Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 433 Kashiwagi’s mother ruthlessly attacks

Chapter 433 Kashiwagi’s mother ruthlessly attacks
"What do you mean?" Kashiwagi Moyu looked at her mother warily, took two steps back, and asked with a frown: "Please make it clear."

Mother Kashiwagi folded her arms on her chest, opened the skylight and spoke frankly.

"When women compete for men, they look at face, body, temperament and money. Status and personal achievements are also very important. If you meet an opponent who is not worse than you in all conditions, or even better than you, then You can only win by having a personality that is more pleasing to men."

Kashiwagi Moyu probably understood the meaning. Mom wanted her to teach her how to act?

"But don't be too happy too early." Kashiwagi's mother suddenly changed the subject, shook her head, and said, "Give up early. To be honest, I don't see you having any hope of winning."

Kashiwagi Moyu's eyebrows immediately knitted together again. Putting aside her hope of winning, she had actually given up long ago.But my mother said it like she couldn't compare to Amamiya Masahira in any way, and she couldn't accept it!
"What, you're still not convinced?" Kashiwagi's mother smiled and continued to beat her daughter mercilessly and said: "Compared with face, do you think you are prettier than her? Compared with figure and temperament, what do you think you have advantages? Money, status In terms of status and personal achievements, let alone comparison, you are far behind her."

After verbally attacking her daughter, Kashiwagi's mother didn't give up. She turned the laptop screen to her daughter, enlarged the picture of Masahira Amamiya, and let her daughter see it by herself.

"Tell me, physically, materially, as well as status and personal achievements, how are you better than her?"

Kashiwagi Moyu became anxious when she was told that she was angry. She glared at her mother and Amamiya Masahira on the screen, and at the same time kept saying "I, I, I" and couldn't say a complete sentence.

"What am I?" Kashiwagi's mother asked.

"I have a better personality than her!" Kashiwagi Moyu said anxiously.

"Character? Are you serious?" Kashiwagi's mother asked with strange eyes, "Do you think your character is very good?"

Kashiwagi Moyu "hummed", indicating that she disagreed with what her mother said, and asked: "Do you really understand her character? Why do you have preconceptions that my character is not as good as hers?"

"Although I don't understand her, I understand you." Kashiwagi's mother shrugged and said, "She has a lot of worries and thoughts in her mind. She lies every day, lives in lies all the time, and is afraid of being exposed every day. The truth makes me frightened, which leads to me being cowardly and courageous in my actions, looking forward and backward, and furthermore, I am indecisive.”

"Don't rush to deny it. Think about it for yourself first, are you cheating on Tao Li Xufeng every day, for fear that she will see through you one day." After finishing speaking, Kashiwagi's mother gently raised her chin, indicating to her daughter to think about it for herself.

Kashiwagi Moyu's words were all stuck in her throat, and her lips were moving.

She stopped talking for a moment, and said in a firm tone: "That's not deception, it's just disguise."

"As long as you can convince yourself. Think carefully about what I said to you." Kashiwagi's mother nodded lightly and refused to comment.

"I'm going to bed!" Kashiwagi Moyu was so lectured that she really didn't want to stay any longer. She picked up her laptop and book and walked back to the bedroom with a heavy sound.

Kashiwagi's mother looked at her daughter in amusement and fled back to the bedroom, closed the door, and sighed silently.

Just now, she deliberately said something so unpleasant in order to make Kashiwagi Moyu give up on the boy named Kitahara Kento as soon as possible.

As a mother, she certainly hopes that her daughter can get together with the person she loves (preferably a man!) and live happily.

So before, when her daughter came to her to ask for money for a relationship with a man, she was very happy to pay for it, and she was silently supporting her daughter's marriage with Kitahara Kento - but now, after watching "Red Beans of the South" , has completely changed his mind.

The entanglement between Kitahara Ken and Amamiya Masahira is too deep, and the water in it is too deep. It is far from the cause and effect that her stupid daughter can intervene casually.Once trapped, her stupid daughter will definitely be the one who gets hurt in the end.If you get stuck too deeply, you may even become unable to recover, and your temperament may even change drastically.

That's why she ruthlessly, sparing no effort, cruelly and viciously attacks her daughter on every condition, and does her best to help her daughter recognize the reality and give up her delusions.

——Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

Kashiwagi's mother murmured silently: "He has already written a 40-word "guarantee for remarriage" to his ex-girlfriend. The two of them may get back together at any time and at any time. What else do you have to fight for and why are you going to join in the fun? Really Don’t go into this muddy water again.”

Just like a marathon, Amamiya Masahira stood before the finish line long ago and grabbed the colorful finish line with one hand, while other runners just started from the starting point. What else can be compared.Do you have to run exhausted to the finish line just to watch your opponent easily grab the ribbon while you kneel to the ground in pain before you give up?

Kashiwagi's mother sighed softly, leaning her head against the sofa, staring at the ceiling and thinking quietly.

After a while, there was a sudden "click" when the door opened, and Kashiwagi Moyu came out again and asked her, "Where did you go to investigate him? What else do you know about him?"

Kashiwagi's mother straightened up and asked helplessly: "What do you want to do after you find out? Don't you understand what I mean?"

"Stop your curiosity and stop getting involved in their affairs. So, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

Kashiwagi Moyu glanced at her mother and closed the door without saying anything.

Seeing her daughter disappear again, Kashiwagi's mother let out a long sigh.After a while, she murmured silently: "It seems like it's too late."

Beiyuan family.

An old Japanese style living room with modern furniture.The naughty Danhuagu dug into a large storage box and rummaged through the old items collected by his father.

Next to her, Huajiang Qinyin sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a rag to wipe the dust on the old objects.

She was surprised to pick up a very familiar blue iron box and opened it. As expected, there were more than a dozen cute hairpins with various patterns inside.

"Hey, aren't these hairpins that Yahiro and I bought when we were kids? Many of them didn't wear them at the time. He had a conscience, so he actually kept them for us." Huajiang Qinyin lamented, "The older I get, the more I see Things from my childhood become more memorable.”

Hua Gu looked around and recognized the blue iron box. Thirteen years later, this box was still well preserved.

"Found it! It turned out to be hidden here." Huagu held up a small trophy in his little hand, a commemorative trophy for the Newcomer of the Arts Awards.

"It used to be on display in Onii-chan's bedroom, but then I couldn't find it. It turned out to be stored in a box." She murmured in a low voice.

Huajiang Qinyin looked over, took the trophy with great nostalgia, wiped the dust, and said with a smile: "This thing has an origin." Hua Gu asked curiously with a small face: "What is the origin?"

"Have Haiji seen "Southern Red Beans"?"

Even though she had read it several times, Hanaya still wanted to know more details from Kotone-san. She asked with a small face expectantly: "Kotone-san said before that it seemed to be Onii-chan's confession to Amamiya-san. Book?"

"It is indeed a confession." Huajiang Qinyin nodded, placed the trophy on the ground, and said with a nostalgic look in his eyes: "He wrote that book, and I put a lot of effort into it."

Hua Gu's little head nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice, looking expectantly at Sister Qin Yin to continue talking.

"Let's put it this way, from Chapter 1 to the end, all the ups and downs in the book were carefully arranged and designed by me."

Hanaya asked in surprise: "Sister Kotone, do you mean that "Southern Red Bean" was almost written by you?"

Huajiang Qinyin shook his head and said: "You can't say that. He did write the content. I am only responsible for giving him ideas, formatting, designing the direction of the plot, and adjusting the order of the plot."

Huajiang Qinyin thought for a moment and added: "It's like making a plaster statue. I adjust the proportion of water and paste, then design the mold, then pour the liquid into the mold, let it dry and demould, and finally carve and make it carefully. into a work of art.”

"Then what is Onii-chan responsible for?" Hanaya asked curiously.

"He will be responsible for dyeing the plaster statue with a paintbrush under my guidance to make it look like your Amamiya-sister."

"Wait a minute, I'll bring you the book." Huajiang Qinyin stood up, went upstairs to find "Red Beans of the South", and took it down to show Haiji.Huagu smiled and got into Sister Qinyin's soft embrace, listening to Sister Qinyin's explanation.

"Look at the first sentence of Chapter 1. This is how I taught him to write it. Later, when the protagonist admits that he likes the heroine, I asked him to write it this way. Including the perspective of memories in Chapter 1 was also my idea. ."

Huajiang Qinyin turned over the pages page by page, carefully explaining each paragraph and sentence to Huagu. What was the use of writing like this? What kind of empathy did she want people to have when reading this book, and what kind of changes in their mood would occur.

