Chapter 383 Or You
"Look, doesn't that cloud look like a white snapper?"

In the cockpit of the 145-meter-high Ferris wheel, Takanashi Xufeng happily pointed to the sky. Kento Kitahara looked in the direction and only noticed a blond girl flicking through a magazine.

The sage of Beiyuan felt helpless, but Baitong was just pretending, she was already mentally prepared to transfer schools tomorrow morning, why did she get more depressed the closer she got to the present.

"It's quite similar." The sage of Beiyuan paused, turned to Kashiwagi, and asked, "What magazine are you reading?"

Baimu Moyou handed it over in silence.

Kento Kitahara took it and flipped through a few pages, an ordinary fashion magazine about women's outfits.

"Page No. 14." She reminded in a low voice.

"Page No. 14? What's wrong?" Kitahara Kento turned to page No. 14 in surprise, and then froze for a moment.

A fashion magazine about women's clothing, on page No. 14, there is actually a photo of a man printed, and he knows this man, isn't it "Beiyuan Chuduan"? It's a photo of him playing chess in the chess academy!
Takanashi Xufeng was also attracted attention, she leaned over curiously, and fixed her eyes on the "male model" in the magazine, she opened her mouth in surprise.

"Student Kitahara appeared on "Popteen"?"

The Kitahara sage was a little confused, he didn't know anything about it.

He looked up blankly and asked, "What is Popteen? Is it famous?"

"A women's fashion magazine." Takanashi Xufeng looked at him in amazement, and explained: "Beiyuan-san is a boy, so I may not be clear about it. Just like girls' combs and hairpins, "Popteen" is also in the desk hole of young girls One of the must-haves."

"Well, how should I describe it. Most of the superstar entertainers Bei Yuan can think of have appeared on the cover of this magazine. There are many models who first became popular in the entertainment industry through the magazine."

Kento Kitahara thought about it for a while, and then realized that it must be the work of Tokyo Chess Academy again!

He has known about the arrangements of the Chess Academy for a long time, just as the official website of the Chess Academy pays close attention to him. Many related reports after the game, no matter whether they are relevant or not, go around in circles, and they always have to mention "Beiyuan Chuduan", and there is a note at the end A photo of a real person similar to an art photo.

Kitahara sage looked down at his photo, feeling speechless. A man's photo was found in a woman's fashion magazine. What is precision delivery, what is precise targeting of target users? There is really a publicity genius in the chess academy!
Takanashi Xufeng couldn't help explaining: "Popteen also has male models, it's not surprising."

"Moyou, where did you buy it?" She turned to Baimu.

"In the newsstand passing by." Baimu Moyou was depressed and depressed.

The reason why she bought a magazine was to help her distract herself from thinking about her farewell to the "pollution source" today.But she never expected to see him in women's fashion magazines.

Kitahara sage was full of weird things he wanted to say but couldn't say. He looked down at the women's fashion magazine again, and handed it back to classmate Bai in a strange mood.

Baimu Moyu took it back in silence, and subconsciously turned her gaze to page No.14, the photo of "pollution sources" playing chess.At this moment, she actually felt that the person in the photo was very good-looking, and she had the urge to look at it a few more times.

Following her inner impulse, she couldn't help raising her head and staring at the person sitting opposite, "living photos" were right in front of her eyes.

Beiyuan Xianren was uncomfortable with her direct gaze, and asked in a strange tone: "What's wrong with me?"

Baimu Moyou Shanshan realized her bold behavior, and tried her best to restrain the urge to bow her head in panic, and her tone was forced to be calm: "It's nothing, it looks better in the photo."

The Kitahara sage also held back the sense of weirdness, tried his best to be more natural, and secretly said, "This blonde girl's brain is out of order again, and she is talking unnecessary nonsense again."

"And she has recently become more and more "bold", more and more "cross the line", and less and less abide by the previous "rules". In the past, even if I threatened her with a knife, she would not be able to tell me That kind of words." Beiyuan sage muttered in his heart.

Takanashi Xufeng didn't feel anything unusual. It's normal for good friends to tease each other and make small jokes about each other like this.In the past, the polite communication between Bei Yuan and Mo You was too low, but now the more she thinks about it, the more deliberate and false she feels.

She urged expectantly: "Student Beiyuan, try to search your name online, there should be many entries about you."


The sun was setting in the west, and the clear sky was gradually dyed orange.Takanashi Xufeng felt that the dinner without dark had no sense of ceremony, so he suggested to go for a stroll in the park first.

