Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 325 The inexplicable tacit understanding

Chapter 325 The inexplicable tacit understanding

A game of joint chess was over, and the expressions of the two men and women on the winning side remained unchanged.

Gaoli Xufeng joked with a smile: "How can you say that you shared weal and woe once, don't be so strange to each other, won a big victory, why didn't you even react at all."

Kitahara sage glanced at the indifferent blond girl, should he clap his hands to celebrate?How could this be done.

The two talents have just begun to reconcile, so it is not appropriate to rush for success, Takanashi Xufeng didn't say any more, and studied the chessboard with regret.

"At first, I thought that the gap was not that big, and there should be a chance to fight, but it turned out that Bei Yuan and Moyou cooperated too well, and there was no chance at all."

Xiang Wukui said truthfully, "Senior Kitahara and Kashiwagi have a better understanding than us."

The sage of Beiyuan admitted this, and was really surprised in his heart.

United Chess has a wonderful feature, "one plus one is basically less than two", even if two super world champions are United Chess teammates, it is almost impossible to play at a level greater than two.

When there is not much difference in the overall level of the two sides, the comparison is which side has the tacit understanding, whether there is a tacit understanding, whether the thinking can be consistent, and strive to make one plus one infinitely close to two.If there is a hammer to the east and a hammer to the west, and two people work separately, if they can't force one of them with strength, they will definitely die.

It may be that he and Baitong were classmates. In the past, you often stared at me and I stared at you. The number of eye contact became too many, and a strange tacit understanding was formed for no reason.Often when he hints with his eyes, she can quickly understand the general meaning and respond in time.

As shown in this game, Kitahara Kento really has to admit that, except for the absolute difference in computing power between amateur players and professional chess players, he can't find any faults with Kashiwagi Moyu at all, and he doesn't even use his eyes to hint at her, she She was able to keep up with his thinking and planning, and cooperated quite tacitly except for her last move, the big stinky move, where she released water at a critical moment in an attempt to hand over the victory to Takanashi, but fortunately he discovered it in time.

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, and said with a smile: "I think that next year's high school students' Go tournament will not require Aoi to play again. The combination of Beiyuan and Moyou is enough to sweep the whole field of the United Go team."

Beiyuan sage secretly complained: "Then you have to ask to participate with me first, before Baitong can guarantee to say 'change me!'"

Xiang Wukui's small hand touched the plaster plaster on Shimo Kitahara's left arm, and he raised his head and asked, "Senior Beiyuan, are you still participating in the celebrity title battle?"

"Participate. It's a small injury. The cast will be removed by then."

"But the BC cycle of the celebrity title battle is about to start, can we make it in time?"

"The BC cycle should be too late, and the A cycle is also hard to say, but the plaster cast does not affect the chess game, as long as the brain can be used."

Takanashi Xufeng smiled while tidying up the chessboard: "During this period of time, I have to trouble Moyou to take care of Beiyuan classmate."

The sage of Beiyuan hesitated to speak, he really wanted to say that it would be fine without her to take care of him, and he would eat well just like ordering takeaway.But after thinking about it, it was useless for him to say it. It is estimated that none of the three people would agree, so they endured it.

Kashiwagi Moyu made a serious promise to Takanashi: "I will take good care of him during this period."

It always sounded a bit strange to say this, Takanashi Xufeng covered his mouth with a chuckle, and said, "You can't say this to me, you have to say it to Beiyuan classmate."

Baimu Moyou suddenly realized that she was negligent for a while, why did she promise Xu Feng that she would take good care of Beiyuan sage!
She quickly looked at Beiyuan Xianren with great remorse in her heart, and immediately added: "I promise to take good care of you. Please take care of me."

The Kitahara sage couldn't help feeling weird.

Firstly, classmate Bai's attitude was too polite, which he was not used to.

The second is that he can't help but think that there will be someone crying in his arms in the future.

The third is that the content of Baitong's theory seems a bit ambiguous. He was pulled to the back of the gymnasium before, and he also heard confessions like "I will take you seriously, please take care of me".

The Kitahara sage didn't know what to answer for a while, so he could only reply embarrassingly, "Thank you, me too."

"It is said that a woman in love is an idiot. Could it be that a woman in secret love is also an idiot? You can take care of yourself. A person who is usually quite calm is easy to be stupid when he is in front of Takanashi." He couldn't help it. slander Kashiwagi Moyou,

No matter how weird and awkward the two of them are, Takanashi Xufeng is very happy and relieved. I hope that the two friends can take this opportunity to reconcile smoothly and satisfactorily.

"Ding, ding", the doorbell rang at the corridor entrance.

