Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 414 The Celebrity Battle Begins

The next day.

After waking up early in the morning, the sage of Beiyuan ate some snacks and fruits. He didn't read the chess records or practice chess any more, and sat quietly in the room.In last night's online chess game, he lost a total of seven games, two of which were unsustainable, and he really couldn't beat his opponent, and the other five games were all deliberately lost to Jingshan Chess Master.He also invited Jing Shan to a game, and according to the plan, he lost to the opponent tragically.

"I hope Jingshan will be fooled." Beiyuan sage thought to himself, sitting quietly to cultivate himself.

Calculating in his mind that the time was almost up, he quickly got up, put on his notebook bag, and hurried to the match scene.

Passing through one door after another, turning the corner, and at the end of the corridor in the distance, there are already more than a dozen reporters eagerly waiting for today's two protagonists.Kitahara Kento first found the staff on the side, handed in all the electronic equipment such as laptops and mobile phones, took a deep breath, and walked towards the distant camera square.

The spotlight flickered for a moment, and the reporters from all walks of life "clicked" to shoot at the Kitahara Kento who came over. Kitahara Kento leaned over to return the salute, passed by a group of reporters, stepped into the game room, and immediately saw Director Goto, and Takemiya grandfather.Cosmic stream Takemiya Hideki.

Takemiya Hideki looked at the Kitahara sage who came up, couldn't help smiling, and said, "I didn't expect that I would come."

Kitahara sage said in surprise: "I really didn't expect you to come to the scene. Is Grandpa Takemiya in charge of today's commentary?"

Director Goto interjected and explained: "Takemiya is the leader of the meeting, and Ichiriki is the commentator for the first round of the Celebrity Tournament."

"Lihui people." Beiyuan Xianren was even more surprised.

The so-called "stand-up person" is the host of the game who indicates to both parties to guess first when the game starts, which is similar to the host.In addition, legislators also have an extremely important role.

In the challenge match of the Japanese title match, each side has eight hours of reserved time, and after the reserved time is exhausted, the countdown will be 10 minutes each time.Under this kind of ultra-slow chess rules, a game of chess usually takes two days of fierce fighting to complete.

The two-day ultra-slow chess has a big problem. For example, after the black side makes a move and the game is closed today, then white has an extra night to think about how to deal with black's last move.Therefore, the Chess Institute has formulated a balance rule: before closing the game, whoever is going to play the last move will be handed an envelope by the meeting staff, and the last move will be written in the envelope, and the announcement will not be announced until the game starts tomorrow.

It can be said that apart from the two sides of the game, the stand-up person is the second most important existence, and the referee and scorer must also be in the back row.

Grandpa Wu Gong laughed heartily; "I think no one is more suitable than me to be today's Li Hui person!"

Kitahara Kento was very moved. His adoptive father Kitahara Masayoshi and Grandpa Takemiya were close friends in this life, and Grandpa Takemiya also helped him a lot on the road of Go. Indeed, there is no one more suitable than Takemiya Hideki to be the first time in his life. A standout for key games.

During the conversation, the sage of Beiyuan glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Jingshan Chess Master also coming to the opposite room.The sage of Beiyuan turned around first and said hello, and Chess Master Jing Shan returned the greeting politely.Today is an important occasion, and the four of them did not communicate much. When Jing Shan just arrived, he took a break to prepare. Under the witness of the judges and scorers, Kitahara Kento and Jing Shan both knelt down on the golden torreya tree with solemn expressions. In front of the chess pier.

When the time came, Hideki Takemiya, the legislator, said with a serious face, "Both sides start guessing first."

After saying that, the elder Jingshan Chess Master opened the chess set and grabbed a handful of white stones, the number of which is not revealed yet.The sage of Beiyuan was silent for two seconds, took out a black piece from the chessboard and placed it on the board, indicating that he guessed that the white piece was an odd number.Jingshan Chess Master nodded slightly, and put down the white pieces in his hand: one, two, three, four, five, five white pieces in total.odd number.Guess right, the sage of Beiyuan holds the black chess.

Kitahara sage is in a satisfied mood, he likes to play black chess.Although black has the burden of close attention, it has a first-mover advantage. Compared with white, it is easier to control the rhythm of the board. This is his favorite way of playing chess.

The chess game begins.There was nothing much to think about at the beginning of the game. The sage of Beiyuan landed a black stone on the upper right corner of the chessboard, and the chess master Jingshan also did not think about it, and a white stone landed on the opposite star.After the three or four hands are down, the chessboard forms a pattern of black Erlian star against white Erlian star.

