spot. It was then that he met the blond long-haired half-breed, the vice president Moyu Kashiwagi, and Bai Tong's classmate.

"That's right, that's when."

The sage of Beiyuan whispered, he already knew what clues Baitong had got.

"Different from me in the past, I have always been very wary of her. In fact, when I first met her, it was the time when I was the weakest against her, and that was the only time."

"An organization that can search and collect a large amount of information, plan, typesetting, and correct the information in an orderly manner, and then design it into a beauty review magazine, raise funds, and print it out in batches is definitely not a small organization. "

"Back then, the boy classmate Bai, who was able to arrange a movie-like big battle in school, had no reason not to suspect him. He was the behind-the-scenes leader of the group of boys who did not behave properly."

He sighed slightly, thinking it through thoroughly.

"She's not mainly suspicious of me, but she's more suspicious of Minister Sugawara. And I'm just someone she suspects incidentally because I'm very close to Minister Sugawara."

The next afternoon.

Kento Kitahara went to the Disciplinary Committee after a long absence.

This time is already a decisive battle between him and classmate Bai, and he should also visit his old subordinates, maybe it will be useful.

Stopping at the door of the Disciplinary Committee, he opened the door, and there was only one girl in the room. She was lying on the table in front of the window, with her arms pillowed on her head, sleeping soundly, and a little yellow milk cat was sleeping beside her.

Beiyuan Xianren felt a headache when he saw her, Xiaolin Lianghua.

An Internet-addicted girl who stays up late every day playing games.

An idiot who can openly say "sleep is just left to the class"!
He stepped forward and knocked on the table with his index knuckles, Xiao Lin Lianghua raised his head in a daze.


Xianren Beiyuan's eyelids twitched slightly. He had abdicated a long time ago and was no longer the head of the Disciplinary Committee. It seems that this idiot has long forgotten.

"What about the others?"

Kobayashi Lianghua rubbed her dark circles sleepily, "Student Suzuki took people out to patrol."

Kitahara Kento corrected with a blank expression: "It's not Suzuki, it's Minister Suzuki. I've already been transferred. She is now the head of the Disciplinary Committee. What are you thinking about all day long?"

As soon as he finished speaking, unexpectedly, Xiao Lin Lianghua stood up suddenly, she stretched her arms forward and hugged his waist tightly across the table, with an attitude that she would rather die than let go, she shouted aggrievedly: " Minister, when will my game cartridge be returned to me!"

"I have no money in my pocket! I can't afford games anymore! There are still three boxes of games I haven't played! Please, Minister, I was wrong, return it to me!"

All of a sudden, the sage of Beiyuan was stunned.

At the last sports festival, on the eve of the upcoming battle between him and classmate Bai, he found time to come to the Disciplinary Committee to straighten up morale before the battle.

In the end, he was speechless and found out that the idiot secretly raised pets and hadn't received an application for keeping animals indoors yet!It is a serious violation of discipline!
He severely reprimanded Xiaolin Lianghua, and confiscated her game cartridge as punishment, but just as he took it away, Xiaolin Lianghua immediately went crazy, and suddenly threw herself on the ground, hugging his thigh tightly, He didn't say anything and didn't let go, begging hard to give it back to her.

At the critical point of rectifying morale, how can he return it, not to mention that as a leader, he will lose face, and the atmosphere of the Disciplinary Committee will be messed up!

But he really couldn't stand Xiao Lin Lianghua, she was a shameless super trouble, he couldn't beat her, and scolding her didn't work at all, the key point was that she was shameless, so he had no choice but to make an agreement to see her performance in the future, and then return it to her.

The sage of Beiyuan came back to his senses, and quickly looked back, but luckily the door was closed!
"Let go!"

Kobayashi Lianghua raised her head, and with a bargaining tone, she asked weakly, "My game cassette."

He looked down at the sloppy Xiaolin Lianghua, and said with a big headache, "I know, I remember, let go first."

"I made a mistake, minister, just return it to me, the minister asks me to do anything! Please!"

"A week later! If you say one more sentence, it will become next month!"

Xiaolin Lianghua was shocked, but she still didn't let go, and said weakly, "It's settled, Lagou?"

The sage of Beiyuan was speechless for a long time, and Lagou agreed that he hadn't done this childish way since he was in elementary school.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and let go of me after pulling the hook." The sage of Beiyuan sighed.

After the agreement was made, the sage of Beiyuan immediately retreated three steps away from this idiot.

"You continue to sleep, I'll go first, no need to send it off!"

