Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 434 Kashiwagi Moyu investigates the truth

The sparkling river surface reflects the colors of dusk. Along the road on the grassy slope, the blond girl stands in place, looking out at the community in front of her.

"It should be there." Kashiwagi Moyu murmured softly.

In the past two weeks, she has been searching for clues about the "source of pollution" and Masahira Amamiya.

The process was far more difficult than she imagined. She asked dozens of people intermittently, and even disguised herself and went to the Tokyo Chess Academy to inquire about information, but still found nothing.Even if there was even a shred of rumors, they were all tangerine peel and rotten millet that she had known for a long time, and had no value in tracing.As for Amamiya Masahira's past, no one knows.

Things took a turn for the better yesterday.

Yesterday, on the way home from school, she accidentally met Kuriyama Mizuho and briefly said hello. When she was about to say goodbye, she suddenly had an idea and called out Kuriyama-senpai.

She remembered that when the band was rehearsing, the "polluter" would often ask Kuriyama-senpai to talk privately.Moreover, when observing in secret, she could always detect that the "source of pollution" had a close relationship with senior Kuriyama, and it was not like they were just acquaintances.

Kuriyama-senpai did not disappoint her. Her language was very clear and she pointed out the "source of pollution" in her hometown community.

The river breeze blew her golden hair. Kashiwagi Moyu, who had her hands in her pockets, wrapped her coat tightly, lowered her head and walked towards the community in front.

Walking along the blue-gray asphalt road extending from the street lights, she saw elderly people sitting peacefully in the yard basking in the sunset sun, kindergarten students and elementary school students playing in the sand on slides in the community park, and housewives walking with vegetable baskets. on the way.

Kashiwagi Moyu stopped, turned to the community park, looked at the square beach, and remembered the plot in the book.

"He and Amamiya Masahira must have built a 'home' here before."

Kashiwagi Moyu stepped forward and wanted to ask the children if they knew Kitahara Kento.

But things went smoothly unexpectedly. Before she even got there, she heard the children talking about Kento Kitahara.

"Brother Kitahara wins! It's a draw three to three!" A child holding a mobile phone shouted in surprise.

"Really?!" The child in red quickly looked over and shouted excitedly: "Beat the Jingshan chess master and become a celebrity!"

"Don't be too happy, there is still one game left!" The kid who seemed to support Jingshan Chess Master curled his lips and said, "This game is just good luck."

The child holding the mobile phone immediately said angrily: "Traitor of the small island! Brother Kitahara taught your father how to play Go before. My uncle supported Brother Kitahara, but you still support Jingshan!"


Kashiwagi Moyu, who didn't expect things to go so smoothly, stopped in surprise. No need to ask, she found the right place, and more than one of these children knew the "source of pollution".

"Hey, foreign sister." The child in blue noticed her.

The child in red clothes thought he had not been heard and whispered to his friend: "Ando, ​​do you think she is a foreign sister from America or a foreign sister from Europe?"

"I guess it's Australia." The kid in blue replied softly.

Kashiwagi Moyu made a friendly expression, stepped forward and asked, "Do you know Kento Kitahara?"

The kid in red clothes was not afraid of life, and proudly puffed out his chest and said, "We all know each other! Brother Beihara is the pride of our community!"

The child holding the mobile phone refused to admit defeat and said quickly: "Last time, Brother Beihara brought a little loli back, and he smiled at me and said hello!"

Leading a "little loli"?Kashiwagi Mayu immediately realized that he was talking about Kitahara Kento's sister.

She was quite confused, and a thought came to her: Don't they know Kitahara Kento's sister?Why do you call her "little loli"?
Thinking of this, Kashiwagi Moyu suddenly realized that he had neglected a very strange thing all this time, that is, in "Southern Country Red Bean", there was no paragraph or word describing Kitahara Kento having a sister.

She couldn't figure out the reason for a moment, so she had to put it aside for the time being and ask about more important things.

"I'm a reporter from "Literary Spring and Autumn Period"," Kashiwagi Moyu made up a reasonable identity for herself, "I'm here to learn about——."

Before she could finish speaking, the smart children started talking hurriedly. It seemed that a reporter had already visited before her.

The kid in blue clothes immediately revealed a big news about his family: "My sister has a crush on brother Beihara! I peeked into her diary!" As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly realized something, and begged pitifully: "Steal it" Can you please stop reporting this sentence in the diary? My sister will beat me if she sees it."

Kashiwagi Moyu nodded in a funny way, and another child shouted proudly: "Brother Beitahara had a fever before, and my father treated him!"

Kashiwagi Moyu was silent, this doesn't seem to be something to be proud of.

"Brother Kitahara bought my ice cream!"

"My grandma hugged Kitahara-nii when he was a child!"

The children playing nearby also noticed what was going on here and ran over one after another, talking to each other one after another.

"Brother Beihara likes to eat my family's big blessing!"

"Kitahara-chan's cat is a friend of my dog!"

"." Seeing a group of children talking useless nonsense, Kashiwagi Moyu regretted asking them. Except for a few sentences, the prototype of the story could be found in the book, but almost all of it was useless. message to use.

Kashiwagi Moyu quickly asked: "Do you know where Kitahara's eighth-dan home is?"

The child holding the mobile phone said first: "Right behind you."

Kashiwagi Moyu was stunned for a moment, turned around and looked, and then looked at the house next door.

