Chapter 370 Making a Plan
A small courtyard of an old detached log house.

The sage of Beiyuan took care of the small flowerbed in the corner of the courtyard, took out the key, unlocked and entered the house.

As soon as he opened the door, he heard the sound of gurgling soup in the kitchen, and the aroma was tangy.The two succubi went home.

"Oni-chan won?" came the daughter's yelling greeting from the living room.

"I won." The sage of Beiyuan raised his head in response, lowered his head, changed his shoes, and walked into the living room.The little naughty egg is lying on the sofa, playing with a "snowball" with two little hands.Sister Qinyin is cooking soup on the kitchen counter.

While fiddling with the rabbit, Huagu said, "I saw Oni-chan on the news."

"News?" Beiyuan Xianren was very surprised, walked over and asked, "What news did I get on?"

As if studying why the rabbit's ears are pink and tender, Huagu's little hand raised "Snowball's" ear, and looked around.

"Tokyo Chess Academy's official website, the first cover story is a photo of Oni-chan playing chess, so handsome!"

The sage of Beiyuan was slightly stunned for a moment, and he was on the cover news of the Chess Academy?Or scroll the first one?
He quickly took out his mobile phone and searched for Japanese Chess Academy.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the official website of the Chess Institute, the first scrolling news on the cover was a photo of his game at noon, and there were two lines of eye-catching and exaggerated red letters——Beiyuan Chuduan wins Takao Jiudan. So far, all the round-robin matches have been won!
The photo was taken very interestingly. With such a large lens, it only focused on his face at a close distance, and Senior Takao couldn't even see his figure.

Hua Gu got up from the sofa, stepped on the soft sofa with her little feet, ran to Bei Yuan's side, and poked her head to look at his mobile phone.

She smiled and asked: "The photo is very handsome, O'Neill's eyes are very sharp!"

The sage of Beiyuan was silent, unable to speak for a while.

At this moment in the photo, it was the moment when he made the most severe move and looked up at Senior Takao.It is very common for two chess players to engage in an imposing confrontation, but in just a short moment, it was captured sharply by the photographer.

And the content of the news is also very interesting. There is not much space to introduce him, just a brief mention of his age and family background, as well as his current Go rank. what honor.
But this description, on the contrary, sets off the power of "Beiyuan Chuduan" even more.

In such a big photo, there is only him in the photo, and it is marked with a line of eye-catching red letters "Total Victory", as if the famous chess player Takao Kudan with a glorious resume has completely become the background board and stepping stone of "Beiyuan Chudan".

Kitahara sage was a little confused. Chess fans who browsed the official website of Tokyo Chess Academy on the Internet basically knew all the auras of those famous chess players. It seems to be written for people who don't understand Go.

Inside the kitchen counter, Huajiang Qinyin put down the spoon and turned to look at Kitahara sage's left arm, which had been bandaged off.

"How's your arm?" She came over with a plate of fruit.

The sage of Beiyuan sat down on the sofa, inserted a piece of cantaloupe, and replied, "It's the same as a normal person. You can move freely."

Huajiang Qinyin asked casually: "Was that Takao Kyudan very good before?"

"Very powerful." Kitahara Kento introduced with a serious expression: "After the era of the 'six super masters' is over, it will be Takao-senpai's 'Heisei Four Heavenly Kings'. .”

Huajiang Qinyin, who doesn't know how to play Go, was surprised to hear it, and quickly sat beside Beiyuan.

"He has won the title of celebrity before? Xiaoxian can win him, does it mean that he also has the strength to challenge the title of celebrity?"

Huajiang Qinyin looked forward to it, although she had always hoped that Xiaoxian could win the title of celebrity, the youngest celebrity in history, the first high school student celebrity, and make a sensation in the world of chess, but she also knew very well that this was too difficult, after all The person standing on the finish line is the Jingshan Chess Master who combines the Honorary Chess Master, the Honored Honinbo, the Honored Tianyuan, and the Honored Gosage.

But now, Xiaoxian has completely defeated Takao Kudan, one of the "Four Heavenly Kings of Heisei". Qinyin Huajiang couldn't help thinking about it, maybe...Xiaoxian really has the hope of winning the title of celebrity?
The first high school celebrity under the age of [-] in history, the youngest celebrity in history, this status is worthy enough to be the youngest Leeds Gold Award winner in history!Huajiang Qinyin asked eagerly: "How did you win the Heisei Four Heavenly Kings? Is it easy to win?"

