Chapter 416 Long Examination

Pa, Jing Shan's white piece finally landed, like a white snake clinging tightly to the black's second piece.

The sage of Beiyuan checked and calculated many times in his heart. After confirming that it was correct, he did not make a decision immediately. Instead, he calmed down and planned to stay for a while longer, planning a big plan in his heart.

There are three ways to respond to this part in front of him: Chang is a well-behaved master, with a fairly thick chess shape; Twist of combat!

The Kitahara sage glanced at the remaining time on the chess clock, then turned slightly sideways, and glanced at the hands on the clock on the wall.

The Kitahara sage, who had a keen sense of the fighting opportunity, thought about it secretly: "This part seems to be able to exert strength, and I feel that there is no problem. But there is one and a half hours left to close the disk."

Kitahara sage raised his eyelids and glanced at Jing Shan who was sitting opposite him, who was staring at the chessboard, calculating the possibility of subsequent changes.

"Breakdown." The sage of Beiyuan gathered all his energy and concentrated his thoughts, "Is it not the right time to break it now and start a fight? Once the disk is closed later, Jingshan will have too much time to calculate at night."

After deliberating for 10 minutes, the Kitahara sage gradually straightened his back, his eyes fixed on the position where the word "black and white" on the chessboard hadn't been twisted.

Look at this part with a rational eye. Although Jingshan's white chess is not afraid of this twisting battle, his black chess is also fully capable of fighting.

He couldn't think of a reason why he couldn't stop, so he must seize this opportunity for combat!

But not right now.

Kitahara Kento raised his eyelids again to observe Jing Shan who was sitting opposite him, but found that the other party was also observing his expression.

The eyes of the two sides met for a moment, and they each retracted their gaze.

The Kitahara sage didn't know if Jing Shan had seen through his next choice, but his will was firm.

"There is one and a half hours left to seal the game, so I will spend one and a half hours of reserved time until the game is sealed, write this 'broken' into the envelope of hand chess, and play it tomorrow."

The Kitahara sage started pretending to take the "long exam" and got through the remaining hour and a half.

The chess lecture room outside the game.

Like a motionless groundhog, Xiang Wukui stared at the black and white formations on the big chessboard with his small face, and his body did not move for a long time.

The chessboard has not changed for almost an hour, and she has calculated it many times in her little brain. This part is not complicated, it is nothing more than three conventional ways of playing, not to mention the difficulty, why does Oni sauce not play chess.

Xiang Wukui couldn't wait any longer, turned his head and asked, "Grandpa Wu Gong, is there a hidden trap in this part? Why didn't Oni-chan make a move?"

Hideki Takemiya, who was busy playing with his mobile phone, raised his head, studied the big chessboard in front of him for a while, and judged: "This partial choice is very important, and will affect the progress of the next chess game. Kitahara-kun is probably judging which change map to choose. "

"Don't worry, the two-day Go, the long test is very normal. If I were Bei Yuan-jun's current mentality, I would deliberately block this move and let the opponent calculate the subsequent changes of the three moves at night, and I only need to calculate A continuation of the method. This is a clever combat strategy”

Xiang Wukui understood, and felt relieved. After a while, he turned his head and asked, "How long is the longest time Grandpa Wugong took the exam?"

Hideki Takemiya put down his phone again, thinking and recalling: "If you want to talk about the long test, I should be the holder of the record for the longest long test in a large competition. It hasn't been broken yet."

"In the No.1988 40rd Honinbo title match in [-], the first game of that year's title match was arranged in Paris, which impressed me very much. At that time, I was the title holder, and my brother Otake Hideo Kudan was the challenger. "

Xiang Wukui's small face was slightly stunned, and he didn't expect to ask casually, and actually asked the holder of the longest exam record right in the middle.

"How long did Grandpa Wugong take the long exam?"

"Five hours and eight minutes." Talking about this, Takemiya himself couldn't help laughing, "That game was the decisive game of the Honinbo title match."

"Five hours and eight minutes!" Xiang Wukui opened his mouth wide and asked in surprise: "The long exam is so long, the opponent must be tired of waiting."

"If I lost the title, I might ask my senior brother if he was bothered," Takemiya Hideki said humorously, "but if I win the chess game, I can't ask you to add fuel to the fire."

Hideki Takemiya paused, and couldn't help laughing: "If you count the minor competitions, the highest record must be the [-]-hour long test by Senior Hoshino."

Xiang Wukui was stunned for a moment, there was still [-] hours left for the super long exam.

She murmured in disbelief: "Sitting on my knees for sixteen hours, I can't feel my legs anymore."

"Yes, both sides are fighting qi." Hideki Takemiya smiled and talked about this interesting talk in the Go world.

"In the previous stage competitions, there was no time limit. Everyone regarded the 'long-term test against the long-term test' as a tit-for-tat method. What's more, when teaching apprentices, this 'secret' was regarded as a precept, ordering The disciple strictly abides by it. Senior Xingye, who was still young at the time, met Senior Yamabe just like this."

"In the layout phase, Hoshino-senpai had just finished a move, and Yamabe-senpai took the lead. Facing a very simple set-up, from eight o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening, excluding lunch breaks and meals, it took more than eight long exams. When I was young, I was willing to let it go leisurely, which made Senior Hoshino very angry and completely enraged."

"Senior Hoshino would like to follow Master's precepts: 'If the other party soaks for an hour, you have to repay him for two hours, otherwise don't come back to see me!' So he retaliated with an eye for an eye. From [-] o'clock that night, he continued to take a 'long exam' until [-] o'clock in the afternoon the next day. , just slowly dropped a chess piece, and at this time, Senior Yamabe was already drowsy. Then, whenever Senior Yamabe couldn't help dozing off, Senior Hoshino's hands would stir the chess piece loudly in the chessboard, waking up the opponent. Or make a gesture that is about to drop a piece, force the opponent to be vigilant, and then throw the piece back to the chessboard."

Xiang Wukui was speechless for a while, his little face was a little confused, this Hoshino-senior is really a strange person.

She asked: "Who won in the end?"

Hideki Takemiya laughed and said: "The two sides fought fiercely for two whole days and nights. Senior Yamabe was tested to death by Senior Hoshino. He was dizzy and almost couldn't sit still. In the end, he made a faint move and was severely beaten by Senior Hoshino." Slaughtered the dragon."

Xiang Wukui expressed sincere admiration in all aspects and said, "It's really amazing."

Xiang Wukui then asked with interest: "Are there a lot of fighting spirits between the two sides in the Go world?"

"A lot, a lot, quite interesting." Takemiya Hideki glanced at the clock on the wall, and slowly stood up.

"Close the disc immediately, I have to go to the Legislative Council, and I will tell you later."

Xiang Wukui quickly regained consciousness, turned her head to look at the clock, listening to the story, unconsciously, the board was almost closed, and she immediately looked at the big chess board in front of her. Sure enough, Oni-chan still hadn't made a move yet.

(End of this chapter)

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