Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 427 Amamiya’s study plan

Chapter 427 Amamiya’s study plan
An old-style Japanese-style living room with modern furniture.

After cooking, Kotone Hanae was taking a shower in the bathroom. Kento Kitahara was sitting on the sofa, referring to the AI's winning rate curve to study the problems he had made in the third round of the celebrity battle.

The naughty Dan Huagu stood next to him, his little face looking at the screen for a while, then looking up at Beiyuan, waiting for his answer.

"I'm a little worried about this part." Kento Kitahara studied the situation with his eyes and analyzed it: "At that time, I wanted to provoke a fight, but I was dealt with succinctly by the chess master Jingshan, who made him play thicker chess patterns."

Hanagani, who didn't know much about Go, raised his head and asked, "But Onii-chan's winning rate has become higher."

"The winning rate is only a reference and cannot be imitated blindly." Kitahara Kento simply responded and continued to study the local changes: "The three local battles were all handled concisely by Jingshan Chess Master."

"At this time, Onii-chan's winning rate is over 70." Hanagani muttered.

"Under this pattern, a winning rate of more than [-] is not obvious, and it will be reversed if you are not careful," Kitahara Kento responded casually, "Also, although my winning rate is high, this pattern is not what I am good at."

Kitahara Kento turned to look at the naughty egghead and explained to her: "Actually, there are many chess players who, even if they know that playing chess this way will lose their winning rate, they will still choose that way without hesitation. It's like knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, preferring the tigers in the mountains. Bar.

"The reason is that sometimes choosing a chessboard pattern that you are good at gives you a better chance of winning than blindly imitating AI."

"Although playing chess according to the AI's ideas will have a higher winning rate and a better-looking winning rate, the premise is that you must be able to play the AI's follow-up moves. If you cannot play chess, or it is not a chessboard pattern that you are good at, the effect may be It’s better to trust what you’re better at.”

Hanaya thought for a moment and asked, "So, in this game, Onii-chan lost because her opponent controlled the rhythm?"

"There are reasons for this." Kitahara Xianren nodded.

He feels that it is very difficult now. Analyzing the winning rate curve of this game can reveal a big problem.In the layout stage, his winning rate slowly declined. Although the loss was acceptable, it was not critical; in the middle game, there would be a good increase; but in the second half of the game, his performance was worse. Several important The key points were all misjudged, and the winning rate curve went all the way down.

Looking at the whole game, as long as the opponent does not make big mistakes in the first half of the game, in the second half of the game, he will give away the fruits of victory bit by bit due to various misjudgments. This analysis result made Kitahara Kento very distressed. He found that own major weaknesses.

That is, once the chess game reaches a state where there is no reasonable attack target and no profit can be made through attacks, his performance in the second half of the game will be called terrible, completely unworthy of his level in the first half of the game.

Hanaya looked at the winning rate curve and asked: "Why did Onii-chan's winning rate in this game drop all the way down?"

Kitahara Kento turned his head and looked outside the living room, grabbed his daughter's little face, emphasized his tone, and corrected him: "Your 'Dad'! You're not very good at smooth chessboard patterns."

Hanaya, whose face was being pinched, showed no sign of remorse or repentance, and still asked: "Is the stable pattern special? 'Onii-chan'?"

Kitahara Kento was too lazy to correct the misnomer, and explained: "This kind of kung fu chess pays attention to the competition of basic skills, or 'comprehensive skills', and 'chess sense' is also very important."

It's obvious to me that my father hasn't touched Go for a long time. In terms of basic skills, comprehensive skills, and chess feel, he is definitely not as skilled as an "old chess player".

She then asked: "Is there any way to improve quickly in a short period of time?"

Kento Kitahara thought for a long time and sighed.

"There is no shortcut to basic skills. It takes less than a day to freeze three feet of ice; it does not take a day to penetrate a rock by dripping water. Learn more, practice more, lose more, review more, summarize more, and you will naturally improve."

"No shortcut?"

