Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 438: Gravity of Destiny, Do You Really Exist?

into the night.

Kitahara Kento turned off the light and lay on his side on the sofa.The fluorescent light of the TV commercial flickered on and off, and in the silence, he was thinking about going back to school tomorrow.

Three days later it was Ruoli Zhan's chess final, and his flight ticket had already been booked.

I will go back to school tomorrow to ask for leave. I will ask for leave first. I will go to the student union in the afternoon to meet with Takanashi Sufeng. I will leave the next day. Kitahara Kento thought about it, took out his mobile phone, and edited the text message.Inform Xiangwu Kui of the news.Then he changed his position and lay flat on the sofa.

Kento Kitahara looked at the dark ceiling and murmured: "Gravity of fate. Do you really exist?"

Hanatani said that the five major events in his high school career now only have the last major event left.

One, participate in band competitions.

Two, wrote a very famous song.

Three, accidentally injured and hospitalized.

Four, came close to becoming a celebrity.

Fifth, the anniversary celebration.

Kento Kitahara couldn't help but think about them one by one, and tried to find the "traces of fate" that could not be seen, touched or heard in them.

When I participated in the band competition, I was so poor that I had to pay my tuition fees on credit, so I had to fight for the prize money.

The second major event occurred during its development: he wrote a very famous song, "Midnight Serenade".

At that time, I was very unlucky. In the first game of the preliminaries, I met the BOOS Masahira Amamiya.Moreover, the song selection coincided with each other, which directly caused the program production team to abandon them and choose the more important screen debut of Masahira Amamiya.

The program team ordered them to change songs before the performance. The incident happened suddenly and there was no song preparation beforehand. After they learned the news, everyone present was stunned and at a loss.

It was under that circumstance that due to the extreme urgency of the situation - and also considering that the band competition was very important to Mizuho Kuriyama - he had no choice but to choose copywriting against his will.After that, only he and Chinatsu Tsurumi, two people with a background in jazz improvisation, performed.

After the performance, he also announced in public that he would give up all copyrights to "Half Moon Serenade" except for the right of authorship.

Kitahara Kento carefully analyzed the development clues in these two major events.If you regard yourself as the host and all external environmental factors as the guest.It can be seen that the guest side (all external environmental factors) is strong and suppresses the host side.

That is, the choices he makes are largely determined by the influence of the external environment.Subjective will is strongly distorted by the external environment.

Kitahara Kento thought about it for half an hour, but he couldn't find any obvious traces of fate in it, except that he encountered the bottom boss in the first game - there were 24 people drawing lots at that time, and the probability of winning Amamiya Masahira was 23 in [-]. ——Apart from bad luck and coincidence, there is nothing strange about it.

Kitahara Kento considered whether it was too much of a coincidence to bump into the music selection, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was normal.

The lead singer of Crabapple is an Englishman, and "Bohemian Rhapsody" is the British national song, even known as the "second national anthem."

It is no exaggeration at all that eight out of ten British people can sing "Bohemian Rhapsody". "Bohemian Rhapsody" has long been famous and is an immortal monument in the history of pop music. It can be said that it is very normal for Begonia to choose "Bohemian Rhapsody" for the British lead singer.

If he were the decision-maker of the Begonia Band and had a lead singer with such strong vocal skills, he would probably choose this song as the opening song.

As for their Destiny Gravity Band, it would be more normal to choose "Bohemian Rhapsody".

Although they encountered the bottom BOSS in the first game, as the old saying goes, misfortunes come with blessings, and they will also receive huge attention.

Anyway, the possibility of winning is unlikely, so it would be more glorious to lose.So he chose to show his biggest trump card and sent the vocal monster Mizuho Kuriyama to the stage.However, Kuriyama Mizuho's operatic accent problem has not been corrected. After thinking hard, he had an idea and chose the song "Bohemian Rhapsody".This song must have the flavor of an opera to be authentic.

"I can't see the 'gravity of fate' anywhere," Kitahara Kento whispered, "If I have to say it, my draw of Amamiya Masahira is considered the gravity of fate? But the probability is only 23 in [-]."

Kitahara Kento no longer dwells on the first two things and looks to the future.

The third thing was accidental injury and hospitalization.

The cause of the third incident was that Tsurumi Chiharu had mentioned traveling together many times, but at that time either there was no time for competitions or there was no time for school, so the plan was not implemented until the summer vacation.And he and Kashiwagi Moyu completely fell out after the band competition. They fought secretly and intrigued each other. They "were not in common with each other", and a series of unfriendly things happened: they sent someone to monitor her, and she found out. ; She was deprived of her authority at the sports festival and lost most of her voice in the student union.
The third thing happened was that the band members went on a skiing trip to the snowy mountains.He and Kashiwagi Moyu dislike each other. You fuck me, I fuck you, neither of them is willing to bow their heads and admit defeat.An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.There was almost a car accident in the process.

Later, Kashiwagi Moyu was in danger during a night game activity, and his whole body was hanging on the edge of a steep cliff, precariously.As a teammate, he discovered this scene.

The situation was urgent. Kashiwagi Moyu was exhausted and in danger of falling off the cliff at any time. The possibility of waiting for others to come to rescue was very slim.He had no choice but to give it a try and tried his best to pull her up, but he couldn't save her and even got himself in.

