Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 423 I hope the misfortune will pass quickly

Chapter 423 I hope the misfortune will pass quickly

night.The second floor of the high-end apartment building next to the old single-family log house.study.

The warm-colored desk lamp on the white U-shaped creative table emits a halo, and the straight black girl in the navy blue windbreaker is learning how to use a laptop computer unfamiliarly under the guidance of a woman dressed as a professional beauty.Practice how to surf the Internet.

The teaching that lasted for two hours came to an end temporarily. Akane Takeshita got up and made a cup of coffee. She brought it over and admired it sincerely: "My lady is dressed very beautifully today. Is it Hanae-san's taste?"

Amamiya Masahiro nodded, pointed her index finger at the tab page on the web browser, turned her head and asked, "Click here to go to the fan forum page?"

"Well, as long as you don't mess with this area, just click on the label in the future. If there is a page you want to bookmark, it will be fine like this. In fact, it is similar to using a mobile phone. According to the displayed text, understand the meaning of each option as the name implies. It works, it's not difficult."

Amamiya Masahiro nodded in understanding. She had been exposed to computers before, but that was a long time ago when she was abroad, and she just sat on the sidelines, watching Sister Qian and her mother, and sometimes her piano teacher. , clicking back and forth on all kinds of weird pictures or web pages, the number of times she has personally started is one of the few.She is usually not interested in the Internet either.

The page jumps to the main page of the fan forum.

"Miss, the contract has been successfully signed. From now on, we have a considerable right to speak and operate in this forum." Akane Takeshita brought the coffee to Yugong and asked carefully: "Miss wants to create a user account?"

Masahira Amamiya said "Hum", holding the wireless mouse to look for the entrance to create an account. "Create here." Akane Takeshita pointed to the past.

After setting the account password and filling in the user name, Akane Takeshita turned her head and asked, "Miss, what name do you want for your private account?"

Amamiya Masahira thought for a while, then tapped the keyboard slowly with two index fingers clumsily, and filled in the username as "Red Bean".

Akane Takeshita held back her laughter, although it is not ridiculous that two-finger typing is slow, but when she thought of the scene where the young lady was playing the piano so fast that her fingers were so fast that afterimages appeared, and then looked at the slowness now, she would There's an absurd sense of humor.

"Why can't I register? This window means there is someone with the same name as me?" Amamiya Masahira turned around and asked.

Akane Takeshita quickly calmed down and took a closer look,
"Well, someone has already used '红豆' as a username."

"Can't you change your name?"

"If the forum allows users to have the same name, it is easy for people with bad intentions to take advantage of the loopholes and commit illegal activities such as fraud."

"Then what should we do?" Amamiya Masahiro was a little anxious.

Akane Takeshita hesitated for a while, and asked tentatively: "Do you have to have this name? Or can you change your username?"

"I like this." Amamiya Masahiro explained in a low voice.

Akane Takeshita was in trouble immediately, Miss Amamiya only wanted to use the username "Hongdou".

She could understand it in her heart. After all, the book that the lady likes very much is called "Southland Red Beans" - and she guessed that this book may have a great relationship with the lady's sweetheart, even "Southland Red Beans" was written by the sage of Beiyuan ——Miss wants to use "Red Bean" as her name, which is not incomprehensible.

Akane Takeshita was in a dilemma. She had two methods, but one was inconvenient to use, at least not yet; the other might not work.

After the contract was signed, as an investor and in accordance with the terms, she got a super moderator account of the fan forum, with authority even greater than that of the general moderator.

As long as she uses the authority to change the name of the holder of the original "Red Bean" username, and then ask the lady to pre-register, the problem can be easily solved.But doing so is clearly unruly and unethical.

Another way is for her to send a message on the site to the current holder of the "Red Bean" username, and try to get the other party's consent before proceeding.But it is also obvious that if the other party has a tough attitude and disagrees with life and death, things will be a bit tricky, and some extraordinary measures must be used.

"Miss, give me some time, I'll try to deal with it." Akane Takeshita picked up her phone, left a sentence, and got up to leave for a while.

The Takanashi family's one-story villa.

Cleaning the bookshelf with a duster, Takanashi Xufeng sat down at the desk holding the two new books that she just bought home today. She didn't open the title page immediately. She stepped on the ground with her toes, turned the ergonomic chair, and faced the two large French windows The vast lawn, let go of your mind, wait for yourself to calm down slowly, and then read.

She stared out the window thoughtfully.

It has been a while since she moved to her new home. Although it is bigger and more decent, it may be because she has no living habits. She has always felt that it is not as comfortable as living in the old home where she grew up.And after the house got bigger, my mother got tired of cleaning. My father suggested hiring a live-in nanny, but my mother refused. After some discussion, she came up with an idea to ask my father to buy five sweeping robots to complete the work. The labor-intensive but simple cleaning work looks good so far. My mother only needs to do some light housework such as wiping the table once in a while.And as long as she is at home, she will help her mother share the housework.

After the longing ended, Takanashi Xufeng stretched her waist twice and returned to the desk. She was about to open the title page of the new book expectantly, when the notification tone of her mobile phone suddenly stopped her.

"Is it Moyou?" Gaoli Xufeng took the mobile phone, and after a rough reading, he was very surprised.The news actually came from the super moderator of the fan forum.

The general meaning is that the fan forum is going to launch several new forum functions, and some functions are related to her username "红豆". In order to avoid ambiguity, I hope she can give up her username. As compensation, the super moderator will give three A name change card, and in the new features that will be launched later, give her an exclusive thank you gift.

"My user name is related to the new function that will be launched?" Takanashi Xufeng was a little confused for a while, what kind of forum function is it, and it is necessary to avoid the same name as the user in the forum.

"How should I reply?" Gao Li Xufeng lay back and puffed up his cheeks slightly.