Huajiang Qinyin said with a smile: "You can say that from the beginning to the end, almost every page of text contains my opinions. I guarantee that when your sister Amemiya reads this book, her heartstrings will be stirred by the words, and she will be moved. My face is red, my heart is beating, and I can’t help myself. Of course, it only works for her and not for others.”

Hua Gu listened with great interest, his face filled with admiration.

She raised her head and looked at Sister Kotone, "Does Onii-chan know the deep meaning in these words?"

"At least when I was writing the book, he didn't know. He only knew that it was a letter of apology, a book of confession, or that I told him in advance." Huajiang Qinyin curled her lips, feeling disgusted.

"You expect a little nerd whose brain is full of chess records to be able to write pure literature and understand the deep meaning. And he was often drunk at that time, and he was not sober. It's okay to let him write a set book, let him Writing pure literature? If it weren't for me, he would have won a children's literature award in his life and he would be considered great. This book would definitely be gone."

Hua Gu applauded: "Sister Qinyin is so amazing!"

Hearing Sister Qinyin talk about the past, Hua Gu immediately understood it - no wonder his father never argued with Sister Qinyin. Even if he had a disagreement, he had no choice but to obey. At most, he would only complain a few words about Sister Qinyin instead of directly intervening.

"Sister Qinyin has helped dad a lot. Dad must respect and respect sister Qinyin very much." Huagu thought in his little mind.

Huajiang Qinyin smiled and revealed someone's embarrassing story back then: "By the way, don't look at your Amamiya sister. She usually looks cold and indifferent to everyone, as if she is unhuman. But in fact, when she was a child, she was clingier than anyone else. I follow your brother every day, wherever he goes, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is inseparable, I wish he could grow up on Xiaoxian."

Hanatani remembered a story about raising a cat in the book, so he asked out of curiosity: "Does Amemiya-san like cats?"

"Cat?" Huajiang Qinyin said with great certainty: "No, no, no, she definitely doesn't like it. That cat also likes to cling to Xiaoxian and often disturbs her and Xiaoxian's nap, so every time before taking a nap, she will grab it Carry the cat's neck far away."

Hanagani was a little confused again and asked strangely: "Then why did you write this part of the plot? Wouldn't Sister Amemiya be unhappy after reading it?"

Huajiang Qinyin showed a confident expression that "everything is under control" and smiled: "When writing a book, no matter what kind of book you write, whether it is pure literature, popular novels, or even light novels, there is one very important thing - through Use words or plots to fully arouse readers' emotions. Simply put, use words or plots to guide readers' emotional fluctuations."

The smart Huagu immediately understood the purpose of writing about cats!
Hanatani climbed out of Kotone-sensei's arms, picked up the book, and imitated Amemiya-sama's reaction when she read this paragraph.

She first held the book and frowned, with a puzzled expression as if she didn't understand why she was writing about that cat, and then whispered unhappily: "That cat? Why do you think I like that cat?"

Then, she moved her eyes downwards and continued reading. When she saw the warm past events at the back, she raised the corners of her lips slightly and said in a warm tone: "Idiot, big idiot, disgusting. I don't like cats."

Hanae Kotone held her stomach and laughed so hard that she snapped her fingers and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, yes, very smart! That's it. I asked him to write this paragraph just to make Masahira produce the behavior you showed. reaction!"

Hanagu sat down with a smile and put down the book.

Her little face looked at Hanae Kotone with sincerity and admiration, and said in admiration: "Sister Kotone is so powerful, Sister Amamiya can't escape from your grasp at all."

"It's just normal. It's just that little otaku who is easy to deal with."

"What happened to the cat?"

"I don't know, it seems like it ran away. Cats that have not been neutered do not love their homes. They were very well-behaved when they were young, but they tend to run away when they are raised."


 The fourth thing, almost becoming a celebrity, probably ended in less than ten thousand words.One last thing, the anniversary celebration is about to begin.

  Many readers don't understand Go, and it's difficult for me to write exciting Go games, so you should be able to tell that in recent chapters, Kitahara Kento's celebrity battles have been conducted in a dark way, without positive descriptions.The plots I am writing now are all preparing for the last event (anniversary celebration).

  The fifth thing that follows and the plot that follows are exactly what I was most looking forward to writing when I conceived this book three years ago. It can be said that all the previous plots are paving the way for a major turning point in the anniversary celebration. conditions.I will try my best to achieve the desired effect.

(End of this chapter)

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