Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 444 Catching the “thief”

Chapter 444 Catching the “thief”

No more cards were drawn, Kitahara Kento urged Takanashi Xufeng to quickly enter the park.

Taoli Xufeng, who was kicked into the door, was full of doubts and asked: "Aren't you going to draw cards? Even if you don't win the prize, it's good to have a sense of participation."

Kitahara Kento hesitated, not knowing how to explain Somu Aoi's little thoughts to Takanashi.

He had to change his mind and explained: "What if we win the lottery? What if there is a video. Just wearing a mask does not mean it is absolutely safe. Do you want to be recognized?"

Gao Li Xufeng thought about it and thought it made sense, so he stopped thinking about the lottery.

Like a princess castle in a fairy tale world, Shiroi Koibito Park can be seen with vegetation and flowers everywhere.Red and pink roses, purple roses, red brick roads, white fences, blue and black fountains, complicated classical statues, aisles covered with green vines, red maple trees, and cartoon candy-style tree houses.The small houses in "Gulliver's Travels" can be seen everywhere, and only petite children can get into them without obstruction.Although the house is small, it has all the necessary features indoors.

The winding park path is surrounded by flower beds and is not wide. If you want to walk side by side, two people need to lean on each other to walk comfortably.

Kitahara Kento had no choice but to fall two steps behind, following Takanashi Xufeng.He looked around at the tourists nearby and felt speechless.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the tourists in Shiroi Koibito Park, except for the parents who bring their children to play, are almost all male and female lovers holding hands and arm in arm.

If you have seen this kind of scene too much, you will inevitably feel embarrassed as an "outsider" who is not involved in the matter.Kento Kitahara looked around and felt uncomfortable because he was out of place.

Gao Li Xufeng walked in front, looking left and right at the lovers who were hugging each other, then looking down at his feet, he couldn't help feeling equally embarrassed.It seemed too convenient for her and Kitahara-san to stand here.

"Well, let's take a look at the small house." Embarrassed, Takanashi Xufeng turned sideways and pointed the direction for Kitahara Kento.

Kitahara Kento nodded and followed the direction of Takanashi Xufeng.The two came to a "dwarf town".The height of the houses here are all tailor-made according to the height of the children.

Kitahara Kento stood at the door of the dwarf's house, lowered his head to measure the height of the house, and then bent down to look inside. He felt that he must be a child of junior high school age or younger to get in and run around freely.Flower Valley is just right.Adults can also enter, but they have to bend down and their movements are very restricted.

Kitahara Kento couldn't help but think of Flower Valley. If a naughty kid were here and saw this kind of house, he would definitely curl his lips and say something like "Only children go in to play, how childish" with a look of disgust on his face.

He straightened up and glanced at Tao Li Xufeng. She looked very interested, as if she was looking forward to getting in and taking a look.

Taoli Xufeng chose a dwarf house that was more suitable for her height, and lowered her head to enter the door with great interest.As soon as she entered the door, the space opened up. She sat on the cute rabbit chair and turned her head to look around.

"Kitahara-san, take some photos for me." Takanashi Xufeng reached out and handed the phone to Kitahara, then folded his hands in front of his abdomen and sat upright with a smile.

Kitahara Kento turned his phone around and took a few pictures from different angles. Then he followed the excited Takanashi Xufeng to a few rooms and took a few more pictures.

Takanashi Xufeng read the photo carefully, then touched the screen with his index finger to send it.

Kitahara Kento expected that it was also given to her family members or Kashiwagi Mayu.If it was sent to Lily's classmate Kitahara Kento silently pitied Lily's classmate in his heart for a few seconds.I guess Student Baili will be so heartbroken that she won't be able to sleep tonight.

Kitahara Kento retracted his thoughts and looked around at the road ahead.

Wherever they went along the way, they could see exquisite tourist notice boards on the lawn.The sign said there was a grand park event at five o'clock in the afternoon, don't miss it.

Kitahara Kento turned a deaf ear, this was obviously a big trap arranged by Somu Aoi for him and Takanashi.

There was also a magician sitting in front of the ticket window who said he would draw two lucky numbers for them.Kitahara Kento didn't need to think about it to know that it was obviously full of "demon energy".

