Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 340 Unforeseen circumstances

Chapter 340 Unforeseen circumstances
"Why do you like preaching so much?" Baimu Moyou couldn't help it, and solemnly expressed his dissatisfaction: "I am a student of science and medicine, I can guarantee that if you just blow the cold wind for a while, you will definitely, definitely, definitely not suffer from heat stroke cold!"

The sage of Beiyuan stopped talking and kept silent.

If she doesn't listen, there's nothing she can do.It wasn't that the cold wind was blowing for a while, she went in and out of the air-conditioned room eleven times back and forth, hot and cold for a while, and she was sweating so much.

He glanced at classmate Bai who was facing the cold wind, and murmured in his heart, "Has she not noticed the change in her tone yet?"

At this moment, Baimu Moyou is seriously considering whether to take a hot shower—she smartly brought all the clothes she changed today—but then she thinks that she will have to dry the bedding later, and she will have to dry the bedding intermittently. Moving a lot of things up again will inevitably make you sweat again, and how many times you have to take a hot shower.And if you wash your skin too often, it will dry out!
"Forget it, bear with it for a while."

Just looking at her sitting next to the air conditioner, the sage of Beiyuan felt cold, thinking that women belong to Yin, could it be that they are not afraid of the cold?But when I think about the cold winter days, many girls don't even wear cotton trousers, but dare to walk on the street in stockings, maybe they are really not afraid of the cold.

It wasn't until the front-loading washing machine in the bathroom rang out that Moyu Kashiwagi, who was dazed by the air conditioner, slowly recovered and got up to dry the clothes.

The sage of Beiyuan turned his head and reminded: "The clothes drying pole is in the courtyard, and the master bedroom on the second floor can also dry clothes."

"I know. I've seen it before."

The sage of Beiyuan, who knew that he was disgusted by his long-winded words, stopped talking and continued to write scores with his mobile phone.

"Hey, it's better for my own daughter to care about her with good intentions, but still be disgusted and talkative. At least Huagu can listen to her, but she always makes plausible sophistry and doesn't accept it."

outside the courtyard.

Kashiwagi Moyou reached out and wiped the clothesline to wipe off the dust, then folded the sheet in half, stood on tiptoe, and hung it vertically on the rope.

The clothesline is not long, and can only hang three large sheets at the same time. The sun is fierce at noon and afternoon, and it can be dried in about three hours. Plus the miscellaneous pillowcases and the like, if you calculate it like this, you can’t hang it until tomorrow morning!
Baimu Moyou took a few steps back, looked around the courtyard, and started thinking.

An old cherry tree was planted in the courtyard. The shortest treetop can be used, and it is quite close to the clothes drying pole. Baimu Moyou hurried back to the living room and asked, "Is there any rope at home?" ?”

Kitahara sage turned to look at her, "Yes. What do you want to do?"

"One rope is too inefficient, connect two more."

The sage of Beiyuan sighed and asked, "Do you have to finish it in one day?"

"All at once." Kashiwagi Moyou replied again.

The sage of Beiyuan rested his forehead and sighed, "In the study, it's in the third box from the left in the upper row, go and get it."

Without further words, Kashiwagi Moyou quickly climbed up to the second floor.

Opening the door of the study, she was about to rummage through the rope quickly, but when she saw that there was a spiritual tablet enshrined in the room, she suddenly slowed down, said "Excuse me" silently, and opened it with light steps. box,

More than a dozen large boxes were piled up, and there must be all sorts of sundries in them. Thanks to the Kitahara sage, he could remember where the ropes were. Kashiwagi Moyou quickly found a set of ropes in order, and exited the room lightly. Then hurry back to the small courtyard.

Tie one end of the rope to the shortest treetop, and the other end to the clothesline. The three clotheslines form an acute triangle. Kashiwagi Moyou goes back to the house and takes out the washed pillowcases and quilt covers, one by one. Hang up.

After finishing everything, she continued to wash the next batch of bedding.

The sage of Beiyuan watched her go back and forth, busy to and fro, the hair on her ears and temples was soaked in sweat, so she wiped it with a paper towel without stopping until the three clotheslines were full and she could take a short rest. Yes, she sat in front of the air conditioner again.

I really don't know whether to say that she is not afraid of the cold, or that she is too hot.

