Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 320 Strange Subtle Fork in the Road

Chapter 320 Strange Subtle Fork in the Road
Before the two escaped from prison, Zhongdao met a doctor and nurse, and their plan collapsed.

The elevator door just came up, and a female nurse pushing a medicine trolley walked through the corridor. She saw two "disabled patients" wanting to fly away in the middle of the night, so she hurriedly dropped the trolley and ran to stop it.

Baimu Moyou glanced sideways and said in a low voice, "Go back quickly."

Seeing that he was caught upright and couldn't slip out, the sage of Beiyuan pushed the wheelchair back the same way regretfully. Before entering the ward, he asked in a deliberative tone,
"Shall we hang around in the hallway? Promise not to go downstairs."

"No!" The unusually familiar voice said decisively.

The sage of Beiyuan was stunned for a moment, and looked back with a strange expression. The female nurse pushing the medicine cart became more and more familiar to him.

The female nurse took off the medical mask and flat glasses, and then took off the female hood with her hands behind her back, and scattered the high ponytail. Isn't it Takanashi Sukaze who is pretending to be a nurse?

Before he could react for a while, Takanashi gently pushed him back to the ward, and shut the cell door firmly.

Takanashi Xufeng in a white coat let go of the small medicine cart, and said helplessly, "Really, it's already two o'clock in the morning, what are you guys doing out there, you almost slipped out after a while, it's really annoying .”

Kento Kitahara sat on the hospital bed, hesitating to speak, the ward was hot and pungent, he just wanted to go out for some air, and his arm was injured, so it wasn't that he couldn't go to the ground, there were so many things, but seeing Takanashi's selfless determination Attitude, the injured arm can't twist the two healthy legs, so he still shut his mouth tightly.

Takanashi Xufeng first helped her friend to the side of the bed to sit down, and then came to Beiyuan's window with a bottle of glucose and a bottle of normal saline. She was a little angry when she saw the needle hanging on the pillow.

"Did you pull out the needle, Moyou?" She turned sideways and interrogated Kashiwagi, "As a student of science and medicine, how can you easily pull out the needle for a patient."

It's like a scared child being scolded by a parent.Kashiwagi Moyou buried her head and said nothing.

"What can I do? I don't know how to give needles." Xufeng Gaoli became distressed. She could understand the names of medicines, how to change medicines, and the steps of disinfection, but she had never practiced how to give needles.

The Kitahara sage didn't want to be tied up with a tube again and was trapped on the hospital bed. He quickly raised his spirits and said, "There is no need to beat me. I feel refreshed and in good condition. Now I can run two 200-meter tests without any problem!"

"Really?" Takanashi Xufeng didn't quite believe it, and looked at him researchingly.
"I can run from upstairs to downstairs to prove it."

She covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Forget it, I don't want to go downstairs and catch you."

Takanashi Xufeng looked at the needle, then looked at Beiyuan, who had a tense expression, and felt very helpless. The reason why Beiyuan and Moyou were arranged in the same ward was for their convenience to take care of them together.If a professional nurse were to give the needle, if he recognized Moyou and thought of who the boy with the black mask next to him was, it would be a disaster.

Alas, judging by Bei Yuan's current state of mind, it's really okay, if you don't fight, don't fight.

"Okay, I don't need the infusion today, and continue tomorrow. I'll change the black mask on your face for you."

Wearing a mask is to prevent someone from suddenly entering the house and seeing his true face.Kitahara sage touched the black mask and asked, "Can I change the color? Black is too eye-catching."

"I'm looking for it, and it seems to me that Fukada-san has instructed you," Gao Li Xufeng squatted down and rummaged through the box, and then explained to him, "You should be wearing a cleansing mask now, just change to a nourishing and moisturizing mask. Found it Now, you lie on the bed, close your eyes, and don't move your face."

Seeing Xu Feng slowly leaning over and getting closer, Bai Mumoyou couldn't help blurting out, "I'll change it for him!"

Takanashi Xufeng stopped and looked back at Kashiwagi in surprise.

Moyou wants to change the mask for Kitahara?Immediately, she was very relieved. It seemed that Moyou had finally let go of her hatred in her heart, and she wanted to use this to release the goodwill of reconciliation.

Gao Li Xufeng would not stop him, he readily agreed, and helped his good friend to sit beside Beiyuan's hospital bed, with a happy smile on his face.

The Kitahara sage opened his eyes and looked at the two of them. Takanashi was so happy, but he didn't know why, and thought to himself, "You may be a little bit wrong, Baitong doesn't want you to approach me."

