Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 415 1 Old and 1 Small Plan

Chapter 415 The old and the young have a plan
Celebrities battle in the game room, the chess game has only progressed to more than forty hands, and it is time for lunch, so let's pause for a while.

The staff came up to ask about the lunches of both sides of the game.In order to avoid being full and empty, which would affect mental calculations, Kitahara sage simply ordered a bowl of cold udon noodles and a small fruit platter.

While chewing the chilled cantaloupe, Kento Kitahara was thinking about how to deal with Jingshan's provocation.

According to his consideration, try not to give Jing Shan too much time to calculate and figure out the many changes in the mid-game battle, so tomorrow is the best time for him to set off a big mid-game battle.

If it is blitz chess with one step in 15 seconds, or blitz chess with one step in 5 minutes and 10 minutes, Kento Kitahara is even confident that he will shave Jing Shan's head [-]-[-]. Even small second- and third-tier chess players can lose. Although Jing Shan is not serious in all likelihood, it can be seen from the inside of the pipe-it is a pity that the two-day Go game has too much time for both sides. The changes you can calculate, How can the opponent not see that the gap in computing power between the two has been greatly narrowed invisibly.

After eating just half full, the Kitahara sage thanked him, handed the bowl to the staff, and returned to the chessboard with his concentration. Apply.

"Let's endure it until today's closure." The Kitahara sage, who had calculated the local changes clearly, thought to himself, and then waited boredly for Jing Shan's next move.

There were not many people in the lecture room, and a camera was pointing at Yi Liliao, who was in charge of the commentary, and the scene was broadcast simultaneously on the network platform.Aoi Aoi and Hideki Takemiya were still sitting in their original positions in the audience.

Hideki Takemiya was leaning on the back of the seat, holding the mobile phone in both hands, and watched the live broadcast of the celebrity battle on youtube leisurely. The news in the chat window kept scrolling. Hideki Takemiya watched it for a while, enjoying himself .

"Okay, very good. I have to repeat the words of cheering and blessing hundreds of times. Kitahara-kun's supporters are very active."

Xiang Wukui, who was always staring at the big screen, nodded and said with encouragement: "Oni-chan, come on!"

Seeing that it was already time for dinner, Takemiya Hideki stood up slowly and called the Prime Minister Wu Kui.

"This game will not be finished for a while. I will take you to try the local chicken and beef. The Kofu Guest House is a good place, and the royal family often comes here for vacation and recuperation."

Xiang Wukui thought for a moment, nodded, and followed Takemiya Hideki's heels.

Walking out of the chess lecture room, Takemiya Hideki led the way with ease, and Xiaoxiang Wukui followed behind. The two walked along the bluestone road, turned left and right in the pine and cypress courtyard, and came to an elegant lobby. Pick a seat, call the waitress, and Xiang Wukui also sits down.

After ordering, Takemiya Hideki saw Aoi Aoi staring at the mobile phone on the table. The screen of the mobile phone seemed to be the scene of the celebrity battle. There were two more moves on the chessboard than before they left.

Takemiya Hideki asked, "How is the situation?"

Xiang Wukui stared at the phone for a while, and said, "It should be about five or five."

Takemiya Hideki slightly judged the chessboard on the mobile phone screen, and said: "The situation is roughly divided into two, and the white chess is a little more active. Jingshan is very active, and Kitahara-kun's method is concise, and he should be waiting for an opportunity to exert strength."

Until all the dishes were served, the chessboard on the phone screen did not change. Xiang Wukui withdrew her attention, picked up a piece of shellfish wrapped in abalone juice, blew it, and put it into her mouth.

Swallowing, Xiang Wukui looked up and asked, "Grandpa Takemiya, Oni-chan said that you are a Go genius. You were called a 'Nine-Dan Killer' when you were in the second dan of your career. You were also the first world champion in the history of Go. He won the championship again, and he was also the champion of the first to fourth Asian Cup Rapid Chess Tournament."

"Me?" Takemiya Hideki put down the bamboo chopsticks, swayed his upper body slightly, and said with a reminiscing look, "It's about the same."

Hideki Takemiya smiled and said: "The times have changed, and the promotion rules have changed. If it was still the same, 'Northern First Dan' would still have the title of 'Nine-Dan Killer'."

