Chapter 349

Forest trail.


I can't count how many cicadas are making noise nearby, but Baimu Moyou only feels that the cicadas' singing is more turbulent than the waterfall, and the noise makes her very uneasy.

"He must not forget to take out the underwear in the closet. There are also steamed buns, he must not forget to turn off the fire." Unknowingly walking to the door of the wooden house, Baimu Moyou came back to his senses, and gently pushed the door open with his palm .

The student union office was very quiet. The two girls sat opposite each other, both thinking hard.There is a chess board on the table.

Gao Lixu looked towards the door when he heard the sound, his mind was slightly surprised.

"Why is Moyou here?"

"His family is back. Starting tomorrow, I will help you." Baimu Moyou stepped forward with a soft expression.

Hearing this, Xiang Wukui straightened up quickly, already eager to try, ready to go.

"Ou Nei-chan, shall I go to see Senior Beiyuan?"

"Okay, be careful on the road." Taoli Xufeng instructed.

Xiang Wukui quickly jumped off the chair, didn't even clear the chessboard on the table, put on her schoolbag, and left immediately.

She and Sister Takanashi have already discussed that when Senior Kashiwagi's side is over, she will take over seamlessly and help Senior Kitahara study the weird moves of AI Go, and - she still has a little bit of thoughtfulness.

Takanashi Xufeng watched her leave, stood up, and stretched slightly.

"The student union is quite free at the moment. As long as no one comes to the door, you can drink tea, read a book, play chess, and if you are sleepy, you can sleep for a while. How are you getting along with Beiyuan these days?"

Baimu Moyou was silent for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Do you get along well?Judging from the results, it is true.

But for her. She felt very bad, physically and mentally because of him became a lot strange.

"It went well." Kashiwagi Moyu just replied like this.

Housed in an old detached log house with modern furniture.

Huagu turned around in a hurry, jumping up and down, lying on the ground looking around like a cat for a while, jumping on the sofa again, rummaging around, as if trying to find some clues.

Huajiang Qinyin had no choice but to know the truth about the red underwear, but she promised that the little villain would not tell Haiji.

The sage of Beiyuan sat on the sofa calmly, not at all worried that the little naughty egg would find something.Classmate Baitong cleaned his house very clean. The ground was swept every day, mopped every day, and the garbage was dumped every day. Even if he was asked to look for it, he didn't know where to find it.

After a while, the little naughty egg hurried into the living room with a ball of bath towels in his arms.

"I found it!" Huagu said with a confident expression of "Don't try to lie to me", "There is an extra towel in the bathroom than before, and this bath towel! Tell me, who came to our house before! It must be a girl!"

"There are still so many steamed buns. Dad must not have steamed them alone! This is also proof!"

Kitahara sage teases his daughter leisurely and plays detective to solve the case with her.

"I'm alone at home, so what's wrong with steaming some steamed buns when I'm bored? It's not that I can't make noodles with one hand. And which girl can steam steamed buns? This is Chinese cuisine."

"Bath towels and towels are for Sister Qinyin, you are overthinking."

"The evidence you imagined is not sufficient and invalid."

Faced with sophistry, Huagu, who could not find any solid evidence, was furious, threw down the bath towel, turned around and ran up to the second floor with a "squeaky look".

"Don't try to lie to me, there must be women's long hair somewhere!"

Kitahara Kento was unmoved and watched TV calmly.

Let her look for it, let her rummage, if she can find a golden hair, she wins.

After a while, Huagu walked into the living room with puffy cheeks and pouted lips, staring at her father.

The sage of Beiyuan smiled and said, "I didn't find it? I told you, it's because you thought too much."

Hua Gu insisted: "There is an extra black apron in the kitchen."

Beiyuan Xianren excused: "I bought it for myself, you use your brain, which young girl buys an apron, will buy a pure black one?"

Bai Tong's classmate bought the black apron because he deliberately imitated Yu Gong's small house girl's dress style, and he concluded that the little naughty boy didn't know the twists and turns in it.

"Sophistry!" Huagu still didn't give up, "I heard it all, you have a red underwear, you must have bought it for girls!"

