Chapter 317
One, enter a band competition.

Two, wrote a very famous song.

Three, accidentally injured and hospitalized.

Four, came close to becoming a celebrity.

Fifth, the anniversary celebration.

At the moment when he hugged Baimu Moyou with all his strength and jumped down, Kitahara sage subconsciously flashed many thoughts in his mind. Before he had time to think about it, he rushed down the waterfall like a kayak, and carried Baimu Moyou down the rapids, whistling The sound of the wind occupied all his senses, he couldn't see the road, and he couldn't predict what was ahead. All he could do was try his best to maintain his body balance, and then resigned himself to fate.

Time seemed to be slowing down. He counted eight seconds silently, but it felt as long as 38 seconds; he heard a "stab" from his back, and he heard the down jacket being cut by the stone edge; The person inside was breathing heavily, and his body was trembling slightly.

All he can do is hug the person in his arms tightly, try his best to maintain his balance, and then resign himself to fate in the turbulent snow that blurs the concept of time.

It wasn't until he lost his balance, rolled down the cliff together with the person in his arms, and hit an obstacle violently, that the death slide came to an abrupt end.

The sage of Beiyuan was lying on the ground panting heavily, the stars were spinning around in his eyes, his left arm was so painful that he didn't dare to move, after a while, he sat up with difficulty, and the blond girl was lying not far away with messy hair.

He stood up slowly and reached out his hand to shake the motionless Kashiwagi Mayu, but she didn't respond.

The sage of Beiyuan was stunned for a moment, and slowly stretched his index finger in front of her nose, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

The unlucky guy was still panting, probably passed out from exhaustion after rolling countless times.

After recovering a little bit of strength, he squatted down, groped for Kashiwagi Moyou's pocket, and took out her mobile phone. Unfortunately, the screen was broken and the light was not on.

Kitahara sage squatted for a few seconds, regained his senses, and checked his injured left arm.

There was no blood, but it was painful to move. I don't know if it hurt a bone or a tendon.

He sighed heavily, looking around, it was pitch black, and he didn't know where he was at all, and he didn't even know if he was still in the original ski area.

There is no time to complain, the temperature difference between day and night of this shield-shaped sleeping volcano is huge, and people can freeze to death at night, so we must first find a place to shelter from the wind!
The sage of Kitahara dragged the blond girl with great difficulty, and came to a tree. He spent a lot of effort to help her up, then pushed her against the tree trunk, squatted down, and carried her on his right shoulder.

Under the hazy moonlight, the cold wind blew the snow and mist away, the sage of Beiyuan drooped his left arm, and carried the blonde girl in his right hand, step by step on the snowy field.

The sage of Beiyuan knew very well that his physical strength was limited. He didn't eat much at noon, and he didn't even touch his chopsticks for dinner. He had consumed a huge amount of physical strength just now, and now he had to resist the cold wind. It was very likely that he would lose weight soon. Blood sugar, the top priority, should not act indiscriminately, first find a shelter, and wait for the rescue team to find them.

"The little naughty guy said that the third big thing in the future is that I was accidentally injured and hospitalized, probably this time." The sage of Beiyuan smiled wryly, comforting himself, "At least I can know that this life must be saved, haha, otherwise Where will I pick up the Flower Valley in the future?"

After the sage of Beiyuan enlightened himself in this way, he walked slowly for a while, and he really fulfilled the future prophecy.

In the distance of the snow field, two huge human-shaped stone statues can be vaguely seen, which should be somewhere in the scenic spot.Two human-shaped boulders squatted on the edge of the snow field, embracing each other, as if they were resisting the icy cold wind of the snow field together, and under their arms, they just arched into a leeward cave.

He gritted his teeth and worked harder, carrying his classmate Bai, making deep footprints one step at a time.

I don't know how far I walked and how long it took me to reach the two giant statues.Kitahara sage's left arm was so painful that he couldn't use his strength, so he sat down on the ground, pushed student Lily into the hole with his feet, and then slowly moved in by himself.

Finally finished everything, let out a sigh of relief after holding on for a long time, Beiyuan sage leaned his back on the stone wall, suddenly felt that his shoulders were too heavy to stand upright, his whole body was as tired as falling apart, he was so tired that he didn't want to move a finger, he was tired, cold and hungry .

"Now they should wake up to the fact that something is wrong." Bei Yuan sage stared at the stars outside the entrance of the cave, his thoughts diverged.

"One hour? Two hours? It won't be later than three hours to find this."

"Takahashi is very smart, and the professional rescue team is also experienced. If you think about it from another perspective, you can definitely think that the two survivors are in a severe cold climate. The first thing to do is to find a shelter. Then within a five-kilometer radius, this stone statue attraction will will be one of the first search points”

"And there are footprints on the ground, as long as they can find it, follow the footprints to find"

Gradually, drowsiness struck, and Beiyuan Xianren's eyelids slowly began to fight, and suddenly a gust of cold wind hit his face, waking him up suddenly.

The wind has changed!

In the leeward cave, the wind direction changed, and the cold wind rushed in quickly!
The sage of Beiyuan couldn't help but swear in his heart, leaning on the stone wall with his right hand, he bowed and stood up slowly.

But the body is really exhausted, and I don't have the strength to look for other shelters, let alone carry a burden.

The cold wind was like a pair of sharp ice knives, piercing the face continuously, as if the skin was about to burst, and if it continued like this, he would freeze to death!The sage of Beiyuan lost his heart and gave it up. He simply moved to the entrance of the cave, sat down on his buttocks, and blocked the air vent with his back, but the down jacket that was cut by the stone edge suddenly swelled up. To the feet, as if not wearing clothes at all, there is an illusion that the skin is about to freeze!

The Kitahara sage looked at the sleeping Kashiwagi tremblingly, she was wearing a down jacket.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, unzipped Baimu Moyou's down jacket, took off his own, put on hers, and then wrapped her in the down jacket he changed. Block the hole in the back.

Although it was still very cold, it was already countless times stronger than before. The Kitahara sage curled up, and it would be so cold that he couldn't sleep even if he wanted to sleep.

The concept of time has become blurred. He didn't know how long it had passed, but he found that Baimu Moyou's face had turned pale without a trace of rosiness. Breathe, breath!He touched her forehead again, she had a high fever!
The sage of Beiyuan is really a little confused, what can he do, he knows nothing about medicine, and there is nothing he can do.

He could only guess wildly whether it was an unbalanced body temperature or a high fever caused by freezing, so he thought of a method that he didn't know if it would work.He remembers a time when he had a fever when he was a child. His father used a simple method to drink a large bowl of water, then covered him with two thick quilts, and covered his head. When he woke up, his body was covered in sweat, and he had a fever All right.

Kitahara Kento opened the down jacket, hugged Kashiwagi Moyu's upper body into his arms, put his chin against her head, and then let her clasp her fingers together to wrap around his waist. The two of them seemed to be hugging each other, their bodies were close and crowded Wrapped in a down jacket.

Although the posture is unsightly, how can I care about these things at the moment, the most important thing is not to let her freeze to death!

(End of this chapter)

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