Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 424 "Tie a Man's Heart"

A guest bedroom on the second floor of the high-end apartment building is only a line away from Kitahara Sage's bedroom.

After connecting the power strip and the power supply, Amamiya Masahira yawned and pressed the power button of the laptop—the second game of the famous seven-ban chess game is about to begin—she recalled what she had learned before, and she was a novice Open the tab of the fan forum.

On the front page of the forum, there was a very eye-catching piece of news on the cover - Kitahara sage in a suit and leather shoes, sitting in front of the chess pier with a serious expression - Amamiya Masahiro's eyes were immediately attracted by it, she quickly clicked on the news, stared at it for a few minutes, The corner of his mouth seemed to be proud, and he closed the webpage with a smile.

There are about 7 minutes before the chess game starts, and she scrolls the mouse wheel aimlessly to check the history in the chat window.

The number of online fans in the fan forum today is relatively small, only a dozen or so people are chatting.

Most of the chat content is blessing words such as "Go for it and win", but there are also a few that are more "explicit" and "open".

Although Sister Qian has already told her not to care about some people with "open" personality, those words are actually meant as a joke, and she should never quarrel with others on the public screen, and she also explained a big She piled things up and prepared for her mentally, but when Masahiro Amamiya saw it, she still felt a little bit of a taste in her heart.

Out of sight and out of mind, she simply skipped those contents, Masahiro Amamiya slid the scroll wheel, and continued to scroll up. Not long after, she noticed the address of the live broadcast of the celebrity battle.

Having already learned about computer knowledge, she opened the link curiously, and a web page popped up.In the live broadcast, the two chess players are sitting upright, and the standing members are standing in the middle.There are so many messages in the chat window, it turns out that the live people in the forum have all come to the live broadcast room.

Amamiya Masahira picked up the chair and sat closer, leaning forward, resting her chin on her right hand, quietly watching Beiyuan on the screen.After a while, the chess game starts, and the commentary screen appears.

Masahira Amamiya, who doesn't understand Go, turned her voice to the minimum, then calmed down, without distractions, like an artist appreciating a famous landscape painting, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth, concentrating on admiring the characters in the painting.His mind wandered away, so that he seemed to forget that time was passing. When he came back to his senses, it was already noon, and the two sides in the game screen were having lunch.

Amamiya Masahira stood up, stretched her neck and shoulders, left the room, went to the refrigerator in the kitchen, took out the bento that Akane had made for her in advance, heated it in the microwave, and then returned to the screen, watching while eating.

In the state of wandering, it seems that the time around me will speed up, and it feels like the evening is coming after the meal is finished at noon.

The scene in the game screen has been closed, and the commentator is explaining the current form of the chess game. Amamiya Masahira wants to listen carefully, but she can't understand the Go terminology at all, so she has to close the webpage in a dispirited mood, and then wander around bored Click on the place of interest.

She also clumsily typed out keywords in the search engine with her fingers, and browsed the news entries—especially her memorable summer, the period of the band competition—rekindled many of her memories: The scandal, as well as various revelations about the so-called Gravity of Destiny band.

"Fate Gravity." She murmured softly, "Why did he choose this name? What does Fate Gravity mean?"

Just do it when you think about it, Amamiya Masahira input keywords, searched for the explanation of Gravity of Destiny, opened a series of more than a dozen webpages: Some people said that Gravity of Destiny is a very common band name, which has no deep meaning; The gravity of fate is related to the causality and reincarnation of Buddhism, and has something to do with metaphysics; some people say that the gravity of fate is inspired by gravity. As the name suggests, "fate makes everyone meet and form a group."

She looked at many explanations one by one, but she still couldn't find an accurate and reliable statement. Instead, she learned from a short video interview with the members of the band Gravity of Destiny that "Gravity of Destiny" was indeed the name of the band given by "The Masked Man" himself. , they were equally ignorant, "Masked Man" never explained in detail, only said that the name was cool.

The sun sets in the west.

Tired of reading and feeling hungry, she went to get another box of bento and searched for interesting content while eating.Almost all the search records are related to the "Mask Man" of the Gravity of Destiny band, and the remaining small part are all about Kitahara Kento Eighth Dan of Tokyo Kiin.

Until it got dark, she accidentally noticed an article pushed by the webpage.

"Tie a Man's Heart".

Amamiya Masahira's eyes stopped on it.

"Tie the heart?" She hesitated and clicked on the title of the article.

