Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 358 What To Do When Loneliness Comes

Chapter 358 What To Do When Loneliness Comes

"Bang", close the heavy door.

Putting on the pink slippers, Kashiwagi Moyou walked into the living room with mixed feelings.

The house is quiet, without any noise.

She silently looked around the deserted living room and lowered her head slightly.

Since leaving Beiyuan's house, the most unbearable part of her day was the twelve hours when she went home and lived alone.

Not to mention being free, even when she was busy with housework, she couldn't help it. She remembered the lively ten days at Beiyuan's house, and seeing the deserted present, she couldn't help feeling a great gap feeling, and a sense of loneliness.

Baimu Moyou took a deep breath, concentrated his mind, and forced his brain to only think about Xufeng, and ignore other "idle people".

She had a lesson from the past, she didn't sit on the sofa, she was in a daze, it would only make herself more uncomfortable.

She hypnotized herself wholeheartedly, and kept telling herself in her heart: "Stop thinking about it, now practice cooking for Xufeng. Stop thinking about it, and practice cooking for Xufeng now."

Kashiwagi Moyou walked towards the kitchen counter while meditating.Prepare seasoning, wash and chop vegetables.
After half an hour.

She came to the dining table, put down the plate, pulled out the chair, and sat down.

Apart from her, there is no one seated at the rectangular dining table made of black marble

Baimu Moyou watched all this silently. After a moment, she felt touched, as if she was so lonely that her heart became fragile, very empty and lost.

When she realized it, she hurriedly stood up, walked away from the dining table as fast as she could, lowered her head, and trotted into the bedroom.

Not suitable for dinner tonight.

“Going out for dinner and then coming home”

He fell heavily on the soft white bed, and on the bedside table, the fluorescent electronic alarm clock displayed the time as "6:48"

Kashiwagi Moyu hugged the pillow in pain, as if he had left Beiyuan's house, and he really couldn't get used to living alone.

My former self was not like this at all.Even if the wind is howling outside, even if the rain is pouring, even if the thunder is rushing against the clouds, she doesn't care about them at all, she just quietly looks forward to it in her heart, tomorrow will come sooner, and then she will see the wind.

After being polluted by him, his whole body and mind became weak.When a person is at home, the feeling of loneliness and emptiness cannot be avoided or escaped.Even though the door is closed, loneliness still blows in.

"Why did it become like this?"

Baimu Moyou murmured silently.

"Enough is enough."

After lying down for an unknown amount of time, Baimu Moyou sat up upset and went back to the living room.

She opened the zipper of her purse, took out the two books that Xufeng recommended to her, and tried to distract herself by reading, telling her brain to stop thinking about "idle people"!
But she didn't even finish flipping through the table of contents, so she didn't bother to flip through any more.

From the cognitive revolution in the Stone Age of mankind, to the agricultural revolution, to the fusion and unification of mankind and the scientific revolution, this book is too ambitious. She is not in the mood to read this kind of book now.

Baimu Moyou brought over the second book, which was a collection of poems recommended to her by Xu Feng.

She thinks this collection of poems should be good, at least the sentences are short, easy to read and more likely to attract her attention.

Kashiwagi Moyou quickly glanced at the author's name, Emily Dickinson, she had never heard of it, it might be some small author.But no matter what level the author is, as long as it is a book recommended to her by Xu Feng, that's enough.

Just like the "Southern Red Beans" that Xu Feng likes very much, even though she read it blandly and very boring, she still read it no less than five times, and almost remembered all the childhood experiences of the hero and heroine. Mostly.

She turned to the page of the first poem and read it silently.

"I could have endured the darkness"

"If I had never seen the sun"

"Yet the sun has made my desolation"

"Become a renewed desolation"

"." Baimu Moyou was silent for a while, then suddenly closed the book cover forcefully, and threw it far away.

Xu Feng was completely dishelpful this time.She really thinks so.

"My sun is not him," Baimu Moyou whispered, "it can only be Xufeng."

She kept telling herself in her heart, quickly forget that poem.

Baimu Moyou returned to the bedroom expressionlessly and closed the door.

Lying on the bed and unable to fall asleep, sitting on the sofa and thinking wildly, Baimu Moyu stared blankly at the dark bedroom, feeling a little depressed.