"Thank you, I don't have any other questions." Kashiwagi Moyu thanked him and immediately found an excuse to leave, heading towards the door of Kitahara Kento's hometown.

"The plots in "Red Bean of the South" are indeed true events that actually happened," she said with complicated emotions.

Arriving in front of the mottled paint gate, Kashiwagi Moyu stopped, looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows, carefully looking at the layout of the house one by one.In her mind, she seemed to have seen what happened in "Red Bean of the South" with her own eyes.

"The floor is very clean, and the furniture is not covered with dust-proof cloth. Does anyone clean it regularly?" she said to herself.

After a while, Kashiwagi Moyu looked away and looked at the two-story house next door. Then he walked over with an unspeakable mood and stood at the door.

"This must be her home."

Amamiya Masahira's home does not have floor-to-ceiling glass, so the scene inside cannot be seen.Kashiwagi Moyu could only look at the exterior courtyard: the stone paths, swings, and flowers planted all corresponded to the words in the book.

"The pavement is clean, the paint on the swing is well maintained, and the flowers are in season. Does she come back occasionally?"

Thinking of this, Kashiwagi Moyu was worried that it would be bad if he was unlucky enough to meet that guy, so he quickly evacuated.

Before leaving, she glanced back at the hometown of the "source of pollution", then lowered her head and left quickly.

It wasn't until she reached the intersection of the community that she felt a little relieved. She was not willing to go back like this. She hadn't asked about the truth she wanted to know.

So Kashiwagi Moyu looked around and fixed his eyes on an old-looking fruit shop.

This shop was written about in "Southern Country Anko", and it was described a lot. It was a place frequented by "Polluter" because Amamiya Masahira liked to eat Dorayaki with sweet red bean paste.Moreover, the owner of the fruit shop is a very prestigious elder in this community, and everyone respects him very much.

She walked into the store, and a gray-haired old man sat behind the glass cabinet at the entrance of the store and asked her what snacks to buy. Kashiwagi Moyu still used the same rhetoric, lying that she was a reporter and came to learn about Kitahara. Eight paragraphs of things.

At least he chose the right target this time. This old man knew Kitahara Kento very well. According to his words, "He watched Kitahara Kento go to school from babbling to carrying a schoolbag."

Kashiwagi Moyu was in a good mood and finally found the best interviewer.

She first pretended to ask many questions about Kitahara Kento's childhood past. Did he show any extraordinary talents when he was a child? After the old man answered them one by one, she saw that the time was almost up, so she threw out the question she had been struggling with for the past two weeks. The hard-seeking truth.

She wanted to know what major changes had happened between the "source of pollution" and Masahira Amamiya, so that the two parties did not meet again until they were separated for five years.

Moyu Kashiwagi tapped the side and asked, "What do you think was the most significant change in Kitahara's eighth-dan life? Also, after the death of his father, Kitahara's eighth-dan, did he change in any way?"

But what she didn't expect was that when she asked this question, the old man suddenly changed his kind smile and became silent.

After a while, the old man shook his head and said: "There has been no major change, I just became less likely to go out and became more withdrawn. Not long after, maybe I wanted to change my environment, so Beihara-kun moved away from here."

Immediately afterwards, the old man changed the subject and told her that there was more than just Kitahara Kento in this community. He then took the initiative to introduce her: there was the great writer Hanae Kotone who had won famous literary awards, there was a nationally famous surgeon, there was A powerful university doctoral tutor. The only thing I didn't mention is that there is also a famous young and beautiful pianist.

Kashiwagi Moyu saw it and realized in her heart that the old man knew some news, but he didn't want to tell her.

In this case, there was nothing to ask. Kashiwagi Moyu thanked her and left wisely. Before leaving, she bought a bag of red bean paste dorayaki from the book.

Standing on the side of the road, Kashiwagi Moyu was still unwilling to go home like this. She recalled which stores were highlighted in the book, and then made the decision to go there.

It was a pity that the people who visited later did not know as much information as the fruit shop, and without exception, they all praised Kitahara Kento and said good things about him, but did not ask her what she wanted to know at all. matter.

The only thing that could be regarded as something worthwhile was that she learned from an aunt that Kento Kitahara once accidentally slipped and fell into the river. Fortunately, a passerby found him in time and fished him out, otherwise the consequences would have been dire. material!
Kashiwagi Moyu was quite disappointed. Dusk was already setting, so she had no choice but to go home.

As the sun set, she was walking home with her dorayaki in hand. When she saw the bridge she passed by again, she slowly stopped thoughtfully.

Kashiwagi Moyu immediately changed direction, walked onto the bridge, and slowly came to the center of the bridge.

She stood silently by the bridge, quietly looking at the sparkling red sunset river below. After a long time, she murmured and asked: "Later, you really imitated the content in the book, right here, and jumped like that. ?"

Kashiwagi Moyu couldn't help but start to wonder what was going on in that guy's mind at that time, and what kind of mood he had when he jumped down to drink the water.After thinking about it for more than ten seconds, she turned around and left happily.

"The book is not written for you, what are you thinking about!" Kashiwagi Moyu blamed herself for being stubborn.

She took out the dorayaki from the convenience bag, took a small bite of a piece, and chewed it for a while. It was not as good as she thought, so she whispered: "What's so delicious about this thing? I go buy it for her every day."

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