Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 398 You Definitely Think Too Much

Chapter 398 You Definitely Think Too Much
The next day.

Student Union cabin.

At the head of the long brown table, Takanashi Xufeng leaned on his chin with his right hand and asked with divergent thoughts: "Moyou, do you think classmate Amamiya is still here today?"

Kashiwagi Moyu, who was looking at the screen of the mobile phone, heard the sound and said quietly for two seconds, "Maybe."


"I guessed it." Baimu Moyou lowered his head slightly. If last night, Yu Gong, who was very suspicious and had nothing to do all day, recognized her voice in the group voice call, and would definitely come to trouble her again. .

Takanashi Xufeng murmured distressedly: "Is there any way to make friends with Amamiya-san. The anniversary is getting closer and closer."

Baimu Moyou was speechless, and did not hold any faint hope for this.

She quietly retracted her gaze and returned her attention to the phone.

The main page of a forum was displayed on the screen - Beiyuan Xianren Fan Support Club - she found it by accident last night, and logged in again today.

Takanashi Xufeng, who had been sitting idle for a long time, stretched his waist, and murmured thoughtfully: "It's not easy, Moyu, you said Beiyuan-san, should we practice chess at the chess academy now? Let's play a game of chess too? . It seems that there is no chess board."

Baimu Moyou read the mobile phone screen silently, and responded: "He should not be in the chess academy, but practice chess at home."

"How did Moyou know?" Takanashi Xufeng was quite surprised.

"I guessed it." Baimu Moyou moved his palm calmly, covering the phone screen.

She has already convinced that the staff of the Chess Academy has reached a cooperation with the fan forum, occasionally revealing a little bit of "pollution source" news, or secretly taking a few photos that are not a big deal, or recording a video of him in the replay.

As long as the "pollution source" is in the chess academy, through this fan forum, she can even grasp the actions of the "pollution source" for most of the day. Kashiwagi Moyu is in a very delicate mood. I always feel that this kind of behavior, like a moron who is stalking and peeping, is not normal .

"Is the lavender new here?"

In the group chat window of the forum, a user named "Qi Gong" suddenly spoke to her.

"Lavender" is her username.Baimu Moyou hesitated for a while, and replied with a finger.

Lavender: "Yes."

Kashiwagi Moyu's fingers paused for a few seconds, and then edited the message again.

Lavender: "Isn't it good for us to do this? It's not normal."

Shichimiya: "Do you do that?"

Lavender: "It's just to spy on his life in the chess academy."

Nanakiya: "It's normal for fans to care about idols' work status. It's just the daily life of the chess academy, and it doesn't disturb the private life."

Baimu Moyou stared at this paragraph, and his brain reacted for a while, feeling very reasonable,
Her mood suddenly became much clearer, and it was not surprising to occasionally look at the whereabouts of the "pollution source".

In the past, she cared a lot about Xufeng, but now she cares more about "pollution sources" and maintains the balance of the scale.

Nanakiya: "However, I think lavender seems a bit abnormal."

Baimu Moyou was stunned for a moment, she was a little abnormal?
Immediately afterwards, another person joined the topic.

Miharu: "Lavender, what do you like about Kitahara sage?"

The sudden big straight ball hit the forehead, Kashiwagi Moyu was stunned, unexpectedly, the other party's question was too straightforward.

Miharu: "In one and a half hours, you have asked us four times, "What is the Kitahara sage doing now?"."

Miharu: "It's too frequent. It has exceeded the level of fans' "normal concern" for idols. I'm afraid it has reached the point of "investigating and coveting". Your behavior is indeed a bit abnormal. There are a few, you don’t have to feel very embarrassed.”

abnormal?four times? Baimu Moyou's brain crashed, and he was completely stunned.She hurriedly looked up the historical news, and then suddenly woke up. Unknowingly, subconsciously, she had indeed asked them four times, "What are the pollution sources doing?"

Qigong: "Haha Lavender, Sanchun has always spoken so straightforwardly, so don't worry about it. It's definitely not a pervert. Let's change it to a nicer word, how about love brain?"

Miharu: "Love brain? Don't you really imagine that you can marry your idol? Please be rational and don't have impossible delusions. Just admiring and looking forward to it is enough."

Qigong: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Lever L L

Miharu: "I'm just a more rational type. In other words, you are all perverted."

"Miharu has been banned by the administrator for 5 minutes."

Baimu Moyou was stunned for a moment, she hadn't interrupted yet, the Miharu who likes to play straight balls and claimed to be rational had already been silenced, and then saw that several divers came out and retaliated. Laughing picture pack emoji, it seems that such a thing has happened more than once.

She understood a little bit. In this forum, there are various factions mixed together. There are normal fan types like Qi Gong, relatively rational types, and irrational types who seem to "care too much".

"What is Moyou looking at? Since just now, you have been concentrating on your phone." Xu Feng's curious voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Baimu Moyou panicked, quickly put the phone on his stomach, and quickly said without looking back: "It's nothing, I'm replying to the message."

Registering a forum account and joining the secret fan association of "Pollution Source" must not be known by Xu Feng!
Even if Xu Feng finds out, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal, it’s nothing more than being a fan of that guy, it will look weird, but she is always very weird and resistant, like a little secret that she doesn’t want to share , do not want to be known by anyone.Including that niche fan forum.

Kashiwagi Moyou calmed down the lingering panic from just now, adjusted his mood, and said calmly as usual: "Arrangements for the anniversary celebration——"

It was only halfway through changing the subject when the door of the wooden house was pushed open suddenly. Baimu Moyu turned to look at the person who came, and was stunned for a moment, then suddenly became restless.

