The scene of the third round of the famous seven-ban chess game.Jiguang Temple.

The walls of the courtyard are mottled, and under the bamboo pavilion, cameras and other broadcasting machines are aimed at the two people sitting in front of the chess pier.Next to it are the referee and scorer.

The cold dew is approaching, the autumn is getting stronger, the wind disturbs the ancient maple trees, the red leaves are scattered, and there is a layer of "red snow" on the pavilion, the ground and the walls.From time to time, I hear the singing of insects and birds in all directions.

The sage of Beiyuan sat upright, stretched out his hand and clapped the white, with a crisp sound.On the chessboard, black and white are scattered and orderly, and each camps and arrays.He meditated deeply, repeatedly studying the forms on the Nineteenth Route battlefield, and his frown deepened.

This game of chess is completely different from the previous two games in terms of the direction of the game. He deeply felt the change in the chess strategy of Jingshan Chess Master, which was very tricky.

From the beginning of the layout, he had subconsciously anticipated that this time Jingshan Chess Master would play with his "inner power" and play Kung Fu Chess.

It was not what he expected, from the choice of layout to the mid-game battle.In the third game, Chess Master Jingshan changed his provocation and invitation to fight in the first two games. His chess style became thick, continuous, and unwavering.I would rather lose a little bit, but also adhere to the principle of making a strong move.

Beiyuan Xianren's chess was very difficult to play. Several times he wanted to stir up troubles on the chessboard, but after careful consideration, the chess master Jingshan always turned around cleverly and simplified the complexity.Although he has gained, it is very limited, and his chess shape has become thinner, making it difficult for him to launch any great attack methods.After weighing his judgment, he even felt that he was at a loss, because this kind of Go pattern has completely deviated from the field he is used to and is good at.

At the same time, Takanashi, Kashiwagi, and Aoi Sangbu sat together in the Minegao Student Union Office, watching the live broadcast of the celebrity battle with bated breath.

"Aoi, what do you think of the current situation?" Takanashi Xufeng asked while staring at the screen.

"Although Brother Beiyuan has a higher winning percentage, but..." Xiang Wukui's small face was worried, "Kung fu chess is too plain, pure competition of internal strength, pure competition of chess sense, it can also be said to be pure competition of "comprehensive skills"."

"This kind of chess has almost no reference for a winning rate of more than ten percent. It is often tested whose chess sense is sharper, whose basic skills are stronger, and whose Go skills are more comprehensive." Xiang Wu's small face was very worried. , said worriedly: "Brother Beiyuan must really want to guide the chess game into a battle pattern. This is also his best skill, but now the chess shape is thin, so I really dare not act rashly."

After listening to Xiang Wukui's explanation, Takanashi Xufeng also became worried, and asked: "If you compare basic skills and Go utility, it must be Jingshan chess master who understands better."

As soon as the words were finished, a male and a female commentator on the screen also began to discuss.

Female commentator: "It is obvious that after the defeats in the first two games, Jingshan Chess Master has made huge adjustments to his ideas and strategies."

Male commentator: "Yes. If we talk about the first two games, Jingshan Chess Master's strategy against Beiyuan [-]th Dan was 'the dragon fights in the field, its blood is black and yellow', and the two sides fought hand-to-hand in the middle game. Jingshan Chess Master's chess strategy is like "jumping or deep, advancing and retreating in a certain way", with a stable posture, strike later, and control the overall direction, as if he wants to wait until the official stage, and then secure the victory."

"Although the current winning percentage is behind, if you can guide the situation to a pattern that your opponent is not good at and weigh the pros and cons, it may be a strategy worth referring to."

The female narrator was stunned for a moment, but didn't understand a few strange idioms that her partner said.

"Hey, wait, Ando-kun, did you just say an idiom? The dragon fights in the wild? I don't seem to understand."

The male commentator smiled and said: "It can also be said to be an idiom. It may not be in line with the original text here. Everyone laughs at me. What I mean is that Jingshan Chess finally gave up the battle of fighting spirit and no longer 'Strike long with short', but 'strike short with long' may be a wise move."

