In the living room where the lights were not turned on, the faint fluorescence of the laptop illuminated one side of the blond girl's face.

Moyu Kashiwagi moved the pointer on the screen and closed the web page of the "Tokyo Shoko Survey" platform.

"The major shareholder is her mother, and the legal representative is Akane Takeshita, who is her female assistant." Baimu Moyou, who clenched his mouse tightly, slowly sank to the bottom of his mood.

The Zhuqing Club that is willing to invest in the fan forum is actually one of the companies of the Amamiya family. Kashiwagi Moyu lay on his head tilted, motionless on the sofa, staring at the darkness on the ceiling silently.

"How could this be?" Baimu Moyou felt so wronged suddenly that his chest was blocked, "You guys are too bullying."

I finally found a small room that belonged to me, and I finally became the "deputy head of the house", and I was able to quietly do some things that are not allowed, but it was only a few days before they were discovered by them, and at any time will be taken away.

What to do next, her brain has no idea.

It seems that there is no other way, I feel weak and helpless, unable to resist, and can only let the situation develop, waiting to be slaughtered.Even when she was lying on the soft sofa in her own home at this time, she felt extremely unsafe in her heart.

After being in chaos for more than ten minutes, Kashiwagi Moyou, who was having trouble sitting, standing and lying down, suddenly got up from the sofa, touched the mobile phone on the coffee table, and told himself "stop thinking about it, and distract yourself" while turning on the mobile phone In the address book list, look for the number marked Xufeng.

The communication list on the mobile phone screen flickered, and when the route note was the name of "pollution source", Kashiwagi Moyou's thumb suddenly pressed the screen for a moment, and he had an idea and prescribed a prescription for himself.

"Contact him first? Prescribing the right medicine is the best medicine." She had an idea, but soon she was enlightened, and scolded herself, "It's so stupid, it's not a good medicine, it's clearly a poison!"

She quickly swipe the screen, quickly avoiding the "pollution source" as if in refuge, and then hurriedly dialed Xufeng.

"toot toot"

The busy signal lasted only a few seconds before she was hung up, and an artificial voice said to her, "Please leave a voicemail."

Xufeng is busy and has no time to call. Baimu Moyou put down the phone in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Once I am free, all kinds of weird thoughts pop up in my mind, and the emotions brewing in my mind are extremely uncomfortable, as if I am on the edge of a cliff, and there is an invisible hand pulling her down from the cliff, trying to pull her down. If you pull it down, you can't find a sense of security.

Taking three deep breaths, Baimu Moyou quickly reminded himself, and said silently: "Thinking about what I would think about when Xu Feng hung up the phone in the past, what would I worry about. I would, I would pour a glass of water first."

She stood up, came to the kitchen with a glass of water, and saw the post-it notes of various colors on the microwave oven and refrigerator at a glance. The words on the post-it notes were Chinese recipes in both Chinese and Japanese translations. Being a "nanny", learning cooking from Kitahara sage, and copying gifts from Kitahara sage, Kashiwagi Moyu stared at these post-it notes written by "pollution sources" for her, and her originally turbulent mood gradually calmed down miraculously.

When he calmed down completely, Baimu Moyou couldn't help scolding himself: "You were running away again just now!"

She has become a good doctor after a long illness, she has already experienced a lot.When I didn't admit that I liked that guy before, I always avoided it, just like this moment, I couldn't help thinking wildly, and often messed up my mood.But later, she raised her hands in surrender, and reluctantly admitted that she liked that guy, and the situation immediately improved.

"I'm afraid that Amamiya Yahiiragi will find out my identity in the forum; I feel irritated and unwilling because I don't have the ability to fight her; I feel uneasy because the 'hiding place' was bought by her." Kashiwagi Moyu is calm and honest Conduct self-examination and reflection.

"Escaping will only make the disease worse." She told herself with an emphatic tone in her heart, then turned around and returned, picked up the phone again with a clear mind, and dialed the "pollution source" number.

"Toot. Toot."