With Takanashi watching over, Kashiwagi Moyu didn't dare to finish the job sloppily.

After putting on the facial mask for Beiyuan with all her heart, she carefully arranged the protruding parts of her temples, stroked Beiyuan's forehead and chin lightly, and carefully smoothed out the wet mask. In the end, she couldn't pick out any faults.

The Beiyuan sage who closed his eyes was a little flattered. If it was the past, he would not even dare to think about it.

"Okay." Baimu Moyou reminded in a low voice, and withdrew his hand.

Takanashi Xufeng helped his friend to sit back, looked at Beiyuan and Kashiwagi with strange expressions, and suddenly had a plan.
"I'm going out for a while, and I'll be back soon." She quickly put on the mask, glasses and female head scarf, and pushed the small medicine cart out.

The two people left in the room looked at each other speechlessly and remained silent for a while.

Click, the door was suddenly opened again.

Gaoli Xufeng poked his head out, and said in a solemn tone: "No sneaking away! I will catch you back!"

After she finished speaking, she hastily closed the door again, and the sound of rolling pulleys sounded in the corridor outside.

As soon as Takanashi, who was the bridge, left, he and classmate Bai had no common language on the spot.

The sage of Beiyuan thought that classmate Baitong helped him change a mask, and it made sense to be polite, so he slowly sat up from the hospital bed.

"Thank you."

Baimu Moyou looked up at him, and said awkwardly in his heart, "You're welcome."

"." The sage of Beiyuan fell into silence. At first, the atmosphere was still reluctant, but after finishing a sentence, he felt so embarrassed.

In the past, they got along in private, saving worry and effort. Everyone put on a cold face, said anything when they had something to say, and when they were bored, they never held back.

But now, the two of them are in the same boat, let's say they are friends, it seems that there is still a distance between them, and they are still enemies. From Baitong's attitude towards him, he can't feel the kind of hatred that doesn't share Tokyo.

Just like when Takanashi applied the mask on him just now, if it was the past, that guy would have stared at him long ago, but now, she just buried her head in silence without saying a word.

Xianren Beiyuan really didn't know what kind of relationship he had with Baitong now.He was already very close to the others, but he and his classmate Lily seemed to have just walked on a strange and subtle fork in the circle.
Before groping for a new way of getting along, I'm afraid he can only continue to be awkward, and he feels that, because Takanashi is caught in the middle, classmate Lily may be even more unaccustomed to it than him.

Kento Kitahara was thinking wildly, and after a while, Xufeng Gaoli, a female nurse in a white coat, came back with a casserole.

"You are all hungry, the bone broth stewed last night has been stewed until now."

Gaoli Xufeng went to see the ward, Kitahara sage reminded: "Put it on the small counter, I can eat while lying down or standing."

"Eating while lying down? How uncomfortable that is," Gao Li Xufeng turned the casserole around, "well, today is your sick case, you can just sit down, I will feed you with a spoon."

Kitahara Kento always felt that Takanashi was plotting against him and Bai Tong, so he declined politely: "My right hand can move, it's very convenient, just let it go."

Gaoli Xufeng put down the casserole, stretched out his hand and pressed the Beiyuan sage who had only half stood up back on the bed, and said with a smile: "Your right hand will be reserved for injection tomorrow, open your mouth, and I will feed you."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Moyou, as expected, seeing that she was about to feed classmate Beiyuan, Moyou was already "eager to try".

"Let me come!" Baimu Moyou blurted out.

Takanashi Xufeng blinked at Kashiwagi, she guessed right, Moyou has a thin skin, and she clearly wanted to use actions to compensate Beiyuan classmate, and wanted to show kindness, but she was embarrassed to act.

But as long as she starts first and moves a step, Moyou will immediately walk up the step and be able to speak.

"Okay." Takanashi Xufeng agreed, and handed the spoon to Kashiwagi.

Kitahara Kento hesitated to speak, he was sure that the smiling Takanashi must have thought something wrong!
"Be careful of the heat."

He looked down at the spoon brought over, and then looked up at Moyu Kashiwagi who was avoiding his sight, feeling strange and awkward in his heart.

Originally, the subtle relationship between him and classmate Lily went around and walked into a fork in the road. The delicate relationship was already confusing enough, but Takanashi, who knew nothing about it, continued to fuel the fire in the middle and stepped on the accelerator to the end.What the future will develop into is even more unclear now.

(End of this chapter)

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