Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 441 A Journey of One Person

Chapter 441 The journey of two people

After passing two traffic lights, the shopping mall is in front of you, and you can see taxis waiting on the roadside.

Kitahara Kento, who was riding the car, noticed a patrolman in front of him. He immediately alerted the people behind him and said, "There is a patrolman in front of me. I'll slow down and you get down."

Takanashi Xufeng, who was grabbing the hem of Kitahara Kento's white shirt, concentrated her attention. When the car slowed down to about the same speed, she jumped down and quickly turned to look ahead.

"You go find a place to park first, and I'll call a taxi." Taoli Xufeng said to Kitahara, and took advantage of the green light to trot over.

Kento Kitahara stopped the car, looked around, found a parking area, and stepped over.

After he stopped the car and locked it, he looked up and saw that the taxi had stopped in front of him.In the back of the car, Gao Li Xufeng waved to him, motioning for him to come up quickly.

Kitahara Kento opened the door and got in the car. Takanashi Xufeng quickly said to the driver in the front seat: "Go to Narita Airport, let's catch the flight."

"Catch a plane?" The driver looked up at the sky and muttered to start the vehicle. "In this weather, the plane may not be able to take off."

Kitahara Ken and Takanashi Xufeng remained silent and were mentally prepared. If the plane could not be grounded, they would have to take the Shinkansen instead.

"Travel outside?"

"Well, let's go to Sapporo to find a friend."


The taxi gradually stopped in the parking area of ​​Narita Airport.Kitahara and Takanashi hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car.

But as soon as they opened the car door, they seemed to have been tricked by God. The sky was filled with tears. Sooner or later, it finally started to rain heavily at this moment.

The howling wind made the clothes rustle.Kitahara and Takanashi looked at the sky together, looked at each other, and without any need to communicate, the two ran towards the airport hall.

But God's will is far from satisfied with this. The faster and more urgent they run, and the closer they get to the airport hall, the louder and louder the wind and rain become, and the heavier the downpour becomes.Just running for a short distance to the airport hall, my whole body was already soaked through.

Running into the hall, Taoli Xufeng was so tired that he held his knees and kept panting. Raindrops dripped along his hair, forming a small puddle on the ground.Kitahara Kento was not much better. He looked down at his white shirt and could vaguely see the flesh color of his skin.

Gao Li Xufeng wiped the rain off her forehead, straightened up, and said tiredly: "Let's go to the check-in counter."

As soon as he finished speaking, a loudspeaker sounded in the airport hall, informing the waiting passengers that due to the heavy rain, the plane was grounded and the flight was delayed.

Takanashi Xufeng's steps stagnated, and her body stiffened for two seconds, and then she continued running towards the check-in counter without giving up.

Kitahara Kento was helpless. Although he didn't say anything to stop Takanashi, he had already considered it in his heart. It was time to make preparations and take the Shinkansen instead.

Soon, Tao Li Xufeng came back with a disappointed expression.Seeing this, Kitahara Kento took advantage of the situation and said: "Let's take the Shinkansen instead. If we change to an express train in Aomori on the way, we can probably reach Sapporo in the early morning."

Takanashi Xufeng nodded slightly, then clenched his fists hard to cheer himself up again.

"Let's go." She raised her hand to tidy up her messy hair and took the first step.

When you arrive at the airport, you no longer need to take a taxi and run to the station.Narita Airport has multiple lines of different types of trains that can directly reach various locations in Tokyo.

Anyway, it was no longer possible to get on the plane, so there was no point in worrying. Kitahara and Takanashi slowed down a little and rested while rushing.

When they arrived at the ticket purchase location, Takanashi Xufeng was responsible for purchasing tickets, and Kitahara Kento was responsible for purchasing snacks, towels for wiping the body, paper towels, drinking water and other travel supplies.He was worried that Gao Lixu would catch a cold due to the wind and rain, so he bought a few boxes of cold medicine in case of emergency, as well as two cups of warm tea.

He didn't know what kind of food Takanashi Xufeng liked to eat, but anyway, he bought some snacks according to Hanagu's favorite taste - he guessed that they were all girls, and their favorite tastes should be similar - he bought some snacks in a planned way.Walking back with a big bag of stuff.

After reuniting, the two came to the yellow line of the train and waited.Kitahara Kento took out a pink towel from the convenience bag, handed it to Takanashi Xufeng, and said: "Wipe your hair, be careful of catching a cold."

Takanashi Xufeng leaned over slightly to say thank you, took it with a smile, then untied the hair rope with his hands behind his back and rubbed his wet hair with a towel.

"There is also hot tea." Kitahara Kento continued to take out the tea from the bag.

Gao Li Xufeng thanked him again and took the tea to warm his hands.

Kitahara Kento continued to rummage through the convenience bag, and took out three more boxes of medicines. He shook the boxes and told her: "I also bought cold medicine. If you feel uncomfortable, tell her as soon as possible. It will be too late when you get sick. ”

Takanashi Xufeng looked at Kitahara in surprise. After a while, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Kitahara-san is really attentive."

Kitahara Kento smiled and said nothing. A man who has raised a daughter, even if he was not careful before, will learn a lot from it and become careful in the future.

The rumble of the train came from the distance, and Kitahara and Takanashi both looked sideways.

