Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 397 Lavender in the Forum

Chapter 397 Lavender in the Forum

Cypress house.

In the bedroom with no lights on, the screen of the laptop glows slightly.

The blond girl wearing only a white vest squatted sleepily on a chair, holding a mobile phone in both hands.

Copy, paste, and send the same text messages to different women one by one, reminding the members of the "Fate Gravity" band group to congratulate the "pollution source" who won the right to challenge celebrities and was promoted to the eighth stage of career.

After a while, she put the phone on the table, slowly leaned back on the chair, and calmly stared at the light source in front of her.

"It seems a little nervous?" Baimu Moyou slowly lowered his head, tortured himself, and muttered to himself: "It's not nervous. I can't help it."

There is an impulse in my heart, I want to secretly contact the "pollution source" first without telling them.

Baimu Moyou immediately shrugged her shoulders, feeling a little sick.

"Tick tock", the incoming letter sounded, and she tapped the phone next to the laptop screen.The letter is from my mother.

"How's the relationship going? Do you need my advice?"

Baimu Moyou withdrew his gaze, ignoring the light of the phone just now.

The letterer seemed to have guessed that his daughter would ignore him, and continued to send text messages on his own.

"I like two people at the same time, and my heart is very contradictory? Do you feel that pursuing any one is a kind of betrayal to the other?"

"There is something wrong with your thinking, it is extremely abnormal. There are too many boys and girls who like several people at the same time, it is not what you think. Your kind of infatuation is not even considered infatuation, it is completely wrong in thinking."

"I've been very concerned about you recently. If you had to choose between the two, my mother suggested that the "student classmate" is more suitable for you in various senses."

"Of course, if you have the ability to come all over, then you are amazing."

Kashiwagi Moyu's face was not very good-looking, and her hands were folded around her chest.Breathing has increased.

"Caring about me? It's obviously drunk and crazy, poking people's sore spots in a wicked way."

Baimu Moyou slowly clenched her arms, she couldn't handle one person, let alone all of them.The woman who had been drinking was clearly teasing her intentionally with a wicked sense of humor.

To avoid being harassed by malicious text messages again, Kashiwagi Moyou reached out to touch the phone, turned on the airplane mode, and refused to receive all text message notifications for the time being!

After finishing it, there were still a few minutes before the agreed group voice, she forced herself to divert her attention, held the mouse, and let the pointer on the screen spin around.

Open a webpage at random, thinking that it would be good to browse some content casually, but the first thought is "pollution source".

Realizing that he was thinking about that person again, Baimu Moyou shook the mouse angrily, feeling sad that he was almost hopeless.

It’s been like this recently. Since I couldn’t see the “pollution source” in school, I see him less and less often, and miss him more and more: I can’t help but think of him when I’m in get out of class, and I will also remember him after class. In the wooden house of the student union There will still be time, and I will think of him even more when I go home.

The content of his thoughts is also the same. He will think about what he has experienced today in the days when he can't see him, whether he is unhappy, whether he is very tired, whether he still thinks of her occasionally. Baimu Moyou feels that he is going to be stupid, Just like a stupid girl without a brain, falling into a bad animal trap, stupid at home.

Only 30 seconds left before the agreed time.

Baimu Moyou quickly sorted out his mood, stood up and sat up straight, his pupils quietly watching the time bar on the phone.

The moment 7:59 turned into 8:00, "Fate Gravity" rang Xu Feng's group voice call reminder on time.

Soon, everyone except the "pollution source" joined in, and then tacitly kept quiet, waiting for the last person.

When the profile picture of the "pollution source" finally appeared, the originally quiet mobile phone speakers suddenly became noisy. Some people were happy to congratulate, some were admiring and surprised, and some remained silent.Baimu Moyou waited patiently until they finished speaking first, and then said briefly with complicated emotions: "Congratulations."

Then just after she finished speaking, she heard a little girl's smirk faintly coming from the loudspeaker of the mobile phone: "Hey, Sister Yugong is so beautiful, Haiji can't help but want to hug you."

"Sister Yugong?" Baimu Moyu was stunned.

She immediately realized that the timing was wrong, Amamiya Masahiro went to Kitahara's house!

