Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 435 Almost became a celebrity

Chapter 435 Almost became a celebrity

The seventh game of the Celebrity Battle of Seven Banners, as the location of the final battle, was naturally set at the Yugen Room in Tokyo Ki-in.

Between Youxuan is the highest-level game room of the Japanese Chess Academy.

This place has witnessed generations of chess masters, celebrities, and Honinbo being crowned here. Only the most important competitions are worthy of using this game room.The game room between Youxuan is not big, but three days and three nights can only tell the beginning of the legendary story born here.

Hanging on the wall of the game room is a resounding calligraphy work, with four large characters and thick ink - profound and mysterious - written by Nobel Prize winner Kawabata Yasunari himself.

Sage Beiyuan was sitting in front of the chess pier. When he raised his head, he could see the four characters "Profound and Mysterious" hanging on the wall.He had little exposure to the pure literary works of Kawabata Yasunari. He had only read a few of Kawabata Yasunari's "War Watch" and "Celebrities", but he was deeply impressed by the extremely delicate and beautiful text in the book.

The stander announced the start of the game, the scorer started writing, and the referee straightened his back.The chess master from Jingshan grabbed a handful of white stones, and the sage from Kitahara guessed the number. He missed, so he moved with the white stones.

He took a deep breath and waited for the Jingshan chess master who had been thinking about it for a long time. At the same time, there were thousands of thoughts in his mind.

In the sixth game of the last game, he even pessimistically thought that he would be won by Jingshan with four consecutive victories. Unexpectedly, in the final stage, Jingshan chess master actually made a serious low-level mistake. He was sloppy at the end and made the wrong move. The sequence allowed him to win the game in vain, so that he was stunned at the time. He did not expect happiness to come so suddenly.

Such a low-level mistake, comparable to miscalculating Zhengzi, was actually made by a professional chess player. It will definitely be recorded as a "famous Go scene" forever.Although "famous Go scenes" like this are extremely rare, there are many in historical records.

So with a score of three to three, Qi Fanqi was dragged into the final game.

Jingshan Chess Master still refused to drop the black stones, and looked at the golden torre wood chess pieces with a tired expression. He guessed that the blow in the previous game was too deep and he was still adjusting.And Kento Kitahara is also half-hearted, full of worries, and trying to think of solutions on the spot.

"I've used all the moves I should use, and all the tricks I can think of, but it's still useless." Kento Kitahara was frowning, and he couldn't even think of a way to win the chess game.The effect of his own shortcomings is too obvious, and it is too easy to target in the eyes of top experts.Even if he were a chess master from Jingshan, he would be able to deal with chess players like him who have extremely obvious shortcomings with ease.

"Stop being bored, get up and eat an apple."

Hanae Kotone picked up a big, good-quality apple and rubbed it against Kitahara Kento's nose, like tempting a lazy cat with a cat strip.

Kitahara Kento, who was lying on the sofa, glanced at her and said without interest: "Let me calm down for a while. I'll be fine in two days. This is normal."

The naughty Danhua Valley Duck sat on the sofa, looking at his unhappy father. He turned around and asked Sister Qinyin: "Is this the case when professional chess players lose? Is this normal?"

"It seems so. Who wouldn't feel uncomfortable after taking so much less money, and not to mention, sometimes honor is more important than money." Huajiang Qinyin took a bite of the apple and said in a straight voice: "As far as I know, the professional chess player lost Chess, there are many people who go out and get drunk with people for weeks in a row, and there are also people who can't sleep for several days, it seems to be a common phenomenon."

Beiyuan Xianren said nothing and turned over, feeling very melancholy in his heart.

Although according to Hanatani, "Dad almost became a celebrity," he deeply understood after experiencing it himself. The close call was just a slight difference in the score of Shichiban chess. In fact, in terms of technical level, he was still several points behind. Woolen cloth.

To say it's sad, it's not that sad at all.His loss to Jingshan Chess Master had nothing to do with luck, it was simply due to his own lack of strength. His skills were inferior to others and he was resigned to being the loser. He lost in such a temperamental manner.

