Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 386 The Relationship Line That Does Not Cross

Chapter 386 The Relationship Line That Does Not Cross
At [-]:[-] in the evening, there were not many passers-by in the community.

On the swing in the community children's playground, the blonde girl holds the rope in both hands, and the dark-haired girl nudges behind her.

"Moyou, do you remember the route to this place?"

The swing swayed "yo-yo". Moyu Kashiwagi, who had only slept for two hours last night, was already feeling sleepy, and replied tiredly, "I can't see the road at night from the car."

"Look at the map navigation, enter the name of the community and try it."

Beiyuan Xianren, who was on the side, received the hint from Takanashi's eyes, stood quietly beside Bai Xueyuan, and quietly prepared a small salute.

A slight fluorescent light illuminated the profile of Kashiwagi Mayu, she tapped her fingers a few times, entered text, and searched for the location.

Takanashi Xufeng nudged his friend's shoulder while holding back a smile and asked, "Have you found it?"

"Find it." Kashiwagi Moyu's voice became smaller and smaller, staring blankly at the display position on the screen.

After a long while, she turned sideways in confusion, raised her hand to show the picture on the screen,

"Did I make a mistake? Why does it show that we are in the Central District?"

Beiyuan Xianren glanced at the screen, secretly thinking that this silly girl thought she had got the wrong name.

Takanashi Xufeng leaned over to look, and thought about it seriously for a while.

"It may be the same name. Try again to see if there is a duplicate name."


Kashiwagi Moyuxin thought it was true, turned around, deleted the text in the search box, and entered it again.

A long list appeared, and she carefully looked at them one by one, and was stunned for a while, there was no community with the same name at all.

"How about it?"

"I will try again."

Beiyuan Xianren watched the blond girl try again and again, she stared at the list for a while, then turned sideways, and asked in a stupid tone: "Does it still show that we have made a mistake in the name of the central district? "

Beiyuan Xianren was speechless, why hasn't she responded yet!

Although it was a great miracle for her that the wife in her heart moved to her neighborhood, it was a gift from God, but how did that guy not believe that a miracle would happen!

Takanashi Xufeng was dumbfounded for a while, not knowing how to answer.She was even doubting whether Moyou had already reacted, and she pretended to be stupid and wanted to turn her back on the customer and play her and Beiyuan.

"This." Takanashi Xufeng's eyes quickly hinted at Beiyuan: No matter, it's now!

Moyu Kashiwagi was still staring at Takanashi in a daze, when there was a startling sound next to her!
Her shoulders jumped excitedly, and she turned her head to look in a hurry. A series of ribbons fell from the sky, spilling all over her face, on her hair, eyes, and nose. Before she could respond, there was another "pop". She heard the sound and looked, and this time, the shoulders, chest, and legs were also stained with colorful ribbons.

After a while, her mind slowly turned around, as if she had been hit by a huge shock, and she sat motionless as if she was dumbfounded.

Kao Li Xufeng gently pushed the dazed girl on the swing and said with a smile, "I didn't move away, I moved here, and I will be closer to you in the future."

Mayu Kashiwagi was still sitting dumbfounded.

After a long while, Kaori Sufeng couldn't help but waved her hand in front of her eyes, poked her face again, and called her softly.

She looked at Takanashi by surprise, then turned to look at Beiyuan, stunned: "Moved here? Central District?"

"Are you happy?" Beiyuan Xianren asked.

Kashiwagi Moyu was at a loss for words, turned to look at Sufeng, then looked back at the "pollution source", and then looked at Sufeng again in a daze.She looked left and right, like a completely stupid groundhog, sitting stupidly on the swing, at a loss.

Finally, she couldn't help it, and Kaori Xufeng gave a "puchi" smile. The number of times she'd seen this dumbfounded Moyou was more rare than "few".

She and Beiyuan classmates thought and thought about the plan, but it was not exactly what they wanted to see this scene, and now it has been successfully completed!

She looked at the other "accomplice" and found that the accomplice was disloyal. He kept biting his mouth and stopped laughing. He secretly threw away the small salute in his hand, and wanted to stay out of it, she hurriedly pulled him into the water and said, "Student Beiyuan. He is also one of the planners, and he has contributed a lot!"

Moyu Kashiwagi turned to look again, staring blankly at the "source of pollution", but he hesitated, unable to utter a word.

Seeing that he was about to suffer, Beiyuan Xianren quickly denied it: "No, I am a passive participant, and I was blocked. She thought of it."

Takanashi Xufeng refrained from laughing and said, "How could it be that Moyou's every move, every frown and smile, has been conveyed to me like the palm of your hand."