In the next move, the Kitahara sage decided to enter at 33 points. He didn't know what Jingshan Chess Master was thinking about in this game, and he didn't know if he was fooled by yesterday. Anyway, he first made a real profit and held the affordable cash in his hand first. Here, after the incident, we will react accordingly, let's see how Baiqi makes a bright move.

Seeing this move, Jingshan Chess Master fell into deep thought.

Dian Sansan naturally had nothing to think about, but since Jing Shan was thinking, Kitahara sage guessed that the other party must be guessing his intentions, and responded accordingly.

Five minutes later, Jingshan Chess Master's white piece landed, and the three-three pattern was played. The white piece blocked and the black piece climbed. little fly.

Point three three change Mi knife to proceed!

The sage of Beiyuan immediately sat up straight, staring at the chessboard with a slight frown.

The so-called Mi Dao is also a layout pattern, a new pattern jointly developed by world champion Mi Yuting and AI.Its changes are extremely complicated. After one part is played, a quarter of the chessboard is filled, and one move moves the whole body, involving many quotations. It can even be said that as long as one step is missed or made a mistake, the winner will be decided.

The sage of Beiyuan pondered, he had studied Mi Dao for a while, but compared to the AI ​​era chess player who had studied Mi Dao for several years, he naturally had to be more cautious.

"It's quite imposing. As soon as you come up, show me your tricks first, and show me your power." The sage of Beiyuan looked up at Jing Shan, who was concentrating on it, and felt that his losing streak in the game of online chess last night was probably caused by letting him down. Jing Shan made a misjudgment.

For a moment, the sage of Beiyuan thought over and over again, and decided to be patient and avoid the edge for the time being.One is that Mi Dao is too complicated, and there are many variants. The opponent has studied it more deeply than him. Lost all night late, the state is not good, today I was discouraged, and I took an aggressive approach, so that it is easier to find an opportunity to provoke a full-scale battle.

After making a decision, the Kitahara sage gave up the idea of ​​tit-for-tat, and the black chess played honestly, not provoking trouble, not responding to the challenge, and turned the routine back to the normal point-three-three method.

The part is finished, and the black chess avoids the battle.Under the quiet observation of the Kitahara sage, Jing Shan's waist became more aggressive and straight. Although they did not meet each other's eyes, the Kitahara sage could really feel that Jing Shan was exerting invisible pressure on him.The psychological battle of Go has been launched since the beginning of this game.

At the same time, at the commentary stand outside the game, Aoi Aoi and Hideki Takemiya sat under the stage, watching the real-time game on the big chessboard.

"Jing Shan is really not afraid of Kitahara-kun's power in the middle game." Takemiya Hideki looked at the progress on the big chessboard, and said with a smile, "The two powerful chess players collided. Today is a good show."

The introverted and quiet Xiang Wukui didn't answer, holding an ice cream cone that was about to slip off with two small hands, and stared at the big chessboard in front of him with wide eyes.

"I heard that Kitahara-kun played net chess last night and lost all night?" Hideki Takemiya turned to look at Aoi Sangbu, "Ice cream is about to drip on you, why don't you eat it soon."

Xiang Wukui quickly licked the tip of her crumbling nipples, and faced Grandpa Takemiya's question, she smiled embarrassedly and did not answer directly.

The old chess player who had been scheming all his life looked at Xiangmu Kui's mysterious little smiling face, but he didn't realize the abnormality. Takemiya Hideki understood the inside story in a single thought, and looked thoughtfully at the big chessboard on the commentary stage.

"It seems that Beiyuan-kun has played tricks on Jingshan, right?"

Xiang Wukui nodded slightly, expressing that.

Takemiya Hideki was silent for a while, and then said: "But I think you and Kitahara-kun are overthinking. For super-class chess players, there is no harm in not being afraid of the opponent's strength. In other words, those who can become top chess players, they must There is no one who is weak."

"Just like Zhao Zhixun and I used to be nine-dan, I was loyal to the outside world, and played around the big picture. He loved the field very much, and he wanted to take all the ground. But I was never afraid of him coming to grab the ground, and he was never afraid of me being around the big picture. He Let me go around, I let him come to grab the so-called top chess players, the most important thing is self-confidence, self-confidence that your style and skills are not inferior to your opponents."

Hideki Takemiya laughed and said, "I guess Jing Shan had already thought about it before the competition. He wanted to fight Kitahara-kun head-on. Kitahara-kun is not afraid of him, so why should he be afraid of Kitahara-kun."

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