Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 437 The little naughty egg is reluctant to leave

Chapter 437 The little naughty egg is reluctant to leave
The next day.

Kento Kitahara, who had taken a long vacation for himself, woke up in the middle of the morning. He looked at the ceiling to relax for a while, grabbed his cell phone, and got up.The house was surprisingly quiet, and it was rare to hear any noise from the naughty little naughty man and the female goblin doing evil.

Kitahara Kento walked around but didn't see the couple. Lunch wrapped in plastic wrap was already placed on the dining table. He thought to himself that they might have gone crazy outside.

It was rare to have a quiet day, and Kento Kitahara lay comfortably on the sofa with his arms pillowed on his head, enjoying the tranquility of holiday life.

In recent days, he can be said to be "not hearing anything outside the family, and he only wants to play with Huagu."It's been several days since the title match ended. He hasn't even taken a step out of his house, turned down all invitations, and temporarily cut off contact with the chess academy. He stays at home every day to entertain his daughter, or is "played by a naughty boy" "Succubus" makes people anxious.

The screen of his mobile phone lit up with a text message notification. Kitahara Kento opened his eyes and touched it. It was the message from Takanashi Xufeng, telling him that on the day of the Ruoli battle finals, Xiangmu Aoi hoped that they would arrive at the scene one day in advance to talk to her and relieve her pain. Her nervousness.The final venue is set in Sapporo, Hokkaido.

"Sapporo, Hokkaido?" Kitahara Kento was very surprised. Why did he choose a place so far away? According to past practice, it was really rare.

Moreover, the name of the host hotel is also very unfamiliar. I have never had any experience cooperating with Tokyo Chess Academy.In his impression, when chess players used to go to Hokkaido to play chess, most of the hosts were Keio Plaza Hotel.What makes him feel most strange is that Ruo Lizhan is only a small game with a single game to determine the winner, and it is not a major title match. Why does it need to go all the way to Hokkaido?

Kitahara Kento retracted his random thoughts and continued reading. Takanashi Xufeng had already set a date. Just the day before the game, they would fly to Sapporo from Tokyo Narita International Airport together.

Takanashi Sufeng originally wanted to arrive two days in advance, but the weather forecast showed that there would be a heavy rainstorm in Tokyo that day, and the plane might not be able to take off.If you take the Shinkansen, the journey is far away, more than ten hours' drive, and you have to transfer in the middle, which is very troublesome, so we simply book it the day before.

Kento Kitahara read the message silently, thought about it for a while, and felt that it was okay, so he readily agreed to Takanashi's plan.

Putting down his phone, he sat up, looked around the quiet living room, got up, and wandered around boredly.

Kitahara Kento went up to the second floor and came to Huagu and Sister Qinyin's bedroom. He took a look around and found that the room was very tidy and Sister Qinyin had cleaned it in order.He walked to the desk, clicked on Liang Huagu's laptop, sat down, held the mouse, and found the Word document in a certain folder - "Gravity of Destiny", Huagu's life diary.The content is all the life experiences of him and his daughter from the time they met until now - double-click to open it after a long absence to see where his daughter has written.

It’s been a while since I’ve followed the progress of “Gravity of Destiny”. Hanagu has already written about how he met his father through time travel, his father’s band competition, his accidental injury and hospitalization, and how his father almost became a celebrity recently.

Kento Kitahara read it one by one, and then remembered that Takanashi Xufeng had wanted to watch the back story of "Gravity of Destiny" before. However, he felt that the content behind it was too real and would not arouse Takanashi Xufeng's associations, so he made excuses to refuse. .

"Ding dong, ding dong." The doorbell rang downstairs.

"Did you go out without the key? How careless." Kitahara Kento thought to himself, got up, and walked downstairs quickly.

Opening the door, he took a closer look and saw that it was not a naughty little naughty guy or a "succubus".

Kitahara Kento looked at the little Xiangwu Aoi and asked in surprise: "You are not practicing chess at home, why did you come to me?"

As he spoke, he stepped aside to let Xiang Wukui enter the room and led her to the living room.

Kitahara Kento sat down and asked, "How many games should I practice with you?"

Xiangwu Aoi didn't sit down, shook her head and said, "I'm not here to play chess with Onii-chan."

