Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 445: Fireworks and Candlelight Psychological Suggestions

Walking slowly along the corridor of the palace, the two of them passed the exhibition counter covered with glass.There are all kinds of exquisite colored porcelain on display in the display cabinet. Several pieces of porcelain have strange shapes and are fancy and complicated in appearance. Judging from the text on the wall, they seem to be utensils for drinking cocoa.Kitahara Kento had never heard of it, and he was puzzled. He secretly thought that the shapes of these colored porcelains were too fancy, and he always felt that they were not useful.

Not far ahead, they saw a colorful fountain called "Aurora Fountain", then passed through the "Chocolate Time Tunnel", and the two of them climbed to the third floor of the palace.

Climbing to the third floor, you can see the factory assembly line of "Shiroi Koibito Chocolate" through a long glass.On the modern industrial assembly line, workers wearing white dustproof suits operate production machines.An electronic display hanging on the wall shows the number of products produced today.

Kitahara Kento looked at the assembly line below through the glass and asked unexpectedly: "Is Shiroi Koibito a brand of chocolate?"

"Yes, didn't Kitahara-san know about it before?" Takanashi Xufeng was quite surprised and explained: "It's a very famous chocolate brand."

Kitahara Sage understood clearly.It turns out that this is not a park disguised as a chocolate factory, but a chocolate factory disguised as a park.
"I rarely buy things like this. I really don't know much about it."

It’s not interesting to see too much of the assembly line. After seeing the freshness, the two of them continued to the fourth floor.The fourth floor is the experience workshop, where visitors can make their own Shiroi Koibito chocolate.

Takanashi Xufeng, who had been eager to try it out for a long time, couldn't wait to take Beiyuan to the fourth floor.

As a result, I went upstairs and found that the fourth floor was overcrowded. It was almost impossible to get in line without making a reservation in advance.Kitahara Ken and Takanashi Xufeng stared blankly at the room full of people, and then looked at each other, wondering how long the queue would last.

Seeing that there was a long line of people queuing in front of him, Taoli Xufeng knew that it was impossible to get in line today, so he said with regret: "Let's go and look elsewhere."

Kitahara Kento nodded, followed Tao Li Xufeng and turned downstairs.But as soon as they took a step forward, they heard someone behind them shouting with a loudspeaker, informing everyone that the factory had temporarily added five tables, and to be fair, everyone was invited to draw cards together.

Gao Li Xufeng stopped immediately, turned around, looked back, and said with a smile: "It seems we came at the right time."

Beiyuan Xianren was silent and said secretly: Unexpected, but reasonable.It’s not possible to draw cards at any time, why should I ask people to draw cards at this time?

Tao Li Xufeng happily hurried forward to line up.Kitahara Kento waited in place, watching as her position got closer and closer to the card table.

He looked from a distance, and the more he looked at the man dealing the cards, the more familiar he looked. After thinking about it for a moment, he instantly remembered, wasn't that the magician who was sitting at the entrance of the park just now? Now he had changed his clothes and became a staff member again?

Three minutes later, he saw Takanashi Xufeng trotting over from the card table in surprise, ran up to him, dangled a tarot card in front of him, and showed it to him happily.

"I must be lucky." Gao Li Xufeng smiled happily.

Kitahara Kento, who didn't understand tarot, couldn't figure out what card it was, and he only recognized the number VI (6).

"What kind of card is this? Does Kitahara-san know tarot cards?" Takanashi Xufeng looked at the pattern on the card and studied it for a while, but he couldn't understand it.

"Angels, one male and one female, may they be related to the Garden of Eden?" Gao Li Xufeng guessed,

Kitahara Kento shook his head and hesitated to speak while looking at the tarot cards in Takarashi's hand, wanting to persuade her to throw away the cards quickly.

Takanashi Xufeng saw through his worries, put the card into his handbag, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I won't go to the on-site head office for a while. It's good as a souvenir."

A staff member came over and led Beihara and Takanashi downstairs to a room on the third floor.

The room was very messy. In addition to the cooking table, a few chairs, and a small refrigerator, the same glass display cabinets as outside were piled up in the corners. Various colored porcelains were also displayed inside the glass covers.It seems that this room was originally an exhibition room, but was temporarily requisitioned as a cooking room.

Soon, a middle-aged lady dressed as a professional chef walked in the door, bowed slightly to greet them, and told Kitahara and Takanashi that she was a pastry chef at a well-known cake specialty store and was invited by the organizer to serve as an instructor to participate in the Sapporo Celebration of White Lover.After speaking, she walked up and asked the two of them if they had any experience in making chocolate.