Takemiya Hideki continued to reminisce and said: "When I was young, I was a hundred times more naughty than Kitahara-kun. I was fond of making trouble and playing pranks, and I was scolded by the school teacher every day. Later, Mr. Tanaka Sanqiichi, a famous Go player, appreciated me and discovered my Go talent. Mr. Tanaka begged my mentor, Mr. Kigumi, to make an exception and send me to the Kigumi Dojo. From then on, I officially embarked on the path of a professional chess player."

Takemiya Hideki paused, and asked with a smile, "Do you know the Kigumi Dojo?"

Aoi Xiangwu nodded. She heard Oni-chan said that the Kigumi Dojo is the home of Kikudan.At that time, Mugushi Dojo was equivalent to the Jixia Academy of Go.

Kigu Shi Jiudan and Wu Qingyuan, a generation of chess masters, jointly created the "new layout revolution", which greatly enriched the new thinking of Go.

Later, Kigushi Dojo was full of peaches and plums, and cultivated a group of superstars recorded in Go history: Hideki Takemiya, Hero Otake, Zhao Zhixun, Masao Kato, Koichi Kobayashi, Kaku Kobayashi, Yoshio Ishida. Later Liuchao ( Among the world's six super-class masters), people from the Kigumi Dojo accounted for five!
It can even be said that if there were top ten top players in the world at that time, the entire world chess world would have to compete with Kigumi Dojo for a spot.

Takemiya Hideki slowly narrated the past, and after talking for half an hour, suddenly remembered something, coughed twice, and asked in a low voice to Xiang Wukui: "Do you like Beiyuan-kun?"

"I like it." Xiang Wukui said without thinking.

Maybe he didn't expect Xiang Wukui to admit it openly, Takemiya Hideki woke up for a few seconds, and asked in surprise, "Lover's like?"

Xiang Wukui thought for a while and said, "My brother and sister like it."

"That's right." Takemiya Hideki nodded knowingly, and then asked, "You two know each other?"

Xiang Wukui held the teacup in his little hand and explained: "Oni-chan and I have known each other for less than half a year, and Oni-chan is my senior."

"Just a classmate you've known for half a year?" Hideki Takemiya was even more surprised. It's just a classmate at the same school, and they haven't known each other for half a year, yet they are able to yell Ouni sauce one by one. When did the development of the young people become so advanced.

Aoi Xiangwu thought and thought, and said in a low voice, "Don't tell Oni-chan. I want Oni-chan and sister Takanashi to be lovers."

Takemiya Hideki thought about it for a while, and asked, "Takahashi is the girl who came to the chess academy with you?"

"Well, on the day that Oni-chan and I took the vocational certificate exam, Sister Takanashi watched us take pictures and even adjusted our collars."

The impression of Takanashi immediately flashed in Takemiya Hideki's mind.That dignified Shuxian is a girl from a rich family at first glance.

The mature old chess player turned his head slightly, and instantly figured out what Xiang Wukui was playing in his heart.The kid wanted to pull him together to match the mandarin ducks.

Takemiya Hideki laughed and said: "I can't control it, I can't control it, young people's affairs, young people can handle it by themselves, fate can't be forced. If it really happens one day, I can teach Kitahara-kun how to dance ballroom dancing, Don't look at me playing chess all my life, it seems like I don't know anything else except playing chess, but I'm also very good at singing and dancing!"

"However." Takemiya Hideki's tone faltered, like a naughty old man, winked at Xiang Mukui, and said cheerfully: "The beauty of adults is also a good thing, I can't help you tomorrow, but someday your Takanashi My sister comes to the chess academy again, and I can help you secretly. The world champion Takemiya Hideki can still say a few words at the Japanese chess academy."

Hearing these words, Xiang Wukui's small face immediately became more energetic, and he quickly said a big game of chess that he had conceived a long time ago.

"I have an agreement with Sister Takanashi and Oni-chan. If I can enter the finals of the Wakakoi match, they will accompany me. I will let my father arrange it locally."

 I wish all the students who are named on the gold list can realize their dreams of the university of their choice.

(End of this chapter)

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