"It's true that I have no ability to prevent the Zhuqing Club (Amiya Family) from controlling the fan forum, but as long as I am careful enough, Amamiya Masahira will not be able to discover the identity of "Lavender". There is nothing to be afraid of." At this moment, Bai Mumo You have already figured it out, since you want to contact the "pollution source" in your heart, you should make contact once, so that your mind will be more accessible, so that you can feel more at ease and calm.

"Toot. Toot."

"Still answering? Maybe he's busy too." Baimu Moyou frowned.

As soon as she thought about it, she suddenly remembered one thing, her congratulatory message, and the sage of Beiyuan hadn't replied yet.

Kashiwagi Moyou was a little flustered again, how could he forget this episode!
"No reply to the text message means that he is not free right now. I called in a hurry. Does it seem that I am too anxious and seriously inconsistent with my usual behavior towards him? Will he notice that I like him?" Baimu Moyou regretted his carelessness , should be calmer and more cautious!
"And he should be home by this time. Since he didn't answer the phone, is it still possible that Amamiya Masaki is at his house!" Another bad guess flashed in Baimu Moyou's mind, the possibility is very high!

Baimu Moyou completely lost the calmness she had just now, she maintained her calmness for less than a minute, and then began to worry about gains and losses in a panic again.

"Or hang up immediately! But will hanging up now make me look weirder? Or just pretend to forget the text message." Baimu Moyou quickly imagined.Compared with the previous experience of escaping, the experience of cranky thinking in her head is more abundant.

A man's voice suddenly sounded beside his ear, as if jokingly saying, "Rare customer, what's the matter, can't wait to congratulate me?"

"." Baimu Moyou, who was still thinking wildly, didn't react for a while.

"Hello? Are you here?"

After regaining her senses, Baimu Moyou hurriedly replied: "I'm here! I was pouring water just now." After finishing speaking, she subconsciously lowered her head and looked at the empty water glass that she had never put down.

She then said, "Congratulations on winning the first round, and we will work harder!"

The moment he finished speaking, Kashiwagi Moyu felt that he was a big fool!Why are you so nervous!It's so weird!
The other end of the phone probably felt that she was a little abnormal, and did not speak for a few seconds, Baimu Moyou hurriedly changed the subject in a panic: "Where are we going to play chess in the next game?"

"The second game is in the temple, Jikoji Temple in Kyoto, the hometown of the famous Honinbo Susa." Kashiwagi Moyu hurriedly adjusted and stabilized his mood while listening to the clear and peaceful voice of the Kitahara sage in his ears.


After a short chat, the voice of the Kitahara sage on the phone asked casually: "How are you getting along with her recently?"

"Her?" Baimu Moyou's brain reacted for two seconds, and quickly realized that "she" refers to Xufeng, and "pollution source" asked her euphemistically, how is the progress of chasing his girlfriend.

Baimu Moyou had mixed feelings in his heart, and after being silent for a while, he replied briefly: "It's fine, it's the same as before. It's all right."

The other party didn't ask any further questions, and naturally changed the topic to the school, and said politely to her: "When I'm not in the student union, I will ask you and..."

Talking about hanging up the call, Kashiwagi Moyou looked at the call time on the phone screen and remained silent for a while.

During the call just now, several times, she really wanted to ask "Is Amamiya Masaki at your house", but in the end she didn't dare to ask, and it was even more inconvenient to ask.

Baimu Moyou quietly recalled the whole conversation just now, and when she finished sorting out, she buried her head, covered her face with her hands, and said falteringly, "Why were you nervous at the beginning? Do you want to lose face?" After a while, she calmed down again After that, she moved her hand away again, lay down tiredly, and murmured: "If liking or falling in love feels like this, then I really hate it, and I can't like it."

She closed her eyes wearily, for a few minutes, until the ringing of the call - Xu Feng's call back.

Answering the call, before she could say anything, the warm and vigorous female voice on the other end of the microphone quickly said, "Sorry Moyou, I was just helping my mother carry the boxes. What's wrong? Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

Listening to the female voice that seemed to be able to warm and heal her heart, Kashiwagi Moyou's tired expression naturally softened and relaxed, and she replied in a harmonious voice: "Just now I wanted to ask you about the student union, but now it's all right, it's been resolved."

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