"Hello, teacher." Gaoli Xufeng greeted politely: "I have production experience, but he probably doesn't. I want to make it myself first. If there is anything that needs improvement, you can correct me in time. Is that okay? "

Kitahara Kento watched silently, indicating that he was not very interested.

He doesn't know how to make chocolate, and he has no intention of learning it. He is a chess player, but learning how to make chocolate is, to put it harshly, not equivalent to a dog meddling with a mouse.

"Let's start simple, make a spherical chocolate." Takanashi Soufeng said to Kitahara excitedly.

So Chef Takanashi Xufeng and Kitahara Kento took over.Takanashi Xufeng was minding his own business while explaining the basic steps. Kitahara Kento was listening and forgetting indifferently. He just helped a few times and made things difficult.

Takanashi Xufeng was so busy with her work that she got excited, habitually humming her favorite songs in a low voice, as if she was enjoying what she was doing.Kitahara Kento listened silently and sighed in his heart: After such a long time, she still sings love songs the same way.There is only a purely pleasant sound and no sympathetic feelings.

In about 15 minutes, under Tao Li Xufeng's slender and nimble fingers, half the tray was filled with chocolate balls covered with chopped nuts.

Kitahara Kento wanted to pinch one and try it, but Takanashi Sufeng stopped him in time and said, "It needs to be refrigerated for a while so that the taste will be better."Kento Kitahara had no choice but to put it in a gift box and put it in the refrigerator.

When he came back, the pastry chef had already taken over as the head chef. Takanashi Sufeng stood by attentively watching and learning, asking from time to time the appropriate proportions of cocoa powder, honey, condensed milk and other ingredients, as well as the precautions involved.

Kento Kitahara saw that he had nothing to do anymore, so he happily withdrew to the side, looking around here and there out of boredom, minding his own laziness.

After the pastry chef lady finished her demonstration, Taoli Xufeng started to do it herself again with great interest. According to her words, "Make a few more portions and take them back as the most sincere souvenirs. Give this one to mom, the next one to dad, and the next one to dad." There are those from Moyu and classmates from the class."

Unknowingly, when Kitahara Kento glanced at his phone with awareness, the time had reached 45:[-] in the afternoon.

At the same time, an announcement sounded in the Chocolate Castle, informing tourists that the celebration in Shiroi Koibito Park was about to begin, and everyone was asked to go to the designated area.

Kitahara Kento quickly walked to the window and looked outside worriedly.A small stage has been set up on the ground outside the window. Colorful balloons, salutes, bouquets, a tunnel of romantic LED lights, and twelve large spotlights are also placed near the stage.The look made Kithara Kento feel frightened and felt that something was very wrong.

"What on earth did you do?" He secretly asked Xiangwu Kui, who was not here.

Kitahara Kento immediately turned his head and said seriously to Takanashi: "I want to learn to make chocolate."

The implication: Let’s not go down and join in the fun!
Gaoli Xufeng, who understood the implication, nodded and had no objection.

She and Kitahara-san came to this park simply for sightseeing and passing the time, and they did not come specifically to participate in the White Lovers event.She was also worried that if they were chosen, the scene would be too embarrassing.

Takanashi Xufeng saw through it without saying anything. He looked at Kitahara Kento with a serious and nervous expression and felt amused. He nodded and replied: "Yes. I'll teach you."

The pastry chef lady on the side was very confused and asked: "Aren't you going to participate in the celebration?"

Kitahara Kento responded with a firm tone: "I won't go. She and I don't like crowded places."

The pastry chef lady looked surprised, and then she looked confused.

"I'm sorry, you two. This room was originally a porcelain exhibition room. It was temporarily reorganized into a cooking room because the organizer of the event needed it urgently. It needs to be restored to its original appearance before it opens tomorrow. Park employees will come to clean up the room soon."

Kento Kitahara understood and immediately asked: "Everyone on the fourth floor should go down to participate in the celebration later. It's okay for us to go to the fourth floor."

The pastry chef said generously: "As long as there are free tables, it will be no problem. The celebration will end around seven o'clock, and you must leave before seven o'clock."

Kitahara Kento looked at Takanashi and asked her with his eyes, "How is it?"

Gao Li Xufeng nodded, indicating that it was no problem.

The two went out immediately. Before leaving, Kento Kitahara brought the chocolate that Takanashi Xufeng had worked hard to make all afternoon.When I came to the corridor, I looked up and down, and saw the bustling flow of people rushing to the exit on the first floor to participate in the celebration.