How to spend the three, four, five, six or even twelve hours before going to bed
"Or else." She murmured softly.

"Let's have another drink."

Anyway, drinking alcohol is also lonely, and it is also wandering. If you don’t drink, you are also lonely, and you are also wandering. It is better to drink some wine, and it is easier to fall asleep when you feel dizzy.

Baimu Moyou left the edge of the bed, squatted down, and hid the bottle of red wine that she didn't finish last time under the bed.

She no longer wanted to go back to the deserted living room to get a cup, so she pulled out the cork, put her lips directly to the mouth of the bottle, and took a sip with her head raised.

With the lessons learned from last time, Baimu Moyou reminded himself in his heart: "A small sip is about [-] milliliters, and you should drink no more than [-] sips at most, otherwise you will feel more uncomfortable if you drink too much."

She sat on the edge of the bed, held the red wine bottle, raised her head and took a sip after another until she drank No.12 lipstick, and she finally became slightly drunk.

Unsurprisingly, as always, she gradually lost control over her alcohol-infested brain.

She sat silently on the edge of the bed, letting her drunkenness get worse and worse, and dancing with the drunken demons, there was also an extremely uncomfortable feeling of loneliness and complicated emotions.

She has given up, let her mind go wild and let her thoughts go free.

"Gudong", No.13 lipstick wine into the throat
Baimu Moyou wiped the wine drops from the corners of her lips with the back of her hand, and admitted in her heart that she was used to being accompanied by "pollution sources", and she had admitted it long ago.

She also admitted in her heart that after leaving him, she was no longer used to living alone.

She also reluctantly admitted that she might like him a little bit.

However, that kind of possible liking, liking degree is only a little bit!

Moreover, she never admits that her feelings for Xu Feng are just love among relatives.

"Gudong", the No.14 red wine entered the throat.

Baimu Moyou, who was drunk on his head, had already let his thoughts fly, opening and closing.

"Forget it, forget it! My liking for Xufeng is only a liking between relatives, and it is also a liking between relatives who are close to love!"

"Who said that there is no love in the sense of love between relatives? I clearly like it."

She stubbornly thought of these things that she felt very ashamed of when she thought about them.

"Gudong", the No.15 red wine entered the throat.

It may be that Jiu Zhuang is cowardly, it is already a shameful thing, Kashiwagi Moyou dared to think of it, and his thoughts were very jumpy and incoherent.

"Even if I take ten thousand steps back, I really like that guy. Is it wrong to like two people at the same time?"

"And I like Xu Feng much more sincerely than him. It was just a small accident. It won't take long. With Xu Feng by my side, I will be able to forget him. I am not sorry for Xu Feng."

With such a shameful imagination, Baimu Moyou suddenly felt much more comfortable in his heart, and his originally depressed mood instantly swept away the gloom, and he became much more enlightened.

Although she felt very good now, she still wanted to drink some more, but she restrained this thought with great self-control.

She is very satisfied with the current effect.

When the water is full, it overflows, and when things are extreme, they will be reversed, which is almost enough.

If you drink more, it might be the opposite effect!
"go to bed!"

Covering the cork, hiding the wine bottle under the bed again, Kashiwagi Moyou covered herself with a quilt,
To avoid lying down, thinking about bad thoughts in my mind, making myself unable to fall asleep, Kashiwagi Moyu took advantage of the mood at this time, picked up his phone, and looked for a very boring hypnosis video.

When I clicked on the mobile browser, there were as many as [-] message reminders.

She immediately remembered that there were many posts asking for help last night.

She asked young girls who have been in love for their experience, what it feels like to like, her many symptoms, and whether she has a crush on others.

I didn't have time to read it during the day, but I have accumulated so many replies.

Kashiwagi Moyu, who thought she had already understood her thoughts, wrote a reply with confidence.

"If you fall in love with two people at the same time"

"I suggest you choose the second person"

"Because if you like the first person enough"

"Then there will be no second person"

After reading the four sentences of soul torture, Baimu Moyou's mind was stunned for a moment, and his heart was confused, hesitant, and at a loss as to what to do.

She felt that what the other party said was wrong, and she extremely disagreed with it, but she also felt that it made sense.

(End of this chapter)

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