The moment the door of the game room was pushed open, media people swarmed up, and the cameras and spotlights adjusted their direction at the same time, aiming at the main door of the game room that was slowly opening.

The Kitahara sage stood still, had expected this battle long ago, and when the microphone was brought to his mouth, he answered the reporter's questions one by one: How does he feel after winning the game, where is the winning point of this game, what is the opponent's position in this game? How is your performance.

They were all common old-fashioned questions in Go interviews, until a media person from the old Go magazine of "Weekly Acer" asked him.

"Many people feel that the appearance of Go AI has made Go more and more boring. How does Beiyuan Baduan view Go AI?"

The Kitahara sage pondered for seven seconds before seriously answering: "I do have such a feeling. After the emergence of AI, many very interesting layouts have disappeared. Everyone is paying more and more attention to the winning rate. For the winning rate, start slowly. To imitate AI's chess, the individual chess style becomes less and less obvious."

"However," Kitahara Kento paused, and then continued, "I am very grateful to AI from a personal point of view. If there is no AI teacher who teaches me everything, I will definitely not be able to go all the way without touching Go for three years. Breaking into the finals of the Celebrity Challenge, it is even more impossible to win today's game."

A reporter from "Weekly Acer" immediately asked: "Does Beiyuan Baduan think that AI is beneficial to the development of Go?"

The Kitahara sage thought it over again, and said euphemistically: "There are advantages and disadvantages, but AI must be a very good high-level Go teacher."

Go AI has given everyone a practice secret book that everyone can have fairly, everyone can learn more or less, and it is absolutely correct (at least in the eyes of humans), which was unimaginable in the past.It points out a shortcut to winning chess for all chess players, narrowing the gap between super-class and first-, second- and third-rate chess players,

Kento Kitahara can readily admit in his heart, "I like Go AI." So far, all the money he has earned through Go to support his family can be said to be thanks to the great help of the AI ​​teacher. Naturally, there is no reason to hate AI.

The reporter of "Weekly Acer" immediately asked a question that was difficult to answer.

"In today's chess world, some chess players don't seem to welcome the birth of AI. Does Beiyuan Baduan have any opinions on this?"

The Kitahara sage didn't dare to answer carelessly. This is definitely a topic that could offend people if it is not done well. He began to think about it for a long time. Fortunately, Takemiya Hideki who was with him stood up in time and interrupted: "Thank you everyone! interview, Beiyuan Baduan has been exhausted for two days, so let's leave first."

After speaking, the two exchanged glances and left the scene quickly together.

On the way back to the room, Takemiya Hideki looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he explained in a low voice: "The sales of "Weekly Acer" have not been good in recent years. The more pointed questions are probably intended to create topics to increase sales. Don’t worry, if you avoid answering this time, they will definitely not ask again next time. They are all old friends, and there is still a tacit understanding of the rules.”

Takemiya Hideki paused, and joked cheerfully: "Thinking about it from another angle, the current Kitahara-kun can restore the sales of a newspaper with a few interviews, so he can be considered a well-known figure."

The sage of Beiyuan smiled and asked, "Where did Xiang Wukui go?"

"The child saw a lot of people in the corridor and waited for you at the door of your room. You will follow the car in a while, or do it yourself?"

The sage of Beiyuan thought for a while and said, "I'll ask her."

An old man and a young man stood at the corner and chatted for a few more words, Grandpa Takemiya set off to find Director Goto, and Kento Kitahara went back to his room to pack his luggage.As expected, Xiaoxiang Wukui was just waiting for him at the door, and when he appeared, he ran up and couldn't stop talking happily, "Win, win, win, win!" He was even happier than the sage of Beiyuan.

"How does it feel to play chess with Jingshan Chess Master?" Xiang Wukui asked cheerfully.

The Kitahara sage was still grateful for winning this game of chess, and said: "Senior Jing Shan has profound skills, playing chess with him, I don't have the confidence to control the rhythm of the game, the next game of chess is a tough battle."

"Come on!" Xiang Wukui encouraged him.

The mobile phone and laptop computer that had been handed in had already been sent back. After packing his luggage, he picked up his mobile phone, and there were already a dozen eye-catching unread congratulatory text messages: from his daughter, from sister Qinyin, from classmates, from Xiang Wukui's father, before From the owner of the part-time job shop, there is even a congratulatory text message from the head teacher.No missed calls, presumably everyone knew he had just won chess and had too many things to deal with to answer the phone.

