Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 405 Lavender and Red Bean

night.Bright and tidy girly room.The white gauze curtain swayed.

The laptop screen glowed slightly, Takanashi Xufeng rested his chin on his left hand, and shook the mouse.

"I found it. Is this the fan forum of Kitahara-san?"

Clicking the mouse, scrolling the scroll wheel, Takanashi Xufeng briefly browsed the main page, and indeed, as Mr. Kobayashi said, there are multiple sections here, and there are new photos and videos of "Beiyuan Eight Sections".

She started a video out of curiosity, and a reminder box popped up: Non-registered members cannot watch.

"Where did these photos and videos come from? Does Beiyuan know? Could it be a sneak shot?"

Takanashi Xufeng clicked on multiple pages in a row, all of which required login to proceed further. She decided to register an account and take a good look at these mysterious things.

After entering the account number and password in twos and twos, it was his turn to enter the user name, Takanashi Xufeng suffered from the difficulty of choosing for a while.

"Do you want to have the same name as Line? But it's easy to leak personal information. Feng Gao's classmates are also in this forum. If they are recognized, they will be embarrassed."

Takanashi Xufeng thought about it a little, and a flash of inspiration flashed.

"Nanguo Red Bean? This name seems feasible."

"But Beiyuan and I have discussed "Nanguo Red Bean" many times. If he knew about this forum, would he follow the clues and catch me?"

Although it would be no big deal if Kitahara-san found out his identity, Takanashi Xufeng thought it would be interesting to secretly join his fan group without telling Kitahara-san.

"I will tell him suddenly later, he will be very surprised, maybe he will be stunned."

Takanashi Xufeng imagined the next scene, smiled knowingly, quickly tapped the keyboard with both hands, and entered the user name - Hongdou.

"That's all right, I should be able to see photos and videos."

Takanashi Xufeng easily pressed the Enter key, clicked to watch, browsed for a few minutes, and clicked on a few photos from the past.

"The shooting angle is normal. It doesn't look like a candid shot. It should be taken by the staff of the Chess Academy? Is there any cooperation between this forum and the Chess Academy? They have already held a fan meeting at the Chess Academy, there must be."

"Broadcast announcement: Today's first large-scale offline meeting."

Takanashi Xufeng moved the mouse curiously to check the details of the broadcast notification.

The content is a very common forum announcement. First, I thanked all the organizers and participants for their hard work, and then released a few group photos of offline activities. Reply can participate in the lucky draw.At the end of the article, special thanks to several special contributors in this event.

Takanashi Sukaze's gaze was drawn to the name of one of the special contributors.


Under the name of "Lavender", in eye-catching colorful fonts, there is a special announcement about the promotion. The simple summary is: Lavender serves as the deputy moderator of the news area.

After reading the announcement, Takanashi Xufeng has already got a preliminary understanding of this forum, and finally only the chat hall is left.

At this time, the chat hall was full of discussions about the new deputy moderator.

"The slut has become a moderator?"

"According to gossip, the slut provided nearly 100 million yen in financial support for this event, and also participated in the design of most of the links."

"100 million?! The idiot is the boss of a rich woman!"

"Nichinomiya said that sluts are super social horrors, so they didn't dare to show up at the scene."

"Could it be that the female boss is busy, so I don't have time to participate."

"Idiot. Is it Lavender?" Takanashi Xufeng murmured suspiciously: "No one else is promoted to moderator except Lavender."

"It seems that Lavender is still a celebrity in the forum, but she is recognized as a slut and a slut"

Takanashi Xufeng couldn't help but think of the lavender field planted by Moyou at the door of the log house of the student union.

She didn't think that "Lavender" was Moyou. Although Moyou might name herself "Lavender" according to Moyou's hobby, Moyou was definitely not a "slut".

"And Moyou doesn't even know about this forum." Takanashi Xufeng emphasized, and muttered, "Moyou is a quiet and polite 'lady', how could she be a 'slut'."

the next afternoon.The clouds are thick and the autumn rain is dense.

In the wooden house of the student union, Kashiwagi Moyou hummed the melody happily, holding a watering can, and watering the flowers everywhere.She hadn't been this happy in a long time.

As she wished to become the sub-moderator of the fan forum, more than half of her goal has been achieved. This is only a small part of the happiness. The most important thing is that she not only acted recklessly, secretly did things that were strictly prohibited by classmate Yugong, and even sent them out anonymously. A small card to the "pollution source", with a few words of encouragement and support written on it.

"If she finds out what I did, she will definitely be furious." Baimu Moyou held back the corners of her lips, her mood was very happy, she was very happy in every sense, and she even wanted to do it again, next time more A little too much.

By the half-closed window, the cool breeze blowing from the autumn rain was very comfortable, Takanashi Xufeng leaned back against the window sill leisurely, and said secretly: "Moyou is in a good mood today."

