Chapter 344 Tension

Classmate Bai hurriedly bought back two bags of tomatoes, three boxes of potatoes, three cauliflowers, and four boxes of vermicelli that he didn't know where to buy.

The sage of Beiyuan picked up a box of vermicelli, looked left and right, and was quite surprised. The vermicelli was not called vermicelli, but the printed name on the package was "Chunyu".

"Where did you buy this thing? I haven't seen it before."

Kashiwagi Moyu explained while storing the food in the refrigerator: "A specialty product store. I asked the owner. There is a food factory in Nara that produces Chunyu (vermicelli)."

Beiyuan sage asked: "Do you like to eat 'ants climbing trees'?"

"Well, the taste is soft and crunchy, very elastic, and a little spicy."

Kento Kitahara continued to ask curiously, "What kind of stir-fry does Takanashi-san like?"

"Xufeng likes everything. My favorite is hot pot. It's a bit like sukiyaki, but it's not sukiyaki." Kashiwagi Moyu closed the refrigerator, turned to Beiyuan and said, "I'll go home, and I'll be back soon."

Kitahara Sage, who was already looking up the recipe for "Ants Climb a Tree", said casually, "Be careful on the road."

Baimu Moyou was uncomfortable all over, and felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

Mother said this to her, and Xu Feng also said it to her. She didn't feel any surprise, but she didn't know why, but every time the sage of Beiyuan told her, "Be careful on the road", she couldn't calm down.

She walked out of the living room without saying a word, walked to the door of the corridor, opened the door and left.

Kitahara sage took out a pen and paper, broke down the cooking steps on the Internet, and recorded in detail the amount and order of condiments used.

About four or ten minutes later, he heard the doorbell ring and got up to open the door.

Opening the door, he stepped aside, Kashiwagi Moyu passed him with a laptop bag, and put it on the coffee table in the living room.

"Tch", she unzipped the zipper of her computer bag and explained, "I was in the woods that day, and your and her recordings are stored here."

Kitahara Kento watched her take out the USB flash drive, CD, solid state drive, mobile phone memory card and card reader one by one with a little dumbfounded, and she even had another mobile phone!
Kashiwagi Moyou turned on his laptop, turned his head and said, "Sit here."

Kitahara Kento walked over in a daze, and sat next to the blonde girl.

Beiyuan Xiancai sat next to her, with shoulders less than [-] centimeters apart, she felt a throbbing feeling of being at a loss for a moment, and her heart was very nervous, as if every movement became unnatural, and she paid great attention to every movement of her own.

She quickly suppressed the inexplicable throbbing in her heart, moved the mouse with her palm, and double-clicked a folder named "Learning Materials".

"This is your recording audio file, watch it, I will delete it now, and then empty the recycle bin."

"The storage backup in this cloud disk is also deleted, and the deletion and restoration of the recovery area are also cleared."

"There is no backup of your recordings in this hard disk. If you are worried, you can check the computer." She turned her head to look at Bei Yuan's profile, and took advantage of the situation to sit a little further away.

Beiyuan sage said: "No need, I trust you, you continue."

Kashiwagi Moyou, who sat a little further away, suddenly felt less nervous in his heart, as if even his heartbeat became more stable.She looked back unnaturally.

Then connect the U disk, CD, mobile phone memory card, and another mobile phone to the computer one by one, and delete the recording backup inside.In the end there was only one SSD left.

The sage of Beiyuan was dazzled, he hesitated to speak, how many times she backed up, she must have been too cautious.

Kashiwagi Moyou connected the last external solid-state drive to the computer with a data cable, and double-clicked to open it.

There are only two folders inside, one is aboveboard and says "recording", and the other is "childhood photo".

Moyou Baimu moved the mouse around, "This folder contains your recordings."

Kento Kitahara nodded, and then glanced at the folder named "Childhood Photos", guessing that it should be a photo of her and Takanashi Xufeng when they were young.

Although he was really curious about what Baitong and Takanashi Xufeng looked like when they were young, it's better not to mention this kind of thing that challenges Baitong's bottom line.

"I have deleted all the recordings now, and I promise that there will be no backup left."

The sage of Beiyuan also took out his mobile phone in a "reciprocal manner" and said, "I am much simpler than you. I only save it in the cloud disk that comes with the mobile phone."

He showed it under the eyes of classmate Bai, opened the video footage that Fat Rabbit was born and died for him, sneaked into Baimu's house, and secretly captured it, and then deleted them one by one in front of her.

After destroying the "nuclear weapons" they held in their hands and peacefully settling the dispute, the sages of Beiyuan, who had a lot of peace of mind, smiled and said, "Then let's settle the old accounts and start over?"

"It's a write-off." Bai Mumo bowed his head and reached out to close the laptop.

Kitahara sage pressed the two pieces of paper on the table with his fingers, and pushed them in front of her.

"This is a Chinese recipe I searched on the Internet and translated into Japanese that you can understand.

"The other piece of paper is the names of common vegetables and condiments. I have translated them in Chinese for you. I have also marked the temperature of low, medium and high heat for you. After you memorize them all, read the Chinese again. The recipe should be smoother, if you don’t understand, you can ask me again.”

Baimu Moyou touched the two pieces of paper, looked at them carefully, and asked, "How much salt is the 'appropriate' amount of salt? Isn't there a standard ratio?"

The sage of Beiyuan explained carefully: "The salt you put in one catty of vegetables and two catties of vegetables must be different, and people from different places have different tastes. It's over."

"Chinese food is very complicated, from knife skills to various cooking methods, and various secret recipes for seasoning. Just like a chicken, fried, cooked, fried, boiled, stewed, marinated and marinated, mixed with raw, roasted and steamed, the flavors are different. Specific Breaking it down, there must be 100 or [-] kinds of recipes for a few, and even more than [-] are not an exaggeration. If you add private dishes, there will be more."

"I advise you to give up the idea of ​​learning everything as soon as possible. It's impossible. Many super famous chefs who have spent their entire lives dare not say that they know all the styles of Chinese food. You learn a few home-cooked dishes that you miss in childhood, and occasionally make them for yourself. Try it with Takanashi-san, that's enough."

Baimu Moyou was silent, noncommittal.If Xufeng likes to eat, even if Chinese food is difficult, she will try her best to overcome it.

She silently folded two precious recipe translations and introductory tutorials in half, and kept them close to her body.

The sage of Beiyuan didn't say any more. In fact, he felt in his heart that the knife work before cutting the potato shreds was enough for her to ponder for a long time.There is a big difference in taste between shredded potatoes grated with a grater and shredded potatoes cut with a knife.

"I'll teach you what's going on in a while. By the way, do you know steamed buns? It's buns without stuffing."

"Steamed buns." Baimu Moyou seriously recalled for a moment, and asked, "Is it white, soft, semi-circular pasta kneaded out of flour?"

"Hmm. Have you eaten?"

Baimu Moyou nodded slightly, "Xufeng's grandmother steamed it for us. But after Xufeng and I tried it a few times, the steamed buns were a bit hard and not so white."

A little hard?Not white? The Kitahara sage couldn't explain why for a while, and after thinking about it, he said, "I'll find a tutorial on the Internet, and you can try it in the afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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