She thought the truth was revealed, and Baihe Xianxue hugged Kaori excitedly, but from the beginning, she was just dumbfounded for a while, and finally had no choice but to accept the fact that she was being pranked by two friends, Beiyuan Xianren was very surprised, she actually Didn't take the opportunity to take advantage of it.

The three of them cleaned the ground, and Kao Li Xufeng coaxed her good friend who had been tricked for a while, and invited the two to be guests at their new home.

But things once again exceeded the expectations of the sages of Beiyuan. Bai Xuesheng was very interested in it, and under the pretext of "it's getting late", he declined the invitation of the wife in his mind, and took the initiative to express that he wanted to go home to rest and come back to Japan as a guest.

On the way from Takanashi to the gate of the community, Beiyuan Xianren can always feel that there is a look of resentment on his face with unknown meaning.

And after getting on the taxi, just after driving a few hundred meters, Bai Xue Xue suddenly said to the driver, "Just stop here, I will walk back with him."

This time it was replaced by Beiyuan Xianren, who was stunned. He turned to the Baixie next to him, his eyes couldn't understand.

Moyu Kashiwagi said in a low voice, "I want to walk home, so stay with me for a while."

Beiyuan Xianren was helpless, just go home when he goes home, it is not far away anyway.

The taxi gradually stopped on the side of the road, and under the street lights, a man and a woman got off.

After the hot summer in Tokyo, the night after the beginning of autumn is a good time to take a walk.

Beiyuan Xianren glanced at the full moon in the night sky, and asked as he walked, "It still feels like a dream?"

"Well. There are some."

Moyu Kashiwagi paused for a moment, then turned to look at Beiyuan with a tone that seemed to be greatly bullied.

"You act really hard!"

"I trust you so much that you lied to me all day."

Bai Tong's tone of voice was more resentful and aggrieved than his eyes, as if he was seriously bullied by "someone" and came to the door to ask for justice.

Beiyuan Xianren was seen as unnatural by her, and took two steps away.

How to answer this?After thinking about it, he had no choice but to joke and say modestly, "I'm ashamed, I only made a small contribution."

Being provoked by the "pollution source", Moyu Kashiwagi got even more angry, trotted after him, stretched out his hand to pinch Beiyuan's arm, Beiyuan sage was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Baiyuan to attack suddenly. Quickly run away a few steps.

Kashiwagi Mo was so angry that she couldn't catch up, she glared at him unhappily, put it on hold for the time being, and stopped arguing about it.

When Beiyuan Xianren saw that she was calm, he slowed down a little and got closer.

He was very surprised in his heart, was it a slapstick just now?
Although in normal times, he and his daughter, he and Sister Qinyin, often chase and make trouble like this, even with other people, he can imagine, but he and Bai are studying together.
Beiyuan Xianren is in a very strange mood, and it is impossible to imagine that the two of them can get along too "too harmonious".This is completely inconsistent with the rules he has always had with Baixue.Moreover, she was the one who took the initiative just now.

"That guy has really been stimulated a lot recently, and his behavior is a bit abnormal." Beiyuan Xianren glanced at it and thought to himself.

However, after being stimulated, he could feel that Baili's school had changed a lot recently, especially his attitude towards him.

When Bai Xuesheng caught up with him, he asked casually, "Why don't you visit her new home?"

Kashiwagi Moyu was silent for a while and said, "I don't want to go tonight."

She didn't say much, and it was not convenient for Beiyuan Xianren to ask more questions, thinking that the guy was stimulated in his heart.

The autumn wind was cold and frosty, and a few gusts of wind passed by. Moyu Kashiwagi felt a little cold on the back of his neck, so he untied the tied ball head, smoothed the tress of hair, and the long pale golden hair fell behind his back to block the autumn wind, and then he folded his hands into the ice. In the front pocket of the colored sweater, he looked down at the bare legs under the gray pleated skirt, regretting that he was wearing it too short.

Beiyuan Xianren asked, "Feeling cold?"


The Kitahara sage, whose clothes were tightly covered, sighed and said, "Who made you want to walk home, bear with it for a while. About four to ten minutes."

Moyu Kashiwagi was speechless, turned to look at his warm long hooded coat, and wanted to say, "Can't you lend me a dress!"

She opened her mouth, but silently closed her mouth.

Although the trivial matter of borrowing clothes, as long as she said it, the "pollution source" would definitely not be stingy, but doing so would go beyond the relationship line between the two, and it was not something that "the original she" could say.

"Pollution Source" must have thought of it too, but "Pollution Source" thought in his heart that she would definitely not accept his clothes. Not only did she say it in vain, but it would also destroy the rare tranquil atmosphere at the moment. , There was a very tired, tired feeling in my heart, and my thoughts were messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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