Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 442 Takanashi and Hanatani’s childhood

Chapter 442 Takanashi and Hanatani’s childhood

Five twenty in the afternoon.

On the train heading to Aomori.Kento Kitahara, who had been squinting for a while, opened his eyes in a daze, woke up slowly, stretched his legs, and looked around.Takanashi Xufeng lowered her head to check her phone. She noticed that Kitahara Kento had woken up from his sleep. She turned around and asked, "Did you sleep well? It's already [-]:[-] in the evening." Kitahara Kento nodded and straightened up. He lowered his waist and looked out the window of the train.The dark clouds in the sky have disappeared, and the red sunset shines through the car window.It looks like it has sailed out of Tokyo.

"Look, Aoi sent us a message." Takanashi Xufeng shook the phone in his hand.

"What did she say?" Kitahara asked.

"Ask if we're already on our way."

Takanashi Xufeng lowered his head, quickly touched the screen with his thumb, and replied to the text message, informing Aoi Xiangwu that they had boarded the train and were expected to arrive in the early morning.

Not long after the message was sent, Xiangwu Kui called immediately.Tao Li Xufeng answered the call immediately.

Kitahara Kento, who was sitting outside, could vaguely hear Aoi Aoi's voice. Her first words were: "I'm sorry Onai-chan, I made a mistake."

Gao Li Xufeng was startled and asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Why are you apologizing?"

"After negotiation just now, the organizer will not change the time of the competition. The competition will continue as planned and will start the day after tomorrow as usual."

"When they told me at first, I was too anxious. I didn't think that this matter could still be negotiated. I should have waited until the news was confirmed before telling Onai-chan and Onii-chan. I'm sorry."

Hearing this, Kento Kitahara suddenly became silent.Surprisingly, after negotiation, the game time has not been changed.This is too casual.

He couldn't help but feel strange in his heart. He always felt that this matter was not that simple.

During this period of vacation for himself, although he was indifferent to family affairs and did not know the chess academy's arrangements for Ruoli Zhan, he had heard about the old practices in the past. This time Ruoli Zhan was well arranged. It's too amateurish.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt there was something fishy about it.

A few days ago, Xiang Wukui was not practicing chess at home, and suddenly ran to his house. He came all the way without even sitting down, let alone to practice chess with him. He just wanted to say, "I must come to Sapporo one day in advance." "I", and insisted on making a promise, and then turned around and left after the promise was made.

He was confused at the time, but now he wondered if the child was playing foreshadowing.Were he and Tao Li Xufeng arranged by that child?

Moreover, Xiang Wukui had been sneaky and restless long before, and often brought him and Tao Li Xufeng together, overtly or covertly.When asked what she wanted to do, she pretended to be deaf and dumb, pretended not to understand, and acted like a little idiot.And I usually remind him whenever I get the opportunity, never forget the promise!

Kitahara Kento really doubted it. If Takanashi Xufeng had just replied, "We haven't hit the road yet," Aoi Aoi would have said something else.

He continued to listen to the call.Looking at Takanashi Xufeng's look, she did not doubt Xiang Wukui, but her expression was dull for a few seconds, she quickly came to her senses, and then comforted Xiang Wukui with a wry smile, telling her that it was not her fault, so don't blame yourself.Then she said that she and Kitahara Kento had originally wanted to go to Hokkaido early to see the customs and taste the special food there.Balabala comforted Xiangwu Kui.Finally, he said, tell Xiangwu Aoi not to worry. The top priority is to practice chess with concentration and prepare for the match with all his strength. After hanging up the phone, Takanashi Xufeng turned to look at Kitahara with a look of helplessness.

"It turns out there was a mistake. After consultation, if the time for the carp battle remains unchanged, it will start the day after tomorrow as usual." After saying that, Takanashi Xufeng breathed a sigh of relief again and said with a smile: "But fortunately it was just a false alarm, and the time was suddenly changed. , that would greatly affect the player’s condition.”

