Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 360 Why do you have 2 mothers?

Chapter 360 Why Do You Have Two Mothers?

After sitting for a little over an hour, Xiangwu Yilong excused that the company was busy, and got up and left with his two wives.

The sage of Beiyuan sent him all the way to the door. Before going out, Xiangwu Yilong looked at the thieves Huagu from the corner of his eye. The child's eyes kept looking back and forth between him and the two wives, and he couldn't help laughing.

Xiangwu Yilong patted Huagu's little head. He suffered family upheaval at a young age, and he and his elder brother depended on each other for life. He was also a poor child.

Xiangwu Yilong couldn't help sighing, turned around and said: "If Kitahara-kun encounters troublesome things one day, you don't have to be polite, you can contact me at any time. I still have a little face in Tokyo."

The Kitahara sage bowed slightly to express his thanks.

Xiang Wu nodded, and then looked at Huajiang Qinyin who was standing beside Mr. Beiyuan.

He appreciates this young junior, whether it is character, will, or dealing with people and things, but only in terms of female popularity, Mr. Beiyuan's female popularity seems to be too strong.

But only in this matter, he is not qualified to preach to this junior who is very popular with women.

Xiangwu Yilong responded with a kind smile and looked away.

He had never seen a man standing next to Mr. Beiyuan.

He couldn't even remember how many girls this junior had brought to stand in front of him.Anyway, there are at least five or six girls.And all of them are slim and beautiful.

Huagu watched Grandpa Xiangwu get into the car and didn't drive very far, so she grabbed Xiangwukui's wrist, dragged her, and ran into the house impatiently.

The sage of Beiyuan watched the vehicle go away, and turned his head to see that the two children had already run away and disappeared, his face darkened, and he hurriedly set off to catch the little naughty boy who was about to do something again.

Huagu pressed Xiangwukui on the sofa with both hands, and asked anxiously, "Why do you have two mothers?"

Xiang Wukui was still dazed and didn't realize it. After reacting for a while, he replied in a daze: "It's three mothers."

"Three!?" Huagu turned pale with shock, and was astonished at the white-haired Grandpa Xiangwu.

But before she could ask again, she suddenly felt her body lighten, and was lifted up in the air.

"Stop asking nonsense!" Kitahara sage stared at his daughter warningly, did he know that Xiang Wukui's own mother died in a car accident.

He carried his daughter like catching a kitten, threatened her with his eyes, and said, "If you don't obey me again, I'll send you to school."

Huagu pursed her pink lips, not daring to move.

As soon as Beiyuan Xianren finished speaking, he felt that his left ear was suddenly grabbed by someone.

The female goblin's voice came from beside her ears, she said righteously like a female police officer: "Put it down and don't move. Don't bully the children, come to me if you have the ability."

Beiyuan sage was speechless and turned his head to look.

Seeing that he has a backer to back him up, the little naughty boy suddenly gained confidence.

"That is, people who have the ability to bully Oupai Da."

The sage of Beiyuan was tired from carrying her, put his daughter down, and said tiredly: "Just spoil her, you see, now you are used to the child, how can a ten-year-old talk about Oupai every day. "

Huagu hurriedly threw herself into Sister Qinyin's arms, hiding from her father, correcting her and saying, "It's 14 years old!"

Two elves, one big and one small, hugged each other intimately like a mother and daughter. Hua Jiangqinyin asked with a smile, "Why do you care so much? Is it not enough to be Haiji's brother, and want to be someone else's father?"

How could Huagu let go of this great opportunity, and immediately raised her head and said, "Then sister Qinyin is one of Haiji's mothers."

"Greedy little guy," Hua Jiangqinyin tapped Huagu's forehead lightly, "How many mothers do you want?"

Huagu thought for a while, and said seriously with a small face: "How about at least two? Sister Qinyin and Sister Yugong."

"Who can have such a great blessing?" Hua Jiang Qinyin laughed.

Huagu smiled and looked at Huajiang Qinyin, "Of course it's O'Neill, I think he's pretty good, what do you think of Qinyin? Do you have any ideas? Are you excited?"

Huajiang Qinyin chuckled, but didn't answer, and asked the sage of Beiyuan with a smile.

"How does Xiaoxian feel? Do you have any ideas? Are you moved?"

The sage of Beiyuan ignored the two goblins who sang and dug a hole for him.

He seriously said to Xiang Wukui: "Don't follow the example of the two of them, otherwise life will become dark."

Although he didn't understand a little bit, Aoi Xiangwu still nodded in a daze.

Xiang Wukui continued to pick up the quarrel, explaining: "Yuko's mother and Shizuko's mother were not mothers before."

Although she strongly protested against the saying that "life will become dark", Huagu was even more curious about where the three mothers of Xiangwukui came from, and asked curiously with a small face: "What's going on?"

Xiang Wukui thought for a while and said, "The society was very chaotic in the past."

Beiyuan Xianren was very helpless, but she actually explained it.

This is a family matter, he has no right to control other people's mouths, so he has no choice but to let the little naughty kid learn from experience.

He doesn't know much about Xiangwu Yilong's past, he just heard a few words from Tsurumi Qianchun.

Around the 70s, Kazutaka Sangwu was a law student at Keio University.In that golden age of rapid economic development, he was born in a prestigious university, and he was still a noble law major. The time, place and people are in harmony. The combination of the three, it stands to reason that in the future, he will become the best among the best in the future.

I never thought that after Xiangwu Yilong graduated, not only did he not go to work, he did not go into business, nor did he enter politics. Instead, he often participated in human rights movements, serving as defense lawyers for labor organizations and the exploited poor for free, and fighting against black-hearted capitalists and chaebols. Knock to the end.Tsurumi Chiharu described the young Sangwu Kazutaka as a "deadly lawyer".

What happened later, the Kitahara sage was not clear.

It seems that Grandpa Xiangwu was betrayed by a friend and taken to prison. After he was released from prison, he disappeared for a while, and when he reappeared, he suddenly became a member of the Special Search Bureau. During that period, he made many enemies, his wife and son Also suspected of being implicated.

"The society was chaotic in the past?" Huagu's face was suspicious, "What year was it before?"

"It seems to be in the 70s and [-]s." Xiang Wukui replied.

Huagu turned to look at his father, and asked with a small face strangely: "The economic development in the 70s and [-]s was very good, so where is society in chaos?"

The Kitahara sage didn't know that he was just a high school student who played Go, so he didn't know what the situation was in the 70s and [-]s.

"The 70s and [-]s?" Huajiang Qinyin asked suddenly.

Huagu suddenly raised his spirits, "Sister Qinyin knows?"

Huajiang Qinyin's expression was a little weird. At her age, although she was far from having experienced that period of history, as a well-known pure literature writer, she still had a good understanding of that period of history.

In Japan in [-], there was a serious student movement and the rapid development of left-wing ideas. The University of Tokyo, Waseda University, Meiji University, Sophia University... many well-known universities were involved.

The students formed the "Anti-Imperial National Student Union", opposed the security treaty, opposed the Vietnam War, and imagined that they could "lead the revolution that overturned the world".At that time, it was common to see big-character posters plastered in the club’s activity room, and the chairman’s quotations and revolutionary songs from the other side of the ocean were played on the radio.

Huajiang Qinyin nodded and didn't say much.

"It was quite chaotic. At that time, in the University of Tokyo alone, more than half of the students were secretly engaged in sports."

(End of this chapter)

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