But the sky was unpredictable, the originally sunny noon, suddenly after lunch, dark clouds floated quietly.

The two people in the room hadn't noticed yet, one was writing scores, the other was washing dishes, when suddenly there was the sound of heavy rain outside, the Kitahara sage was stunned for a moment, and hurried to the porch, opened the door to have a look, outside It was raining cats and dogs, and the wind was blowing.

Baimu Moyou also hurried over, looking up at the dark sky.

Thunderstorm?Or a typhoon? .She was at a loss.

The sage of Beiyuan said helplessly: "Let's let it drench, it's all soaked anyway."

Baimu Moyou stared blankly at a series of heavy raindrops, and a gust of wind blew up, making the sheets on the clothesline rattle.

She asked in a daze: "What if the bed sheet is blown away?"

"Blow it away and buy it again." Bei Yuan Xianren looked at her like a fool.If one rope is okay, at most two trips will be taken, and it will be brought back soon, but now the three ropes are full of bedding, which is really troublesome to put away!
"Don't worry about it, there are so many things hanging out outside, when do you have to clean them up? How many times do you have to run back and forth? Come and collect them after the rain stops, maybe it won't blow away."

Kashiwagi Moyu, who realized that he had done a stupid thing just now, fell silent, this time it was completely a disservice.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth reluctantly, suddenly bent over to put on her shoes, and rushed into the heavy rain, toward the dozen or so sheets and quilts that were buzzing.

The sage of Beiyuan is a little confused, this girl is stubborn again!

Watching classmate Bai come back with a ball of bed sheets in the heavy rain, he couldn't stand anymore. He is a big man, and he watched a woman charge in the rain, but he looked at him coldly and hid under the eaves. This is really unreasonable. !

He hurried back to the house, grabbed the umbrella, opened it with a "swish", ran to Baimu Moyou's side, opened the umbrella for her with his right hand, and ran into the house together.

In the strong wind, Baimu Moyou, who was drenched in the water, reminded him loudly: "The plaster should not be poured with water."

"I know, just go to the hospital and make a new one tomorrow. Leave it alone and collect the sheets!"

Baimu Moyou didn't say a word anymore, pulled off a quilt cover with all his strength, huddled under the umbrella, put her body as close as possible to his left arm that had been casted, and ran into the house with her head buried.

It is easy to go up the mountain, but difficult to go down the mountain; dry sheets are easy to dry, but drenched sheets are very heavy!I can't remember how many times I ran back and forth, but I only remember that every time I lifted the sheet, I would slap her face with water, until the Kitahara sage yelled at her, "Don't go! It's all been taken back!"

Baimu Moyou, whose vision was wet by the rain, turned around quickly, buried his head and ran back to the house, panting and sitting tiredly at the door of the porch.

The Kitahara sage threw her a bath towel, and the drenched man and woman sat together at the entrance of the porch, with a pile of bed linens behind them.

Kashiwagi Moyu untied the hair rope, gathered her wet blond hair on her chest, and wrung out the rainwater.

"Is the plaster soaked? I'll accompany you to the hospital tomorrow." She turned to look at Beiyuan.

"It's okay," Kitahara sage tapped on the still hard plaster, "I put on a waterproof sleeve bag for bathing in advance."

Baimu Moyou carefully observed the plaster in the waterproof sleeve bag, and felt a little relieved.

She unbuttoned her collar and wiped her drenched hair and neck with a bath towel.The black silk shirt was completely soaked, and it snaked tightly against the surface of the skin. The impressive height difference between the waist, abdomen and chest formed a straight "black cliff".

The sage of Beiyuan turned his head to look at her, and was slightly stunned for a moment, then his eyes were attracted by a red belt on her snow-white collarbone, and his mind was stunned for a moment.
Kashiwagi Moyu, who was wiping the end of her hair, didn't notice, and even ignored the shameful thing she was wearing under the black shirt.

"Go take a shower first, I'll wash it later." She wiped her hair and said.

The sage of Beiyuan stood up unnaturally, coughed and said in a dry voice: "You go first, I will wash after you."

 Saw the reader's message.Does anyone know how to change the female lead label to the heroine label, I show the heroine in the background, but the app shows the female lead.

(End of this chapter)

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