Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 440 The strange world of Tao Li Xufeng

Takanashi Xufeng noticed that Beihara and Moyu seemed to be flirting with each other, secretly making eye contact.

"Do you have any ideas?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the excellent tacit understanding between Beiyuan and Moyu. They both remained silent, and no one said anything, as if they were hiding something from her in a tacit understanding.

Kento Kitahara found it hard to talk about climbing trees, climbing over walls, and skipping school.

Takanashi Xufeng is completely different from him and Kashiwagi Moyu.

He has lived alone since his father's death. He has been accustomed to freedom since he was a child. Apart from learning to play chess, he has never seriously studied etiquette and rules. He walks, sits and lies however he feels comfortable, and follows his heart.Kashiwagi Moyu is similar. He was also neglected when he was a child and has a free personality. He is even more "deviant" than him. The two of them climbed over the wall and skipped school. At most, it was a small symbolic confession in their psychology. , and there is no burden in my heart, and my movements are not sloppy at all.

But Takanashi Xufeng is different. Looking at her usual conversation and sitting posture, you can tell that she must have received excellent etiquette and etiquette instruction since she was a child.When walking, sitting or lying down, you must be strict with yourself, behave like a spring breeze, and be strictly prohibited from being disrespectful.The daughter of a famous family.Teach her to skip school. Isn't this a crime?

Kitahara Kento didn't speak, and Kashiwagi Moyu also kept her mouth shut.Gao Li Xufeng couldn't help but be impatient and asked again: "Is there any way?"

Kitahara Kento was silent for a while, exchanged a few glances with Kashiwagi Moyu, sighed and said, "I'll take you to see it, you can decide for yourself."

After saying that, he gave Kashiwagi Moyu a look, and then the two of them each moved a chair and walked in front to lead the way.Gao Li Xufeng followed behind in confusion.

Walking out of the wooden house, he walked straight towards the withered woods, going deeper and deeper as he walked.

As Gaoli Xufeng saw the school wall getting closer and closer, an ominous premonition suddenly popped into his mind - could he be skipping school over the wall?
As expected, Moyu and Beiyuan, who were carrying chairs, slowly stopped and stopped under a tree with relatively low branches.

Gao Li Xufeng looked up along the tree trunk, looking at the top of the two-meter-high wall, his expression gradually became strange.She already knew what coming here meant.

She looked at the other two people with strange eyes and asked, "Kitahara-san, Moyu, have you ever climbed out from here? How many times have you done this?"

Kashiwagi Moyu lowered her head guiltily and said nothing.Kitahara Kento shamelessly pretended not to hear, and observed the situation nearby as if nothing had happened. He thought to himself: I wasn't trying to hide from you at that time, otherwise I wouldn't have climbed over the wall and slipped away.

He coughed dryly, changed the subject and said, "You can dig it out here. You make up your mind."

Gao Li Xufeng looked helplessly at the two people who had guilty consciences.Really, one is the secretary of the student union, and the other is the vice-president of the student union, and they have both committed serious violations of school discipline such as skipping school and skipping school!
But then she thought again that she was standing here now, and she couldn't help but feel complicated.

"Get out from here?" Gao Li Xufeng looked at Beiyuan and asked knowingly.

Kitahara Kento nodded and said: "I will climb up first, and you hand me the chair. I will throw the chair down, then jump down, and you will step on the chair to get down."

"Do you think it's feasible?" Kitahara Kento politely asked her if she was willing.

Kitahara Kento was helpless. Takanashi Xufeng wanted to follow the rules and leave the school through formal means, but it's not like there is no formal way now.She didn't want to lie to the guard, so that was all she could do.Either way is truant, but there is no need to lie to get over the wall.

Kento Kitahara paused, coughed and said, "Special circumstances will be dealt with specially. Go out first, then ask for leave. As long as we explain the urgency and importance of the situation, the school will definitely understand us."

Listening to Kitahara Kento trying to persuade her with what she just said, Takanashi Xufeng was silent for a moment.

Kitahara Kento said no more, raised his head and glanced at the weeping sky, waiting for Tao Li Xufeng's reply.

About half a minute later, he heard Tao Li Xufeng let out a long sigh.

"Let's get started. Kitahara-san, just do as you say, you go up first."

Takanashi Xufeng glanced sideways, looked at Kashiwagi Moyu who didn't dare to say a word, and said helplessly in a self-explanatory tone: "We have already promised Aoi, so we must keep our word. Now there is no other way, so we have to get in the car first. I’ll make up the ticket later.”

Baimu Moyu ran away and said, "I'll go watch for you."

Takanashi Xufeng walked closer to the tree and watched Kitahara Kento step on the chair and climb up the tree trunk, then step on the tree trunk and climb up the wall. Suddenly, he felt that what he was seeing was so absurd.The student council president and secretary climbed over the wall to skip school, while the vice president stood guard.

"Pass me the chair."

Takanashi Xufeng came back to his senses, handed a chair to Kitahara Kento, and then stepped on another chair. A little scared, with unfamiliar movements, he nervously climbed up the branch, carefully maintaining his body balance.Kashiwagi Moyu, who was standing guard at the side, was afraid that Takanashi would fall, so he hurriedly ran to the tree, raised his hand, and supported Takanashi underneath.

Takanashi Xufeng handed another chair to Kitahara Kento who was squatting on the wall, and then watched Kitahara Kento throw the chair outside with a "bang" sound.