The sage of Beiyuan taught his daughter angrily: "Don't just think about shortcuts and shortcuts in your head. There are so many shortcuts in the world. You have to be down-to-earth, down-to-earth and pragmatic. Haste makes waste, don't be full of thoughts every day Shortcuts, taking advantage of loopholes, cleverness——"

"I'm going to find Sister Qinyin to take a bath!" When the little naughty girl saw that her father was going to lecture her again, she quickly jumped off the sofa, threw her feet up, and ran out of the living room while taking off her clothes.

Kitahara Kento's eyelids jumped when he saw it, and he said helplessly, "Wild girl."

There is nothing left to analyze in this game of chess. All the problems that should be looked for have been found. The only thing left is to make up for one's own shortcomings.Kitahara Kento, who was planning to take a break, reached for his phone. As soon as he clicked on the screen, more than a dozen emails and text messages started ringing.

At a glance, he saw that they were all friends and elders who had sent messages to encourage him after learning that he had lost the third game.There are people from the student union, members of the band Destiny Gravity, classmates he knows, his teachers and the boss of Akiyama who used to work in a music store.
Takanashi Xufeng: Come on!Many people in the school are paying attention to you, and everyone is praying for you.The popularity of Kitahara-san now is not at all worse than that of Amamiya-san when he first came to Honaka.
After reading Takanashi's email, Kento Kitahara couldn't help but smile knowingly. There was no mention of losing the game in the content, and he encouraged him, blessed him, and encouraged him.

Some people also sent very brief but direct messages.Amamiya Otaku Girl and Lily Schoolmate are in the same category. Even the content sent by the two people is exactly the same, only the punctuation marks are different.

Amamiya Masahira: Come on!
Kashiwagi Moyu: Come on.

In addition to everyone’s encouragement, there is also good news from Xiangwu Kui.

Aoi Aoi: Onii-chan, I won the eight-to-four match!It will be the semi-finals of four to two in a while, and I will definitely win.When Onii-chan's celebrity battle is over, it will be the final of my Wakai battle. Don't forget to make a promise.

Kento Kitahara couldn't help but laugh. The child really reminded him all the time not to forget the promise.

He read all the text messages and emails one by one, and then replied briefly to express his gratitude to each one.

The second floor of a high-end apartment building is Amamiya Masahira's "peeping base".

"Small fire, medium fire, high fire."

Amamiya Masahira stood cautiously in front of the gas stove, carefully holding the knob with his fingers and turning it around in small increments.The beeping sound of ignition stopped and started.

She had previously made up her mind to learn to cook, and in the past few days, she had been studying the specific operations.

After practicing for a few minutes every now and then during the day, she has successfully figured out the difference in appearance between "small fire, medium fire, and large fire".It took nearly two weeks!
"Self-taught." Amamiya Masahira's lips evoked a proud and satisfied smile.

"What should we learn next?" she whispered.

"The range hood is very simple, you don't need to learn it. Let's learn how to boil water." Amamiya Masahira pondered on his own and made a cooking learning plan with unclear meaning.

"starting from tomorrow."

After making arrangements, she returned to the "peep room" open only to herself, sat down, and looked through the dimmable glass and one-way mirror. The bedroom on the second floor of the old-style single-family wooden house next door was pitch dark.

"You're not sleeping yet, what are you doing?"

She looked away, clicked on the laptop on the round table, and logged in to the home page of the fan forum.

As always, in the chat window of the fan forum, many familiar names were chatting at night.

As usual, Amamiya Masahira casually browsed through the chat content and stopped paying attention.

She has been paying attention to the chat interface for more than ten days, but she only looked at it casually and never said a word.One is that they don’t want to and are not interested; the other is that there is no reason to make friends with them.

However, from their exchanges, she can always see a name that appears very frequently: a person nicknamed "Slut", whose user name is "Lavender", and is the deputy moderator of the news section.He is a well-known presence in the forum.

According to their description, the "slut" seems to be a very strange person, even a pervert, who shows a pathological fanaticism towards Kento Kitahara.

Amamiya Masahira whispered: "Idiot."

She frowned slightly, feeling that she disliked this person very much and gave him a very high negative rating.

However, she did not deal with the idea of ​​​​"slut". Anyway, "slut" can only fantasize wildly on the Internet, but can't do anything in reality.

Browsing through the forum page as usual, Amamiya Masahiro held his chin, thinking: "Why don't you give this forum a name? What should it be called?"

(End of this chapter)

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