Celebrities fighting seven fan chess match scene.

Kitahara sage's brain has gone all out, and his eyes are firmly locked on the chess game.The black and white chess pieces are automatically arranged one by one in his mind, and each change picture is a follow-up move of this part.

He kept calculating the best response to Jing Shan's white chess.

"White chess jumps, working while breaking through the air in the big encirclement of black chess, it feels a little bit reluctant. If Xiaojian goes out and wants to contact his brothers far away, he will be attacked very badly."

"White seems to have a good move to rely on. No, it's a fake good move. Black's strong hold will cause robbery. Black has a lot of robbery, but white can't do it. If white points first and then jumps, it will make a monkey face on the spot. , and then move around to work, the change is very complicated, it’s not easy to kill, I feel like I can’t kill it, huh? There’s actually a transformation here?!” The Kitahara sage stopped breathing for a moment, and suddenly calculated a black and white transformation, and his mood slowly sank down.

"There is actually a hidden conversion map of discarded pieces here! If you had seen it earlier and exchanged it first, there would be no such thing as a change map!" The sage of Beiyuan suddenly felt a little bad. He missed a move just now and gave it to Bai Opportunities for the conversion of discarded pieces.

In the current situation of the chess game, if White has the consciousness of a strong man with a broken arm, and ruthlessly abandons his pieces to switch, then Black's gain is limited, and after White's abandonment, the whole board will thicken, and Black will immediately lose his attack target. In a game of chess, it is inevitable to enter the subtle pattern of the final score!

Although in the current chess game, black chess ends first, and the chances of winning are greater, but the sage of Beiyuan really does not have much confidence in his official level.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the number of times that Jingshan Chess Master has closed his official position and the official experience of Jingshan Chess Master may be more than the meals he has eaten in his life.

The sage of Beiyuan took a deep breath, he could only adjust his mood and make a long-term plan, let's see how Jing Shan chooses.Only at this time did he realize that he was sweating profusely, so he quickly picked up the cup and took a sip of tea to replenish the water in his body.

"My brain is a little tired, stop calculating for a while, don't use too much force." Beiyuan Xianren secretly warned himself rather tiredly.

White's No. 40 minutes passed, Kitahara Kento's mental state eased a little, and Jingshan Chess Master finally made his choice.

White jumps.

Seeing this move, the Kitahara sage was stunned for two seconds.White's courage must be too great.

This jumping move, white chess is running, while working through the air, it is white chess's most ruthless move.But the price is to bet on Dalong's life and death.

The Kitahara sage felt a little dreamy, and couldn't figure out why Jing Shan didn't choose to abandon his son for conversion. Could it be that he didn't count it?

I still have my own considerations, and I think this is better.

Or just look down on his killing power and feel that this white dragon can't die?
This time he suddenly regained his energy. Although he didn't know what Jing Shan was thinking, but Baiqi's current decision was undoubtedly his favorite scene to see, and it was also his best way to play the game!

Don't be afraid of white chess fleeing around and working through the air, but afraid of the strong man of white chess breaking his arm and abandoning his pieces to change.

Seeing that it was still too late, the Kitahara sage hurriedly exchanged the order again to cut off the possibility of the white chess turning around, and then immediately used the attacking moves that he had checked and calculated a long time ago to attack the white chess!
This is the pattern of attacking and winning that he is best at, and it is his best field. The Kitahara sage is in high spirits.

When Dalong was attacked, Jingshan Chess Master slowed down his moves and started a long calculation, choosing each move carefully and carefully.

Jingshan has one hour and 10 minutes left, and Kitahara Kento has one hour and 10 minutes left.

After deliberation, Kitahara sage wisely launched a time offensive, trying to calculate the changes clearly within the opponent's time.Almost every time Jing Shan just finished playing, he immediately slapped the chess pieces in seconds, constantly consuming Jing Shan's reserved time and putting great time pressure on the opponent.

It wasn't until the eve of dusk that Jingshan Chess Master's reserve time was exhausted, and he played fifteen moves of white chess, but the chess game was still unclear, and it was difficult to see how white chess was played.

Kento Kitahara has 10 minutes left in his retention time, and Jingshan only has 10 minutes/2 countdowns left.

By the time White makes another move, the spare time has all been exhausted.