Now there is no time to reply one by one, the two of them together, each has no leisure time to stay and play in the local area, so they set off together to find the chess academy staff to gather, wait for them to finish all the work, immediately get on the bus and return to Tokyo with the crowd.

By the time Kitahara Kento got off the car directly in front of his house when he returned to Tokyo, it was already dark.Xiang Wukui also got off the car early and was picked up by her family.

The Kitahara sage waved to the people in the car, stepped into his small courtyard, and habitually glanced at the garden beside the wall, where the clover planted was still bare.

Opening and closing the door, stepping into the corridor, there was a lot of noise in the living room, and the sage of Beiyuan turned around to see that three women were already sitting on the ground and having a small banquet.The little house girl is also there.

When Huagu saw that her father was back, she immediately jumped up, and was about to happily shout "Oni-chan", but suddenly realized that the jealous Yugong sister was still there, and immediately said, "Oni-san is back!"

The sage of Beiyuan walked into the room and asked in surprise, "Why do you sit on the ground to eat?"

"What's wrong with sitting on the ground," Hua Jiang Qinyin said before the little house girl explained, "Don't worry about it, sit down quickly."

Kitahara Kento didn't pay too much attention, he sat down where he was, and Amamiya Masahira, who was wearing a school uniform, looked over slightly and whispered, "Congratulations, you won the first set."

The sage of Beiyuan wanted to say "thank you" subconsciously, but then he realized that the relationship between the two of them does not need to be polite, so he looked at the little house girl and praised: "It's so nice to smile now, how good it is to smile often."

As usual, maybe she would turn her head away in shame, but today, Amamiya Masahira just hummed softly, couldn't hide her smile and said immodestly: "Of course."

Huagu looked at her father and sister Yugong, and almost laughed out loud.Amamiya Masahira noticed the teasing gaze of the little naughty boy, and quickly changed the subject.

"Is the women's tea party really held on the ground?"

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Hua Jiangqinyin hurriedly snatched up the words and said, "What kind of women's tea party does he know as a man?"

The sage of Beiyuan understood at a glance, no wonder she was sitting on the ground to eat, it must be her "inspiration", even talking and cheating, tricked the little house girl to eat on the ground, similar things happened a lot when I was a child.

Yu Gongya looked at Sister Qinyin from the corner of her eye, with mistrustful eyes and unfriendly tone, and asked, "Are you teasing me again? Playing me like a fool for two days?"

Huajiang Qinyin had a sincere expression that I really didn't lie to you.

The sage of Beiyuan watched from the sidelines, standing still, happy to see the "female fairy" deflated, and even grabbed two pieces of cake to gag the little naughty egg.

Amamiya Masahira finally got smart again, and slowly picked up the mobile phone on the ground, apparently wanting to search the truth online.Hua Jiangqinyin had sharp eyes and quick hands. She stretched out her hand and grabbed it quickly. Then she put on a face like a teacher preaching, and taught, "Eat when you eat, don't play with your mobile phone, it will affect your appetite and stomach."

"Do you think I still believe you!" No matter how stupid Amamiya Masaki realized that she was being teased again, she rushed forward angrily, snatching the phone with one hand, and pinching Sister Qinyin's stomach with the other.The wronged Huajiang Qinyin didn't dare to fight back. She held the phone tightly with both hands, held it high above her head, and said hurriedly: "Don't be rude to the elders, stop! Let go! Are you responsible for the fat in your stomach?"

Huagu swallowed the cake in one gulp, seeing that the matter had come to an end, she had no choice but to turn her head to look at her father.The sage of Beiyuan knocked on Huagu's head and said, "Don't worry about eating."

"Food and belly honey sword, borrowing a knife to kill someone." Hua Gu whispered.

"You also know a lot of idioms," the sage of Beiyuan corrected, "it is to eliminate evil and do everything, and bring it to justice."

"Get rid of all evil?" Huagu asked, it was the first time he heard this idiom.

Kitahara sage didn't explain his daughter's confusion, because the phone in his pocket vibrated.I don't know who made the call, so naturally he couldn't take it out to answer it in front of the little naughty boy. He stood up, left the living room, and looked down while going upstairs.

"Baimu Moyou." Beiyuan sage was a little surprised.

Speaking of which, after he won the chess, the first call he received was this one from Kashiwagi Moyu - he hadn't had time to reply to those congratulatory text messages.I plan to reply before I go to bed, when I have enough time to discuss in detail.

On the second floor, Kitahara Kento swiped the screen of his mobile phone and answered the call from classmate Bai.

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