Three twenty in the afternoon.Chiyoda Ward.

After sweeping the grave for her grandmother, on the way home by car, Takanashi Xufeng looked at the receding street scene outside the car window, and asked divergently: "Did my grandmother and my mother look exactly the same when they were young? Just like me and like mom?."

Mama Takanashi held the steering wheel with both hands, showing a warm expression of memories.

"It's not exactly the same, there are subtle differences. For example, my mother's hair is a little harder than Xufeng's grandmother, and our eye shape is also a little different from hers."

Takanashi Xufeng recalled the black-and-white photos of her grandmother when she was a girl, and asked curiously: "Then my child in the future will look exactly like me, my mother and grandmother?"

Gaoli's mother said with a smile, "It depends on whether the genes of Xu Feng's future husband can defeat the genes of our family."

"But if it's a boy, it shouldn't be so similar. Does Xufeng want to have a boy or a girl?"

Takanashi Xufeng was stunned for a moment, thought carefully and said: "I haven't thought about it yet, it's too far away."

"A girl who has to be quiet? A quiet type like Moyu is good. I hope she can become an excellent creator in the future. If it's a boy, it's a sunny and cheerful type. I hope he can become a physical person in the future. healthy athlete."

"Already have hope for the next generation?" Takanashi's mother was very surprised, and said with a smile: "It's very reliable, Xufeng will be a virtuous person in the future—" Gaoli's mother paused, and there were two buses at the crossing ahead. Ready to drive out, she stepped on the brake lightly, ready to give way.

Takanashi Xufeng's thoughts also stopped for one of them, and he looked up.

"The front is the Tokyo Chess Academy?"

"Hmm. There seems to be some event. Hey, is the name on the fan card Xu Feng's classmate? The boy wearing the mask and playing the guitar?"

Takanashi Xufeng straightened his back and looked, and immediately saw the four key Chinese characters of "North Yuan Sage".

She quickly realized something, smiled knowingly, and said, "It's probably a fan meeting."

"Would you like to take a look?" Takanashi's mother turned her head and asked.

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while and said: "It's too abrupt, and it's over, they're all in the car, forget it."

Mama Takanashi nodded and didn't speak any more. She let the two buses in front of her go first, and then she accelerated steadily.

Takanashi Xufeng looked at the entrance of the Chess Academy, but didn't see someone's figure, and was about to look away, but saw a short girl running out in a panic.

"She's so familiar." Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while.

"Mom, wait!" Gao Li Xufeng hurriedly turned his head and asked his mother to stop, focused his eyes, and carefully looked at the short girl at the gate of the chess academy.

"You know her?"

Gaoli Xufeng said "hmm" and explained: "Fenggao's classmate, Kobayashi Lianghua, a member of the Disciplinary Committee, she should be on duty today and shouldn't be here."

Mother Takanashi who stopped the car turned her head to look, and couldn't help but said with a smile: "Skipping class? Was arrested on the spot by the student council president."

"Mom, I'll go down for a while." Gao Li Xufeng pushed open the car door, looked at both sides of the road, and trotted all the way to find Xiaolin Lianghua.

Before running halfway, Xiaolin Lianghua in the distance noticed her, her silly little face froze for a moment, and she froze for a moment. After three seconds, she suddenly turned her head, ran away, and charged towards the entrance of the chess academy.

"Student Xiaolin!"

"Ah, you got the wrong person!"

Takanashi Xufeng laughed and shouted angrily, "Stop!"

Seeing that there was no escape, Xiao Lin Lianghua stopped reluctantly, turned to the president who was running over with a sad face.

Takanashi Xufeng reached out and clasped the "fugitive" by the shoulder, pretending to be stern and asked, "Why are you here?"

Xiaolin Lianghua didn't answer right away. She looked at the gate of the Qiyuan again and again, but she didn't wait for Secretary Beiyuan to come, so she put on a sad face and said nonchalantly: "I am here to support the secretary on behalf of Fenggao's fan club. Secretary Beiyuan knew about it. Our minister also knows that I have applied in advance. Everyone agrees that sending me is the most appropriate!"

Gaoli Xufeng would not believe it. She had heard about Xiaolin Lianghua's daily performance in the Disciplinary Committee, and even heard that this Xiaolin classmate once wrapped Moyou around Moyou in the club building, hugged Moyou's waist, and staged a scene. A miraculous farce of public confession,

Takanashi Xufeng looked back at the direction the bus was leaving, and asked, "Are you left behind by them?"

Kobayashi Lianghua nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Takanashi Xufeng immediately asked back: "For an offline event with dozens of people, didn't the number of people be counted before getting on the bus?"

Xiaolin Lianghua was dumbfounded, she would definitely count the number of people, but she is not the chess academy that signed up.