The username "红豆" comes from a book she likes very much. It is the first literary work she has finished reading in her life, and it has an extraordinary significance to her. She suddenly asked her to let go, and she always felt a little bit in her heart. reluctant.

"If it is necessary for the development of the forum, then change the name." Takanashi Xufeng was quite helpless. After all, he joined this fan forum only with the idea of ​​self-destructing his identity in the future and wanting to see Beiyuan's surprised look. account, and didn't want to get deeply involved.Since the forum needs to requisition her user name for future development, then let it out generously.

Takanashi Xufeng, who figured it out, edited the reply content and agreed.

After typing, send.Takanashi Xufeng stood on her toes and gently rotated the seat back and forth. She suddenly thought of the day when she and Moyu went to Sensoji Temple. It was her turn to draw lots, and she got a "bad" lot.

Xufeng Gaoli couldn't help showing a wry smile, and murmured: "Did it come true so quickly? Although it's just a small thing, it really made me feel bad." She turned to the night world outside the window, towards the starry sky Closing his eyes, he murmured softly, "I hope the misfortune will pass quickly."

"I am back."

After walking for a day, the sage of Beiyuan took off his shoes tiredly, and came to the living room. Looking around, the little naughty boy and sister Qinyin were playing online games together.The interface looks like a pixel farming game.

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Huagu turned her head, held the handle, and said with distaste on her small face, "I came back so early, why didn't you spend the night outside with Sister Yugong?"

The sage of Beiyuan stared at the little naughty bastard for a while, then turned his head to stare at Huajiang Qinyin, his tone became more serious, and asked: "Did you hear what Haiji said? Is this what a ten-year-old girl should say? Is it the child you taught?"

Huajiang Qinyin turned a blind eye, turned a deaf ear, and pretended not to hear.

"Hey, I found the wedding props, come on, come on." She called Haiji with a smile.

"I'm coming."

"Can this game have a baby after getting married?"

"I don't know, let's try."

In the game, Huajiang Qinyin sent wedding props to Huagu, and Huajiang Qinyin asked affectionately: "Honey, are you willing to marry me, no matter poor or rich, healthy or sick?"

Huagu Sahuan said: "I am willing, I am willing!"

The sage of Kitahara heard that his head was getting bigger, and he came to the refrigerator with a sullen face, opened it, took out a glass of squeezed iced watermelon juice, raised his head and drank it in a melancholy mood, and then turned to look at the couple who were having a good time. The young ladies couldn't help thinking depressingly: "Why does it feel like I'm her fake father, and Huajiang Qinyin is her real mother."

The game screen switched to the next day, Beiyuan Huagu leaned forward, stared at the screen expectantly, and asked, "Honey, did you give birth?"

Huajiang Qinyin stared at the TV screen for five seconds and said, "It seems that this game can't give birth to babies."

Huagu was immediately disappointed.

Huajiang Qinyin thought for a while, and guessed: "Maybe the code does not have the function of drawing a child."

Just as he finished speaking, Huajiang Qinyin suddenly had an inspiration and quickly said: "We can add another player and treat it as the baby born between the two of us. Isn't that okay?"

Hanagani nodded repeatedly in agreement, then turned to look at Kento Kitahara, his little face gradually smiled mischievously.

"Oni-chan, oh no, my good baby, come quickly." She waved at Kitahara sage with a smile.

Beiyuan Xianren narrowed his eyes slightly, walked up to his daughter, pinched her little cotton candy face with both hands, and smiled kindly: "Do you want to go to school now? I will contact you with an elementary school tomorrow?"

The little naughty boy's face changed, he quickly straightened his posture, sat upright, and then bowed and apologized without any fault in his movements: "My lord brother, my little girl knows I was wrong, my lord has a lot, please forgive me little girl."

Without waiting for the sage of Beiyuan to speak again, the little naughty egg quickly put down the handle, respectfully offered up his seat to the sage of Beiyuan, rubbed his shoulders, pinched his legs, gave him a massage, and then quietly winked at Huajiang Qinyin.

Huajiang Qinyin tacitly changed the topic, and asked casually, "Where did you and Yahir go today?"

The sage of Beiyuan didn't bother to go deep with this pair of unscrupulous young ladies, leaned back on the sofa, and while instructing his daughter where to massage, he said, "Walk in the park."

"And after the walk?"

"A walk along the river."

"Walking like this all day?!"

"Otherwise? Go to a crowded place and be recognized by passers-by?" Beiyuan Xianren said angrily: "You dress her up like that, don't you feel that walking on the street is too outstanding?"

Huajiang Qinyin avoided talking, smiled and asked again: "Have you gone to Sensoji Temple to pray?"

Kitahara sage asked back, "Didn't you see the photo I took of you?"

Huajiang Qinyin gave him a blank look, pretending to be sad and said: "Why are you talking so aggressively, girls don't like this."

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at her, the female goblin educated Huagu no matter how big or small, she was full of indecency, he was getting angry, it would be strange if she had a good face for her.

"Is there a lottery?"

The sage of Beiyuan made up nonsense and said: "It's smoked, good luck."

"Great luck? Not bad, the next round of celebrity battle is sure to win, you have to have confidence in yourself." Hua Jiang Qinyin said with satisfaction.

The sage of Beiyuan was silent and did not answer. He was praying for blessings, but not for himself, he was praying for his daughter, and he didn't think about the competition at all.

As for the lottery, he originally wanted to draw a lottery for his daughter, but he gave up after thinking about it. The main reason was that he was worried that if he got an auspicious lottery, it would be okay. .

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at his daughter who was still smiling and flattering him as he was massaging, pinched her little face, got up and said, "You guys play, I'll go upstairs to practice chess."

(End of this chapter)

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