Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 315 You are a big boss!

Chapter 315 You are a big boss!

The campsite is halfway up the mountain, passing through a small piece of cedar, which is a continuous protective net.
The sage of Beiyuan climbed up and looked into the distance through the protective net.Thousands of meters away, the bustling scenes in other ski areas can be seen at a glance.The silhouettes of the tourists shrank into ants, and hundreds of "ants" crawled erratically on the pure white snow field.

Takanashi Xufeng looked back at the cedar forest. Outside the cedar forest that he had just passed through was a row of extraterrestrial snow houses.

Kagawa Ningning was a little afraid of heights and didn't dare to get too close to the protective net. She asked worriedly with her small face: "This place is so high and steep, is it unsafe? What if I fall down?"

Outside the protective net is a steep and steep slope. Looking down, it is shocking for those who are afraid of heights.

Tsurumi Chiharu kicked on the protective net with confidence, snowflakes rustled down.

"What are you afraid of? Unless you want to turn over and jump off the cliff, it will be fine even if you speed up and hit the protective net."

Kagawa Ningning, who has always been timid, was still not at ease. He stepped forward cautiously, poked the protective net with his small hand, and asked worriedly: "But it is the repair period now, and we are here in such an emergency. The maintenance workers will be in a hurry. Are some places neglected? Where is it not maintained well?"

Tsurumi Chiharu stomped her feet in anger, why is this little one so timid!Don't get entangled with the protective net!If you're really scared, it's fine if she doesn't get close!
"Idiot! Back then you weren't afraid of facing dozens of cameras on the stage, why are you so scared to death now!"

Kagawa Ningning shrank her neck and kept silent, wanting to argue that it was not the same thing.

The sage of Beiyuan noticed that there were scattered colorful flags hanging on the top of the cedar tree, and there were also some on the ground. He couldn't help but asked in surprise, "What's the matter with the colorful flags on the tree and on the ground? They don't look like decorations."

Tsurumi Chiharu held his little hand behind his back, and the old god coughed twice on the ground.


The sage of Beiyuan saw through it at a glance, and asked firmly: "It's a competition again?"

Seeing Qianchun's expression froze, Tsuru ran forward quickly, hopping like a rabbit, and raised his hand to block the eyes of the sage Kitahara.

"Forbidden to see more!"

She remembers it!Kitahara sage's memory is super good, just like having hyperamnesia!
The secret location of these small colored flags is one of the biggest reliance on her victory, if he remembers all of them, she doesn't want to win the last place again!

The Beiyuan sage backed away funnyly, and said with a smile: "It's late, I noticed it a long time ago along the way."

Seeing this, Xiaohe snorted, and the old god put his little hand on the ground, knowing that she knew, anyway, she still had a secret weapon.

"Let's go, what is there to see here, it would be great to see it with a telescope tomorrow. Have dinner later."

Before leaving, the Kitahara sage glanced at Kashiwagi. She still had the depressed look of an autistic patient, looking out of the isolation net gloomily, perhaps because she climbed high and looked into the distance, which made her mood change a little, and her brows added a few more Lonely and melancholy.

The sage of Beiyuan discovered that every time she was autistic and depressed in the past, she was always thinking about something wildly in her mind, and she would always be immersed in it for a long time, and it was difficult to get out.The longest time seems to be her birthday?He had a complete showdown with her, and she was depressed for several days in a row.

Through the cedar forest, five igloos formed a circle on the flat ground, with an unlit bonfire in the middle.

Assistant Fukada, who finished the work, opened the door and greeted everyone to enter the room: "Here, here."

There was an orange-red flame dancing in the glass fireplace, and the temperature in the room was perfect. Chiharu Tsurumi took off his down jacket, leaned in front of the warm glass fireplace, looked around, and asked strangely, "Where did Sukaze Takanashi go?"

Just now Senior Takanashi asked her mysteriously to do something. If anyone asks, just say that she is taking a walk outside and will be back soon. Kagawa Ningning kept the order in mind and said quickly: "Take a walk outside, and I will be back soon." return."

Tsurumi didn't think much about Chiharu, and lay comfortably on the small sofa. After a while, Takanashi Xufeng gently pushed the door open. Xiaohe glanced at Min, and was too lazy to care about her. He quickly got up, walked to the shelf, and turned around. to find something.

"Fukada, where did you put the board game box that they had prepared in advance?" Tsurumi Chiharu turned around and asked.

Assistant Fukada looked at the shelf in surprise, searched around, and quickly said: "Miss, please wait a moment, I will go to other rooms to look for it."

After 10 minutes, Fukada's assistant opened the door and entered the room, and said embarrassingly: "Sorry miss, I just called to ask, the operator of the snow area was in a hurry yesterday and forgot to buy it. Otherwise, I will urge them, now Just let them send people down the mountain to buy it, and then send it up?"

Tsurumi Chiharu frowned in displeasure, and said, "Forget it, a bunch of idiots, they can forget such a simple thing, and when they bring it up, dinner will be over."