The usual student union is enough to be free, not to mention the rainy days when there are no activities.The leisurely Takanashi Xufeng took out her pink phone, thought for a while, turned around, took a photo of the rain scene outside, bowed her head and sent it to Beiyuan, and then logged into Kitahara Kento's fan forum to pass the time.

After a while, she suddenly raised her head and quickly asked, "What is Beiyuan's blood type?"

Kashiwagi Moyu, who was playing with her mobile phone just after putting down the watering can, raised her head unexpectedly,

"blood type?"

"Right blood type! Hurry up, the 15-second countdown is on."

Kashiwagi Moyu always felt that "15-second countdown" sounded very familiar.

She answered firmly in a second: "Type A blood."

".OK, done."

"Why did you ask about his blood type." Baimu Moyou paused for a moment, and added with a very guilty conscience: "I took care of him in the hospital last time, and saw his blood type."

"Well, I knew that Moyou must know."

The guilty Baimu Moyou didn't say anything, and didn't even dare to ask about the blood type.

Takanashi Xufeng whispered to himself: "This answer is really strange. It actually asks Beiyuan's blood type. Who knows such a strange question."

About Kitahara Kento's strange answer, a 15-second countdown. Kashiwagi Moyu suddenly had a terrible premonition.

"Moyou, come and see, I accidentally found Beiyuan's fan forum yesterday, there are quite a few people in it, and the functions are very complete, and there are also his daily videos and photos, isn't it amazing?"

Kashiwagi Moyou was stunned when he heard half of it, his mind was blank, broken!
"Moyou, Moyou?"

"Oh, a fan forum?" Baimu Moyou said with a bit of surprise, "That guy actually has a fan forum, I really didn't expect it."

"What is 'that guy', and it's normal." Takanashi Xufeng laughed, stepped forward, and showed Moyou the content on the phone screen.

"Look, here are photos, these are videos, here is the news section, and there are check-in and answering questions. The forum is very functional, right? And yesterday's rest day, there was a fan meeting."

Kashiwagi Moyou, who was shocked for a while, was a little confused. He hadn't figured out how to deal with the current situation, but mechanically seconded with a "hmm".

"Oh, by the way, this is the chat interface, and it can also display the number of people who are online at the same time. You can see that someone was talking a minute ago."

"Lavender: I'm in a good mood today~~~"

Kashiwagi Moyou looked at the text he just poured water a minute ago, and his inner activities were very exciting.

Someone already replied below.

"At 26:40 p.m., the slut replied seven times to No.530 on the forum, which is [-] six times away from the record she set last time. Please relay the record to everyone in the back, and I will retire first."

"According to today's frequency, it is estimated that the record cannot be broken."

"What happened to the slut? The first time I saw you, I said I was in a good mood. Could it be that I had a sex dream?"

In front of Xu Feng, being ridiculed by so many people as a "slut", Baimu Moyou felt ashamed and couldn't stand it anymore.And I was as scared as if I forgot to put on my clothes when I went out today!
She took the lead and asked quickly, "Who is this slut?"

"I don't know, I just discovered this forum yesterday."

Baimu Moyou tried to stabilize his mind, tried his best to pretend to be natural and said: "They are not like normal people, don't look at them, Xu Feng seldom communicates with these people, it is best not to read this forum in the future."

Takanashi Xufeng thinks there is nothing wrong with it, except for this slut named "Lavender", she sees that everyone else in the forum is quite normal.

"Moyou looks at the user ID of a slut. Her name is Lavender. Maybe she likes lavender like Moyou."

"It might be a blind act." Baimu Moyou tried to find a way to clear her "suspect".

"It is indeed possible, but I think that if a person uses a flower name, an animal, or a name from a film and television drama as a screen name, nine out of ten, that person likes those things. I can't say what effect it belongs to, but it is very Makes sense."

It took a long time for Baimu Moyou to choke out a word, then changed the subject and said, "Maybe. What screen name did Xu Feng use?"

"red beans."

Baimu Moyou immediately thought of the book Xufeng liked.

"From "Southland Red Bean"?" she asked.

"Well, isn't it not bad?" Takanashi Xufeng put away her phone and stretched her lower back.

"Oh, by the way, Moyou is also in a good mood today, what good happened?"

Kashiwagi Moyou pretended to be calm and replied: "No, it's just raining today and the temperature is just right, so I'm happy."

"Today's temperature is quite comfortable." Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while and said, "Why don't Moyou come to register an account too?"

Baimu Moyou immediately refused, with a firm stand: "I'm not interested in that forum, and there are a group of very strange people in it. I suggest that Xu Feng read that forum less, and it's best not to read it in the future."

Takanashi Xufeng didn't think there was anything wrong. Although he felt quite regretful, he didn't force his friends to register for an account.I just thought it would be great if Mo You was also in the forum. One day in the future, if he suddenly told classmate Bei Yuan, he would be shocked, maybe he would be stunned on the spot. Thinking about that scene is very interesting.

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