Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 387 It would be nice if the genders could be swapped

Chapter 387 It would be nice if the genders could be swapped

As if the hustle and bustle during the day is an illusion, at midnight, the pedestrian street is deserted, and occasionally a car passes by, and the high beam shortens and elongates the shadows of the two people.

Kashiwagi Mayu stopped slowly, looking back in the direction the car was going, his thoughts were noisy.I don't want to go to Xu Feng's new home tonight, and the mood factors are very complicated.

Although she was beaten by her mother more than once and said, "It's absolutely impossible for you, give up unrealistic fantasies, and give up as soon as possible", but she has never been frustrated by this, and has always been firm in her fantasies and put them into action.until today.

Kashiwagi Mayu retracted her gaze, as if she was suddenly woken up by a stick, and a part of her past innocence was shattered.

She has never felt before about where the gaps that her mother talked about, and what her mother said is impossible, including what: from material conditions, to ideas, to objective traditions, to gender differences, there are huge gaps.

I once fantasized about catching up with Xu Feng's footsteps forever.But when she witnessed with her own eyes, where Xu Feng's new home moved, how far it was for her, this most realistic and straightforward way of revealing, and the most effective one, woke her up.

It's just the distance in material conditions, a small turbulence, she has tried her best to catch up, and later, how to fill the more difficult gaps.

At least tonight, she herself admitted pessimistically that she had been holding unrealistic fantasies.

Beiyuan Xianren heard the blond girl beside him suddenly let out a long sigh. He turned his head and asked in astonishment: "What is the sigh, she has moved here, aren't you happy?"

In the past, the "pollution source" talked to her about Xu Feng. She had long been immune, and her mood was calm, but after tonight, for some reason, it sounded very harsh.

"I'm very happy." Kashiwagi Moyu said these words listlessly, feeling very against her will.

Beiyuan Xianren looked at her once, and heartily "approved" and said, "You can tell from your appearance, obviously, you are very happy now."

Kashiwagi Moyu didn't have the strength to say a word, ignoring his ridicule.

After a while she asked listlessly, "You're against it too, aren't you?"

Beiyuan Xianren's attitude remained the same, "um" said: "I support your efforts to fight for your 'dream', but I do not support your real 'dream'. You can understand why. , I am very happy to find a female partner for my daughter, and if I don't want to hold my grandson and granddaughter in the future, you can pretend that I didn't say it."

Kashiwagi Moyu lowered her head in frustration, of course she understood that the fact that it was not just passing the Xufeng level meant that the clearance was so easy, that was the real beginning of the trouble.

Beiyuan Xianren shrugged his shoulders and teased her: "If you want to blame, then blame you for being a woman, or why she is not a man."

"And I think you don't want to see that scene, too. Takanashi-san sacrificed her family harmony for you."

He said it very bluntly, and he was not afraid of being a student.

Mayu Kashiwagi was silent for a while, and didn't answer, she just laughed at herself: "It would be great if our genders could be swapped."

Beiyuan Xianren said speechlessly: "I don't want to change."

Wanting to relax a little, Kashiwagi Moyu said feebly, "It's just a gender swap, not a body swap, what's the big deal."

Beiyuan Xianren said speechlessly again: "Why do you think I want to become a woman?"

"Just kidding, it doesn't really make you a woman, why are you so serious."

"Even if you're joking, then you should turn yourselves around. I won't accompany you in this matter."

"Do you think it's better to be a man or a woman?"

"I think it's good to be a kid who never grows up."


On the pedestrian street under the dim yellow street lights, the shadows of a man and a woman keep getting longer and shorter.

The two walked slowly for 10 minutes, and chatted nonsense for 10 minutes. Kashiwagi Moyu was tired from walking, so he asked Kitahara Kento to stop for a while and go to the bench over there to rest for a while.

Sitting at one end of the bench, Beiyuan Xianren glanced at the time on his phone, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

"School starts tomorrow, are you coming?" Kashiwagi Mayu leaned back a little sleepily.

Beiyuan Xianren put away his mobile phone and said, "I've asked for a good leave. I'll go back to school after the game is over."

Kashiwagi Mayu said "Oh" tiredly, stopped talking, and closed his eyes to rest.

The sage of Beiyuan glanced over to her side and asked, "Should I call a taxi?"

"Want to walk home"

"Do you still want to blow the evening breeze?" Beiyuan Xianren thought for a while and said, "I'm going home soon, how about you ride my bike home in a while?"

"Okay." Kashiwagi Moyou nodded slowly, sitting down to rest now, his head was dizzy, and the sleepiness couldn't stop.

Beiyuan Xianren thought that she was really closing her eyes and resting her hands.

However, when he noticed something, he suddenly felt his shoulders sink, turned his head to look, and was suddenly speechless, Bai Xue Xue had already leaned on his shoulder in a daze.

"Hey, wake up."

He called her twice.

"Wake up."

"You pressed my arm."

Moyu Kashiwagi was in a daze. Although she didn't open her eyes, the touch of the woolen coat on her face made her very aware of what was going on.

She quickly regained consciousness, her eyelashes fluttering slightly.

Kashiwagi Mayu just wanted to sit up quickly, but in a split second, she suddenly realized her strangeness.Falling on the shoulders of the "pollution source" like this, not only did I not resist, but a sense of peace of mind emerged spontaneously - the kind of peace of mind that I only felt when hugging the wind in the past, very practical and very stable. Cozy and comfortable.

As if the little fish greedy for bait willingly got into the fishing cage.She clearly heard the wake-up sound of the "pollution source", but she did not wake up immediately, but continued to close her eyes and pretend to be asleep.

Beiyuan Xianren looked around, it was none of his business, the blonde girl turned it upside down!

"Don't sleep!" he exclaimed, shaking his left shoulder in an attempt to wake her up.

Kashiwagi Moyu suddenly woke up, and hurriedly sat up and moved further away, looking at Beiyuan rather at a loss.

"I, I didn't mean to."

"I know." Beiyuan Xianren retracted his arm and sighed, "I forgive you."

Mayu Kashiwagi was silent, but soon felt that something was wrong, as if she took a big advantage.

She took a deep breath to adjust her mood, and then corrected herself, "I forgive you."

Beiyuan Xianren stood up indifferently and urged her: "Xingxingxing, let's go, go home, this time is sober enough."

Kashiwagi Mayu stood up without a word, adjusted her skirt, and followed behind.

Beiyuan Xianren didn't take it to heart, what happened just now could be anything but a misunderstanding.

Don't say he thinks, even if Bai Tongxue told him that she did it on purpose, he would be skeptical.

He knew the blond girl, and in terms of "devotion", the guy was so dedicated that he couldn't fault him.If one day someone suddenly told him that Bai had fallen out of love and fell in love with another person, he would be the first to not believe it, thinking it was nonsense.

Beiyuan Xianren glanced at Kashiwagi Mayu, who was a little behind half a step. In some respects, he was [-] percent assured of Baili's schooling.

He doesn't fit the "type" that Lily likes, and this "type", if you want to change, can never be changed unless you go back to the time when the two chromosomes met.

(End of this chapter)

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