Chapter 338
The Kitahara sage who had just woken up was washing his face when the doorbell rang early in the morning.

He hastily grabbed a towel and opened the door while wiping his face.

Open the door, today's classmate Bai finally changed out of the retro long-sleeved black dress that looked so hot, she wore a shiny and luxurious silk black shirt on her upper body, khaki high-waisted straight-leg pants on her lower body, and her long blonde hair With a high ponytail, the whole person looks full of aura, capable and refreshing.This is like doing housework.

He turned sideways and greeted, "You came so early today?"

Baimu Moyou handed back the black sweater to him, and lied about "waking up early" and walked in the door.

When she woke up, her mother hadn't gotten up yet. She didn't want to see her mother again, so she didn't even eat breakfast, so she ran out early.

Saying "clean the second floor today" in advance, Kashiwagi Moyou walked into the kitchen with a vegetable basket, turned on the faucet, and cleaned the vegetables.

The sage of Beiyuan, who had nothing to do, was lying on the sofa, playing chess with his mobile phone, absorbing the essence of thinking from the chess records of top players.

In recent days, he has been playing score during the day to learn the layout, and playing online chess at night to hone his chess skills.

Since he got the professional chess player certificate from Tokyo Chess Academy and passed the professional certification of the online chess platform, it is much easier for him to find a master to invite a battle now. There are so many professional masters online, just pick someone who is idle Just do it.

He doesn't even need to do it himself. Some masters who are unhappy after losing chess and want to pinch a soft persimmon for fun, take a look at his professional certification address, and with the idea of ​​​​bullying the island chess players, they consciously send it to him. open the door,

Even after he narrowly won against an opponent with a silver crown mark (domestic champion or world runner-up), it seems that he has gained a little fame, and now he can occasionally enjoy the "special care" given to seven- and eight-dan masters in the first stage of rookies ".

There are only fifteen days left before the BC cycle of the celebrity title battle, and he has to work harder.

Kashiwagi Moyu brought the last bowl of tomato and mushroom miso soup to the dining table, and turned to remind the sofa.

"It's all ready, let's eat."

The sage of Beiyuan said "oh", put down his phone, got up and went.

He sat down and invited as usual: "Have you eaten yet, let's have some more together."

Considering that there is still a lot of work to be done at noon, Bai Mumo nodded, and went to the kitchen to get an extra set of bowls and chopsticks.

The sage of Beiyuan was stunned for a moment, but he just invited her as usual, did she really agree?Doesn't she feel psychologically awkward?

Kashiwagi Moyu, who seemed to have completely forgotten the awkwardness, picked up the bowl, lowered his head and took a sip of the tomato and mushroom soup, then calmly and naturally picked up a shrimp and put it in his own bowl.

Noticing that the Beiyuan sage on the opposite side hadn't moved his chopsticks for a long time, she asked, "Isn't it to your liking?"

The Kitahara sage quickly looked away, "No, I remembered something trivial."

When he picked up the chopsticks, he remembered that he opened the door to Baitong student just now, and today she didn't bow to greet her again, didn't say "excuse me" any more polite words, and even forgot the word "thank you".

Such an interruption, Baimu Moyou suddenly noticed it in his heart.

It seems that when he asked for an invitation just now, he didn't think about anything, and agreed very naturally?Kashiwagi Moyu stopped her chopsticks and frowned slightly.

She immediately raised her head to look at Beiyuan, stared at him for three seconds, and suddenly found in her heart that the awkward feeling that she wanted to avoid when she saw him before, the discomfort owed in her heart, and the long-standing sense of resistance, Unknowingly, they all disappeared.

Beiyuan Xianren felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by her, and lowered his head to take a sip of soup.

"The soup is delicious."

Baimu Moyou replied subconsciously: "Then I will do it for you next time."

Hearing this, the sage of Beiyuan gradually became strange, and the tone of classmate Bai towards him also changed.

In the past, when she spoke to him, she spoke in a calm voice with a "sense of distance", without the sense of acquaintance at all.

As for who Baitong was talking to, he had an easy-going tone, which he had only seen with Takanashi Xufeng.

The Beiyuan sage was in a strange mood and asked tentatively: "How is this soup made?"

Kashiwagi Moyou, who was still immersed in doubts, didn't even notice the change in his tone, and replied distractedly: "Fry the tomatoes first, then put the mushroom slices, wait for the mushrooms to absorb the soup for a while, pour Two bowls of water."

The sage of Beiyuan listened silently, convinced in his heart that it was not an illusion, and the tone of Baitong's classmates towards him really changed.

Over breakfast, the two had their own concerns.

After meal.

Baimu Moyou, who was washing the dishes, frowned in thought.

After a while, she turned to look at the sofa again, and stared at the sage Beiyuan who was writing the score for five seconds.

She was confused, "Why can't I feel the slightest sense of resistance and rejection towards him? What happened and when did it start?"

After cleaning the pots, plates and chopsticks, she bent down to pick up the kitchen garbage. While thinking deeply, she changed the black garbage bags.

"Just cooking for him and cleaning for a few days, why did it become like this?"

"Did I feel wrong?"

When everything was done, she hesitated in place, tangled in her heart for a while, gritted her teeth, and planned to try it out for herself.

In the past, let alone being close to the sage of Beiyuan, even if she just heard his name or saw him from a distance, she would feel a strong sense of repulsion and resistance in her heart immediately, like positive and negative magnets that repel each other.

After the subsequent trip to the snow-capped mountains, although this feeling of repulsion weakened a lot, it still remained a little bit, and it was transformed into a more complex feeling of repulsion.

Baimu Moyou quietly straightened up, walked cautiously and lightly, and came to the back of the sofa silently.

Holding her breath, she stepped forward slowly, aimed at the back of the head of the sage Kitahara who was resting on the sofa, and took half a step forward.

Kashiwagi Moyu carefully felt the changes in her mood.

"No sense of exclusion"

She continued to verify, slowly stepped forward, and moved a little closer to him.

".There is still no sense of repulsion."

This time, she was worried that the sage of Beiyuan would notice something, and she wanted to make a quick decision, so she simply took a big step, and walked away as soon as she felt it.

Unexpectedly, the distance was already very close, and her steps were a bit too big. By mistake, her belly button bumped into the back of his head suddenly, causing his head to wobble.

The Kitahara sage was about to click on a chess record, but before his thumb touched it, he suddenly felt a bump on the back of his head, and his new mobile phone almost flew out of his palm under the stimulation.

He hurriedly turned around and turned around sharply to look back, but he didn't expect his cheeks to rub again.


His brain froze for a moment, what the hell! ——
Recently, it is very strict, and the description cannot be out of line. This chapter has been harmonized, and I am afraid that the book will be closed. In the future, the emotional description that is really embarrassing will be posted in a way that everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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