She played games all night last night. She didn't know that she was on duty today. She didn't see the group news until the morning, so she improvised, rushed to the gathering point, stopped the bus, and shamelessly came to the chess academy without spending a penny.

"They must have forgotten." Xiaolin Lianghua said cheekily and nonchalantly, she didn't believe it.

Takanashi Xufeng was noncommittal, and asked four consecutive questions.

"Why don't you go out with the team and drive together? Where did you go without authorization?"

"As the representative of Fenggao, don't you know that no one knows you, no one calls you?"

"Why did you run when you saw me just now?"

Xiaolin Lianghua was stunned again, dumbfounded and speechless.She didn't remember what the president asked a series of questions, let alone how to answer them.

"I, I." Xiaolin Lianghua stammered, seeing the president's eyes becoming more and more suspicious, in desperation, she had no choice but to use her shameless expertise, so she suddenly hugged the president's arm, with a look of injustice He raised his head and said: "President, you have to trust me! I, Xiao Lin Lianghua, am a super responsible member! In my daily work, I suppress my business, dig into walls and steal books, and hang my head to the bone. Everyone knows that. How could I do that?" If you skip work, you can ask Secretary Beiyuan if you don’t believe me, I’ve been wronged.”

Conquering the industry, chiseling the wall to steal books, hanging the head to the bone, what are these things. Takanashi Xufeng looked at Xiao Lin who was wronged and serious, and was almost amused by Xiao Lin. He tried his best to hold the corner of his mouth, and asked with a smile: " Do you usually dig walls and steal books?"

Kobayashi Lianghua was a little confused. Although she didn't know why the president was holding back her laughter, she quickly replied: "It's true! Everyone knows that! I worked very hard to steal books!"

Takanashi Xufeng couldn't bear it any longer, covered his mouth and burst out laughing.

"Let go of me first, I won't catch you, I'll give you a chance to explain."

"Let me ask you, what do you think chiseling walls and stealing books mean?"

Xiaolin Lianghua hurriedly let go, and asked tentatively, "Knock open the wall and read secretly? Study hard?"

"Why do you want to break through the wall and read a book secretly?"

"That's what the idiom says." Xiaolin Lianghua expressed her understanding with a dazed expression: "The father of the protagonist burned books to deceive people, locked the protagonist up, and prohibited him from studying, but he wanted to read sage books, so he worked hard. Cut open the wall and secretly read a book."

"No, not at all!"

Xiaolin Lianghua was shocked, and asked, "Is there no such idiom? I remember what my Mandarin teacher said."

"Yes, but you remember wrongly, it's not stealing books, it's stealing light."

Xiaolin Lianghua was stunned for a moment, and asked, "How do you steal light?"

Takanashi was speechless and completely extinguished the idea of ​​teaching Kobayashi.

"Forget it. I'll ask you again." Takanashi Xufeng put on a straight face and asked, "Did Kitahara-san agree with you?"

"Really!" Xiaolin Lianghua nodded vigorously.

Gao Li Xufeng looked at Xiao Lin carefully, and after a while, she sighed and said helplessly, "Don't do this again next time."

Kobayashi Lianghua's brain reacted for a long time, but she didn't want to understand what the chairman meant.

Whether the president was fooled by her and not allowed to hold her arm again after pointing it out; or was he not fooled by her and not allowed to skip work after warning her, this time forget it.

"Come with me."

Xiaolin Lianghua quickly regained her senses, and asked a little timidly, "Where are you going?"

Takanashi Xufeng pointed to the parking lot on the side of the road,
"Where is your home, I will take you back."

Kobayashi Lianghua was shocked, there is such a good thing in the sky, and now she can save a lot of travel expenses to buy games.

She hurriedly asked, "Really? My house is at the bridge station."

"Really," Gao Li Xufeng looked at Xiao Lin helplessly, and led her to get in the car.

After fastening her seat belt, the vehicle drove for a while, and she turned her head slightly to look at Xiao Lin.

"Today is Kitahara Eighth Dan's fan meeting?"

Kobayashi Lianghua quickly put down the phone: "It's a meeting! It's the first large-scale offline event of the fan forum, and it was planned a week ago."

Takanashi Xufeng became interested and asked, "A fan forum?"

"Well, Secretary Beiyuan's fan forum will release photos and videos of the secretary in the chess academy every day."

Takanashi Xufeng nodded in understanding, and continued to ask: "Is it a big forum?"

"It's not big. It's a niche forum with only more than 3000 registered users. It only started about two months ago. I don't know much about it."

"Are you a loyal fan of Bei Yuan?"

Xiao Lin Lianghua smirked, but said nothing.Of course she is a fan of Secretary Beiyuan, and Secretary Beiyuan gave her a very expensive game cassette.Most importantly, you can use Fenggao's fan representative as an excuse to skip work and go out to play games openly!

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