"How can I buy that kind of underwear for girls. I have said it many times. It is the merchant who sent the wrong product, and it has nothing to do with me."

Huajiang Qinyin stretched out her arms with a smile, hugged Huagu, and hugged her into her arms.

She excused the sage of Beiyuan: "Maybe it's really a misunderstanding, don't worry about that little scoundrel."

Huajiang Qinyin paused and quickly changed the subject.

"Xiaoxian, have you changed your mobile phone? What about the one I bought for you?"

Huagu turned her head to look at the coffee table. She was looking for the woman's hair just now, but she didn't notice that her father's mobile phone suddenly changed.

Beiyuan Xianren glanced at his daughter and saw her staring at his new mobile phone. He knew in his heart that the mobile phone Baitong gave him was really the one he would return as a souvenir in the future.

But it stands to reason that there should be two returned mobile phones. After all, the last mobile phone was bought for him by Sister Qinyin, which is also of commemorative significance. In the future, he should not throw it away casually.

But history seems to have changed.

He used to have a smart phone, but after his daughter arrived, he asked Huagu to use it, so that she could play online when she was bored.

He himself bought an old-fashioned flip phone and used it to make use of it. Later, sister Qinyin saw it and replaced it with a new phone for him.

All in all, he shouldn't have had the last phone.

Beiyuan Xianren explained casually: "The one you bought for me accidentally fell on the ground, and the screen was broken."

Huagu looked at the new mobile phone on the coffee table with a small face. She was so familiar with it, even more familiar with this "old mobile phone" than her father.

She firmly believed in her heart that there must be something hidden in this matter!

Maybe it's related to the owner of the red underwear!Even dislocated his arm with Dad, there is no escape from the connection!

"Where is the red underwear hidden, let me see."

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at the little naughty egg, indifferent.

He was very sure in his heart that Huagu might have seen red underwear, but he definitely hadn't seen that red underwear.

Because no matter how nostalgic my future self is, he will never keep the sexy lingerie worn by his classmates for more than ten years.That's not nostalgia, that's perversion.

The daughter knew it, but the sage of Beiyuan didn't want his daughter to see that premature thing with her own eyes. He taught the ten-year-old child: "You are young, don't look at things that don't belong to your age."

Huagu said unconvinced: "Oni-chan fell in love before the age of ten, and slept with girls, and took a couple bath together. Is that something that should be done at that age? Why can't Haiji look at a piece of underwear? "

The sage of Beiyuan was speechless for a moment, how long did he have to talk about this matter.

He glared at Hua Jiang Qinyin, as if to say to her, "Look at how you have taught the children!"

Huajiang Qinyin hid her mouth and snickered, just sat aside and watched the excitement with her little naughty egg in her arms.

Huagu moved her gaze, staring at her father's "little belly", and always felt that the underwear was hidden in the clothes.

The sage of Beiyuan sat a little farther away calmly, and the disaster was brought to the east.

"The red underwear is on your sister Qinyin, you can ask her to see it."

Huajiang Qinyin rolled his eyes at him, smiled and rubbed Huagu's little head.

Huagu didn't believe it, and stared straight at his "little belly".

The next moment, she stood up suddenly, and the cute tiger pounced on the food, and threw herself into the arms of the sage in Beiyuan, groping with her little hands.

The sage of Beiyuan hurriedly stretched out his hand to drive away the "little cute tiger", constantly threatening her.

"It hurts, it hurts, I touched the plaster, hey!"

The fierce little tiger couldn't hold back with one hand, and a warm little paw touched his stomach, and pulled out the black plastic bag with a "swish".

Huagu flipped off the sofa nimbly, stretched her short legs, and ran far away to look at the things in the black bag.

She was taken aback immediately, and put it in front of her nose again, her little nose moved, and she sniffed carefully.

It smells like your own washing powder, and someone has clearly worn it!

Huagu raised his head, and looked at his father very delicately, full of deep meaning.

Beiyuan sage said solemnly: "The store delivered the wrong product."

Huagu had a face full of disbelief, and even argued that someone passed through it!

"Dingling", the doorbell suddenly rang.

(End of this chapter)

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