"Come here first, squat on the wall, and I will give you a hand." Kento Kitahara stretched out his hand and said.

Takanashi Xufeng softly said "Hmm" and stretched out his hand to grab Kitahara Kento's stretched out wrist. Kashiwagi Moyu stood below, ready, raising his hand to make a false connection.

Along the tree trunk, squatting forward bit by bit.An incredible feeling gradually arose in Tao Li Xufeng's heart, and the fear in his heart gradually turned into an indescribable feeling that he couldn't explain clearly.

"I'm going down first." Kitahara Kento left a word, grabbed the wall with both hands, and jumped to the outside world.Takanashi Xufeng, who climbed onto the wall, stuck out his head and glanced at Beiyuan, who was already in the outside world. Then he lowered his head and looked at his position. The incredible feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

What she was climbing now seemed not to be the school wall, but the wall she had built for herself.It seemed that what she was violating at this moment was not the school rules, but the rules she had set for herself.

Tao Li Xufeng slowly stretched out his index finger and touched the air outside the lower wall, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"What am I doing?"

"Are you ready? I'll pick you up below."

Tao Li Xufeng quickly came back to his senses, looked down and saw that the chairs had been folded.Kitahara Kento stood next to the chair.

Takanashi Xufeng responded, then looked back at Moyu inside the wall, nodded slightly to Moyu, then turned his back, stretched out his toes, stepped on the chair outside the wall, and escaped from the school step by step.

Seeing Takanashi Xufeng come down safely, Kitahara Kento moved his chair to the entrance of Grandpa Sangwu's shop, then took off his school uniform and put on a mask to cover his face.Done everything.He looked back and saw that Gao Li Xufeng seemed to be in a daze, motionless and staring blankly at the street outside the alley.

Kitahara Kento asked: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know." Gao Li Xufeng shook his head at him.

There was no time to worry about it anymore, we had to get to the airport before the rain fell.Kitahara Kento waved his hand to Takanashi Xufeng to follow him quickly and ran towards the alley entrance first.

Watching the person in front of him running further and further away, Taoli Xufeng was stunned for three seconds, then took a tentative step, then gritted his teeth and quickened his pace to follow.

Kitahara Kento stopped on the side of the road, turned around and looked around, looking for the color of the taxi.Tao Li Xufeng, who was catching up, also slowly stopped and stood beside him without speaking, looking blank.

She didn't know why, but she had passed this street thousands of times. Even though she was just standing outside the school, she felt a strange feeling.It was as if these familiar street scenes and the familiar world showed a brand new look in her eyes.

She felt like she was in a completely unfamiliar territory.

as if.It seems like the whole person has become more relaxed?Why is this happening? Gao Li Xufeng thought in confusion.

"No. It's not school time yet, and there are no taxis near the school." Kitahara Kento turned sideways, frowned and said, "Follow me."

Gao Li Xufeng nodded subconsciously and followed suit step by step.

For some reason, since she skipped school, she felt that everything outside had become strange and very strange - even Kento Kitahara, who was standing next to her, gave her a sense of strangeness, as if the two people were separated. The two worlds were as far away as each other - and she herself seemed to have lost her opinion, became helpless, and felt insecure, so she could only passively follow orders.

She followed Kento Kitahara across the zebra crossing and ran to the parking area of ​​the store.

"Go forward three traffic lights. There is a shopping mall there, and taxis are often parked." She heard Kitahara Kento's voice.

"Do you want to take a seat? I know there are no traffic police around here. It's too late to worry so much. Get to the airport as soon as possible."

Takanashi Xufeng suddenly came back to her senses, and then noticed that Kitahara Kento was holding a bicycle with both hands and looking at her.

Takanashi Xufeng, who had not yet recovered from the aftertaste of skipping classes, slowly moved his eyes to the back seat of the car, nodded blankly, and then sat sideways on it.

"Sit tight, let's go." Kitahara Kento stepped on the pedals, exerted his strength, and rode!
Takanashi Xufeng, who was sitting in the back seat, stumbled and quickly grabbed Kitahara Kento's clothes.Only then did she suddenly realize that this was violating traffic rules!
She was stunned for a while, staring blankly at the street scene that kept retreating, and at the surprised passers-by, and the idea popped into her mind again.

"What the hell am I doing?"

Gao Li Xufeng took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and restrained her random thoughts.

"I seem to think that skipping school is too easy." She murmured and thought, turning to look behind her - the gate of Fenggao School that was getting further and further away from her.

She vaguely understood.

In school, she is the student council president who has experienced many battles and can handle everything with ease.After playing truant, she was just a clumsy and bad student who was new to school and was very unfamiliar with everything.

Gao Lixufeng looked at the gate of Feng High School, which was gradually moving away from her, and the "unspeakable feeling" in her heart became clearer and clearer.

She suddenly realized that the school she escaped from was not Fenggao.Rather, it is the "palace of knowledge" built by oneself, hidden deep in one's heart.The books and texts stored in the school hall, classrooms and library are the educational concepts of etiquette, thought and moral character that she has received since she was a child.For the first time in her life, she climbed over the wall and escaped from there.

"We're about to turn, sit tight."

Takanashi Xufeng quickly came back to his senses, looked at the back of the boy in front of him, then looked down at the rolling wheels, and slowly tightened the corners of his white shirt with his fingers.

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