Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 359 Smart Dad, Stupid Dad

Chapter 359 Smart Dad, Stupid Dad
The next morning.

The morning light illuminates the curtains and the sheets.

Baimu Moyou leaned back against the headboard of the bed, staring blankly at the sun spots on the bed sheet, feeling a little confused.

"Last night, I was thinking about some drunk nonsense."

She was a little numb, and always felt that after drinking last night, she thought of some amazing drunken nonsense.

Baimu Moyu thought about it numbly for a while, and some fragmented pictures flashed in his mind. Who said that there is no love in the sense of love between relatives. Is it wrong to like two people at the same time? I just like him a little bit. I don’t I'm sorry Xu Feng
With a "pop", she clapped her hands on her face, covered her face, and took a deep breath.

It's so embarrassing and shameful!
Just thinking about those drunk nonsense now, she is too ashamed to open her eyes.

Baimu Moyou took a deep breath again, and made up her mind that she would rather stay up all night than drink again!
It took her a long time to adjust her mood, and she turned to look at the electronic alarm clock. It was already past nine o'clock in the morning.


She usually arrives at the student union cabin at around eight o'clock on time, a little earlier than Xu Feng.

Kashiwagi Moyou picked up the phone next to the pillow and turned on the screen.

She wanted to see if there was any message from Xu Feng, but what caught her eyes were those four sentences of soul torture.

"If you fall in love with two people at the same time"

"I suggest you choose the second person"

"Because if you like the first person enough"

"Then there will be no second person"

Baimu Moyou was stunned again, and felt his head was getting bigger for a moment.

Yes, it was these four sentences. Last night, she racked her brains, searched her stomach, and thought hard over and over again. She worked so hard until she fell asleep unconsciously. She didn't think of how to justify herself.

She extremely denied these four sentences, thinking that they were all sophistry, but she also felt like she was on the edge of a dead end, twisting and turning, and couldn't turn her head around.

If her liking for Xu Feng is really the highest level, really true liking, then why would she like the second person?
Could it be that her love for Xu Feng is not firm?Not really like?Kashiwagi Moyou resolutely refused to admit it, that was liking, real liking.

But she still couldn't explain why she fell in love with the second person if it was a real liking, or the highest level of liking.

She has always thought that her feelings for Xu Feng are absolutely single-minded and loyal, but how did it become like this.

Last night, she was stunned by this soul torture, and she didn't know how to explain or defend herself if she wanted to break her head.

Now too.

Baimu Moyou sat listlessly on the bed, with a sad face and a gloomy mood.

At this time, she remembered the heartfelt warning of the psychological counselor, who reminded her to "never classify likes, and never use one kind of like to deny another kind of like."

Kashiwagi Moyou, who has suffered deeply, finally has some understanding of his own distress in this matter that makes him uncomfortable.

but!If she doesn't rank her liking, she won't be able to accept it at all. Her liking for Xu Feng is as important as liking Beiyuan Xianren.

Doesn't this personally negate the "true love" she has been insisting on.

The time she spends with Xu Feng is more than dozens of times that of Beiyuan sage.

If just ten days of being with each other is better than more than ten years of being together day and night, then her feelings for Xu Feng are too ridiculous.Looking at it now, my perseverance and hard work over the past ten years has completely become a joke!
Kashiwagi Moyou lowered her head and kept pulling the bed sheet with her fingers.

"My love for Xu Feng is the most sincere love!" She told herself firmly in her heart.And changed "the most genuine like" to "the most sincere like".That's accurate enough!There will be no flaws!

Although she couldn't find a reason to refute those four sentences, she just refused to admit the sophistry of those four sentences.

"I like him a little bit, so count me as a playboy, so it's okay!"

"It has nothing to do with whether it is 'true liking' or 'sincere liking'!"

In her heart, she scolded herself for thinking differently, not being firm enough in her will, and she was easily fascinated by the "pollution source".

Never be so slack in the future!

Beiyuan family.

Just like a few days ago, the little Xiangwu Kui came again, but this time she was not alone, there was also Xiangwu Yilong and his two wives.

Huajiang Qinyin with healthy limbs was busy entertaining guests, cleaning tea sets, making water and making tea, and the two wives also enthusiastically went to help.The sage of Beiyuan, who has lost an arm, doesn't have to do anything, he just sits on the sofa and chats with his guests.The ignorant little naughty boy hadn't reacted yet, and stared blankly at the two beautiful ladies in the kitchen.

Xiang Wukui's father has two wives? !
The astonished Huagu was completely shocked.

Although she always told her father that she must find more mothers for her, the more mothers the better, but that was just her joke.Just trying to tease dad a bit,
She herself didn't believe that her father could find more than one mother for her.

Hua Gu was stunned for a while, then suddenly turned her head, looking at Xiang Wukui who was about the same size as her, her heart itched with anxiety.

She really wanted to ask humbly how your father found two mothers for you.

The sage of Beiyuan had already secretly glared at his daughter several times, warning her to be more honest and not to ask nonsense.

He was not surprised by Xiangwu Yilong's sudden visit.

After all, they are all fathers. If Huagu of his family ran to a man's house every day and stayed for a whole day, he would definitely want to come and have a look.

Moreover, in the eyes of Grandpa Xiangwu, he has always taken good care of Xiangwu Kui. For the first time in his life, Xiangwu Kui made his ambition to become a professional chess player, and he also contributed. Now his arm is seriously injured. It is reasonable to come to visit.

Huajiang Qinyin brought over the hot tea, leaned slightly, and filled the tea for the white-haired elder with a smile, and added half a cup for the sage of Beiyuan.

The Kitahara sage looked away in surprise. It is hard to see that the female fairy, who has never been a serious adult, will suddenly pour tea and water for him and the guests in a decent and polite manner.

Xiang Wu Yilong frowned slightly and asked. "Beiyuan-kun, there are three days left before the BC preliminaries for the Celebrity Title Tournament. Is your arm in any serious condition?"

Kitahara sage looked down at the plaster.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that I hurt my left arm, and I can go to the hospital to remove the plaster cast in a week."

"That's good." Xiangwu Yilong's brows gradually relaxed, "Has the result of the signing order come out?"

"Just came out yesterday. I was very lucky. Most of the groups I got were seniors who had quit the first-line chess world for a long time."

Kento Kitahara was very suspicious. The Tokyo Chess Academy was deliberately taking care of him, and sent a few old and dim-sighted seniors to train him and ask him to find out the state of the game.

"Looking at Bei Yuan-kun's appearance, he should be full of confidence?"

The sage of Beiyuan hesitated for a while, but he was not too modest.

"It's probably not far from ten, at least breaking into the A-round cycle, there should be no problem."

Hua Gu, who was sitting on the side, pouted and said secretly: "You will get the right to challenge the celebrity in the future, and you almost became a celebrity, and you are still talking about the A-round cycle."

She was very anxious, when will this old man be able to leave.

She couldn't wait to ask Xiang Wukui, how did your father find two mothers for you, can you also teach my stupid father!
 I got up late in the morning, I didn't get up until ten o'clock, and I just finished typing now.The author is ashamed to talk about double updates, but try to double update as much as possible. If it is a single update, the word count should be more than [-] words. After reading yesterday's message, the author checked the full attendance system, and the number of updated words has not been reached for more than two months. This book There is no perfect attendance award for the book. I am helpless and ashamed, but I will not be a eunuch. After all, the author has returned after being suspended for so long. If I want to be an eunuch, I have already left.Now I just want to finish this book seriously, maintain this account well, and then open the next one, so I really don’t know how to be a eunuch.

(End of this chapter)

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