The chick nodded obediently like pecking rice, and Xiaolin Lianghua looked at him expectantly.

Beiyuan Xianren turned around blankly, quickly withdrew from the Disciplinary Committee, turned his back to the door, and let out a long breath.

"This kind of person is really scary."

"People are shameless and invincible, that's it."

He shook his head and walked away.

thump thump Line prompt sounded.

"Minister Sugawara: Come to the club building, the penultimate activity room on the fifth floor, and bring the magazines home together."

The sage of Beiyuan was slightly stunned for a moment, and quickly edited the message: When you were notified yesterday, didn't you hurry up and transport it home?

"Minister Sugawara: We all went home early yesterday, and Kuriyama is also in the cram school. Others don't believe it, so we can only move it by the four of us."

"Although the student union is not determined to search the whole class, I am worried that they will search all the activity rooms quietly. I have already arrived, waiting for you at the door, we will take half, and Arai and the others will come to take the other half later."

Kitahara sage pondered for a moment, and edited the message: Kashiwagi Moyu is already suspicious of you, and we don't want to meet in the near future—remember the big battle you made when the school started, and the time you raised the drone?

After the message was sent, it took a while before the beep sounded again.

"Minister Sugawara: ok, I see. You and Arai will go together. We will act later. The key is on the door frame."

Kitahara Kento quickly put away his mobile phone, he looked at the students around him, and turned to the direction of the exit.

The moment he walked up to the big steps in front of the building, he always felt a little uneasy.

Just in case, Kitahara Kento took out his phone again and edited the news: Is there any news about Kashiwagi Moyu?

"Twelve minutes ago, she went back to class to get her schoolbag, and just now she went to the gym again."

Kitahara Kento put away his mobile phone and said silently: "She was talking to the two girls, she should be investigating the magazine's clues, and going to the gymnasium is something for the student union. I know these two things, they were discussed in the Takanashi meeting just now."

He calmed down a little, and continued to act.

twelve minutes ago.

Kashiwagi Moyou walked quickly, walked through the corridor, and walked towards the class number of "Class A".

Occasionally, there would be all kinds of gazes quietly cast over her, peeping at her, and some annoying comments could be faintly heard, but she passed by with a calm expression, ignoring them all.

She knew that her long blond hair was too eye-catching and she was tall. Wherever she went, it was inevitable that she would be scrutinized secretly. She had long been used to those annoying sights.

There are not many students in the classroom, and only a few have not gone to the department and regiment activity room.

Without saying hello to her classmates, she went straight to her seat.

Baimu Moyou subconsciously glanced at the seat next to her, which was Xufeng's seat, then she pulled out the schoolbag from the table hole, opened it, and rummaged through it.

In fact, I didn't find anything, I just played it for "some people".

"Someone" who might be spying on her.

She doesn't know if "some people" exist or not, but even if they don't exist, she must be the most cautious!

Pretending to check her schoolbag to see if she lost anything, she got up quietly and left the classroom.

She came to the corridor, and then went all the way to the corner of the stairs, looking for a stand with a narrow view, she stopped where she was, quietly waiting for someone.

After a while, footsteps were heard upstairs.

A female senior in the third grade came downstairs, Kashiwagi Moyu turned her eyes away, she was about to act, but soon noticed that a boy's figure appeared at the corner of the stairs, she immediately closed her mouth , continue to wait patiently.

One after another, three waves of people passed by.

The first time it was four boys, not her target.

The second time was a girl, and there were no boys around her, but she wasn't a senior in the third grade, and she was still not her goal.

In the third wave, she finally found a suitable target.

Two girls, both seniors in the third grade, walked down the stairs together, and there happened to be no boys nearby!
Kashiwagi Moyu seized the opportunity and walked forward quickly, "Hi senior, have you seen Sugawara, who is in Class C of the third year? Someone is looking for him."

The two girls stopped, looked at each other, and shook their heads.

"Thank you." Kashiwagi Moyu was not disappointed, and continued to wait patiently.

Fortunately, she was very lucky in the next few times. Only girls went downstairs a few times, and they were all seniors in the third grade.

But the bad luck is... three times in a row, no one knows where Mitsuhiro Sugawara went!As if no one cared about him at all!

Baimu Moyou has been waiting a little anxiously. If she still can't get any news, she has to leave. Otherwise, if someone is really watching her, if she doesn't go downstairs for a long time after leaving the classroom, it will easily arouse suspicion!
"Student Kashiwagi?" A female voice sounded familiar.

