Chapter 323 Unseen things

Extremely unreal hallucinations.

Kitahara Kento pretended to be watching TV, but couldn't help but glance into the kitchen counter.

Two days ago, they were still rivals who did not share Tokyo, but in a blink of an eye, the big friends were already standing in his kitchen, tied up their aprons, and were serious about washing vegetables and cooking for him.

"Please use it slowly." Bai Mumo brought over a plate of sliced ​​cantaloupe and placed it lightly.

The Kitahara sage said "Thank you" bravely, looking at the brand new silver knife and fork on the plate, he was silent for a while.

This is too exciting in every sense.

Especially now that he knows that in the future, the woman who is suspected of being a classmate of Bai is crying on top of him. The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that something is wrong with that relationship.

So much so that now, when he saw Baitong, he couldn't help feeling extremely awkward.

The Kitahara sage sighed softly, turned to look at the ingredients to be processed on the kitchen counter, and secretly clicked his tongue.

The meat is extremely expensive Kobe beef, the fish is expensive tuna, and even the wasabi sauce is freshly ground from wasabi root. In comparison, this plate of cantaloupe is at least [-] yen All the cheapest things.

That guy really went all out, and the Kitahara sage silently picked up the silver fork, and quickly calculated in his heart. The cost of today's breakfast alone is estimated to be at least [-] yen, not including all kinds of miscellaneous vegetables and vegetables. That box of snacks doesn't look cheap.

The sage of Beiyuan couldn't help reminding: "It's very expensive to buy these things, don't buy them again in the future, just make some home-cooked vegetables."

Kashiwagi Moyou said calmly while dissecting the tuna skillfully with a knife, "It's not expensive. I said I would enroll in a summer cram school, and my mother transferred a sum of money, plus my living expenses and savings, at least within this month. I can't treat you badly."

Beiyuan's scalp was a little numb, and he persuaded him: "It's really not necessary to be so extravagant, just once in a while, it's okay to do it every day."

Kashiwagi Moyou didn't listen at all.

Kento Kitahara continued to persuade her: "I like tomatoes and ramen. Can you make tomato fried noodles? I can teach you."

Baimu Moyou suddenly stopped the kitchen knife, turned to look at him quietly, and said flatly: "I am rich, and my family is richer. These ingredients are daily dishes for my family."

With one move to kill, the sage of Beiyuan was immediately speechless. There was nothing to say, and he continued to watch TV in silence.

After a while, he asked helplessly, "Have you had breakfast?"


"What to eat?"


Based on the principle of not wasting food, the sage of Beiyuan invited: "Is it okay to eat that, let's eat some together later."

"I'm controlling my weight. Losing weight." Kashiwagi Moyu calmly refused.

The Kitahara sage was a little worried, how could he handle all these expensive ingredients by himself, it would be too wasteful to just watch them being dumped.

Kashiwagi Moyu stopped the kitchen knife and answered the phone.

"I've arrived. Mmm."

"Okay, I'll open the door for you."

She put down her phone, turned on the faucet to wash her hands, Kitahara Kento's gentleness when listening to her words, she guessed in her heart that Takanashi was coming.

"Takahashi-san?" He turned his head and asked.

"It's her. Xufeng has already arrived at the door." Baimu Moyou wiped his hands and went to the porch to open the door. The Kitahara sage stood up and followed,

He had just stepped out of the living room door with one foot, and suddenly remembered something, there was something he had to hide, and it was best not to be seen by Takanashi!
Baimu Moyou just wanted to let Beiyuan, who is the head of the house, open the door, but he turned his head and suddenly ran up the stairs, pedaling, rushing, and did not even say the reason.

She was very surprised, but there was already a knock on the door in the corridor, and she didn't care why the sage of Beiyuan ran away mysteriously, so she concentrated on meeting Xufeng.

On the second floor.

The sage of Beiyuan quickly opened the door of his daughter's room, looked around, and locked his eyes on a small trophy on the table.Literary and Art Award trophy, with his name engraved on it, for the award-winning work "Southland Red Beans".

At the beginning, he thought it would be better to have less than one thing, and concealed from Takanashi that he was the author of "Nanguo Red Bean". Who is the author of "Red Bean", chasing him every day to ask this and that, it is related to Bai's classmate's bottom line, can she accept it?I'm afraid we have to fight again!
"Teacher Beiyuan?" Takanashi called from downstairs.

The Kitahara sage responded to the door, quickly threw the small trophy into Huagu's closet, and hurried downstairs.

When I got down the stairs, I realized that not only Takanashi Xufeng, but also a little Sangbukui came.

Takanashi Xufeng and Xiangwu Kui stood at the entrance of the corridor and waited politely. Upon seeing this, Kitahara sage stepped forward to invite him: "I've been waiting for a long time. I just went upstairs to answer the phone. Please come in."

Baimu Moyou remained silent, there was no ringtone just now, and she didn't even hear his conversation.

Obviously, one guessed it, and it was clear that the sage of Beiyuan had something shady, something that Xu Feng could not know, and urgently hid it.

Takanashi Xufeng didn't doubt Beiyuan, and smiled and handed out a box of hardcover pastries.

"It's the first time to pay a visit, and a little care is not enough to show respect."

"Senior Beiyuan, and mine."

The sage of Beiyuan took over one by one, thanked him, led the way into the living room, and asked enthusiastically, "You guys came just in time. Classmate Kashiwagi cooked a big table of dishes, and I can't do it alone."

In front of the wife in his heart, Baimu Moyou kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything, "Pour it out if you can't finish it."

Takanashi Xufeng looked helplessly at Kashiwagi who was walking towards the kitchen, and turned to Beiyuan.

"I knew it would be like this, don't worry, we have a foresight, and we haven't had breakfast yet."

"Moyou, I'll help you. Aoi, go and accompany Kitahara-san."

Xiang Wukui nodded obediently, knowing that his height would be of no help in the kitchen, so he took out a chessboard from his schoolbag.

"Senior Beiyuan, do you play chess?"

Early in the morning, I played chess without eating. I was afraid that I would get dizzy from calculations. The sage of Beiyuan thought for a while and said: "Go is too tired, let's play renju."

Renju is backgammon. Renju is called in the island country and also in the world. Although the names are different, the playing methods are exactly the same. It is just that it is more formal and can be used on the table.

The sage of Beiyuan didn't study much about Renju chess. He only knew the most basic rules and forbidden moves, such as three-three forbidden moves and four-four forbidden moves.

Unlike Gobang, which has a close-move algorithm, Renzhuqi is a kind of chess with a very large first-hand advantage. It can be said that if the black chess in backgammon does not have a forbidden type, it must be the first to win if it has a huge first-hand advantage. Even if the gods come to play white chess, they can't win!

In fact, basically any kind of chess sport has the characteristics of "first-hand advantage". The draw ended.There are also draws in Go, but that kind of chess is extremely special, very, very rare, and amateur players may not be able to play it once in a lifetime.

Kento Kitahara and Aoi Sangbu were not professional backgammon players, they were just playing to relieve boredom. After playing a few games, Takanashi greeted them for dinner.

Takanashi Xufeng, who was washing the pot, turned his head and asked, "Has Moyou had breakfast?"

Kashiwagi Moyou immediately responded: "Not yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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