"When will you eat?" Kagawa Ningning asked expectantly.This is what I am most concerned about. I climbed all the way to the middle of the mountain, and now I am very hungry.

Tsurumi Chiharu also felt a little hungry, but the plan could not be changed, she glanced out the window, the sky was getting dark, it was time to start.

She cleared her throat and said, "Dinner is divided into three grades."

Takanashi Xufeng asked preparedly: "So, is there a competition?"

"Yes! Think of it as a digestive exercise before meals," Tsurumi Chiharu walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, "you all saw the colorful flags hidden in the cedar forest just now. Go in groups of two to collect, the red colored flags are three points, the blue Two points for color, one point for green, and if you are lucky enough to find a colorful flag, the score will be multiplied by two. Come back after three and 10 minutes, and the group with the highest score will have the most sumptuous dinner. The latecomer will be awarded the last one.”

"If the score is the same, who will come back first, that's it. If you have any questions, ask quickly."

The sage of Kitahara is not interested, so he only engages in these strange competitions, can't he have a good meal?

"If you have no doubts, start now. Don't forget to take the flashlight," Chiharu Tsurumi looked around the crowd and said mysteriously, "This is the last match, so cherish it."

The unspoken meaning is that the rewards are particularly generous. The Kitahara sage got up helplessly, and signaled Bai Tong with his eyes: Come on now, what are you waiting for, we are definitely still teammates.

Before everyone went out, Gaoli Xufeng sneaked out and led Ningning out first.

"Where are we going?" Kagawa Ningning asked in a low voice.

"Come with me, I found the 'secret weapon' that someone hid." Takanashi Xufeng trotted to the back of the house, and took out a long wooden pole from the snow, with a hook on the top of the pole.

Kagawa Ningning's eyes lit up, and he quickly followed Takanashi into the cedar forest.

"Senior Takanashi, did you go out for a walk just now to find this? How do you know that Tsurumi-senpai hid a secret weapon?"

Gaoli Xufeng couldn't help but said: "Of course I know her. She is the organizer, sponsor and planner. According to her unyielding temperament, she must hide her back. I guess, maybe she still has something hidden in her hand." A map of the distribution of colored flags."

"Ning Ning, did you notice when you returned, most of the red flags are hung on trees, without this pole, it would be very difficult to take them down."

After a while, Xiao Hejian brought Li Shan to the back of the house. She squatted down, groping in the snow with her little hands, and her little face gradually became strange.

"What are you looking for?" Kuriyama Mizuho asked strangely.

Tsurumi Chiharu turned her head and shouted, "Fukada, where is my pole?"

Assistant Fukada hurried over, looked at the place, and said firmly, "Miss, I was hiding here just now."

Tsurumi Chiharu's little face was uncertain, the pole must have been taken away first!
"Forget it, let's go!" Tsurumi Chiharu stood up angrily, took out a map from his pocket, looked at it with the flashlight for a while, and pointed the way: "To that direction!"

Kuriyama Mizuho hesitated to speak, "This is cheating. It's not good."

"Cheating or not, as long as you can win," Tsurumi Chiharu said indifferently, "Cheating is just an excuse for the weak, winning is king."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Li Shan. Li Shan's expression was very unfriendly, and she seemed to have a lot of opinions on her. She quickly changed her words and said, "The reward for winning or losing is just a joke. I'm just talking about it. When the time comes, we will have dinner together. Just kidding."

Although Mizuho Kuriyama still strongly disagrees, the game is the game, friendship is the first, what kind of hero is cheating, instead of this, she would rather choose to admit defeat directly, but she couldn't stop Chiharu Tsurumi, so she had to make up her mind to find the bunting later At that time, she couldn't do anything!
Soon, under the guidance of the map, Xiao Hejian successfully found the location where the colorful flag was buried. She quickly squatted on the treasure spot and excitedly scraped the snow.

It's just that she cleaned all the snow within a two-meter radius, but she still couldn't find where the colorful flag was.

Tsurumi Chiharu was a little confused, what's going on?She shined the flashlight, checked the map repeatedly, and confirmed that the location was absolutely correct!
She didn't believe in evil anymore, and immediately changed to another place, where the last colorful flag was buried!

When she arrived at the treasure spot, she asked Li Shan to hold a flashlight, knelt down on the ground and frowned, and dug for a while. Seven or eight minutes later, the wet soil layer was dug out, but she still couldn't see where the colorful flag was.

Tsurumi Chiharu slumped on the ground in a daze, why didn't the colorful flags be buried in advance, is the map all wrong?They hang the flags indiscriminately?

It suddenly occurred to me that Assistant Fukada had said that the operator was rushing to work and neglected many things.Her little face immediately turned red with anger, and she threw the map flying in a rage. The next moment, the cedar forest resounded with an angry roar:

"Bastard bastard bastard bastard, ah!!!"

"Crush work, rush work, catch you big-headed ghost! Don't want the rest of the final payment!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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