Baimu Moyou turned her head when she heard the sound, and a short-haired girl was going upstairs, looking at her with a surprised expression.

She quickly remembered that this short-haired girl, named Yuki Kubo, usually quarreled with Mitsuhiro Sugawara, but the relationship between the two seemed strangely good.

During the previous band competition, everyone rehearsed in a warehouse in Kubo Yuki's house!

"Long time no see, Kubo-senpai," Kashiwagi Moyu bowed slightly to greet, "Do you know where Sugawara-san is?"

Kubo Yuki replied in a carefree tone: "He, it seems that he went to the club building. What is Mr. Kashiwagi looking for with that guy? If it's a trivial matter, I'll just ask him on Line for you."

"No, thank you," Kashiwagi Moyou immediately refused, "It's some internal matter of the student union."

"That's right," Kubo Yuki scratched his head with a smile, "He went to the club building."

"Thank you." Kashiwagi Moyou quickly turned and left.

"Mitsuhiro Sugawara is in the club building. Next, as long as it can be confirmed that the bastard also went to the club building, it means that after scaring him yesterday, he felt guilty and was anxious to destroy the relevant evidence with Mitsuhiro Sugawara, and then catch their criminal evidence on the spot "

"Even if you can't catch it, as long as you can take pictures and then tell Xu Feng all the clues and inferences, it's enough, enough to make Xu Feng have a little doubt about him, and once there is a crack in the chain of trust, it's too difficult to make up for it Already! This will be a good start." Kashiwagi Moyu thought silently, walked out of the teaching building, and walked towards the gymnasium.

As for the identity of that bastard, she was really only very skeptical, and lacked key evidence to make a conclusion.

After all, based on her understanding of Bei Yuan, she actually didn't think that bastard was the one who could do negative things.

But at the beginning, when she first met that bastard, Kitahara sage made a deep impression on her.

A group of boys dressed up as delinquents surrounded him and Masahiro Amamiya, which looked like extortion, but when she arrived at the scene, dozens of classmates around them all dispersed in tacit understanding!Dodge her and run!

She repeatedly asked the sage of Beiyuan, but he was full of lies, concealing the truth, saying that he was frightened, didn't see their faces clearly, and didn't know what was going on, and was protecting those people!
Later, she investigated through the clues of the paint stained on the hands of classmate Bei Yuan, and found out that the people in the performance department had been to the art department, which happened to correspond to the oil painting tattoos on the arms of those "bad boys".

When she wanted to continue the in-depth investigation, Li Shan-senpai approached her and Xufeng, hoping that Xufeng could join their band.

And the two key people in that incident happened to be in the band, and Mitsuhiro Sugawara was the head of the performance department.

Out of consideration for Xu Feng, she didn't have any extra problems, so the investigation was interrupted.

But looking back now, that incident was full of suspiciousness everywhere, and she couldn't help but think of the male forces behind the magazine incident.

——For a person who can pull dozens of classmates to "make movies", it seems not difficult to design and print several batches of magazines with his organizational and appealing abilities in the school, and considering Sugawara Mitsuhiro's usual laziness , Casual life style, completely devoid of decency, it is hard not to make her seriously suspicious.

Kashiwagi Moyu thought deeply and came to the gymnasium.

She didn't immediately deal with the matters of the student union, but stood by the tennis court as a bystander, looking for qualified girls.

Until a group of girls just walked into the gymnasium, Kashiwagi Moyu immediately stopped them.

"Hello classmate, did you see where Kitahara Kento from class G of the third year went? I have something to do with him."

"Student Beiyuan seems to have gone to the club building? It should be, we saw him on the way here."

It was so easy to get the news, it was far easier than finding someone. Baimu Moyou couldn't help but despise those vulgar girls who only look at their faces and think about spring, and then thanked them. She carried her schoolbag and turned her head into the gymnasium toilet.

When she came out again, she had tied up her long blonde hair, and she was wearing a goose yellow baseball cap and a silk pink sunshade coat.

The clothes and hats were newly bought by her at the mall yesterday.

The color and style are also cute, energetic, and youthful styles that she would never choose.

If it was really Mitsuhiro Sugawara, considering his connections in the school, she couldn't rule out the possibility that "someone" was watching her.

"From the gymnasium to the club building, speed up, you can get there in a minute and a half, and in another half a minute, ask the girl where the bastard went, and then find the door within 2 minutes, enough time." Baimu Moyou clenched slightly Fingers crossed, "This time I must catch you!"

(End of this chapter)

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