Although he doesn't understand magic, he has heard about it through various channels.Knowing that there are at least a dozen ways to fake shuffle the cards in a magician's hand, there are also very powerful special ways to record cards, and there are even "high-tech products" that are hard to guard against.

That's why he first proposed to shuffle the cards, completely shuffling them, and then observed the magician's expression. When he saw that the magician still looked confident, confident, and completely unconcerned, he knew in his heart that something bad was going on. He had become a master, so he simply stopped drawing cards.I do not want it!
Otherwise, Kitahara Kento is sure that the mysterious grand prize that he doesn't want at all, no matter what card he draws, will eventually fall on him and Takanashi Xufeng!He was glad in his heart that he woke up early and saw through Xiang Wukui's little thoughts in advance.Otherwise, when the time comes and they step into the pit, he and Takanashi Xufeng will not know how embarrassed they will be!

Thinking of this, Kitahara Kento suddenly remembered something and quickly rummaged through his pockets, fearing that at some point, a magician like in the movie would secretly use a set of superb tricks on him and quietly stuff a card into his pocket. into his pocket.

"No." Kitahara Kento felt relieved a little.

He looked at Tao Li's clothes worriedly and organized some words in his mind.

"Did you bring tissues?" he asked.

"Tissue?" Takanashi Xufeng lowered his head and rummaged through his pockets, then unzipped his handbag.

Kitahara Kento opened his eyes wide at the side, and was completely relieved when he saw that there were no cards on Takanashi Xufeng's body or in his bag.

After visiting "Gulliver's Town", Taoli Xufeng wanted to take a look at the chocolate factory that she had longed for.The two went there immediately.

On the way, Kitahara Kento followed Takanashi, focusing his attention on everyone passing by, and being prepared.

Arrive at your destination.The architectural appearance of the chocolate factory is not that of a traditional factory, but is specially designed in the shape of a European classical castle.

Kitahara Ken and Takanashi Xufeng bought the tickets, ate the chocolates that were given to them for lunch, and walked into the "Chocolate Castle" together.

As soon as Kitahara Kento entered the room, he was immediately surprised by the decoration inside.

He originally thought that it was just something to fool the curiosity of children. It had the shape of a castle on the outside, and a modern factory workshop on the inside. It was dressed up to be cute at best.But when I entered the door, I suddenly realized that it was really just like in the movie. It was a luxurious hall where princes and nobles held banquets and ceremonies.

Here, there are more tourists. Male and female couples can be seen everywhere, and the hall is decorated as prosperously as a wedding hall, which is very imaginative.

Kitahara Kento's scalp was numb when he saw it. While he was vigilant about every potential "suspicious person", he followed Takanashi Xufeng closely and followed her up the long steps to leave this embarrassing place.

Takanashi Xufeng slowly noticed Kitahara Kento's strange behavior and was secretly surprised.

"Are there any thieves nearby? How about Kitahara-san, who keeps looking around. He looks suspicious." She was very puzzled.And sometimes, Kitahara-san's eyes would always glance at her clothes and handbag, not knowing what he was looking at.

Takanashi Xufeng was very confused. After walking through a few more corridors, she couldn't help but ask: "Is Kitahara-san looking for something?"

Kitagawa Kento quickly recovered and whispered: "No, it's not a bad thing to be cautious when going out. Besides, there are many people here, and people's hearts are unpredictable. You should also be careful and look after your own things."

Are you really guarding against thieves and bad guys? .Gaoli Xufeng was shocked and found it difficult to understand.She didn't think there would be thieves in a place like this.There are cameras everywhere, and if you want to come in, you have to pay for two tickets. It is unlikely that thieves will come to a place that is not only high-risk but also likely to have negative returns.

Although it is not a bad thing to be cautious when going out, but that look is a little too neurotic.

Gao Li Xufeng said nothing and moved to look at the scenery thoughtfully.

She thought about it and felt that she couldn't completely deny it.

"Although Kitahara-san's reaction may be a little too sensitive, his cautiousness of always being vigilant when going out is still very reliable." She glanced at Kitahara Kento, who was still looking around, and couldn't help but My heart felt a little safer.

Takanashi Xufeng turned his head and said with a smile to Beihara: "It seems like there is a reliable bodyguard standing beside me."

(End of this chapter)

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