But after all, I still feel bad in my heart, and my mind can't stop thinking: I clearly saw that move at that time, why didn't I make it, why did I choose another direction, and that move, Why didn’t I discover it earlier? It wouldn’t be difficult. What on earth was I thinking at that time? What if I
Kitahara Kento sighed inwardly. This is how a Go game is. It seems like you and I are fighting each other on the chessboard. Secretly, there are lots of tricks and mental battles. But in fact, it is more about the progress of the game with each move. Both sides kept making their own choices.

There are many, many changes to choose from. It all depends on how you choose. Which change diagram you want to choose? Regardless of good results or bad results, everything is your own fault.

Winning the chess game was fine, I felt smug and elated. When I went home and looked at the reference picture provided by the AI, I was filled with joy that I had made the right choice and bet. I was really good.

The loser was not happy. When he went home and looked at the reference picture of the AI, he was so angry that he slapped his thigh. He cursed in his heart that he was an idiot. He was full of regrets about why he was so stupid at that time. He clearly saw the change picture with the highest winning rate. He even kicked him away, foolishly choosing the worst possible move.Kitahara Kento himself laughed and sighed silently: "Now I know that AI is really not a good thing. At least when I lost chess before, I could lose a little more stupidly, which makes me feel better."

"Why are you giggling and talking to yourself?" Huajiang Qinyin rolled her eyes at him and warned Huagu: "See, don't learn to play chess in the future, otherwise you will become a lunatic like your brother."

Hua Gu was deeply impressed and nodded his head in approval.

The mobile phone placed on the table lit up. Hanae Kotone took a look and reminded: "Aoi sent you a text message."

"What did she say?" Kitahara Kento tilted his head and looked over and asked, "Did she talk about the agreed thing again?"

"Yes. She entered the finals of the Ruo Li battle, reminding you not to forget the promise."

Hua Gu's little face suddenly became energetic, and he immediately asked curiously: "What agreement?"

Kitahara Kento glanced at his daughter and said instructing: "You should stop meddling in adults' affairs and think more about things you should do at your age in your little mind. Don't ask this and that all day long and gossip non-stop. This is what you should do at your age. Do you care?"

The naughty Danhua Gu curled her lips in disapproval and didn't take a word to heart.

Hearing that her baby was being bullied, Huajiang Qinyin was unhappy on the spot and spoke for Huagu: "What's wrong with your young age? Weren't you more outrageous than Haiji when you were a child? And if I hadn't given you advice when you were a child, how could you have done so at such a young age? Get a girlfriend you can sleep under the same bed with?"

Kitahara Kento immediately shut his mouth, turned his back, and closed the door to avoid the fight with great self-knowledge.

After knowing Sister Qinyin for so many years, although he didn't learn much about the good aspects, at least he learned two of the most useful life lessons: first, never quarrel with writers who are good at writing books, because you can't quarrel with them; Never quarrel with a woman, because it is always "irrational".

Taken together, these two points mean that you should never quarrel with a woman who is good at writing books - unfortunately, Sister Qinyin has both points.

Huagu watched her father admit defeat, and threw himself into Sister Qinyin's arms with a smile.Hanae Kotone held Hanagu with one hand, grabbed an orange with the other hand, and threw it on Kitahara Kento's chest.Kitahara Kento picked up the orange, peeled it off, threw half of it to Huagani, and fed the other half to his mouth.

Huajiang Qinyin comforted: "Don't be discouraged. I also know that you are not discouraged. You are just feeling uncomfortable for a moment. It doesn't matter if you lose this year. There is still next year, and next time and the next time."

"Didn't Jingshan Chess Master also say it in the post-match interview? He also thinks that you have great potential and it will be very difficult for you to win. Over time, you will practice and grow, make up for your shortcomings, and have a deeper understanding of modern Go. After studying, you will definitely not just get the title of celebrity once. Honorary celebrity, honorary chess master, honorary Honinbo, etc. are all within your future territory."

"You just almost became a celebrity this time, which is already amazing."

Suddenly hearing a certain keyword, Kitahara Kento paused in chewing the orange.

Seeing this, Huajiang Qinyin smiled and said, "Have you figured it out?"

Almost became a celebrity. Kitahara Kento swallowed the orange and turned to look at his daughter in Sister Kotone's arms.

Hanaya looked at him with a smile on her face and nodded, as if to say, "That's what the future Sister Qinyin said to me. The fourth thing is that she almost became a celebrity."

(End of this chapter)

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