Just like that, he and Kashiwagi Moyu slid down the steep slope together, surviving on the snowy field and waiting for rescue.Clinging to each other for warmth.When you were unconscious, I tried to block the wind. When I was cold, you tried to block the wind. Finally, I persisted until the rescue team arrived.The final result was that the third incident happened and he was accidentally injured and hospitalized.Dislocated arm.But after this incident, the relationship between him and Kashiwagi Moyu also greatly eased.

Feeling sorry for herself, Kashiwagi Moyu bought him a new mobile phone - exactly the phone that his daughter said he would keep in the future - and worked as his nanny for a period of time. He and Kashiwagi Moyu also gradually became enemies. Be friends.

Kitahara Kento made a brief analysis, and in the third matter, he judged from the perspective of the host and the guest.

Although it was indeed his subjective wish to rescue Kashiwagi Moyu, he was a passive rescuer here.He had no choice but to ignore it, so he could only take the risk.Therefore, the choice he makes as the host is still affected by the guest (all external environmental factors).

For the first three things, he was always more or less influenced by the guest and made decisions passively.Should I say it is better to be unwilling or unconvinced?

As for the fourth thing that ended now - almost becoming a celebrity - although it was different, he still did not escape the suppression of the guest, but this time, he was convinced of the defeat.What can you do if you are not strong enough? It is purely a technical gap, and there is no influence of any factors other than technology or luck.

If you are not as skilled as others, you will be at a disadvantage.If you can afford to lose, you can let go.At best, we can fight again next year.

After thinking about it, Kento Kitahara suddenly realized something.

"Does the gravity of fate really exist?" He couldn't help but doubt.

These four things.Either he was forced to go to a dangerous place due to the general situation (participating in a band competition); or he was forced to do so for the sake of the overall situation and to repay a favor (Wenzhao Midnight Serenade), or he was in danger and it was important to save others (accidentally injured and hospitalized) ); and then there is the lack of strength and unable to do it (almost becoming a celebrity).

Looking at it this way, the so-called gravity of fate is more like the result of being influenced by all external environmental factors and consistent with his own personality, abilities and attitude towards life.

——There is no big hand of fate controlling it. It is your own choice that creates your own destiny.

"Is the so-called gravity of fate my own?" Kitahara Kento felt confused and asked himself: "Is it my own character, ability and attitude that determine my future destiny?"

"If my temperament changes so much that I become a completely different person and choose not to participate, (even if I participate) I will not copy the text, and I will not save Kashiwagi Moyu or participate in the celebrity battle in the future. Then now, everyone around me They must be completely different from objects, and their destiny has changed greatly."

"Of course, is that completely different me still 'me'? I'm afraid it's just another person with the same name as Kitahara Kento, but a completely different person inside. In other words, Kitahara Kento has embarked on the journey of 'another person' destiny."

The fluorescent TV illuminated half of the living room, and a late-night amateur variety show was playing on the LCD screen.Kitahara Kento tossed and turned on the sofa, the thoughts in his mind were chaotic.

If you look at it from another angle, all of his current life trajectories are in line with Hua Gu's prophecy, and he is still repeating the journey of the "last week".Looking at it this way, everything is full of traces of fate.

"Or maybe fate is far from being as simple as I imagined. It doesn't have to come down to earth personally, and there is no need to personally intervene. As long as a person cannot achieve self-breakthrough and cannot overcome all the trials that come from the objective environment, then sooner or later he will 'bring it to himself'. "

Kitahara Kento thought about it for a long time. The late-night programs on the TV screen were already scrolling through the production team's roster, but he still had no clue.The topic of destiny was too lofty and lofty, and he was really elusive and had no way of starting.

"Forget about the first four things, let's look at the fifth thing, Fenggao's anniversary."

Thinking of this, Kitahara Kento regained his confidence. If the guest side (all external environmental factors) had always suppressed the host side in the first four things, then in the fifth thing, he couldn't imagine how he would be suppressed.

Because of the fifth thing, he belongs to home games.

He is an outstanding student in the eyes of his class teacher and is now highly valued by school leaders.

He is not only the secretary of the student union, but also controls the internal group organization of boys in Fenggao.This is also a force that cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, Takanashi Xufeng and Kashiwagi Moyu can also help him. The rights and power they have in Fenggao cannot be underestimated.It can even be said that as long as he cooperates with Takanashi and Kashiwagi, it represents the strength of all the students of Fenggao.Each party takes half.

"And my current destiny is still changing,"

Kitahara Kento was at least certain that there were "two and a half" differences.

First, he got two unconditional demands from the little otaku girl that he must agree to - whether the little otaku girl will cheat in the future is another matter - at least there is a difference between his future and the future Hua Gu said.

Second, he met Xiang Wukui.He has asked his daughter many times, and her daughter has definitely said many times that Xiang Wukui is definitely not among his future father's friends.

In the tide of fate, two waves emerged that did not belong to history.Although they are weak, they do exist.

As for the "0.5" difference, Hua Gu believes that since she came, her father's mentality has changed, he has become more positive, and he has become brighter and more energetic about life.And after she came, her father's favorability towards Sister Amamiya also became higher.

Hua Gu believes that the gravity of fate is great and extremely powerful. As long as it is reckless, it can forcefully change the trajectory of everything, but the only thing it cannot change is the human heart.

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