There was no reply on the speaker of the mobile phone for a while, and after a while, the voice of "pollution source" sounded, with a naturally calm tone.

"Thank you. I didn't expect you to come to congratulate me. I'm still a little touched now."

I don't know that there are tens of millions of people with the surname Yugong in Japan.He didn't explain the "Sister Yugong" just now, and didn't hang up the call immediately, probably trying to cover it up quietly. . Kashiwagi Moyou instantly understood the thoughts of "pollution source".

She just heard that "Sister Yugong", and someone must have heard it.She made an agreement with the source of pollution, and the two helped each other to hide secrets that were invisible to each other.

Baimu Moyou immediately said: "Beiyuan classmate, have you had any guests at your house?"

The "North Yuan classmate" on the other end of the phone was very understanding, and replied cooperatively: "The cousin from Qitama County is here as a guest."

Not giving others a chance to interrupt, Baimu Moyou immediately said: "That's really a coincidence, since the congratulations have been conveyed, we won't bother, let's talk later."

She then said to them on the phone: "Let's hang up and contact Beiyuan classmate later."

After finishing speaking, Kashiwagi Moyu was a little apprehensive and worried. According to rumors on the Internet, Amamiya Masahira's hearing is very good. Will Amamiya recognize her voice?
Just this afternoon, that Amamiya Masahira, who was overweight with suspicion and had nothing to do all day, just came to trouble her!
"Then let's get back in touch later, Kitahara-san." Takanashi Sufu's voice sounded from the loudspeaker.

Tsurumi Chiharu: "Anyway, I've said everything I need to say, so I won't participate. I'll have to put on a mask later, so that's it. Celebrity finals, let's work hard, junior."


When the voice ended, Kashiwagi Moyu slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, after the "Sister Yugong", the younger sister of "Pollution Source" realized the danger and kept her mouth shut. The "Sister Yugong" also remained silent the whole time, otherwise something might really go wrong.

"Amiya Masahiro has gone to his house." Kashiwagi Moyou was speechless.

It is estimated that this afternoon, she and Xu Feng spoke good words for the "pollution source" and touched Amamiya, so there was such a thing as "a cousin from Saitama County came to visit".

The body suddenly became exhausted, and the spirit became much heavier. Baimu Moyou sighed in a low voice, feeling very uncomfortable, and murmured rather self-deprecatingly: "Yumong, do you have to thank me and Xufeng.

Upholding the idea of ​​not wanting to sink into a depressed state, Kashiwagi Moyu sighed, then held the mouse listlessly, and aimlessly opened messy web pages one by one to distract himself.

She clicked on more than a dozen pages in one breath, glanced at them casually, then closed them, and looked at the next one, one after another, until a familiar photo came into view, and she slowly stopped the mouse pointer.

Kashiwagi Moyou said helplessly, "How much did the Tokyo Chess Institute spend on him? Why are there news and photos of him here?"

Anyway, she saw it all, so she simply read it seriously.

This content report is all old news that she already knows, and even the inside story she knows is much more than this editor who has never met.

Move the mouse again to close the page, and when I was about to click into the next page, the mouse pointer suddenly paused.

As if the thing opened just now was a dangerous Pandora's Box, strong curiosity and desire kept pushing her, and then she searched for more things about "pollution sources".

Baimu Moyou only hesitated for less than five seconds, then complied with his inner desire, and quickly typed on the keyboard with both hands.

"The childhood of Kitahara sage."

After inputting, she clicked the mouse, and a series of relevant news appeared on the screen: "Pollution Source"'s family is a Go family, grandfather and father are both professional chess players, according to the older generation of chess players in the chess academy, "Pollution Source" was adopted , only my father, who started to learn chess at a very young age.
The childhood reports on "pollution sources" are basically the same. Kashiwagi Moyou slowly browsed through a few articles and then closed them all. She already knew these things.

"A tragic life experience, a poor childhood, but a strong and talented child was born, especially handsome. This is what people like to talk about after dinner." Baimu Moyou said silently.

She continued typing on the keyboard.

"What does the Kitahara sage like?"