The train stops, those coming get off and those going get on.Kitahara Kento walked in front to clear the way, looking for their seats. Taoli Xufeng followed closely behind him, holding a convenience bag in both hands.

The two sat down.Kitahara Kento is outside, and Tao Li Xufeng is sitting inside.Finally able to truly sit down and rest for a while, Taoli Xufeng sat back in the chair with relief and closed his eyes slightly.Kitahara Kento turned to look at her and did not disturb her rest.He took out his mobile phone and edited text messages to his naughty daughter and "succubus" at home, telling them that the schedule had changed and that he was going to Hokkaido today.

After sending the text message, when he came back to his senses, he noticed Takanashi Xufeng looking at him.

"Send a text message to Haiji?" Tao Li Xufeng asked with a smile.

Kitahara Kento nodded and asked, "Aren't you going to say hello to my family?"

Hearing this, Gao Li Xufeng leaned against the glass window and propped up his chin in distress.

"I haven't figured out how to explain it yet."

Kitahara Kento knew it in his heart. He must be worried about how to explain his departure from school, and he would inevitably lie in the end.

Half an hour later, the train arrived at their destination station.

Kitahara Ken and Takanashi Xufeng got off the bus, bought tickets, and waited for the bus.Waiting for the Shinkansen bound for Aomori to arrive.During the process, Taoli Xufeng stood dullly outside the yellow line, his expression always melancholy, and he still didn't think about the words to explain.Kitahara Kento had no choice but to think about this kind of family matter on her own.

Ten minutes later, the Shinkansen bound for Aomori arrived. They got on the train and found their seats.After sitting down, Kento Kitahara, who felt a little tired, turned his head, notified Takanashi of the wind, then adjusted his seat, raised his head, closed his eyes, and squinted for a while.

The Shinkansen started slowly and gradually accelerated.Tao Li Xufeng rested his chin on his left hand and stared blankly at the world regressing outside the car window, his mind churning.

"How should I explain this to my mother?"

She was very distressed.

After worrying for a long time, she finally took out her mobile phone and edited a text message to her mother, briefly explaining what happened, but omitting the part about skipping school and changing it to a normal request for leave to leave school.

After sending it out, Tao Li Xufeng sighed and stared blankly at the top of the carriage.

From climbing the tree to scaling the wall, less than four hours have passed.But she felt as if she had experienced all the major events of a whole year or even many years in these four hours - skipping school to skip school, violating traffic rules, running in the heavy rain, lying to her mother - and now , she took the train again a thousand kilometers away.And he was alone with a boy.

She felt that everything she experienced today was like a heroine in an adventure movie, suffering all kinds of twists and tribulations along the way.

Takanashi Xufeng tilted his head and looked at the "adventure film actor" who had fallen asleep peacefully.

As if sleepiness was contagious, she also felt sleepy, so she lay back, closed her eyes, and tried to clear her mind and take a nap.But the many thoughts in her mind were always restless, as if preventing her from sleeping, thinking about this and that involuntarily.

After tossing and turning on the seat for a long time, Taoli Xufeng reluctantly opened his eyes and gave up.

She couldn't help but tilt her head again, looking at Kitahara Kento who was sleeping soundly, and secretly asked in her heart: "So many big things have happened, how can you sleep?"

Unable to figure it out, she looked away and looked out the car window at the reversing scene again.

As she watched, she gradually felt that "unspeakable feeling that she couldn't explain clearly" in her heart.But this time, she had calmed down, experienced it carefully, and gained a deeper understanding.

——It’s a wonderful feeling to leave your comfort zone and enter a completely unknown new world.Of course I will feel uneasy inside and temporarily insecure.However, the expectation, excitement, desire and impulse for a new world that it arouses deep in a person's heart is a very wonderful experience.

Takanashi Xufeng remembered a movie she once watched, a movie she liked very much, called "Daydreamer".

"Perhaps the mood of the hero in that movie is the same as mine now?" Takanashi Xufeng held his chin in his hands, thinking divergently.

"Maybe it's me who is usually too well protected by my parents?"

She thought about it again and again, and felt that it should be like this. Her experience and experience were still too little.Some things cannot be understood just by reading books and watching movies.

Takanashi Xufeng straightened her back, slumped her shoulders and exhaled, thinking in her mind: "Maybe. I should occasionally try to do things that I haven't done before? Things that I can't usually do?"

She thought for a moment, looked at Beihara who was sleeping peacefully again, and said secretly: "It seems that the new world I just came into contact with today, Beihara-san has long been accustomed to."

At this moment when Takanashi Xufeng figured it out, after climbing over the wall, the sense of distance that she felt from Kitahara's classmate "as if two people were in two different worlds" disappeared in this moment.The strange feeling of a familiar person suddenly becoming a stranger has also dissipated.

Gao Li Xufeng was in a light mood.Feeling a little hungry, she took the travel supplies bought by Kitahara Kento, took out the bread, and then rummaged for the "side soup" of the staple food.

"Is there any?"

Her eyes lit up and she found a box of red bean flavored pudding, and it was her favorite red bean and matcha flavor.

She glanced at Beiyuan who was still sleeping, smiled knowingly and thought to herself: "That's really considerate."

(End of this chapter)

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