The vehicle gradually stopped in the parking area of ​​the park.

"You and Moyou hang around for a while, I'll go buy a small salute, I'll use it at night."

In the back seat of the car, Kento Kitahara put away his phone calmly and looked at the passenger seat.

Takanashi Xufeng said while unbuttoning his seat belt: "Moyou, you and Beiyuan-san will wait for me for a while, I'll go buy milk tea."

"I'll take you there."

"No, no, parking is very troublesome. You and classmate Beiyuan go straight along that road, and turn left at the end. I remember there is a small pavilion in the middle of the lake with a beautiful view and very quiet. Go grab a seat first." Takanashi Xufeng finished speaking quickly, without giving his friend a chance to speak, he quickly opened the door and got out of the car, beckoning and running away.

Kitahara Kento withdrew his gaze and reminded the blond girl in front: "Get out of the car."

At five o'clock in the afternoon, it was almost dinner time, and there were not many people on the path in the park.Kashiwagi Moyou kept his hands in the pockets of his ice-colored sweater, and kept his head down as he stepped on the gravel road. The Kitahara sage walked side by side. He had never been to this park before, so he looked around curiously.

"When are you going to move out?" He asked casually.

There is a congested feeling in the chest.Moyou Baimu felt very uncomfortable, and replied in a low voice: "I haven't thought about it yet."

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at the preoccupied and unhappy blond girl, sighed and asked, "Why do you worry more and more when things get serious. Are you homesick? Are you reluctant to leave?"

Baimu Moyou was silent for about five seconds, then turned to look at Beiyuan, then retracted his gaze, and said in a low voice, "It seems to be a little bit."

"Are you really homesick?" Beiyuan Xianren was greatly surprised. No matter how you look at this girl, she doesn't look like a homesick type.

Baimu Moyou didn't answer, just lowered his head to step on the uneven cobblestones.

The sage of Beiyuan looked around at the greening of the lawn. Although he knew that Lily would not be able to move away, he still comforted her in a dignified way:

"Maybe if you move there for a while, you'll get used to it. Although it's far away, it's still in the Tokyo area anyway. When you feel homesick, you can buy a subway ticket, which lasts up to 10 minutes. You can come back any time you want.”

Baimu Moyou was silent for a while, and said, "I usually go to school, so I don't have time to come back."

"Summer vacation, winter vacation, or a year and a half later, when you go to university in Tokyo, there are Waseda, Keio, Shangzhi, Meiji, Tokyo University of Science and so on. Based on your previous academic performance, just hold on and don't fall. It shouldn’t be difficult to get into one of them, and you can come back whenever you want.”

Baimu Moyou remained silent and did not reply.

"Turn left." Kitahara sage reminded those around him who were not looking at the road.

Accompanied by turning left, he looked sideways, and saw a wooden plank road leading to the small pavilion in the middle of the artificial lake. The lake is not big, and the pavilion is not big, but the pavilion imitating the architecture of the Tang Dynasty is relatively spacious.

They walked up the wooden plank road together and came to the quiet lake pavilion. The sage of Beiyuan looked around and asked, "Have you been here before?"


"Wait for a while." Beiyuan sage sat down, leaning against the railing, and looked at the sunset red in the sky.

He remembered one thing, continued to fool her, and reminded: "Before you leave, don't forget to explain to the student union, the new president and the new vice president, have any of you chosen?"

Baimu Moyou answered irrelevant questions, and suddenly asked him in a low voice: "Which university do you want to go to?"

"Me?" Beiyuan Xianren pondered for a while, and said: "My purpose of going to college is very straightforward, just to get a degree certificate and find a high-paying job. Most people think the same way. "

"However, the situation has changed now. Even if I don't go to college and only rely on playing chess, my annual income is very considerable. All in all, I haven't decided yet. I may or may not go to college."

Kashiwagi Moyu stopped talking and remained silent.

After a while, she opened her lips and teeth lightly: "Or—"

"Or what?"

Baimu Moyou abruptly swallowed what he didn't say, and slowly clenched the clothes in his pocket.

By coincidence, she almost foolishly wanted to say "or you and I will transfer schools together", but fortunately she held back in the end, otherwise once she said it, there was really no way to explain it.

She didn't blame herself for the stupidity just now, she tightened the hem of the clothes with her fingers hidden in her pockets, and said with mixed emotions: "Why don't you be the new president, I'll help you let those boys groups, become the president Vice President and Secretary."

(End of this chapter)

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