Kitahara and Takanashi avoided the most crowded moments and waited until everyone was almost gone before they walked backwards and returned to the fourth floor.

This time I went up to the fourth floor, and it seemed as if the lively scene before was fake. The room was deserted and empty.

Kitahara Kento put the gift box containing chocolates on the table, closed the door, stood at the door, and looked around the chocolate experience hall where he and Takanashi were alone. His high-flying heart finally landed safely, and he breathed a long sigh of relief. "It should be safe here," he thought.

"Whoosh - bang!" The sound of fireworks bursting suddenly sounded.

Kitahara Kento quickly heard the sound and looked around, then walked to the window.Tao Li Xufeng also came over and looked out the window side by side.

A huge firework blooms brilliantly in the sky, with bright stars dotted and blooming in an instant.

Takanashi Xufeng looked out the window in confusion. After a while, he lowered his head to look at the minute hand of the watch and murmured: "It's five o'clock sharp."

As soon as he finished speaking, the clear and ethereal music box melody came from nowhere.

Gao Li Xufeng looked around in surprise, and his sight slowly settled on the outside of the gate.

"It seems to be the sound outside the door." She turned to look at Beiyuan.

Kitahara Kento's expression became more and more exciting when he suddenly realized something.

He took a deep breath and looked around the hall where he and Takanashi were the only two people again.

He smiled bitterly and whispered: "I fell into the trap. I fell into the trap completely."

Tao Li Xufeng, who didn't hear clearly, said "hmm" in question.

"I said the fireworks are beautiful." Kitahara Kento sighed.

The crisp and ethereal music box melody still continues, as if to lure those who can hear it, the sound becomes louder and louder.

Gao Li Xufeng's eyes flashed with curiosity, and he stared at the invisible door, and then looked at Beiyuan.

"Want to see it?"

Kitahara Kento was silent for a few seconds and nodded slowly.He had given up struggling. Instead of standing there and dying in confusion, it was better to go out and see clearly and lose.

Besides, he and Takanashi have now completely fallen into the situation arranged by Aoi Aoi. Can they really escape by standing there with their heads down and pretending to be dead? Kento Kitahara looked out the door, and the melody of the music box became clearer and clearer.

He took the first step and pushed the door open.

As soon as the door opened, a human-shaped food delivery machine stopped at the door.The silver-white round body pushes a food delivery cart.On the food delivery truck was a bouquet of 99 roses in six colors: red, blue, yellow, white, purple and pink.There is a postcard inserted in the middle of the bouquet, which reads: To the two luckiest people in the room.

"The two luckiest people?" Takanashi Xufeng picked up the card in surprise, thought for a while, turned to look at Beiyuan, and said with a smile: "It seems that we didn't go to the celebration, and we accidentally became the luckiest ones." People. We should be the only ones left in this castle now,"

Kento Kitahara was silent and thought to himself: They are not the two luckiest people, but the two most arranged ones.

Takanashi Xufeng squatted down with strange eyes, looked at the robot, looked at the black screen in its eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Robot, are you the one who made the music box melody? Where did it come from?"

The round, silver-white robot suddenly changed its direction and started driving silently towards the far end of the corridor.The music box melody still continues.

"I guess it's leading the way for us." Takanashi Xufeng said, turned around and trotted back to the hall, picked up the chocolates he made himself, then called Kento Kitahara and followed Mr. Robot.

After walking through the corridor, I turned a corner and immediately saw a room with an open door.

Tao Li Xufeng walked into the room expectantly and looked around. It was a room connected to a balcony.Mr. Robot stopped right in front of the balcony.

Kitahara Kento followed Takanashi Xufeng to the balcony on the fourth floor of the castle. His vision suddenly opened up. Standing here, he could have a panoramic view of the entire Shiroi Koibito Park.

Viewed from here, gorgeous fireworks bloom in the increasingly dusk sky. The fireworks form a sea of ​​colorful flowers. On the ground, the warm light of twelve giant spotlights illuminates the entire park, creating a time tunnel composed of LED lights. , small houses in Gulliver's Travels, classical fountains and statues, chocolate tree houses and candy amusement parks together create a dream kingdom like a fairy tale world.

Takanashi Xufeng withdrew his gaze and looked down at himself and Beiyuan standing on the balcony of the castle. He was about to say, "It's like a king and a queen," but suddenly realized that it was inappropriate to say that, and closed his eyes in embarrassment. lip.

