Chapter 324
There was a table full of expensive dishes, and none of the four of them finished eating.

After the meal, Takanashi Xufeng was very interested in the "classical style" house of Beiyuan's family, and suggested that Beiyuan take them on a tour. Kashiwagi Moyu was washing the dishes, and saw Xufeng go up to the second floor with Beiyuan. I couldn't stay any longer, so I quickly washed my hands and followed.

"This is Beiyuan's room? It's very tidy." Takanashi Xufeng Shensi said in surprise.

"There are not many things, and there is nowhere to go if you want to mess up."

Takanashi Xufeng walked to the desk, picked up a gleaming silver-white mask, and looked around with nostalgia.

The sage of Beiyuan thumped in his heart. He was in a hurry to clean up just now, and he forgot to hide one thing!
The golden harmonica that Yugong Xiaozhai gave him was still on the window sill!
And in the beginning, Takanashi Xufeng borrowed that harmonica from him, and then it was given to him by the house girl Amamiya, how could Takanashi not recognize it! The Kitahara sage quietly moved to the window sill, and quietly put the golden harmonica into his sleeve.

"Student Beiyuan, please put it on again." Gao Li Xufeng turned around, lifted up the silver-white mask, and gestured in front of him.

Baimu Moyou, who had just chased through the door, was glad that he came in time, and hurried forward and said, "I'll help him wear it!"

The sage of Beiyuan heard the reputation and looked at him, wondering why she was everywhere, is it an exaggeration to say that if Gao Li helped him wash his feet, Bai and his classmates would rush to come?
But it happened that the pockets of the cheap home pants he wore as pajamas were very shallow, so it was not convenient to hide the harmonica, and it was easy to fall out. When classmate Bai walked around behind him and helped him put on the mask, he quietly turned his hands behind his back, and the harmonica slipped out of the sleeve. Slide it out, cueing her to take it soon.

Baimu Moyou understood it at a glance, and cooperated with him very tacitly. At the same time as he put down his hand, he took advantage of the opportunity to touch the harmonica, then stepped back naturally, and put it in his pocket.She secretly guessed, could this be what he hurried upstairs to hide?
Takanashi Xufeng didn't notice the secret movements of the two of them at all. She stared at Beiyuan wearing a mask for a while, "Well, it seems to have gained weight, and the temples are showing a little bit."

Beiyuan Xianren agreed naturally: "I also feel a little fatter, maybe it's because I ate too well when I was hospitalized."

Baimu Moyou also calmly echoed: "It's a little fatter."

lie! Xiang Wukui, who was standing next to her, couldn't help opening her eyes wide. She saw everything just now!
She turned her head to look at Sister Takanashi, and then turned to look at Kitahara Kento, with a mirror in her heart, Kitahara-senpai Kashiwagi-senpai secretly colluded again to hide Ou Nei-chan!
She was extremely embarrassed at this moment, whether she should tell Ou Neichan, but when she thought of the possible consequences, she immediately closed her eyes and pretended not to see!

Takanashi Xufeng turned to the door, stretched out his finger and said, "Is the opposite side Haiji's room?"

Kitahara sage said bravely, "It's her room."

Takanashi Xufeng noticed from the corner of her eyes that Xiangwu Aoi closed her eyes in such a good manner, she couldn't help asking in surprise, "Aoi, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Xiang Wukui closed his eyes and said, "I'm playing chess with myself in my mind!"

At the same time, Kitahara Kento hinted at Kashiwagi crazily with his eyes, telling her to find an excuse to take Takanashi downstairs!But it was too late, Taoli Xufeng stepped forward curiously, and opened the jacket door.

Seeing that it was of no help, the sage of Beiyuan quickly followed.

Huagu's room is very spacious. It was originally a big master bedroom, and there is not much furniture. There is a big wooden wardrobe, a cute pink piggy scale, a desk, and a blue fitness ball. Four pieces of furniture make the room look empty.

Takanashi Xu Fengshensi looked around the room curiously. Although she had never seen a naughty Kaiji with elves, Haiji left a deep impression on her as a very lively child who always reminded her of her naughty childhood.

She even envied classmate Beiyuan in her heart, who has a lively and interesting younger sister.

"Did Haiji go on a trip too?" She turned her head and asked.

The Kitahara sage said "Yes" and said, "She went to Hokkaido."

"Are you with Teacher Huajiang?"


Takanashi Xufeng wandered around looking left and right, while thinking for a while and asked: "Student Beiyuan hasn't told her about your dislocated arm injury."

Beiyuan sage sighed, "I didn't tell her, let her play outside for a while longer."

"I dote on my sister very much."

The sage of Beiyuan was speechless, of course such a beautiful and lovely daughter was very doted on, but most of the time, it was because of her headache.

Takanashi Xufeng walked slowly to Huagu's desk. The desk was very tidy. A laptop was placed in the middle. Several books were neatly stacked in a stack and placed in the corner of the desk. Various pens were also inserted in the corner of the desk. Inside the pen holder.There are also some small hairpins and hair ropes in transparent bags.

Gao Li Xufeng gently opened a page of the notebook, which was filled with dense and complicated function formulas. She was very surprised, and she couldn't understand any of them after reading them one by one.

She turned around and asked in surprise, "Student Beiyuan, who is this?"

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at it. This is a function model that the little naughty boy spent a long time learning on the Internet in order to figure out what time he would go home at night. He couldn't understand it, and he couldn't explain it clearly.

Kitahara sage explained truthfully: "She is very interested in astronomy and has a good talent for mathematics. I can't understand the things in it."

He was very impressed. On the second day when he knew Huagu, the little naughty egg gave him an astronomy class simulating the operation of the star system with a broken bathtub, glass marbles and a silk sheet, and said that the seemingly simple The model can even simulate the orbit of the moon landing.

"Astronomy?" Takanashi Xufeng was even more surprised, and smiled again, "Then she must be a character who likes to be unrestrained."

The sage of Beiyuan deeply believed that she was more than unrestrained, she was lawless, and even dared to tease her father for fun when she was a little more courageous, but she had never heard of any child who could do whatever she wanted like her.

No need for Kitahara sage to remind, Kashiwagi Moyou can hardly stand it anymore, she doesn't know Haiji, and she is not interested in that child at all, but Xufeng is very interested in that child, this problem is very serious!

She immediately interrupted: "Let's stop standing, let's go down, there are exactly four of us, how about playing United Chess?"

Takanashi Xufeng slowly recovered.


Going back to the corridor on the second floor, the sage Beiyuan pointed to the room in front that he hadn't visited yet, and introduced: "That's the study room, there's nothing to see in it, let's go down."

There is also a spiritual tablet for the old man in the study.

Takanashi Xufeng nodded, and finally looked back at Haiji's room, then turned around and followed Beiyuan downstairs.

Back in the living room, without Takanashi's arrangement, Kashiwagi Moyu was very active, and she had already learned to answer quickly, so she "volunteered" to find Kitahara Kento for a group.

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at the blond girl who was sitting over, and really wanted to ask classmate Baitong what was in his mind, why it was her every time, and what kind of mentality she had in her mind, she always came to him.

Sacrifice to feed a tiger?Sacrifice yourself for Takanashi?

Kitahara Kento wondered, did he scare Baitong so much? How many times did he promise her that he really wouldn't compete with her for his sweetheart? .

(End of this chapter)

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