After reading a few reports, Kashiwagi Moyou secretly retorted: "He doesn't like mathematics and Olympiad. These are hobbies made up by someone, although his grades are very good. He likes music, Chinese cuisine, especially food. Tomato, who likes to meddle in other people's business, and turns out to be a nasty boy spy."

She couldn't help thinking of the time when Kento Kitahara's arm was injured, she was responsible for taking care of his daily life, and that guy always said to her long-winded words like "don't blow the cold air directly at the air conditioner, don't be so impatient when you go downstairs" , I was in a daze.

"Childhood Photos of Kento Kitahara"

"Only these few photos?" Baimu Moyou frowned slightly. He thought he would find a lot of his childhood photos, but in the end, there were only five photos in total in more than a dozen reports.

"He was so stupid when he was a child, and he was not clever at first sight. A nerd." Baimu Moyou wanted to laugh a little, read it several times carefully, and murmured: "But it's cute, and it has the elegant temperament of Xufeng now. .

Slowly, I searched for keywords about "North Yuan sage" five times in succession again, and when Baimu Moyu regained her composure, an hour and a half had passed.

Although most of those reports were old news that she had known for a long time, and there were few new things, it was strange, but she felt a strange sense of satisfaction in her heart, as if she knew more about the "pollution source" A piece of privacy in the "pollution source", the more satisfied she feels, the more she desires more.Even if a lot of the content is fake.

"Am I sick? My mind is messed up." Baimu Moyou suddenly woke up, holding the mouse in a daze for a while, recalling the self just now, greedily searching everything about him, and felt that this behavior was a bit disgusting .

She took a deep breath to calm herself down, feeling a little regretful, she couldn't hold back just now, what strange things did she do.

"But." Kashiwagi Moyou hesitated again and again with the right hand controlling the mouse, and finally couldn't hold back the "hungry for knowledge" in his heart, and clicked the "Search" button again.

"Maybe this is the behavior in love. It's nothing strange or perverted." Baimu Moyou defended himself.

The number of searches is increasing, the keywords are becoming more and more extensive, and it is no longer limited to gossip about "pollution sources". Another hour passed, and Moyou Baimu's eyes were attracted by a niche forum.

Clicking in with the mouse, the name of the title page of the forum is very straightforward - Beiyuan Xianren Fan Support Club.

Baimu Moyou lightly slid the mouse wheel with her middle finger, browsed roughly, and was surprised and surprised to find that there were photos and secret consultations in this forum that were not reported in so many news that she had read.

She searched so many times for Beiyuan Xianren's childhood photos, but only found five. In this forum, there are seven identical photos.And not only the childhood photos, but also the photos of the "pollution source" studying chess records in the chess academy recently, there are many photos in the forum, and the date information is also specially marked.

Kashiwagi Moyu was stunned for a while, these daily photos could not be found on the official website of Tokyo Chess Institute, where did they spread from.

"Shouldn't they connect with the staff of the chess academy and film the daily life of the 'pollution source' chess academy in an open and honest way." Baimu Moyou guessed doubtfully.

The functions of the forum are very complete, not only displaying the current number of online users, but also a forum hierarchy, and even a chat function between fans.You can chat privately, and you can chat in groups together in the lobby, which obviously took a lot of thought and effort.

Kashiwagi Moyou studied it carefully for a long time. The forum currently has 482 online people, and the level of the forum can only be improved by daily sign-in and daily answering questions.

Every half a month, Fan Support will organize fans to go to the Tokyo Chess Academy to listen to Kitahara Kento's chess lectures.The Chess Institute is responsible for the reception. Fans only need to buy cheap tickets, and they can eat, drink and learn chess for free. Everyone can sign up independently.If you want to give gifts to idols, you can also entrust them to fans who go to the chess academy.

Baimu Moyou was speechless for a while, secretly thinking that this group of fans is too professional.

She moved the mouse, wanting to open a chess lecture video of the "pollution source" in the chess academy, but found that only by registering as a forum member can she watch the video.

Kashiwagi Moyou hesitated. If he wanted to watch the video, he had to register as a member and be his fan.
After hesitating for less than five seconds, she gritted her teeth and clicked register. When entering the forum ID, she pondered for a moment, then typed on the keyboard and named it: Lavender.

(End of this chapter)

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