There is also a round table placed in the center of the balcony. There are silver candlesticks on the table, beautiful and delicious snacks, a bottle of red wine, and a postcard.

"May the two luckiest people enjoy tonight." Takanashi Xufeng read out in a low voice, then blushed and quickly put down the postcard.

She turned to look at the food delivery robot, clasped her hands and said, "Sorry Mr. Robot, we are different from the target type you imagined." Takanashi Xufeng paused and smiled: "However, the one you gave us It was such a kindness that we accepted it with gratitude.”

Takanashi Xufeng sat down on the chair gracefully and called to Kitahara Kento: "Let's have dinner. I just had a snack at noon and I feel hungry already. Eat a little first, and then go back and have dinner with Aoi."

"That's right." Taoli Xufeng picked up the red wine, put it on the food delivery robot's plate, and then lightly tapped its black display screen.

"We are not old enough to drink yet, please send it back."

The black display in the eye of the food delivery robot flashed, and the wheels under its feet turned around and drove away.

Kitahara Kento saw that Takanashi Xufeng was open and relaxed as a girl. If he was more pretentious, he would look like a petty person, so he sat down face to face with the same openness.

Chewing cookies and chocolate snacks and watching the fireworks in the sky, Kitahara Kento became more and more helpless as he watched. He really underestimated Aoi Aoi and thought this "magic" was too simple.

He originally thought that the magician was going to show off his skills and tricks for him.But I never expected that people's game is not something superficial like tricks at all, but a deeper "human heart", a more sophisticated psychology, and psychological hints that are hard to guard against.

From the moment he and Takanashi Xufeng walked into the park, he had been suspicious, wary of everyone around him, and cautious at every turn. Thinking back to it now, Kitahara Kento couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. As early as that time, he had fallen into the magician's elaborate trap. Designed psychological trap.

Kitahara Kento sighed in his heart, and thought about it secretly: "Those celebration notice boards that can be seen everywhere in the park are psychological hints for Takanashi and me. They are all psychological hints along the way, allowing us to order ourselves and remind ourselves that we must never You can go to the celebration.”

"Other tourists saw those reminder notices along the way and kept them in mind (and they came specifically for this celebration). When the time came, they rushed to attend the celebration and grab a good seat. Only me and Takanashi are two strange flowers, and they didn’t dare to go there, so it naturally became like this.”

"Grandpa Takemiya is also one of the participants," Kitahara Kento shook his head helplessly, "Xiangwu Kui knows that I respect and trust Grandpa Takemiya very much, so he asked Grandpa Takemiya to come and 'accidentally' tell us that this park is very close. , there happens to be a celebration event, it’s a very good choice.”

"When we arrived at the door, we started to feel something was wrong, and the magician appeared again. Taking advantage of Takanashi Xufeng's love for cooking, he told her that a famous gourmet in the industry was also there, and lured her into the park, and I was brought in."

What else can Kento Kitahara say, except that he can only say "Wonderful" in his heart.

The fireworks stopped.

There were several "bang bang" sounds.Kitahara Ken heard the sound and looked around. Colorful ribbons were flying, golden flowers were shining, balloons were rising into the sky, and colored lights were shining.The tourists cheered in unison, and the celebration officially began.

"By the way, there are also chocolates I made, let's try them together." Takanashi Xufeng then remembered and enthusiastically opened the gift box, took out a few and put them on Kitahara Kento's plate.

But just after putting it on, she suddenly realized that it would be very strange to give the White Lovers chocolate she made to the opposite sex (doing this even if they are not in a relationship), no matter how close the relationship between the two parties is!

If it is made on the spot and sent out on the spot, it is not strange at all. It is a courtesy and normal.But being in this park, which means embarrassment, and sitting here at this moment, Taoli Xufeng, who was still in the gift box, hesitated to speak. He wanted to explain, but then he thought that explaining would be more embarrassing, so he had to remain embarrassed. He smiled impolitely and sat down again, a little embarrassed.

Kitahara Kento could understand Takanashi's embarrassment, but it would be more embarrassing to point out this kind of thing than not to point it out, so he pretended not to notice and kept looking at the celebration below.He sighed inwardly and secretly asked Xiang Wukui from the air: "You went through all the trouble to get us here, is it just to try to disrupt her 'firewall' like this?"

Thinking of this, Kitahara Kento's body suddenly stiffened, and a more terrifying thought came to his mind, and he couldn't help but take a breath of the cool autumn air!

"Could this also be a psychological suggestion! A psychological suggestion for her?!"

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