Kento Kitahara was silent and thought to himself: Is this just helping to count the money after being sold?You trust her too much.

Takanashi Xufeng, who was completely relaxed, hummed quietly in a happy mood, took out a box of matcha-flavored wafer biscuits from the convenience bag, and handed it to Kitahara Kento.

"Are you hungry?" Kitahara Kento took it and tore it open.

"Kitahara-san also likes the taste of matcha?" Takanashi Xufeng asked in surprise: "There are many matcha-flavored snacks in the convenience bag."

"It's okay, I'm getting used to it." Kitahara Kento said vaguely.

He doesn't really like matcha, it's just that his daughter likes the taste of matcha. He ate a lot of it and gradually got used to it. Hanaya's taste for matcha was discovered by him through sister Kotone's shopping tendency (which time Sister Qinyin and Little Niao Preserved Egg went shopping, and most of the snacks they bought back were matcha flavored).

When he took care of his daughter before, he really didn't know that her daughter liked to eat matcha.

He has asked Huagu many times what clothes, snacks and fruits he likes, but Huagu doesn't want him to spend money randomly. He always says whatever he wants, she is not picky.So until Sister Qinyin moved into his house, his interest in Huagu was limited to knowing that his daughter liked the universe, astronomy and stars, liked to gossip about anything about him, liked to give him blind dates, and liked to take advantage of him in terms of seniority.I hate being restricted, and most of all I hate doing homework and going to school.

Kento Kitahara was chewing fresh matcha wafer biscuits and asked with emotion: "I was naughty when I was a child, but will I still have the chance to become a lady when I grow up?"

Takanashi Xufeng immediately understood that Kitahara Kento should be referring to his sister.

She thought about her experience and shared: "I think so, and most children were like that when they were young. When I was a child, I was actually not like this at all. I should be considered a more lively type. Later, as I grew up and my mother and father were stricter in discipline, I gradually learned to calm down."

Kitahara Kento silently imagined his daughter, and then sighed deeply in his heart.

There is probably no hope for the naughty old man. The one who is close to the ink is the black man.She couldn't imitate anyone. She watched the "female demon" getting close and affectionate every day, and jumped into the fire pit on her own initiative.Moreover, she looks like a little fangirl, her eyes are shining brightly when looking at Qinyin sister.

One dares to teach with a smile, and the other dares to learn with a smile. He is even better than his master.He couldn't control it even if he wanted to.

Kitahara Kento crumpled the wafer biscuit packaging bag into a ball and remained silent for a moment.

He can still control his daughter to a certain extent now. When the naughty little girl is jumping around, he can lift her back collar with one hand and stop her in a few clicks.But when she grows longer, grows taller, and turns into a naughty egg, he feels sad just thinking about it.

Kitahara Kento sighed inwardly, turned to Takanashi, and asked in surprise: "Were you the lively type when you were a child?"

"It's not very lively, it's just." Talking about his childhood, Takanashi Xufeng was a little embarrassed and said tactfully, "I just loved to play a little bit."

Kitahara Kento thought about it for a while. For some reason, his mind was full of images, and his mind was filled with scenes of Hanaya jumping up and down on the sofa and in the living room.Like a little monkey.

"Although I don't know what Kitahara-san is thinking about, I think I am definitely not as serious as you think." Takanashi Xufeng looked at him with a slightly embarrassed smile.

She paused, then changed the subject and said, "Moyu sent us a text message while you were asleep."

Kitahara Kento came to his senses and asked, "What did she say?"

Takanashi Xufeng couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile: "Moyu actually wants to drive us to Hokkaido. I told her, we are all on the train, how can you catch up. And if Moyu drives us, it is estimated that tomorrow Morning won’t even arrive,”

Kitahara Kento was convinced, and he joked to fellow student Lily with lingering fear: "Don't, I'm afraid she will do another 180-degree spin and drift on the flat ground like she did in the snowy mountains."

(End of this chapter)

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