Chapter 339


As if getting an electric shock for a moment, his body trembled, numb and numb.

The sage of Beiyuan came to his senses one step faster than her, and hurriedly leaned back, staring blankly at Baitong, who was attacking him.

What is she doing?
Baimu Moyou stood there in a daze, unable to speak.

The sage of Beiyuan hesitated to speak, and couldn't help reminding: "The quality of your shirt is very good."

His nose was so painful from being scratched by the buttons of her shirt, that two of them just barely burst open in the middle.It's not like his shirts, only after washing them a few times, Huagu's little hand can unbutton them all for him.

Kashiwagi Moyou, whose brain was down, looked down blankly, and the black shirt had turned into an "ultra-short t-shirt" that exposed his waist and abdomen.

"I'll go to the second floor to remove the curtains." She hurriedly left a sentence, ran away in a panic, and went upstairs while re-buttoning.

Why didn't he even have a single explanation? The Kitahara sage sat back upright speechlessly, "What the hell is she doing? Do you suspect me of whispering to Takanashi Xufeng?"

On the second floor, Huagu's bedroom.

Baimu Moyou leaned against the wall and slid to the ground in a daze.

Her slender index finger penetrated into the shirt, touching the skin that was still warm,

Baimu Moyou was frightened, so she quickly withdrew her hands in fear and stood up with her head buried.Without saying a word, he buried his head in cleaning up the sundries on the table, then stepped on it, and removed the curtains with his hands.

It may be because of her absent-mindedness that she couldn't control her fingers anymore. She stumbled and stumbled to remove a mere curtain hook. It took seven or eight minutes to remove only half of it.

There was a sound of opening the jacket door behind her, and she heard Beiyuan sage saying to her, "This old curtain has never been easy to remove. Slow down and don't worry. Be careful not to fall. I will help you hold the table."

Baimu Moyou didn't respond, and concentrated on dealing with the curtain hook.Try to concentrate and ignore that strange tingling feeling.

After a while, I heard the instructions from below: "There is no air-conditioning on the second floor. If you are hot, you can come down and rest for a while. There is plenty of time, so don't be in a hurry."

"It's okay, I'm not hot yet."

The sage of Beiyuan was speechless, seeing that the back of her neck was sweating, he also said that she was not hot.

"You remove the curtain hook—" Kitahara sage wanted to say, "pass me the removed curtain hook", but when the words came to his lips, he changed his words and said, "You just throw the curtain hook on the ground. It won't break."

"Well, let it go, be careful not to hit it."

It took more than ten minutes before the curtain fell to the ground.

Baimu Moyou jumped down carefully, already dripping with sweat from the heat, fine beads of sweat appeared on her white neck.

Then she turned her head and asked, "Is the quilt in the closet?"

Kitahara sage nodded, and before he could speak, Kashiwagi Moyou walked towards the closet without stopping, took out several stacks of mattresses heavily, and took off the covers one by one in an orderly manner.

The Kitahara sage closed his mouth, helpless.

He was quite convinced when he saw classmate Bai cleanly remove the quilt covers one by one. In the past, every time he dried the quilt cover, the most troublesome thing for him was to stuff the quilt. dizzy.

But no matter how proficient she was, she couldn't stand the large number. She took out the super-thick pile of quilt covers, pillow covers, mats and bed sheets that had been out for a long time.

Seeing how hot her clothes were sticking to her skin, the relaxed Beiyuan sage advised, "Go downstairs and drink some water before cleaning up."

Baimu Moyou, who was sitting on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and asked, "Are there many things in your room?"

There are not many things in his room, and the curtains are also small.A small second bedroom.Before his daughter came, he had a headache and a lot of sundries, and it was very troublesome to clean them up, so he simply stuffed them in the master bedroom and study.

Beiyuan Xianren said with a serious expression: "There are so many, several times more than this room, and it is impossible to clean them up in less than three hours. Besides, the upstairs room is stuffy, so let's clean it up in two days."

Baimu Moyou gritted his teeth and stood up, "Then let's go all out and finish cleaning up early."

The sage of Beiyuan was stunned for a moment, it was different from what he had imagined.

Baimu Moyou opened the coat door and took a step ahead, but he had no choice but to get up and follow.

After opening the closet and wardrobe in his room, Kashiwagi Moyu looked at him in surprise and asked, "That's all?"

Kitahara sage glanced at the two short sets of tatami mats and nodded.

"That's all."

Just these things, and leave a set of mattresses to sleep on.Don't say three hours, two days, even with the small curtain, she can get everything done within 10 minutes. Baimu Moyu was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "Go downstairs and have a rest." .”

"I'm not hot, let me change the curtains for you."

"No, you go down and wait for me."

Seeing that she was about to reach out and push him, the sage of Beiyuan had no choice but to retreat and went downstairs first.

Baimu Moyou gently pulled the jacket on the door, and stood there without moving for a long time.She, who seldom receives attention from others, has an indescribably complicated mood swing at this moment.

in the living room.

The sage of Beiyuan was really helpless because of that stubborn donkey.

Although I can understand her, I want to try my best to repay the favor within ten days, and we will not owe each other in the future, but there is no need to be so brave. If the curtain falls when changing the curtain, it will be uncertain who will take care of the other.

He came to the refrigerator, took out a large watermelon, went to the kitchen and cut it in half, inserted a spoon in each, took half with him, and left the other half for classmate Bai who will come downstairs later.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, he heard the sound of stomping downstairs, and turned his head to see that Kashiwagi Moyou passed the door with a large bag of curtains and walked towards the bathroom.

Beiyuan Xianxin thought that she would definitely not let him help, so he had no choice but to remind: "Hold less at a time, at worst, take more times. Be careful that you can't see the way, and it is easy to fall."

Classmate Bai did not respond.

He felt that he was about to become an old father who liked to nagging his disobedient daughter.

"You don't need to hold them all down, wash them, dry them, and take them out."

"I cut half of the watermelon for you, eat two bites before you get busy. It's on the kitchen counter."

Seemingly annoyed by his nagging, the "disobedient daughter" finally responded.

"I know how to eat. You should read your chess records seriously."

Knowing that he was disgusted by the nagging, Beiyuan sage silently ate a spoonful of watermelon, Yu Guangmin flicked his classmate Bai's high ponytail behind his back, hurriedly went to eat two spoonfuls of watermelon, and then hurriedly left.

In addition to the cooling sound of the air conditioner and the drum of the washing machine, there is only classmate Bai running up and down the stairs in the house.The sage of Beiyuan glanced at her silently like this, hurriedly carried a pile of things downstairs, quickly went into the living room to eat a bite of watermelon, and then hurriedly went upstairs, and so on, she went back and forth eleven times.

Finally, at No.11, all the things to be washed were moved into the bathroom. The relieved Kashiwagi Moyou dragged his exhausted body into the living room, leaned on the sofa, and quietly enjoyed the coolness brought by the air conditioner.

The sage of Beiyuan, who has long been used to educating naughty kids every day, couldn't help reminding: "Be careful of heatstroke and cold when it's cold. Don't stand in the wind."

Kashiwagi Moyou, who had his back to Beiyuan, took a deep breath, and after calming down, he was speechless for a long time.
Recently, it is very strict, and the description cannot be out of line. The end of the last chapter has been harmonized. I am afraid of closing the book, and I dare not make waves.

Note the punctuation mark, the "comma," at the end of each paragraph.If not, it hasn't been released yet.

(End of this chapter)

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