"Why are you here?" Baimu Moyou asked blankly.

"Student Beiyuan didn't go to the chess academy to practice?" Gao Li Xufeng was also very surprised.

"Didn't go." The sage Kitahara took off the scarf around his neck, walked in and explained, "My last round of chess was arranged at a later stage. Today I have a little rest for half a day."

The Kitahara sage winked quietly, implying to ask Kashiwagi Moyou how the situation is.

Just after connecting to the group voice last night, Yugong's small house girl suddenly came to his house, and the little naughty girl almost ruined things by saying "Sister Yugong".He came here today just for this matter, and it's hard to rest assured if he doesn't see what's going on with his own eyes.

Kashiwagi Moyu received the hint from his eyes and shook his head, implying that Kento Kitahara should rest easy, no one doubts that your "cousin Amamiya from Saitama County" is "Amiya from class G of the second year of Peak High."

The three of them thought of a piece, and Takanashi Xufeng also happened to think of that one, and had an idea, and quickly asked: "Student Yugong and you are at the next table, right?"

"She's my next table, what's the matter?" Beiyuan Xianren became cautious for a moment.

Gao Li Xufeng asked with concern: "Does Beiyuan understand her?"

Baimu Moyou glanced at Beiyuan, and secretly answered for him in his heart: "There is no one in the whole world who understands her better than me."

The sage of Beiyuan was quite surprised, and even more confused, so he replied very cautiously: "I usually rarely talk to her. If I want to say 'understanding' her, I should be far behind."

"Then, is there a way for Beiyuan to find out her interests and hobbies? That's right, the anniversary is coming soon, I think"

Baimu Moyou heard it in his ears, and silently slandered: "He doesn't need to inquire, he knows it all in his heart. And that woman's hobbies are standing in front of you."

After Takanashi Xufeng explained, the Kitahara sage was speechless for a moment.

She actually wanted to make friends with the little house girl. He pondered for a moment, but secretly decided not to get involved in this matter, not to persuade the small house girl Yugong to perform on stage, let alone force her to do things she didn't like.

Kitahara Kento pretended to think for a while, and said as a matter of course: "If you want to find out the interests or hobbies of Mr. Amamiya, the most obvious one should be piano?"

Kashiwagi Moyou glanced at Beiyuan, pretend it, you can pretend it, it looks real.

"Unfortunately not, I thought it was a piano at first, but"

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, and continued: "Actually, if you think about it, it's not difficult to know that if Amamiya really likes the piano, how could it be possible to stop art activities and choose the path of further education?"

The sage of Beiyuan suddenly felt that this topic became more and more dangerous.

He nonsense: "Then she likes to study?"

Takanashi Xufeng thought seriously, murmuring.

"Does Yugong like to study? I heard that she is always looking out of the window in a daze during class."

The sage of Beiyuan didn't work hard, he only moved his mouth, and absolutely didn't move a little bit of his brain.

"Then she should like to be in a daze?"

"That's right!" Takanashi Xufeng's eyes lit up, he straightened his waist instantly, and said with a little excitement: "Actually, if we can find out the truth about Amamiya-san's suspension of his artistic career and came to Fenggao to go to school, Perhaps it has grasped the key point of 'making friends with Yugong-san'."

"Think about it, everyone, the reason why she came to such an unknown university as Fenggao, is the simplest guess, is it because of someone? A certain past event? Or something like a promise? "Takahashi Xufeng's eyes sparkled like gems, and he looked at Beiyuan and Kashiwagi expectantly, wanting to hear what they had to say.

Kitahara sage was silent for a while, then turned to look at Kashiwagi, and Kashiwagi Moyu was also watching him quietly.

"I don't think it will work, it's impossible." Kitahara Sage expressed his opinion truthfully.

"I don't think so either, it's useless at all." Kashiwagi Moyou echoed.

"Huh, huh?" Gaoli Xufeng was slightly stunned, looked back and forth between the two of them with a very surprised expression, and asked in a daze, "Aren't you curious about the truth? Don't you think this is the key to unlocking the mystery?"

The sage of Beiyuan nodded, and said seriously: "No. I think it's just a waste of time."

Baimu Moyou also nodded and said: "I think so too, give up and think of another way."

Takanashi Xufeng suddenly felt a little dazed and shocked himself.

After her brain reacted for a while, she asked in a daze: "Am I the only one who thinks it's useful? Wait, think about it again, please think about it again!"

"If you find out the truth about Amamiya's coming to Fenggao to study, and know her inner secrets, whether it's getting to know her or making friends with her, it will definitely be very useful!" After speaking again, Takanashi Xufeng Looking expectantly at Kitahara and Kashiwagi.

The Kitahara sage thought about it again, then raised his head and said: "I still think it's useless, maybe it's because Fenggao is an ordinary high school that attracts Amamiya-student, and there is not so much romance in it." s reason."

Bai Mu Moyou also said firmly: "Yes, Xu Feng may have thought too much, imagining a good result too much."

A secretary, a vice president, the right arm of the student union.They were firmly against her, Gao Li Xufeng began to waver in his heart, and doubted his own judgment more and more.

"Is it because I'm thinking too much? I'm thinking too much? Is it really useless?" Takanashi Xufeng asked in a low voice.

Kitahara sage: "Yes, you are right in this matter."

Kashiwagi Moyou: "Give up as soon as possible, and think of a more down-to-earth solution."

(End of this chapter)

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