"Here we come." Takanashi Xufeng leaned forward to answer, and actively went to open the door.

Soon, Xiao Hejian, Ning Ning, and Li Shan came to the living room together carrying large and small bags of visiting patients.Tsurumi and Kuriyama are both "regular customers" of the Kitahara family, and they are used to wandering around casually, not treating themselves as outsiders at all, only Kagawa Ningning who came to the house for the first time was a little cautious and tiptoeing.

"Student Beiyuan, the refrigerator is full, and there is nothing to put in it." Takanashi Xufeng turned around and reminded.

The Kitahara sage was worried when he saw the big bags and small bags on the table, he fell his arm once, it was nothing serious, but the refrigerator suffered a serious crime and was almost broken!

As soon as the three of them came, the originally quiet Beiyuan house suddenly became chaotic. Chiharu Tsurumi, who hadn't seen anyone outside at all, sat on the sofa carelessly, looked around and asked loudly, "I'm a little thirsty, do you have anything to drink?"

Kagawa Ningning rummaged through countless convenience bags and replied, "There is milk, juice, coffee, and something that looks like juice."

"Just milk, get it for me, no pure milk."

The sage of Beiyuan took a peeled orange and asked casually, "Have you paid the final payment?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Tsurumi Chiharu immediately became furious. She managed to plan a seven-day trip to the snow mountain, but in the end it was all ruined by those fools who only knew how to catch up with work!

And rushing to work, those idiots didn't catch up!He actually neglected a protective net, which almost caused a major accident!And they said it was negligence, but what was the real reason, she even suspected that it was cutting corners!
Tsurumi Chiharu was so angry that his teeth were itchy, and he said bitterly, "Pay the balance? I didn't sue them, so it would be nice to sue them for damages!"

Mizuho Kuriyama looked left and right, and reminded: "You seem to have pressed the remote control."

"Oh. I said why it's a bit of a stretch." Tsurumi Chiharu muttered, pulled out the remote control, and continued to scold Yueshan Ski Resort.

After a while, the doorbell rang again at the entrance of the porch, and Nakamura Yuki also came to see him with a bag of visiting gifts.

Apparently he didn't expect that there were so many girls in the room. Nakamura Yuki was stunned for a while, then he quickly reacted and asked concerned: "Beiyuan-kun, is your arm serious?"

"It's okay, it's just a dislocation, and the plaster cast will be removed in five weeks."


The usual quiet Beiyuan's house has become completely lively today. There are four people sitting on the sofa here, and the student union member group is at the dining table on the other side. Fortunately, Minister Sugawara will not be here until tomorrow, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to find a place to sit.

It was lively until lunch time, and they left one after another to go home, leaving him, Kashiwagi, Takanashi, and Kosai Takeoi.

Takanashi Xufeng helped with the cooking, and after lunch, she led Xiaoxiang Wukui and said she wanted to go back until 04:30 in the afternoon.

Today is the first day for Moyou to take care of Beiyuan's classmate. She is worried that Moyou, who has just arrived, can't handle so many things by herself, so she stays with her so late and spends almost the whole day at Beiyuan's house.

Before leaving the small courtyard, Takanashi Xufeng stopped, turned around and said, "Beiyuan, during the summer vacation, you don't have to be distracted by going to the student union, and you can concentrate on going to go, and work hard for the celebrity title battle."

"Moyu, you too, you have to concentrate on taking care of Kitahara-san. There are Okita and Mizuki-san in the student union to help,"

During the summer vacation, many departmental and group activities, such as sports clubs, still have to be held on campus, so the student unions in charge of each departmental group also have to take turns to accompany them.

There was a car of Sangbu's family waiting in the parking lot, Takanashi Xufeng waved his hand with a smile and said goodbye to the two people at the gate of the courtyard.

Watching the vehicle disappear at the corner of the community, after a while, Kitahara sage reminded her: "Go back, don't look."

Baimu Moyou came back to his senses and checked the time on his phone. It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon. He turned to Kitahara sage and said, "You go home and wait for me. I'll go shopping. Is there anything you want to eat?"

"Tomato, whatever you like is fine. Be careful on the road." After finishing speaking, the Kitahara sage was in a strange mood and felt extremely weird.

Usually he was the one who went out, and Huagu sent him to the door, telling him to be careful on the road and wait for you at home.

Now it's him and Baitong's classmate, this strange feeling is really unbelievable.

 The update time remains at [-]:[-] noon and [-]:[-] pm.If the update is late, one possibility is that there is a problem with the scheduled release function, and the other possibility is that I have not saved the manuscript.
(End of this chapter)

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