The content is the same as most of the gender emotional articles. It teaches the way of harmonious relationship between husband and wife, how to change yourself, learn to understand, be patient, caring, considerate and trust each other, etc., so that the other half will love you more, and Tips to promote a loving life between husband and wife.

"It seems to make sense." Amamiya Masahira frowned and murmured, then fell into deep thought.

After thinking about this for more than half an hour, when she woke up, Amamiya Masaki couldn't help but whispered in her heart.

"How about I try it too?"

She straightened up and re-read the article carefully, but after reading it, she felt that the methods in it were not all applicable to her.

If this article is carried out according to the script, without making adjustments or changes with reference to personal circumstances, for her, many actions are simply blatant and silent confessions (confessions with physical actions)!

Amamiya Masahira immediately began to shrink back again, those methods were too explicit, it was difficult for her to do it.

"Besides, I was the one who confessed my love first last time, so it should be your turn this time." She muttered softly, as if telling someone in the distance.

However, although the methods are not necessarily applicable to her, some of the methods taught in the article seem to be useful to Amamiya Masahiro.

Among them is a sentence "Cook him the breakfast and dinner he likes, first let him like the rice you cook, and then let him slowly like everything about you".Amamiya Masahiro thought about it for a few minutes, and thought it made sense.Of course, it is too difficult to make him his favorite breakfast and dinner every day, and it will become a silent confession again.

Amamiya Masahira thought for a while, and decided to simplify a part.Occasionally, by chance, pretending to cook for him casually, this level of gradual progress should be just right?
"It should be right?" She whispered: "Cooking."

Amamiya Masahira stood up quickly, came to the kitchen, and carefully inspected the pots and pans, sink, stove, oven, range hood, and various condiments. Not much.

"This seems to be a very challenging 'score'." She realized deeply.

"Why don't you ask someone else to teach you?" Amamiya Masahira first thought of the person who was very good at cooking, Qinyin sister, but very quickly, she resolutely eliminated this candidate.

If you ask Sister Qinyin for help on this matter, that bad woman!He will definitely tease and tease her in different ways!
"Resolutely not! That bad woman is too smart," Amamiya Masahira frowned, "She will definitely guess my intention to learn to cook, she will definitely be able to."

"And she will definitely threaten me with this," Amamiya Masahira recalled bitterly in her heart, and she already has deep bad memories of this, "She will definitely force me to obey her orders and arrangements, just like the forced me a few days ago I put on uncomfortable thick clothes and force me to go to worship Buddha in a temple with so many people."

Amamiya Masaki completely ruled out the candidate of "bad woman" in her mind, and instead thought of her assistant, Sister Qian.

"Sister Qian's words." Amamiya Masahiro thought about it for more than ten seconds, thinking that Sister Qian might secretly laugh at her in her heart.

"I saw it all that day. I was typing on the keyboard slowly one finger at a time, and you were still trying not to laugh next to me." She whispered unhappily.

Although she can probably understand the reason why Sister Qian is trying to hold back her laughter—it’s just that she has seen her hands play the piano so well, but when it comes to typing, she is ridiculously clumsy—understanding, but she is still unhappy. People quietly joked.

So, Sister Qian—she drew a big red X in her heart—excluded!
"It seems that there is no other choice."

Masahiro Amamiya took the exam for a long time, and felt that the cooking teacher was actually dispensable.

"Cooking, isn't it just cutting up the ingredients, throwing them into the pot, cooking them until they are ripe, and then adding some condiments at the end? To put it bluntly, it's such a simple process." Amamiya Masaki aroused her self-confidence more and more. , told myself quite confidently: "Although it may be a little more complicated than I imagined, but with my ingenuity, I can definitely learn to cook by myself."

She walked to the stove, stared at the two knobs for a while, then carefully stretched out, pressed, and rotated one knob. There were a few quick "da da da" sounds, and a high flame burst out from the gas stove. , She subconsciously took a step back in fright.

After calming down, she quickly turned off the stove. Then she raised her head slightly to look at the range hood, observed the buttons on it for a while, then stretched out her index finger, and pressed the most eye-catching button, and the range hood immediately made a "whining" working sound.

Amamiya Masahiro has already begun to admire her intelligence in her heart.

She looked at the range hood working "Wuwu", and a confident smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Cooking is really easy."

Repetitions from the previous chapter have been revised.

Because it was blocked by the system, the number of modified words should not exceed 1000 words of the original text, so at the end of the original text, I wrote a new content of about 1200 words.

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