Takanashi, Kashiwagi, and Xiangwu Aoi looked at each other. After a while, Takanashi Xufeng hesitated, and couldn't help saying: "Listening to the subtext of the commentary, it seems that Kitahara-san's weaknesses have been thoroughly studied."

Xiang Wukui rubbed his fingers worriedly, not having the heart to say anything.

She knew very well in her heart that O'Nijiang's weakness has always been obvious: the middle game is extremely powerful, and she is good at killing chess with wide opening and closing. However, because she has been away from modern Go for too long, she lacks research on new layout routines, and her understanding of layout is not good. A master; a short career, no matter whether it is face-to-face chess or online chess, he has very little game experience, which leads to a certain gap in chess sense and finishing ability compared with top chess players.In a simple word, the technology is not comprehensive enough, the strengths are very long, and the weaknesses are also very obvious, and it is easy to be targeted by top experts.

Although she was very reluctant, she reluctantly agreed with the commentator's evaluation. Onii-chan's victory in the first two games may indeed have a certain amount of luck, because the Jingshan chess Saint was too confident at the beginning and failed to defeat Onii-chan. Taking the strength in his eyes and wanting to show off his arms with high morale, he does have the performance of "short attack to achieve long".

But when Jingshan Chess Master took it seriously and made targeted adjustments, it would be very difficult for Oni-chan to win again.After all, Oni-chan's opponent is the most honorable player in the history of domestic history, who combines the honorary chess master (nine consecutive champions), the honorary Honinbo (eleven consecutive champions), the honorary Tianyuan (five consecutive champions), and the honorary Gosage (six consecutive champions). strong man.

Xiang Wukui looked at Bei Yuan on the screen, clenched her fists and said, "Oni-chan, come on!"

the next day.The scene of the third game of celebrity battle.

Under the Red Leaf Courtyard of the Jiguang Temple, in the early morning, the Kitahara sage arrived 10 minutes early.

Under the empty Red Leaf Pavilion, there were only him and a few staff members who were adjusting the live broadcast equipment.The sage of Beiyuan greeted him with a smile, found a quiet place to sit down, let go of his mind, put aside distracting thoughts, and slowly calmed himself down.

After a while, he heard the footsteps of many people outside, opened his eyes, turned his head to look, and saw the stand-up player, referee and scorer of the third round of chess have arrived.

Seeing the sage of Beiyuan sitting by the pavilion, they were quite surprised. They walked up with a smile, chatted briefly, and then went about their own affairs.After Jingshan chess master arrived at the scene, the two sides adjusted their status, and the second day of the third round of chess began as scheduled.Jingshan Chess Master handed over the letter written yesterday.

Time slowly came to noon.

The pattern on the chess pier is still the appearance of Kung Fu chess.

The Kitahara sage slacked his shoulders tiredly and shook his head, it was too difficult to judge clearly.

He tried hard to figure out where the value is the greatest, but there are still many open spaces on the chessboard. To calculate all the changes and accurately judge the value of each, this is not something that can be done by calculation alone. , this already belongs to the personal spiritual field of "chess sense".

There is even an absurd scene in the mind of Kitahara sage: he is riding a raft, drifting on the endless sea, surrounded by illusory islands that look like mirages in all directions, and which direction to choose is what he is at a loss now.

This is not the Go pattern he is good at - the chess patterns of both sides are very thick, and neither of them has an attack target - he can't simply kill the dragon to win, and he can't attack profitably, so he can only stare at every penny carefully. A piece of "fertile land", even if it is a small profit, you have to haggle over every detail with your opponent. Facing this situation, the sage of Beiyuan is very uncomfortable and unhappy when playing chess.

He sighed softly in his heart, and could only tell himself silently, "Let's do it according to the feeling", and then settled for nothing.

He didn't know whether Jingshan Chess Master had chosen the right direction in the endless sea of ​​illusion, but now, he could only play chess based on his feelings.

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