Kitahara sage was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "Senior Takao is old."

Don't say anything about the Heisei Four Heavenly Kings, even if it is the No.1 in the world, it is the Nine Crowns, the Fourteen Crowns, or even the Eighteen Crowns.

Boxing is afraid of the young, and chess is also afraid of the young.

In modern Go, 30 years old is a hurdle.

The older you get, the less computing power, physical strength, and energy. The seniors are at a disadvantage when they meet the young and strong juniors.

Even if the computing power of the elders has not declined, and they still devote a lot of energy to the study of Go every day, in terms of vital physical strength, they can no longer support their brains to maintain a high degree of tension, and then carry out protracted and huge games. volume calculation.

Beiyuan sage's heart is full of emotion and heavy. There is no such thing as a famous chess player, only a momentary chess player.The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and a new generation replaces the old ones. This has been the case since ancient times.

If those old seniors he met could return to their youth, back to their peak period, and everyone got along in the same era, he must be very uncertain, and the outcome is unpredictable, but now, I gave birth to the king, but I was born to the king. Old, they are all old.

Huajiang Qinyin understood Beiyuan's hidden meaning, and quickly asked, "How old is that Jingshan Chess Master?"

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at her and said, "He was born in [-], you can do the math yourself."

Huajiang Qinyin made some calculations and asked, "Is he considered an 'old chess player'?"

"It counts in the world chess world, but not in the domestic chess world. The career life of Japanese chess players is several years longer than that of Chinese and Korean chess players."

Huajiang Qinyin immediately asked: "Then are you sure you can win him?"

"I haven't played a game of chess before, so how do I know that?" Beiyuan sage replied helplessly.Anyway, he heard the future from the little naughty egg, and he "almost became a celebrity". From this point of view, the result of the seven games in the final might be four to three regrettable defeats?
Beiyuan Xianren sighed softly in his heart, no matter what the future result is, at least for now, he really wants to win.

Through a serious game with Senior Takao, he clearly discovered his own weakness. He is a second-rate player in layout, and a second-rate or third-rate official player. As for the level of computing power, he has never played chess with a super-class chess player, so it is difficult to judge. .

The sage of Beiyuan estimated in his heart that the quasi-superior computing power should not be too much, maybe it should be higher?
If he is not modest, he even guesses that in terms of computing power and fighting strength alone, he is definitely at a super-first-class level, and even far surpasses the super-class level.

Because his brain is in the "overload" state, when the firepower is fully fired, he will be frightened by his own calculation power!
It's just that the duration is flawed. If you don't last long, your body will not be able to hold on, and if you continue to force it, you will fall into a coma.

"You can put it aside for a while, and hurry up to improve the level of officials recently." Beiyuan Xianren made a plan in his heart.

However, there are routine templates for the layout, which can be learned.

The battle in the middle game is free and ever-changing, and there is no fixed answer.

Only official chess is very difficult to practice, because official chess is not like a layout. There are routines to speak of, fixed formulas and templates to learn. When the chess game reaches the official stage, there are not many changes. It can even be said that there is only one fixed pattern. The best ending sequence depends on which side sees through the fog first and embarks on the right path out of the maze.
If you want to improve the level of officials, you must rely on daily learning and experience accumulation, and gradually improve your keen eye for judging the value of officials.

In a short period of time, the sage of Beiyuan dare not say that he can practice chess well, but it is enough to strive to reach the average level of professional chess players.

No matter how slow the progress is, at least he has to practice to the official stage, and he still has the confidence to continue to finish, otherwise he will encounter the "Kung Fu Chess" style of playing step by step, which will be troublesome!
Senior Takao was getting old, he fell in front of the official before resisting his wave after wave of attacks, but there are still many people who are not old!At the peak!
"My physical fitness also needs to be exercised," Beiyuan Xianren thought in his heart, "When the brain is 'overloaded', if I can't last for 5 minutes, I feel dizzy and mentally exhausted. This is too short. It’s not enough, so I have to increase it to half an hour.”

(End of this chapter)

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