"Onii-chan, can you and Takanashi-san come to me a day in advance for the Wakai Finals in five days?"

"Okay," Kitahara Kento nodded clearly, "She has already told me that we will take an early flight to Hokkaido one day in advance."

Xiang Wukui was still worried. He stretched out his little finger and said seriously: "Lagou made a promise not to lie to others. I will go to the airport to wait for you."

Kento Kitahara laughed dumbly, and stretched out his little finger with Aoi Aoi, and assured her: "Okay, okay, no matter it's windy, rainy or hailing, even if a knife falls from the sky, your sister Takanashi and I will definitely go to Hokkaido to look for it one day in advance. you."

"You don't have to go to the airport to wait for us, we can just go find you." Aoi Aoi nodded obediently and said, "Then I'll go, Onii-chan. See you then."

Kitahara Kento was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise: "Leave now? Otherwise, I will practice a game of chess with you before we go?"

"No need, Onii-chan, please enjoy your vacation at home." Aoi Aoi left a word and ran out on her short legs.It came suddenly and left swiftly.

Kitahara Kento followed him confused, watched her open the door, ran to the black car parked outside, got in, then waved to him and disappeared from sight.

Kitahara Kento's expression gradually became weird, and he thought to himself: "This kid is not practicing chess at home, and he came all the way here just to tell me this?"

By chance, as soon as Xiangwu Kui left, the mischievous egg appeared at the door of the courtyard, with a "female fairy" carrying large and small bags standing behind him.

"Onii-chan, is the person who came to our house just now Sister Aoi?" Hanaya asked, looking at the black car going away.

Kitahara Kento corrected him speechlessly: "I've said it several times. She is older than you, so don't call her sister."

The little mischievous man muttered, "She's just naturally a little older than me, but I'm mentally older than her." Then he ran to the door and opened the door wide for Sister Qinyin, who was carrying big and small bags.

Back in the living room, Kitahara Kento watched them place the things they bought on the dining table one by one. Hanae Kotone noticed that the lunch that Kitahara made for Kitahara in the morning was still untouched on the table, and asked: "You didn't eat it?"

"I just woke up a little while ago." Kitahara Kento sat down, picked up his phone, and clicked on the weather forecast.

There were still five days before the Wakai finals, so he and Takanashi had to arrive one day early. Kitahara Kento studied the days for a while. Although there was a heavy rainstorm in Tokyo two days before the game, it didn't matter, and they set off the day after.

"It's time to go back to school before the Wakai war begins." Kenjin Kitahara thought.

It's been several days since the celebrity battle ended, and he hasn't returned to school yet.Although the head teacher did not urge him to go back to class quickly, hiding away all the time was not an option.

It happened to happen that Xiang Wu Kui competed. He thought about taking the opportunity to go back to school, explain the reason to the class teacher, formally ask for a few days off, and go back to school after the Ruoli competition was over. This arrangement was quite good.

The sofa he was sitting on suddenly sank a little, and he felt a little naughty egg jump on the sofa. Kento Kitahara turned his head and looked. His daughter was holding a new book with the cover of the sky filled with stars, lying lazily on the sofa, with her legs crossed. Her feet were still dangling, not ladylike at all.

Kitahara Kento reached out and took out a pear for himself to eat, and asked, "What book did you buy?"

"Popular science books about universe and astronomy." The naughty little naughty egg replied casually.

Kitahara Kento didn't ask any more questions. He knew that his daughter had always been very interested in space and astronomy.

Just like back then, on the second day after he met this naughty little egg, Huagu gave him a simulation class on cosmic astronomy, simulated the trajectory of planets in the star system, and explained to him the theory of "gravity of destiny".

Huajiang Qinyin sorted out the things she bought, washed her hands, and said towards the sofa: "By the way, Xiaoxian, I'll move home in two days."

Kitahara Kento glanced at his daughter. Hanagu's little face was reluctant to leave, but she didn't speak. It seemed that she already knew.

"I'm going to Hokkaido in four days. You can move out when I come back."

"Hokkaido?" Huajiang Qinyin was surprised, thought for a moment, and said, "Okay, I'll leave when you come back."

(End of this chapter)

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