The already exhausted Kitahara sage looked up at Jing Shan, Jing Shan had a dignified expression of playfulness, presumably his heart was already very heavy, and he was probably annoyed that he underestimated the opponent's killing power.

The Kitahara sage breathed a sigh of relief, he could see his opponent's serious face, and felt that his aching head felt much more comfortable.

Now that the opponent's spare time is exhausted, he is not in a hurry now.

He still has four 10-minute reservations and five spare countdowns for 10 minutes, so why worry.

With plenty of time, in this situation, he just needs not to make mistakes, not to make mistakes, and wait for the time-strapped Jingshan Chess Master to make mistakes.

After 10 minutes, Beiyuan Xianren, who had roughly calculated the change, made a move and chose the most ruthless move.Jingshan Chess Master, who only had a countdown of 10 minutes, looked heavy and tried his best to calculate the complicated changes here.

When the white piece was finished, the sage of Beiyuan, who had already calculated thoroughly, immediately hit the black piece in seconds, and did not give Jingshan Chess Master time to calculate carefully.

He could see clearly that the white dragon couldn't be killed cleanly, it was a robbery, but the robbery of such a big white dragon, white chess couldn't find many.

Moreover, even if black is so kind and gives up robbing and killing the white dragon and spares the white dragon to make up for it, then if black plays two consecutive moves elsewhere, the white chess elsewhere will also be killed.No matter how white chooses, there will always be a piece of chess that will be killed. It can be said that the death penalty has been completely pronounced.

The sage of Beiyuan, who has fully calculated the local changes, is sure to win, and waits patiently, waiting for the Jingshan Chess Master to make his own mistakes.White responds one by one, it is life and death, but if one mistake is made, it is death.

Jingshan Chess Master hasn't figured out the changes in live chess, his serious expression can't hide the tiredness in his eyes, and his brain seems to be on the verge of exhaustion.

After 10 minutes, White made the first move.Black immediately slaps the pieces in seconds, not giving white more time to calculate.

White's second move.Jingshan Chess Master's hand just reached into the chess box, and when he was about to grab a white stone, his movement suddenly stopped.

The sage of Beiyuan noticed his opponent's movement and looked up. Chess master Jingshan lowered his head and looked at the one-eyed white dragon on the chessboard without saying a word. After a few seconds, he relaxed his sitting posture slightly and saw the white dragon end of the road.

The Kitahara sage said "it's over" in his heart, and then sat upright.

He didn't know how Jing Shan was feeling now, he probably felt bad after losing the game.

Speaking of this game of chess, the Kitahara sage felt that Jing Shan had a chance to win the game at first.

As long as White honestly fills up a move in the middle, the situation will be the ending pattern that White is better at.Beiyuan sage himself was worried about competing with Jing Shan for officials.

But I don't know whether Jing Shan is entrusted with the big, or he is dedicated to fighting, so I want to fight him for strength.It's fine if you don't make up the chess, and you will go too far later, playing the big dragon while breaking the air, which finally leads to the loss of this game.

Thinking of this, the Kitahara sage also felt very fortunate, fortunate that Jing Shan's every decision was in the field he was best at, and also fortunate that he had successfully seized the opportunity.

If this game of right time, place and people are all occupied, and finally output, I guess my mentality will be seriously deformed, and I will not even know how to win in the future.

"Pa", a new white piece finally appeared on the chessboard.

In the eyes of the sage of Beiyuan, it can be felt that the spirit of "come to fight, come to confront" before Jingshan Chess Master has been completely vented.

White still hasn't conceded defeat.The sage of Beiyuan continued to respond cooperatively and played the black chess.

The next few moves have nothing to do with winning or losing, it's just that Bai is sorting out his mood.

Shuangshuang played another three moves, eight steps left before the change of Bailong Jiehuo, Jingshan Chess Master slowly let out a breath, put two pieces on the board, throw the pieces and admit defeat.

"Three crowns and titles, celebrities fight Qifanqi, and win the first game!" The sage of Beiyuan felt relieved, brows brows with joy, and was so excited that he wanted to stand up and take two steps.

But considering that there was an old man who was suffering from losing chess, Kitahara sage tried his best to hold back the joy of laughing, with an honest expression, sitting motionless, pretending to be a mature and steady posture.

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